I »Aos kigot ashlanb naira nDorcM Visited Medford— Among the Ashland people who went to Medford Fridhy were Mes­ dames E. J. Roberts. E E. Gall, J. E and M E. Randles. Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Local and Personal ----------------------- Side L ights------------------------ MICKIE SAYS Elks and ladies only. Prices exceptionally low o n .W a l-i Tae ®a Pti9t ladies will have a <$> G> <$> <$> <$> $> <$> n u t a»d Ivory Bed Room Suites. A t( food saIe at Holeia3’ tomorrow 70-1 Sw enson & McRae F u rn itu re Co.67-4 Lays Crutches A side — f ' . r • * » • » Mrs. Josephine Champie is able to Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, walk again yvithout crutches,' a f t e r • A0 cents. E n t e r s ' Confectionery.62tf several weeks of discom fort from a sprained ankle. 70-2 ■$> Colored Scenic G am e to, be In terestin g— Photos Shown Christian Church AWAY AT SCHOOL.. N O tA u NENEW Some remodeling at Helm’s Club House. K ingsbury Springs— Heat, H. H. G illette went to Portland check room, overhead orchestra, and Sunday evening. f everything for Thanksgiving ' Eve dance, November 23. It A shland Lodge No. 23 Tuôsda *’ Second d e -i The best Christraas Present is a evening, November 22. suit or overcoat tailored to m easure. R eturned from Eugene ^ a l t a Commandery No. 4, W ed -! Wg Values at O rres’ ’ 1 0 0 i ^ b a . Leona M araters and Miss RE a u t e houí hungry owe CfiTS FEB. WO1AE. MEMJfc UNTIL MER AWAY HS.FS6L.F »ie*- ’ By Grace H a ll. 1 cat. R ob b ie R ab b it: B o o - h o o ! W U llef W o o d p e c k e r ’s^ been p layin’ m y drum again. PLAINLY JUST THE THING. VISIBLE X V e r y Stout Lady — Could* you see me acro ss the street. Policeman — Shure, ma’am. Oi could see yez tin tim es the d istan ce," a I «y. j the I kitchen c JUST CAUSE. Choliy: You sa y your sister ju st spanked y o u for tellin g the truth? Kid: Y e s:’cau se I told you she w as In this- evening. C A B IN E T ™ . Ojtgrrt«ht. 1811. Wwtern N .w .p .p.r Union. 4 ~ Miracles are good, bat to relieve a brother, to draw a frjend from the depths of misery, to pardon the vir­ tues o f-a n enem y, these are greater miracles. EVERYDAY GOOD THINGS. HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS A uto Stage Line. A MEAN TRICK. M ouse A utolst: My! W hat n i c e Urea th ey ’d m ake! ft uuctl ’ SLIGHT INCREASE Services every evening at seven-thirty. • Sane, safe, sound Gospel Preaching. Special service and special subject Thanksgiving at 10 in the morning. Mr. Dubb— Do you think your sister w o u l d marry me? Lottie — She will if you ain’t careful. County Defers Road Changes . Until January Ashland Shoe Shine P arlo r now club ESPEE CAR LOADING for open. On F irst street, back of the ■ 68. 4 ; A slight improvement in fre ig h t! Nov Beaver building. good car loading is shown by the S o u th -1 ¿5.5 ‘Grippe P atient Recovers, ern Pacific company’s carloading re­ E. W Flackus has resumed his j .. , 1 ports xM mt? iiioiiuii / for i the month or of (_ October Dur- ies in the Square Deal g ro cery ,! ing this month 85,953 cars were T a lk ed at N eil Creek— a fter a tussle with the “ grippe.” loaded on th e Pacific system as com­ F o u r young men, members of the pared with 82,215 cars in the same C hristian W orkers Band, made talks TO THE PUBLIC m onth in 1920. The Portland divi-i Neil Creek school house Sunday W hat * would you have to r pay J be- 1 , , * c o p u u o iu w to sion 10 is responsible for r a iarerer larger part a ftern o o n , where a well attended een Ashland and Medford, if there of this increase, owing to the «ervice was held by the band. th6^ no opposition? 11 seems as creased lum ber business in O regon' S p m I.1 s a l, H oeiler'a Famous L e t h s u m 7 ‘ ‘h‘S Tl” ‘ S“" ***•• CoMt. C hocolates. 11.00 value for 60c a 'p u b lic it w oiill^h WaB t0 nelp th e Stockton and Los Angeles divisions pound W atch our window » , been do,le be- als° show Increases. K o, • - r ' ; n o? p° 3,‘l° ” -’ tarred. The In- Increased elfielenep In carloadingi _____ _ ' Ott i 9,>; “ de" t 'tao between Med- Is also shown by the company s re ( Bet tak e „ o r m easure. I tor r e d a / T " " haS bu‘ one Price port. The average load per car In s n a ra n th e re t il'a n d satisfy you at We give first’^ i '1'^0' ' a ? a alw ays' I Oc,ober’ 192B »«a 23.3 tons, as *ha lo w « « price John Ma'y th e ' here to h . u .h «ro'oom pared with 26.8 tons In October.; T»H or. W - ’ A belP the public. Independent 1920, an increase of 1:5 tons per Free Methodist Church OH-H-Hf W et w eather should make t h e 1 For pleating, see Orres. 69tf A tender well-seasoned-and cooked tongue is one of the most tasty of M edford-Ashland football game that meats. i s to be played Thanksgiving day on _ ____* __ Yrek.< Visitors— By MAY BENEDICT Beef Tongue en J*® fi?ld’ aQ »“ teresting con- ,' Mr- aQd Mrs. Charles Monk came The Patterson Patterson pictures pictures given given at C a « s e r o I e.— te s t. The superior weight of the over from Yreka Sunday to spend a ' the C hristian church Friday night Choose a tongue ew (la v s n A a h ln n J I _______, A shland team , should not count" as f few days i in Ashland were exceedingly fine. The pictures which has been i ' strongly, in' favor of the Red and slightly corned, • were reproduced by magic lantern I • h ih ii Hotel Ashland Grill caters to W hite on a wet field as it did on remove all the slides and were colored photographs th e dry -fwld at Ashland —Medford home-folks as well as to commercial of Oregon and C alifornia scenery rough portions, men and tourists. M a il Trikuae. , rub with flour to 6 1 tffa n d flowers. For centuries . - - ------ — Hack i which » ‘"LU uaa has oeeu been auueu added a dash of stitching. 8 cents ner vard ! > , agai“ &nd again ginger 3Dd aIlsplce’ Fry * few slices Lunch room will be open first Mrs H em F p <■ . , y rd ., to produce photographs expressing ! of salt pork, then add a sliced onion o f the week, form erly Palace lunch Mrs. E. P. Stew art, at Enders. 70eod n a tu re ’s colors with the camera and the ‘on«ue- * ‘«to shape. c a r. 68-4 w ithout any other means of coloring FIour 11 U^itly on all sides. Make a M erchants’ F air E xhibit» and at last this wonder has been CU,PfUl ,addiDg th* Julce ° f O rres remodels garm ents. 69tf ____ accomDlished An, i a u, - 11 lemon’ three tablespoonfuls of shred- W inter F air reports th a t space has ‘ nio a a 2« „ S Abh and peo' fl«d almonds, and a half, cupful of been ,o!d to a la ™ „ “ „ ‘Ddeed to« “ : " a , t» " " I ™ = X b X Per- weeded raiulm,. Put the reogu’e ip . O rres cleans clothes clean. round casserole, pour over the gravy abou, eppa, , . st y e ar. k e b ‘‘' o X ' <,l3P'aye‘“ s "> SM- -e v e , cut cu, rhubarb. rhubarb. Bake In an earthen Bubble Buoka for Chiidron at Rose ; try " ’s “ sho"r “ targe an aasort-! saw— the colored photeltrfob until jellylike in consistency. B r»’ - .. , c . . “ Patter9on> - ed ‘,hot»«r P» m X e ° ° f b e b d e s \ h Possible, a t S3í Ie^ * the - - cota- «eenic “ ártlst, o f' dish Fr uIt " ’"eh lack the 'ti.ick- • m if-t»» holin v«« 4.» a . ------ u u eu ic a r t is t , or wun u lava lilt-? (UIVi£- b etter plan n AA P r° ' would m ? 3 ° nIy & ° be tte r pla n Pictures Medford, displayed was the on producer the ening quality pectin, the may be f i t Save c b r i $5 t to 12ft , ’ «, 100 i i t exhibit ae cIass of F ridav of nlvht suPP,ied with called lt by usia« white Christm as Sftie. 69tf goouL n - t o n r x ^ „„„ f , . . ° Q F rid a y n lg h t’ pith em ove all goods or or line line of of goods, goods, and and to to i in­ pith of of an an orange orange neel. peel. R Remove all clude some especially interesting a n d to say th a t the audience of 200 the rind and cut it in strips, cover pleased with with the the 1 beauti with cold water and simmer for an E n te r ta in at lMnnor— I feature or auction A^ an exlm nl! people were pIea3ed Mrs. T. J. Coffman en tertain ed of what m ight be done by a d e a fe r1 T h T ™ ^ I 683*3 U mildIy’ hour or two to remove all the pectin and boil up again. There will be suf­ Saturday evening a t a 6 o'clock din- in typew riters, a pretty high school b 8° Qf ' A8hlaQd’” waa 3aa« a e r. and t h e n 's line party at the Pounding thef X y k e y s xn'' ere n’ 7 ! ° D th * ficient pectin in half an orange rind V ining theatre, for her sou. Bobby. > rythm ic touch system “re tho’^ w e S ’ — <1 VieW’ Ash'aQd'’ to thicken several glasses of jelly. Iced Cocoa.—Put two heap’ing tea­ beautiful park scenery. T he little eueuts included Masters I strains ot a Vlctrola, would he sure Delbert Fehl, of Medford, is th e ' spoonfuls of cocoa into a double boil­ E v e re tt McGee, Jack Nims, Autin to attra ct much favorable attention. er, add half of a pint of boiling wa­ Bosh, Dougal Young, and Billy Mr. E lh art believes, together with au th o r of the song and it has pleas­ ter and cook five minutes; add one- ing words and beautiful music, and half pint of milk, beat thoroughly and B ulen. many others, th at it will be a mis­ was highly appreciated by the audi­ take from the fire. At serving time take to charge an adm ittance fee to ence hers fill the glasses one-third full of W e make our own candies, ice the fair, except for the evening en­ chipped ice, add a teaspoonful of pow­ eream and tam ales Enders Con­ tertainm ents, and thinks th a t if dered sugar, fill the glass two-thirds fectionery. gQtf tickets were sold for admission d u r­ full of cocoa and top with whipped cream. ing the day th a t the price should Sunday Visiters— Oatmeal Cookies.—Take two cup­ be merely nominal, say twenty-five Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler spent cents for a season ticket. fuls of browned and ground oatmeal, Sunday with the la tte r’3 sister, Mrs two cupfuls of flour one egg.’ one-half cupful of sour milk, one-half teaspoop- J . L. Greenwood. We renovate old suits, Paulser- ful of soda, one-half cupful of short­ ud’s. 63tf t i . o fillu p u uu a u p iu i u u g a r; g ening and a c cupful of i s sugar; add You should see our beautiful bed c »on county court had raisins and nuts and drop from room suite in W alnut and Ivory. Lsit in Medford— planned on changing the boundary j teaspoon on a well-greased baking Swenson & McRae F u rn itu re Co. Mr. and Mrs. F E. French spent lines of a num ber of road districts sheet. Bake in a moderate oven un- 67-4 Sunday visiting with the O. A. Colby at the Septem ber term , but found fil cu h1 urin cu tu -111 to tbe e toucn. touch th a t the law had been changed in famfly in Medford. V isitors front A s t o r i a - — ------------- --- this ---------- ----- regard, u.u so u u th u u a u t a r no y u boundary ue line 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McGragor, of All wool suits for ?20 at P a u lse r-! can be changed until the Jan u ary A storia, were Ashland visitors yes- ud’s. 63tf term . terA iy and are stopping a t the Hotel ___ Therefore in all road districts in A shland. Mr. McGragor is a lu m -' ' *®*Ls Parents— which meetings have already been berm an with extensive interests in Miss McReady, teacher of the calied to vote on the levy, the levy LA W M E 1 D o e r u n CH AH 6E | N o rthern Oregon. c-lfourth o„„. Mr. and auu Mrs. wllo. M W1C _ ------- grade of the Ju n io r Mgh w iu be on the game b0UQdarieg a ME T E N D O LLA R S W E N G ragor are on their way to C ali-1 school spent the week end with her last year. HE X - R A Y MAH F O O T - /ora5a parents at Central Point. *1 ___ _________________ New m anagem ent at Helm’s house, K ingsbury Springs, Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, 23. A good clean dance and tim e for'everybody. Revival Meetings I met Blnka on the street today and he w as dreesed like a millionaire. P o o r fellow! W as he really as shabby as that? OUT-d-TOMJW WtAEUD, O Q .'lb'íU ’ «SOW OR. - - UH -K U H - 1 AH NO W W HUT "X " S T A N ' SEES DAT FUH AR IN DAT X -R A Y ! . 'ii eui-Tos ¡ POLITE. Collector: I’ve called again with that bill. H a r d u p: Pleased to see you. C^li again. TOO LATE TO CLASSIF Y FOR RENT— Com fortable d eep in g rooms in private home. Hot and cold water. 155 Fifth street near B - _____________ 70-3* [ WANTED— To rent a four room furnished house, not on hill. H. W. Vogt, general delivery, Ash­ land. 70-3* FOR SALE— 1917 mochi Dodge touring car. Good condition. Call 326 North Main. 70-4* FOR SALE— Nice fat ducks. Boulevard, phone 457-R. 922 70-2 FOR SALE OR TRADE— Good farm of 258 acres located in famous red land belt in Southeast Texas. Seven miles of county seat, and on graded road. One mile of good country school. 160 acres of land in cultivation, 40 acres of rich bottom land, half in grass and balance good upland. Would make a splendid dairy proposition. Tim­ ber, pine and all kinds of hard­ wood. Will produce cotton, com. oats, sugar cane, peanuts, p ota­ toes and all sorts of small fruit, peaches and garden truck. Four houses on the place, none of them extra. Will sell an d give reason­ able term s, or will trade for good revenue bearing property in city or country anyw here on Pacific coast west of the mountains. Can give possession the first -of Jan-j uary. Act qjiick. Cut this out, ’ as it will not appear again See me this week at 90 Seventh St., or any real estate man on East Main St. Value $10,000. B. W. Huck­ abee. ’ 70-1* I PUBLIC AUCTION Talent, Friday, Nov. 25, at residence of Wm. Stumpp 1» head heavy young work h o n e » 5 h o n e collars 1 tractor disc plow 1 corn cu ltivator 2 sin g le liorse cultivators 2 sets w ork -h araem 1 sin g le w ork harness ", ' 2 sin gle horse cultivators ■ 1 new feed chopper 1 new com bination feed grinder 2 pair platform scales 1 2 4 0 lb. counter scales 1 5 0 foot log chain 1 cen trifu gal pump w ith m otor 1 force pump E xceptionally fine lot ca rp en ten tools 1 12-gau ge W inchester pump gun 1 .3 2 Special W inchester rifle 1 12x14 w ail tent 1 camp stove 1 oil burner stove 1 jtoreh sw in g 2 heaters 2 exq u isite Oak round dining ; table* 2 seta oak dining chairs 1 oak ch iffon ier 1 morris chair 2 oak roi-kers 1 0x12 W ilton rug 1 0 x 1 2 B russels rug I Lady's w riting denk 1 china closet Lot o f wall pictures Sale Starts at 1 2 :3 0 Sharp Term s Cash ALLEN O. HESS Auctioneer A u ctioneer’s Note Any person implements bring them assured a buyers. having livestock, farm or furniture, should to this asle as we are large crowd of good A Sales Campaign When the business man says the market is dull he refers to the market where he has been accustomed to sell h’s products. Business will reamin dull for such a man if he does not find means to extend bis territory. Keen business men are always on the alert to find a market beyond their usual territory. Some enterprising stockmen from Massachusetts exhibited at the recent Livestock Show in Portland, and thus enlarged their trade area. There is always a market if you can find *t. Many wideawake firms are securing orders from points hun­ dreds of miles beyond their usual territory by use of the Long Distance telephone. Such orders are secured at small expense and without undue delay. Pacific Long Distance lines reach all Pacific Coast po’nts with connections to all points east. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. a. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company C avrkrt. IVX 1 W MeChwa “ l IJ D j IM I GOING DOWN. SEMO QÙR WxQER TO AW M ASONIC CALENDAR TH IS W EEK Gon« to Portland— Xkesday evening, November 23’. Order 1 ° £ n stm as Sale. 69tf M arjorie Gillette returned yesterday o f the Temple. Supper served ear- _. " from Eugene, where they went last 3y, a t 6:15, before work. „ ? uy your cake3 and P«* at the Thursday. Siskiyou Chapter No. 21. Fridav ’ H° lmeS gF° Cery tOmWrOff- ™ -l ' 21, Friday The Independent Stage Line ru n ­ evening, November 25 P. M. and New York V isitor — ning between Ashland and Medford AI. E. M. degrees Miss Roberta Wood arrived this will discontinue operations until m orning to visit her sister, Mrs. Saturday, November 26, a t which H ep* from G rants Pass— Frank C. Stevens, 235 F ifth street. time they will have b etter cars and Myron C. Gaston came up from give b etter service. Independent -Grants Pass last evening and is reg Mr. Roselle, the tailo r at Orres, stag e Line. 70-2 Istered at Hotel Ashland. is an a rtist as a tailor. He recently came here from Minneapolis. 69t£ R eturn to D ouglas County__ H ot tam ales, Mexican chill beans, ' Roy Wells returned by train to a n d hot chocolate at Rose Bro3. 70tf For .m m ediate sale, $4000 two"j his home in Douglas county the first story brick business corner; Jit- ( of rn to Ash-; E n g in eer Coming Thursday— rent, 11 per cent; wonderful bar- , w eek,'and will retu ...................... W alter J a ^ e s . Southern Pacific 1 £ £ . D' SantOTd’ ” » B»a/ d ! £ “ ? ' . hto “ <» t0 *“ « " engineer now employed on the ______ 68-3 lain his fath er a condition, who is In a local hospital for medical tre a t­ K lam ath Falls branch, expects to be Stwdents Charter “Zoo"__ ment. tra n sfe rre d to the Dunsmuir-Ash-; High school students are planning --------- la n d division ThursAiy. Mrs. Baker to S° to Medford Thursday in the i s here ■ m aking arrangem ents for “Zoo” wagon, which is a Ford truck NOTICE— ELKS DANCE <•> th e ir residence in Ashland and yes- i fitted with th ree rows of seats, ac- $ te rd a y purchased a Packard auto. ; commodating forty-five passengers. November 24., Thursday. Tuesday, Novem ber