M glaria germ a.cannot survive three months j 4n th i rich ozone at Ashland. The f pure domestic w ater helps. Ashland clim ate, w ith­ out the aid of medi­ cine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. (International News Wire Service) VPLUME 3 «Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) -ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22: 1921 No. 70 PORTLAND WATER SUPPLY CUT OFF $12,000 REPORTED FOR HOTEL S™ ™ BONUS; $ 9 ,4 0 0 IS NATION MENACED BY INCREASE OF RELEASE GRIP Grants Pass Give Settler Irrigation To Square Deal Be Extended Says Thomas By LEO T. HEATLEY (I. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) I PORTLAND, Or., Nov, 22.— Th® NEW YORK., Nov. 21.— New York terrific sleet and snow storm which is big; New York is cosmopolitan— has held the Pacific N orthw est la it is even friendly. But New York I its grip for the past two days ap- is also the crucible inio which the , pea red to have abated today. Not- great come only to find th a t they • ——— — —— , w itbsanding the cessation of the have dw indled into insignificance. “Give the settler upon the lands storm, an additional heavy dam age The fame of Napoleon himseif could i is expected due to the rapidly ris­ ♦within your new irrigation project not survive other and more immedi­ GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 22.— a square deal; m ake him satisfied ing flood waters. The m ain line a te questions in this great city. Three laterals extending the water and aid him in solving the problems WASHINGTON. D. C„ Nov. 22.__ train service on the Union Pacific, All this is prelim inary to the story Southern Pacific, and Spokane, P o rt­ of C. N. Haskell, O klahom a’s firsti N nderSr ound traffic in drugs, devel- service of the G rants Pass irrigation I th a t will confront him ,” said C. M. At the open forum luncheon at Thom as, of Medford, who spoke at land and Seattle railw ays leading in­ governor, a big political gun in th at °Ping startlingly in recent years, has district will be excavated, bids for; Hotel Ashland today It was voted— the weekly luncheon of the cham ber . . • . , „ - , n c c n i j lu u v u c u u u t ..m e c n a m o e r ( ' ----- — — to P ortland are still dem oralized. state and a national figure— until ( become a serious menace to the wel- the work being received Saturday, j of cornmerce there yesterday noon J on motion made by E. E Phipps and The P ortland w ater system is crip- ' h9 T ? Y ork- HaakeU ,a re ° ' the I" » u n io n Ot O n e c canal, a n a l. to tn be k known n n u /n as Q Gt trtm Dorr, _ ».V_ _ « has , had a wide . _ ex- 1 _ One the Dem-j Mr. rr,l Thomas seconded by J. H. McGee— to en-j Pled and the supply, it is estim ated. 7n°h- n °.ma i tenoral oiiiciala. arary lateral, will cover the district : feerience in the developm ent of lrrl- large the g reater hotel co m m ittee! ' will not last until tomorrow. Nearly on his first visit in five years. The north of town above the present T o-igation projects in Southern Oregon, a thousand telephones are out of The illegitim ate traffic in narcot­ new spapers there got out special kay canal. It will carry about ten having represented three Jackson and m ake a systematic, whirlwind •commission here, and the high wa­ welcome editions, and the welkin ics is conducted by the so-callel second feet of water, pumped to it couuty projects in th eir form ative campaign to finish raising the pro­ te r is menacing the Portland rang from Altus to Miami, and from “dope peddlers," who ____ , __ ______ _ i from the Tokay canal, requiring a appear to have - .‘period, and he told his audience th at posed $30,000 bonus to r building a bridges. It may be found necessary Guymon to Hugo—considerable te r - ’ a perfectly organized, country-wide h i t of 110 feet. The equipment will ¡th ere was work for every man to quarter-m illion tourist hotel in Ash­ to close some of the bridges. ritory. - ) ..riQg consist of a twelve-inch pump of 150) do in putting such a project as the land. The present committee of Y° Fk HaskeH i3 chairm an These drug -vencbrs, for the most horse er- and horse P°w power, and will will add add 800 800 acres acres) ¡.one one here here into into commission commission. And he The effect of the “ silver thaw ” L tno board of thp WiHrilp Qlafoa. nort ok»«:., 4 .1 .< < • » .. of the board of the Middle States part, obtain their “ dope” supplies t0 nil.16 n<3tr!Ct’ . i started right in at the ground floor fourteen reported $9400 subscribed, about P ortland and the Columbia Oil company. When he made up his from Mexico and Canada, although The Martin canal will back up by calling for the “square deal” when but in addition to this, representa­ river is showing itself in the mails mind to go to Oklahoma the o n ly ‘ sm aller quantities are obtained by from the end of the Tokay canal and the purchaser and prospective set- tives of A shland’s banks promised for tbe people of Ashland. The east­ ones to miss him were his stenog- thefts and illegal transactions with will w ater several hundred acres, tie r appeared upon the ground; then $3000, although no definite sub­ ern mails, when the trains are on rapher, his office boy an d tbe office unscrupulous dealers. Considerable .e Savage lateral wi|l iback up he argued th a t assistance, financial scriptions can be made until the ac­ t doorm an. Outside of these and a drug sm uggling is practiced on both from the south canal and will cover ) if need be. be offered the home tion is taken by the directors. This time, arrives in Ashland on train 15 about 11 o’clock p. m., and when few friends, no one knew he had th e A tlantic and Pacific coasts, acreage in the m outh «of Savage builder, and th a t his problems ot makes a total of $12,000, exclusive o t »3500 which waa reported from “ “ ,“ t , a r " VM «» ever been in NAw York, to say noth- where the drugs arrive on ships hail­ creek and above. W ater will be tak-j production and of m arketing be two subscribers a tew weeks ago. X k ‘ 10 oclwn there at the ra te of 150 miles entire am ount needed, for a first bany, where seventeen poles were once fam iliar to New York. As a It is largely through these under- tunity .to become an im portant air-j per hour, two o r three hours being class tourist hotel, up to $350,000, washed out by tbe rushing waters _ . --------- „ ______ „„„ L u a a t i w ill O f t h e S a Q tia m river, which changed th a t the benefits th will New Yorker— well, he still is re- ground channels th a t the drug ad- plane station, in the opinion of A. B. considered ample for the journey adding be derived from such an institution ltS cour3e yesterday, inundating a membered in Oklahoma. - ! diet now obtains his supply of “ hop.” McKenzie, who is closely in touch If this machine were now in opera- strip of land a mile wide. in the year 1925 alone would justify “t r ’n n* ‘ W hen he made this la3t trip to A recent governm ent survey dis- with the a ir transportation situation.) tion. it w ould-be possible for Ash- Although a falling barom eter in­ th e state he was first to rule. h e close<3 the startlin g fact th a t the The landing field ju st across the landers to attend the Arbuckle trial the investm ent, on account of the spoke at the state fair, and every- U3e of opium and its alkaloids, for road from the Sarsaparilla barn near and see the pictures at the Vining Portland fair to be h tld in th at dicated more storm last night, the body hustled to McAlester and list- o t{ier than legitim ate medical pur- Bear creek, is said to be ideal. On each evening. The cost of operating year, and the num ber of outside vis- rain 3t°PPed a t 7 o’clock this rnorn- ened to him. Publicly they cheered P°3es, has increased amazingly in account of the wind coming from the big plane is estim ated at $35 Rors it will a ttra c t to the state and i mg. Louis Dodge, government wea- i th er observer, states th a t a rising but privately they asked each other ¡recent years. About 90 per cent of the same direction most of the time, per hour, which would enable the Ashland. E. T, Staples answered the objec­ barom eter today indicates a cessa­ w hat he was "up to .” They specu- th