ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS . Tuesday, Novem ber 22, 1921 The three hundredth anniversary of the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving gives a peculiar interest to this year’s recognition of Thanksgiving Day. The people who established Thanksgiving Day had little bounty and many dangers. How much more have we to be grateful for!. America today has greater security and greater bounty than at any time before. That all of us may partake of the season’s good things, merchants now make their most attractive offerings. Profit by these announcements, so you too may have good cause for Thanksgiving. NOVEMBER 24, 1921 fjv td Jtsbland . The best place to have Thanks f giving Dinner is Home. But if you can’t be home, the best place on earth is the Tavern Cafe l DJ5 t.. You can depend on getting a real Feast here—skilfully prepared | dishes, made from the choicest, freshest Meats, Vegetables and Fruits. The pleasant, homelike surroundings will add to your enjoyment of the good food.* thanksgiving Dinner $1 I Merry W itbw Cocktail SOUP Cream cf Chicken a la St. Mande Tomato Boullion en Tasse RELISH Crisp Celery Sweet Pickles ENTREES Fried Spring Chicken, Supreme Roast Leg of Lamb and C urrant Jelly Oregon Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Mashed or Candied Sweet Potatoes Baked Squash or Onions in Cream SALAD Fresh F ru it Salad DESSERT Green Apple Pie and Cheese English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake Mixed Nuts and Raisins Fresh Cider Coffee . Tea Milk Served from 12 to 2— 5 :3 0 to 7:30 sm rcwwHwwwwwwwnwi m m i m NOVEMBER «4, 1921 Special Thanksgining Dinner $1.00 F ru it Cocktail SOUP Tomato bisque aux crotons Cream of Chicken a la Rhein RELISH Celery Hearts Head Lettuce, Mayonnaise ROAST Roast Young Tom Turkey Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Baken Banana Squash, drawn butte* DESSERT Hot Home Made Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding * Coffee NELDA CAFE Tavern Cafe 155 East Main—Ashland WHEN LOVED ONES GATHER ’ROUND THE FESTIVE BOARD ON — ^hePridç TURKEY The most important part of the Thanksgiving Feast is the Turkey, of course But it is equally import­ ant to know that your fowl is good and healthy, so the family may have no after-effects from the “ big feed.” A big quantity of freshly- killed Turkeys has just arrived. The p r u d e n t housewife will lose no time in choosing one of these fine birds. > Prices are lower here thap else­ where. ■ o f the enable What a -host of g o o d things is here to make that Thanksgiving dinner a complete success! Cran­ berries, ' F i g s , Apples Raisins, Puddings — and we could go on naming a hundred more. Two things every item h as, in com­ mon: high quality and low orices. Come in today and be convinced. The h o u s e w i f e who knows is proud to serve our Meats, because they are so fresh, juicy and tender. Whether voui preference is for Beef Pork, ’Possum, Turkey Veal or any other meat buy here and make sure that your Thanksgiving Dinner will be a complete success. Knapp’s Plaza Groceteria Meat Market On the Plaza Jack Barnthouse, Prop. ALL THE FIXIN’S FOR THANKSGIVING Ashland Poultry and Fish Market 67 N. Main St. Vendome SPECIAL FAMILY DINNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 « 1 .0 0 PLATE SOUP Potage Im perial Salt W afers RELISH Celery Lettuce Green Olives Salted Almonds ROAST Ribs of Beef, Bordanelse Sauce Young Turkey, Oyster Dressing Orleans C ranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Creamed Cauliflower Lima Beans Mecadone Salad Mince Pie Apple Pie Pumpkin Pie Tea Coffee Milk SERVED 12 TO 3— 5 :3 0 TO 7 :3 0 COBALT DISCOVERED IN JACKSON COUNTY TWENTY Y E A R ! AGO (Continued from Page Three) ■ er form ations. It is probable that the Paleozoic sedim ents are also ov- erturned, and th a t limestone found ¡ in the d istrict is probably of early 1 Paleozoic age, and fossils found in ! limestone lenses indicate th a t they are not Devonian: Diller would sug- 1 gest that they are Silurian rath er fthan Carboniferous in age. Long after the form ation of these > Paleozoic sedim entary rocks, the re- J gion was intruded from below by a 'm a s s of molten igneous rock; at ’ about the tim e and perhaps by the same agency the bedded rocks were ‘closely folded and overthrusted to ‘‘the westward. The intrusive rock .Isolidified beneath a considerable I thickness of sedim ents or other • rocks, which has since been removed in places. Thus the igneous mass is now exposed to view in the south part of the district, and extends thence northeastw ard past the Chis­ holm mine, and it seems probable to Diller th at it underlies at consid­ erable depth a large part of the »Gold Hill district. This igneous intrusion and intense »folding seem to have elevated the region enough to cause a new ero­ sio n and the form ation of coarse sediments which could not be tra n s­ ported far by ordinary agencies. Therefore conglom erates were pro­ duced, and these were succeeded by Hfelspathic sandstones during part of Cretaceous times. Rocks produced in this way are now found in the south part of the “ Meadows.” Along Evans creek from the Meadows northw ard these Cretaceous sand­ stones are overlain by a considerable I thickness of T ertiary sandstones which contain some thin beds of coal. The latest rock form ation in the ' d istrict consists of stream deposits, ' some of which are valuable on ac- I count of gold and platinum they con- ! tain. They are formed along the stream s of the district, but are not abundant along the Rogue river in j this ditsrict, because the la tte r is 'here in a narrow rock-cut portion of ’ its course to the sea. In a study of the smoke nuisance 1 at Salt Lake City an aeroplane was used to collect samples of air at dif- ' ferent levels. Thanksgiving Day "What a wonderful sentiment has grown around the Thanksgiving Dinner! Truly, it is the Feast of Feasts— the occasion of family gatherings, when homes are bright with love and laughter. "We have always been proud that our Pure Foods have contributed to the joys of the occasion. This year we are better prepared than ever with a big line of Preferred Stock Canned Goods, Vegetables, Fruits and Jellies, Nuts and Candies—and prices much lower than last year. Quality Groceries Moderately Priced White House Groceteria 388 East Main The Best is None Too Good for Thanksgiving For vour. Thanksgiving Dinner.., Fresh Salted Nuts Almonds and Peanuts Also After Dinner Wafers made fresh for your order at Ender's Confectionery We have a fine line of juicy, *fat Turkeys and Poultry to tickle the palate at the Thanksgiving Feast. Besides our COMPLETE STOCK OF MEATS has been especially selected w’ith a view of supplying the best for this joyous day. You will find our prices just a little lower than the aver­ age meat shop. East Side Meat Market