Tuesday, November 23, 1931 ASHLAND DAILY TIDING® AffCXZE, 7HE PRINTERS DEVIL IPGUE, MIWAX fcE V4fc GOiklG Yo OC AOOur AMCUtE? \WE CAMT VET HltA GO ALOME j\U D V*A AFRAID \'U_ WURX VMS FEBUUGS \F 1 OFFER -fQ ACCOXAPAkW By Ourles Sughroe _____ • W « « n N e w w x r Union YHAY MOM4, \WUEU \'ME GOT TO GO TO XU' CAPVTOV, MOBOON OFFERS Yo TAXE Í , M E AM’ t SPOSE I'LL 1 UAFTA GO ALV SM It Looks Like the Boss Will Get to Go AM' GEE \WW\V. \ OOMT EMEM KMOW UOWJ \S U R E AU A B\G BOKEWLAO'. \ SEEM PULLIH' -(VUS "UUSE GUV"9C3FF SO LQUG V\\ PACK SEVEN A \ OOUY M4AUTA G O ALU 0N MM LOMESOME* YO GOXO BED IN A POULMAM AM’ MEBSE <\X G\T UELO OP AM' ROSSEO 'M BtoMTUtUGc’. \ \MVSWt TVV BOSS V4OOU0 GO UIVXH M E' OM,GOttN'. VM »M AM AMJFOL F IX A ‘ VIA APRMP \ USSEUF ' ^A,at£s» «SÓ<ñ*5og. Locai and Personal , The Ashland W inter .F a ir Decem­ ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod Cliff Payne makes fire screens. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L From Dead I n d i a n - Ernest Peachy came in Monday from the Dead Indian country where he has been engaged as forest ran g ­ er for the summer. Mr Peachy will join his family at Medford for! a time. One cent the word each time. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN Miss E dith Oats, of Bellingham, Wash., arrived this morning, and is visiting her uncle an d aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thos H. Simpson. She expects To Visit R elatives—- W. E. Palm er and wife, of Lin-! to soon resume her journey to Cali­ coin street, expect to leave soon for; fornia. California to visit relatives in that! PaulserucJs Suits will bear com­ state parisons in price, quality and fit.63tf X-RAY DIAGNOSIS DR. JARVIS SANITARIUM 1 to 4 p. m.—Phone 126 MEDFORD: SACRED HEART HOSPITAL 8 to 12 a. m.—Phone 714 W H Y THAT LAME BACK? R eturn from Salem — Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Southard re­ turned Sunday morning from Salem, where they spent last week atten d ­ ing th e state Sunday school conven­ tion, being the only delegates from Jackson county. H i l l s B ro s . C o ffee d e s e rv e s c a r e f u l m aking. P ro p e rly made y o u will have a “W inning Cup.“ Expert Piano Instruction. C. S. Mitchell. Phone C onvention Report— Tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carson, 872 Iowa street. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Southard will make a report of the state Sunday school convention, which they attended at Salem last week. All Sunday school w orkers cordially invited. Choice Cuts Agency of Oregofi F ire Relief as­ sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf —and Others The Ashland W inter Fair Decem­ ber 7-8-9-10. 60-eod A few weeks ago a news­ paper man visited one of the wholesale markets of Swift & Company. He wanted to see a retailer buy a loin of beef and then watch the retailer sell the porterhouse and sirloin steaks from it over his counter. He thought this would make a good story. T hat m orning lameness— those sharp pains when bending or lift­ ing, make work a burden and rest impossible. Don’t be handicapped by a bad back— look to your kid-’ neys. You will make no m istake by following this Ashand resi­ dent’s example. Mrs. A. Sherard, 881 E. Main St., says: “I can recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills from experi­ ence for I know they do all th at is claimed of them. I had a lame and aching back th a t kept me feeling m iserable all the time. My work tired me easily and I had frequent headaches. My kiaceys acted too frequently, also. I reaJ of Doan’s Kidney Pills and used them from Poley & E lh a rt’s Drug Store. They helped me w onder­ fully by relieving the backaches and regulating my kidneys.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same th a t Mrs. Sherard had. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. New Vining O rganist— Miss Leah Hanson, the new organ­ ist at the Vining, is delighting p at­ rons with her wonderful technique and sym pathetic interpretation of the stories pictured upon the cinema screen. The ‘‘silent d ram a” has be­ come a misnomer, for the splendid music which the modern photoplay organ furnishes in the hands of a skilled musician like the new Vining artist, has become an essential part of a moving picture entertainm ent, j Miss Hanson has just closed an en- I gagement as relief organist at the Liberty theater, Portland. She stu ­ died under Mertagh, who is said to be the greatest organist on the Pa­ cific coast. • A • N otice o f D istrict Tyre Free Tube PH YSICIANS? ATTENTION' — Would you trade DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice your property for something here lim ited to eye, ear, nose and or elsewhere? We would be throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and pleased to try and match you We 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg., Ash­ also sell if prices are fight. land, Ore. 7 3-tf 146. 68-6 DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to WANTED— Fir cord wood. Ashland eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses Hotel. 63« supplied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. #■. and H. FOR RENT. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. FOR RENT— Three rooms furnished with cook stove only. close in. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special a t­ tention to m others and childreu. Call at Home Bakery. 67-3 Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ pletely furnished; close .n; price fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to « reasonable. Inquire 166 H arga- p. in. dine. Phbne 122.___________ 38-tf DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. I. — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec­ ialist; glasses fitted. Office, 402 i FOR SALE— lo acres two miles out, $750 down, balance easy term s a t j Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Residence, Pio­ , 6 per cent. House, barn, chicken neer Ave., Ashland, morning and house, woodshed, well, good evenings. Phone 28.____________ fences, all in cultivation, about 5 i acres alfalfa. Price $2000. Mason CHIROPRACTORS. ! and Manning, Talent, Or. 55-tf _______________________________ FO RSA LR , ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. I 7777 CATV 7 T- E - B- Aneell. Chiropractic, Elec- ! FOR SALE— Three burner gasoline) trical Treatm ents, Mineral and 69-3 Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National u stove. 267 8th St. Bank Building. Phone 48. FOR SALE — Chickens, live ori dressed. F. Beswick, R. F. D.,j ATTORNEYS. Box 176. , 69-2 __________ _______ POD — 7— 7-------- i-----77--------- L' A' ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. FOR SALE— Turkeys, nice big o n es., Rooms 6 and 6. Citizens’ Bank Phone 13F4. 69-3 Bldg. APPLE CIDER— Made fresh every TR A N SFER AND EX PR B SS. day Order now for th a t Thanks­ giving dinner. 40 cents gallon, FOR prompt and careful service, two 75 cents. Ye3, we dsliver. I auto trucks or horse drays, call Phone 9 -F -ll. W’hittle T ransfer Co. Phone l i t . Office, 89. Oak street near Hotel ! FOR SALE— Overland “ F o u r” ; first Ashland. 56 tf class condition, run only 4000 miles. Extras. H. W. Hoyt, gen­ T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ eral delivery, Ashland. 68-5* ’ — 1 FE R —— Good team and m otor­ Road M eeting, ! FOR SALE— Good dry body wood. j trucks. Good service at a reason­ able price. Phone 83 Road D istrict No. 3 , Jackson $3 por tier. W A. Conner. Glen County, Oregon. View Drive. 62-lm o R E PA IR WORK. w ith every Mason-Cord a t Leedom’s Tire H ospital The head of the mar­ ket took the reporter into the “cooler” where he showed him a high class side of beef. W ith a wooden skewer he marked off the loin and said, “That would cost a retailer just 40 cents a pound, but it's only 8 per cent of the weight of the whole side. Dance at Helm’s club bouse, Kingsbury Springs. Thanksgiving Notice is hereby given th a t in p u r­ Eve., W ednesday, Nov. 23. Leedom’s suance of a petition duly and legal­ •5-piece orchestra. 66-5 ly signed by more than three free holders and legal voters residing in R ecovers from Illness— Road D istrict No. 2, Jackson county, J. V. Migletz, of Mountain ave- Oregon, and duly and legally pre­ 'nue, is out again after several days; sented to the County Court of Jack- son county, Oregon, a district road of severe sickness. m eeting of the legal voters of said D istrict No. 2 will be held a t the The Ashland W inter F air Decem­ county poor farm in Jackson county, ber 7-8-9-10. . 60-eod Oregon, on the 25th day of Novem­ ber, 1921, a t the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., on said day for the purpose To Visit; Albany F r i e n d - of levying a special road tax not to Mrs. Frank Guisinger of the Boul-i exceed 10 mills on the dollar on all 'evarA, expects to go to Albany soon! taxable property w ithin said road for a few days visit with Mrs. Geo.; district for the special improvements Zider, who form erly lived at Talent { of the roads in said road district, and for any other purposes which may and has a num ber of friends in seem proper to come before said Ashland. meeting. Datet* at Jacksonville, Oregon, this Let Friend Wire sleep in the 4th day of November, 1921. m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland G. A. G ardner, County Judge. Jam es Owen, County Commissioner. grill and get one of those fine Victor Bursell, County Commissioner special 60 cent breakfasts. S ltf 58-3-tues • “This piece, (and he marked off about one-fourth of the carcass) is the chuck and I’ll sell it at wholesale for 7 cents a pound. Please remember, this is one of our best sides of beef. W e also have beef which sells for half as much.” This wide variation in the price of various cuts from the same side of beef is caused largely by demand for the tender cuts. The others are, of course, just as wholesome. It seems as though more people than ever are demanding choicer cuts, and their demand sets the price. If few people ask for the forequarter cuts, the price of forequarters will automatically drop to a figure low enough to induce people to buy because of cheapness. Even though certain cuts sell for relatively high prices, other cuts, due to lack of demand, sell so low that our profit from all sources over a period of five years averaged only a fraction of a cent a pound. - R an ger’s W ife V isits— Mrs. Maud Port, from the Star ranger station on Applegate river, arrived in town Sunday night for a few days’ visit.' It is competition between consumers for the choice cuts that keeps prices for those cuts relatively high; an equalizing demand for all parts of the carcass would benefit producer, packer, retailer and consumer. 2. Mi-O-Na makes your stomach feel fine, stops belching, heartburn, and all discom forts in a few minutes. G uaranteed by McNail Bros. Our average wholesale selling price of all products has fallen about 40 per cent since September 1920. C. B. L A M K I N City and Ranch Properties House« to R ent. CITIZENS’ RANH B rn .D IN O or W ant any kind of Notary work dona it will be to your advantage 1 E. W. R edifer and family, of Myr­ to call on tle Creek, expect to m otor to Ash­ land to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. R edifer’s father anti mother, whose home is in Drain, Or., expect to ac­ If there are any bargains in town they have them. company them to Ashland if wea­ th e r conditions are suitable. 'Spend T hanksgiving H ere__ BEAVER REALTY CO. . tí' •• “ « J .’. > PHONE your next job of plnmbing FEATHER MATTRESSES made to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. from your old feather bed. Fea­ Phone 138. thers cleaned and renovated. Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone CAR WASHING 63-R. 52« EX PERT CAR WASHING and polish­ ing. Lithia Garage. phone 114 FURNITURE BOUGHT. SOLD or ex­ changed for upholstery work. Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone 63-R. 52 « W. A. SHELL BARBER C hildren’s W ork A EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- sonable prices. Lithia Garage. ■ 1 Specialty Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. Real Estate REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS Ashland Local Branch, Cor. First and A Sts. F. Crouch, Manager FOR SALE— Wood, m anzanita, oak and fir. Phone 479J. 48tf FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and repairing; m attresses made over. Douglas, 253 F ourth St, Phone LOST. 63-R. 52« LOST— $20 in greenbacks, on streets of Ashland Saturday. Finder re­ FURNITURE and household good« turn to Tidings office. Reward. carefully packed and crated, ten 69-2* years experience in Rogue River valley. Douglas, 253 F ourth St. PLUMBING Phone 63-R. 52« FIRE! FIRE! BARGAINS IN To W inter Here — Bert Peachey came over recently from B utte Fork and has gone to If you want to buy or sell anything in Eagle Point to retu rn with his fam ­ ily back to Ashland for the w inter. Swift & Company, U. S. A. I W ANTED. R enshaw Barn burned at Talent Just Received A Car Klamath Falls FLOUR BRAN SHORTS MILL RUN Also Car of MOLASSES-SPRAYED BEET PULP It is necessary to get your R«1>orted N ovem ber a,s total loss. TWENTY-SIX 15th, 1931, PA ID IN FU LL HOURS LATER! by the B illin gs Agency. Let us tell you how little good insurance o f ANY kind w ill cost. Agricultural Sulphur in the land at once ASHLAND FRUIT ASSOCIATION Billings Agency . REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main SL