Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 22, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Has Five Set* of Twins in Eight Year*.
Weston, la.—Mrs. Rose McCombs,
wife of a farmer living te a r here, is
the mother of the fifth pair of twins
(Continued from Page 1)
in eight years. Alt the ten children
ahead th a t a way out of the wilder­ are well. A sister of Mrs. McCombs,
ness of stones had. been fo u n d ' The Mrs. Annie Forbes of Sioux City, re­
cently became the mother of her seo
ground parties set to work anew ond set of triplets. Another sister of
and soon forced a. passage through Mrs. McCombs, who lives in Sacra­
ten miles of back-breaking country mento, Cal., has two pair of twins.
into the desert again, w here the go­
ing was com paratively easy.
A few days later ground connec­
“Stung” by $50 Fine for
tions were made with Bagdad when
the arm ored cars arrived a t the
“ Harboring Vicious Bee”
emergency ground a t El-jid, 300
Kansas City, Mo.—The Mis­
miles from Jerusalem .
souri Supreme court will be
Operations were soon pushed on
called upon to decide a citizen’s
from the Bagdad side, and Ramadie
right to keep bees, if plans of
was entered soon a fte r by both air i
the National Apiary association
and land.
Bagdad was entered
are carried out in the case of
shortly afterw ard.
Lee Cooley, who was fined $50
Work is now going on to perfect
In the municipal court here on
complaint of neighbors that he
th e emergency landing grounds, and
"a vicious bee.”
in m aking perm anent ground organ­ i
ization along the a ir route.
D o c to r — I
don't like your
h e a r t action.
You have had
• ern e trouble
with angina peo-
(a h e e p I shly>
—You’re partly
only that ain't
her name.
British Columbia Increases Production
of Milking Breeds in Which It
Ranks First.
H e:
there is anything
in a person, trav­
el w ill bring it
Yen, In ­
ocean travel.
Vancouver, B. C.—Getting a fellow’s
goat In British Columbia might cost
the getter from $45 to $500.
That is the range of prices for Tog­
genberg, Saanen and Nubian animals.
These are milk goats and British Col­
umbia Is the heaviest breeder of milk
goats of any province in Canada.
Goats in the province number 5.000,
according to figures Issued by the pro?
vlncial department of agriculture.
The original foundation stock num­
bering 200 head was Imported from
the United States In 1917. Efforts of
breeders have been concentrated upon
the Toggenberg, Saanen and Nubian
breeds. These are noted for milk
production. Official records have fre­
quently run as high as 2,000 pounds
to an animal and one goat has a rec­
ord of 2.941 pounds.
Tuesday. November 22, I&21
V i
Prices Are Sliding Back tow ard Normal
“Tiger” Says, “Remember!”
What has Fnru-e’s •Tiuer” in
mind? That is the question Georges
Clemenceau, France’s war pitn.ier, at
the unveiling of a monument depicting
him in his well-known little slouch
hat, and surrounded by poilus, facing
the Germans in \h e trenches, delivered
what some observers considered to be
his valedictory to French public life.
Others, however, considered it as in­
terpreting the "Tiger’s” re-entrance in­
to the active political arena.
monument was erected by the people
of Clemenceau’s native department of
Vendee, in honor of the former pre­
mier’s activities during the war. "Re­
member 1” was the keynote of his ad­
“Let us remember,” said Clemen­
ceau, “and let us keep from substitut­
ing by vain words, the acts which are
expected of the country. Let us re­
member France’s motto, ‘Live in the
peace of justice, or perish.’ Yester­
day we were the victors. Let no one place us In the situation where we ask
whether we still are victors.
I see that some persons are magnificently occupying themselves with
safeguarding peace in the Far East. We can wish them nothing but success.
But the I aciflc ocean is far away, and the German frontier is very close to us.
Why not link together all the disturbing questions?
“It is not too late to say that reparations and securities are inseparable
term s; that each Frenchman Is worth one German, and that France renounces
nothing of what is due her.”
EOucation In Ireland.
The national system of education
was introduced into Ireland In 1831 to
take the place of the Society for the
Education of the Poor. Prior to the
establishment of the national system
the schools had been conducted by the
churches as non-paj? schools, or were
conducted by charitable societies, with
the help of grants from the govern­
Reading When Drowsy.
To read or study when tired or
drowsy is to strain the eyes to a dan­
gerous degree, writes W. M. Carhart
in Public Health. Avoid evening study
whenever possible. If you are using
your eyes by artificial light be sure the
light does not shine directly into the
eyes, and try to have it come from be­
hind and to the left side so as to avoid
the harmful glare.
A. D eD au
ooill b v y mo b e b trlìd in c
Tô-dôy t h a n
i \ ‘5
F o o d s tu ff5 ahe cXe&perfkan fast yea?
pvt h w e iv o ty e t reached live rjl&levol
R IC E S o l food and d o m in g are
co m in g dow n, but so ta r ih -
p ric e to th e m an in th e street
has n o t k e p t pace w ith th e p ric e
ithe r e ta ilo r . T h e w h o le s a le p rice of
c a tt le Is v e ry n e a r th e p re -w a i
ra te s .
B u t ro u n d s teak is s till ut
• • p e r cent an d s irlo in costs th .
b o u s e w lfo a t le a s t 67 per cen t m o r.
fth a a b e fo re th e w a r.
So re ts :
p rices w h ic h w e n t up -loss t h a t
¡w h o le s a le d u rin g th e exp ansio n or-
‘ b o w co m in g dow n s lo w e r, th o u g i
i t Is d o u b tfu l I f th e y w i ll e v e r res« I
th e o ld le v e l.
Food In g e n e ra l w h ich w as over -
180 p e r c e n t ab ove p r e -w a r pricer
la s t y e a r Is a o w a li t t l e o ver 30 pei
cent a b o v a
C lo th in g has droppec
fr o m o v e r S50 p er cen t, w h o le s a le
la s t y e a r to 80 p er cent n o w
T hes*
fa c ts a re fro m fig u re s c o m p iled bx
‘th e C h e m ic a l N a tio n a l B ank o f N u t
l o rn
fro m
g o v t-ru m c m
a i:o o t h e r
a u t h o r i t a t i v e s o u rc e s
I I i». h o w e v e r , p o in t e ii <,m ir . a t
t<> m o s t o f th e p r ic e c U a .ig i-s „ j t h e
as» fe w m o n th s h a v e I , , , « , it -h e
h r e c tlo h o f s t a b ilit y a n d
a re
t t d ic u llo iis t h a t th e (« fe e ► i u m n in
g e n e r a l is r e « o w r i n g it s - ‘ a b i l i t y
B u i ld in g
m a t e r i a ls
’ >.»• «out of
v h lc h d i r e c t ly li . t lu
t in h o n e ,
e e n t u p s o m e z t t i p e r c e n t a n ,: a r e
T ill u p w a r d s o f 100 p e r c e n t a b o v e
he f ig u r e o f I&13
V e t it js s t...w n
h a t 'h e a v e r a g e w h o le s a le p i o f
I tie s ic c o m m o d it ie s is o n ly 5 p e r
i-n t a b o v e t h e t * . t l3 'a v e i a g e
I t ie r e a l l y th e « listu « . a i « e o f th e
>id r e la t io n s b e tw e e n tb-. w h o le s a le
a rid r e t a i l p r i c e r m o r e tha t« th e r is e
a n d f a l l o f th e g e n e ra ', lo v e i t h a t is
d a n g e r o u s to p r o s p y i i t y
T his d is t u r b a n c e 1.« n o w a p p a t c u t l y
” e g :rn ir » E to r c c t if x i t p e .
W illia m
F arnum
- "The
S e u ttle r s ”
• X’*
A T h riIhng S tory of Romance and A dventure
¡O-..' "Y
•><. ?• »
Special Thanksgiving
Winter Fair
Jackson County
Christmas Edition
Don’t Do
Why do seemingly sensible men
hoard money in their homes, or
carry large sums on their persons?
Npbody knows the answer to that
qubstiouv but all over Oregon rob­
ber» and highwaymen are reaping
th e benifft of the habit.
•4. !
: • up.« j
of S c D aily T idings w ill be issued S atu rd ay , Decem ber 3.
I t will contain betw een th irty an d fo rty pages, and car ry a
cover p rin ted in th ree colork
’ x "
' .
M l
Don’t -allow yourself to do it. Put
your money into a Savings, Com­
mercial or Time Deposit Account at
the F irst N ational; and keep im­
portant papers in one of our Safe
Deposit boxes.
It will be th e la rg e st C hristm as edition ever p rin ted in
A shland, both in po in t of num ber of pages, circulation and
general appearance?
• *
I t w ill be well p rin ted and w ill be dis-
• « *
trib u te d over th e entire county.
W e hope to have one o r tw o
sections featu rin g
W in ter F air, and w ill devote m uch of th e space to boosting
th a t enterprise.
• The people of OREGON can increase the STATE PAY
ROLL by patronizing a comparatively new OREGON
over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS *n developing a
COAL MINE and equipping a CLEANING PLANT to
clean the coal, and is now prepared to serve the people
of Western Oregon with a GOOD, CLEAN, SOOTLSS
foreign coal or wood.
Lump Coal, per ton delivered. $15.00
Per half ton, delivered ..............$ 8.00
H' '
Ashland Lumber Co.
Phone 20