¡r F A C E EIGHT . Monday, November a i, 1M1 Former Ashlander Dies— Mrs. H arriet N. Hanson, a form er Ashland lady, recently died a t her home in northern California, and MASONIC CALENDAR THIS WEEK was buried in Oakland, Oregon. LOCAI AND PERSONAL Wins Fishermen’s Championship S hrine patrol a t Masonic hall this Lunch room will be open first •fMonday) evening, November 21. of the week, form erly Palace lunch E a ste rn Star Em broidery club, car. 68-4 i A shland Lodge No. 23, Tuesday ______ evening, November 22. Second de- O aklandpr Here— ^ re e ' I G. W. Jones, of Oakland, was here M alta Commandery No. 3 . W ed -■ Priday and S aturday. s e s d a y evening, November 23. Order * of the Temple. V isitin g V arious P laces— Siskiyou Chapter No. 21, Friday Miag Maye Kaegi ieft Friday for -evening, November 25. P. M. and Eugene. where ahe attended the M. E. M. degrees. By WILLIAM E. HAYES football game Saturday. From there (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) All wool suits for Í - 0 at Paulser- she goes to Salem to visit her sis­ ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 19.— While ter. expecting to proceed la te r to « d ’s. 63tf it prison nte life bas has been been P ortland for a visit wih her brother. , has , been " said pnson ______ i hard on Eugene V. Debs, socialist G enuine Mexican chicken tam ales, leader of America, now in the Unit- Orres remodels garm ents. 69tf 2 0 cents. EnA-rs Confect:onery.62tf ed States penitentiary here, a good look at Mr. Debs shows th a t no B ring N ew s from B an ff— B c t n r n i from K ansas City— hardships are evidenced upon his Miss Ira Stew art arrived Saturday Mrs. Sam McNair returned yester­ genial brow. d a y afternoon from Kansas City and at Hotel Ashland, from Banff, Al­ W atching what h e . "believes h.is o th e r points in Missouri, where for berta, where for eight years she has swiftly receding dayis of confine- been employed by a hotel where th e , ' T 01 co n n "»- sev e ra l weeks she has been visiting r rates , . „ . are . . $90 per wek during the C h ic a l ” Ph “ ° J hV ChO,OnerK,B1U,enOSe ° f N°va Seotia’ whlch won the fishermen’s interna­ 2»er parents and other relatives. tional championship from the American defender Elsie, defeating her is »wo summe? season uer — wo When visited here by a represent­ consecutive races. F re sh sweet elder a t Rose Bros. ative of the International News Serv­ T ransfer M:m in P ortlan d — 37-tf F. F. W hittle V e n t to P o rtlan d ice ¡ '¿ a his ™ broad smile spread over his Ms C alifornians Here— last night, expecting to be ® gone a hked th e pjace , »'hen asked how HARDING AT YORKTOWN he aald wag he W e make our own candies, ice The following C alifornians ar few days. eream and tamales. Enders Con- rived Saturday a t Hotel Ashland: the best prison he had ever seen. íectionery. You know I have been in a greaf^ Mr- and Mrs- N- B- Hul1- Montague 62tf E lk s S ell Turkey and Mrs. Charles D. Daggett many prisons over the country,” he Mr. ' Saturday evening the Elks dis­ Z ero on Grizzly— , said with a smile, and hastened to and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. F ran k among themselves fifty a ,,ri , . d to P . J. Amer and Hans Oleson came tributed , add’ though not as an inmate. I Dempsey, Y reka; B. R. Jones, H ilt; two ” dozen hams, - several viaite , / them , for a good many M. W’isecarver, Raymond Besecker in Saturday afternoon from th eir turkeys, . ---- — — — have visite wood c u tters’ camp on the shaggy »f bacon and boxes of apples, • of my frlends haye beei/ conHne(}' and W. E. Edsall, Dunsmuir. sh o u ld er of Grizzly, where during tw entr-« v e Pound sacks of s u g a r / «Aa for ,f ® , ______ th e recent cold snap there was three and n u ™e/ ous baskets of other gro- have been incarcerated in ! Teachere See G a m e - Inches of snow and zero tem pera- anndal sale of T hank s - , penitentiary, and also a few jails Misses L oretta Rogers, Marie Rid- tUre9‘ annual e v e n t and KdOpp’ Asblaad ---------- cp, .. 1 1 th 1 Elks lodge- , my life.” j teachers, went to Eugene Friday You should see our beautiful bed Tke prof,t;’ resulting from this busi-l Mr. Debs ig a gfeat faVQrite at evening to attend the U. of O. an- Toom suite in W alnut and Ivory. “ es8 P ^ d e s a fu n J which is used the p riSOn. Almost every -nan is hi nual homecoming and football gamd Sw enson t McRae FnrnU nre Co. ° X d" ,h tm “ 9 c " ” " H « “ 4’ " >’ '» - , e « i They returned to Ashtand this L r h - 6 7 -v cne needy and other w elfare work. — in his efforts to do w hat he can ‘■“ to- ’’ l, ing’ reporting a very enjoyable trip wards lightening the burdens of fel- t0 the university city low inmates. J. L. B arnthouse and family vis- ________ V isited in R ogue R iver— ited friends in G rants Pass y e ste r-, WAR AGAINST Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howe visited in day. 1 Rogue River yesterday. TOBACCO HAD SMALL EFFECT W ent to K lam ath F a lls— PREMIER BRIAND Spratt Wells went to K lam ath F o r pleating, see Orres. MAKES PLEA FOR WASHINGTON, D. C.. Nov. 21.__ 69tf Falls this morning. ARMY OP FRA NCR The various campaigns waged -bn ®, T. U. M eeting— Orres cleans clothes clean. 69tf tobacco in the past year had little WASHINGTON, D. C„ Nov. 21.— T he W. C. T. U. will meet to­ effect on the production and coil- m o rro w afternoon at 2:30 o’clock Hilt V isitor Here— sum ption of the “ weed” in this Prem ier Briand, of France, delivered y an im passioned speech before the a t the home of Mrs. Ella Mills. 167 country. Wnnnidiu, .■ — ^Iias Elenor Greer came over from disarm am ent conference -today in M ountain avenue. ,o r a social se s-’ Hilt. Calli.. this morning The enormous am ount of 62,0(10,- justification of the m aintenance of a 000.000 cigarettes were produced in great standing arm y by the French Save $5 to $20 at Orres $1.00 Pro­ this country in 1920, of which 46,- government, Pr:ces exceptionally low’ on Wal- fit Christm as Sale. ' G9tf ■ 000,000,000 were consumed here, In a veritable to rren t of words, a u t and Ivory Bed Room Suites. At and the rem ainder exported. This accompanied by gesture, pleading Sw enson & McRae F u rn itu re Co.67-4 j Baptist Local does not take into account the num ­ Convent ion - and supplication, Prem ier Briand The Baptists o f ’Ashland report a ber of cigarettes consumed by i asked the nations at the conference We reuovato old suits. Paulser- very enjoyable and profitable c o n -1 smokers who “ roll their own.” a d ’s. to put themselves in the place of 63tf In addition to the vast am ount of m I mention last Thursday evening. Af- cigarettes produced in 19“>o 20 F rance’ surrounded by menacing Standing at the base of the monu­ 1 ter a short devotional service, var- Ifa th o d is t Ix>vo F east__ ment where Lord Cornwallis surren­ ’ , foes, the greatest of whom are Ger 515,096 cigars and 3,979,568 pounds • ious phases of church work were dered to George Washington 140 years W ednesday evening at the M etho-' _________ J «orK were Of sm okine n l..? , ihany and Russia. He announced d is t church. D. L. Glenn will lead 3 ° f three' m inute | were turned out tobaccos, th a t France is willing to cut the ago, President Harding, surrounded by th e followers of John Wesley in an ‘ ’ 7 vanous members upon the Kentucky with 65ft enn , time for compulsory m ilitary service four members of his cabinet and a group of distinguished Americans, ex pressed a hope for co-operation among sionary and ladies’ aid societies, - m eeting. nations of the world, each one ifcvot- ' church services,'young people’s un­ tobacco-producing states, followed ing Itself to the common good, -prog­ by N orth Carolina, with 5S2.000 BUST OF HERO PRELATE ress and advance of human kind. F o r im m ediate sale, $4000 two- ion and sim ilar topics. Committee j acres and 384,120,000 pounds, and Story brick business corner; net meetings followed, after which a Mr. Roselle, the tailor at Orres, re n t, l l per cent; wonderful b ar­ social session and refreshm ents I Virginia, with 243,000 acres and Is an a rtist as a tailor. He recently g ain 1R Sanford, 399 Beach closed the evening’s program . A 177.390,000 pounds. P rior to the street. 68-31' came here from Minneapolis. 69tfi ______ reading on “The Glory of W ork,” Civil war Virginia led all other states in producing tobacco, but T he beet-rfhcooiate creams can b e 'by Dr’ Mattie Shaw, was greatly ap- K entucky usurped this distinction in purchased at Rose Bros. 45-ef preciated- 1869 and has led the field since. New m anagem ent at Helm’s house, K ingsbury Springs, T hanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, ■23. A good clean dance and Xime for everybody. club for Nov good 66-5 Three Friendly Gentlemen VIRGINIA B U R LE Y TURKISH The perfect blend of the three perfect cigarette tob accos i n o n e p erfect c ig a r e tte one-eleven c ig a r e tte s 2 .O f o r I 5 c * ill -ins. ELEVEN KILLED IN GERMAN MOVING PICTURE THEATRE HAMBURG, Germany, Nov. 21.—y Eleven were killed and scores in­ jured by an explosion in a moving picture theatre here today. The ex­ plosion, the cause of which is un­ known, took place during a Gesl«'* drens performance. V isited G ian ts Pass— 7?Mj Pounds per Acre The best Christm as present is a The estim ated average yield per Among ladies aid. societies. Mrs. 8U^ or overcoat tailored to m easure. acre for the United States in 1920 F . H. W alker entertained th at of See the big values at O rres’ $1.00 was 796 pounds, compared to 761 th e M ethodist church, and Mrs. Don­ Profit Christm as Sale. 69tf for 1919. "Yields for the various a ld Spencer the Congregational, last states vary greatly, (ranging from T urkeys Are P le n tifu l— week. The local m eat m a rk e d are wdll 1510 pounds for Pennsylvania to 600 As - a rule ~ stocked with turkeys for the Thanks- pounds for Georgia. -— — Hotel Ashland Grill caters to giving trade, which promises to be higher yields are obtained in locali hom e-folks as well as to commercial brisk, at 40 to 45 cents for dressed i tie3 Pro d acing the high-priced types noen and tourists. 61tf birds, head and feet included. One used in the m anufacture of cigars, butcher shop is dressing two dozen Although the United States is the; XMcherson’s Itepapering “tu rk s ” today and has ten advance greaiest to bacc°-producing and man-! Tbis bust of Cardinal Mercier, the W. O. Dickerson & Son are repa ; orders. orders, besidhs S pv .„ ufacturing country in the world a ! he™ P^ ‘ate ° f Belg‘um’ has been Pre- besicLs seven from Hotel p e rin g their paper room, which will . i sented by a group of prominent Araer- i ot both u n - 1 ¿cans ¡cans and Belgium.». Belgium». It will be un- un­ b e devoted exclusively to the dis- Ashland. S a °. ' ^ Another n°th e r shop has received era e quantity of p la y and sale of wall paper. a consignm ent of extra fine Califor- j m anufactured tobacco and tobacco ! veiled by Baron Emile De Cartier de ______ n’a turkeys from Scott Valley. Oth- ■ Products a re imported. The leaf im -, Marchienne, Belgian ambassador to the ‘ Ashland Shoe Shine P arlo r now er su PPn es for the Thanksgiving ta- ported is mostly devoted to the United States. The bust Is the work open. On First street, back of the ble can be had of local dealers at m anufacture of high grade cigars of Certaine Salvatore Paolo. { B eaver building. 68-4 the following prices: Mince meat, and certain brands of cigarettes. 35 cents; cranberries, 23 cents; cel­ Cuba is the greatest contributor of P a v in g P lan Rejected— ery. 13 cents; raisins, 25 cents; wal- leaf tobacco to the United States. For your.... ber of l a c tobacco factories T h a t section of the-P acific h ig h -‘ n u ^9’ ^5 cents; cider, 35 cents; ' The ---- --- num lum ctucu io n t w ay lying within the city lim its of douShnut3, 20 cents; Tokay g ra p e s ,:1” this country is approxim ately 13,- . 8 will cpnts- *_ G ra n ts -Paco Pass yet --------- unpaved, not anni.n $ cents; «0 apples, $2 to $3; squash . ¡591, of which 11.483 m anufacture be paved by th a t city this year, the and PumPkin, 1% cents. The last cigars; 237, cigarettes, and 1871, proposition m eeting with a decided named commodity appears to be the tobacco and snuff. New York has d e fe a t at the special election held only one oi which there is a scant the largest num ber of tobacco m an­ ufacturing concerns, followed by T hursday. Voters of the city re- 3upply on local m arket. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio an d Wis­ jeeted the plan by a vote of 255 to Fresh Salted Nuts TOO ________ LATE TO CLASSIFY consin in the order named. 150. _________________ Almonds and f o r SALE— Three burner gasoline As a revenue bringer to Uncle TO TIIR PUBLIC stove. 267 8th St. 69-3 Sam, tobacco ranks among the fore­ Peanuts W hat would you have to pay. be- FOR S A L E ^ c 7 i ^ T iive or most, bringing in $294,267,609 in tw e e n Ashland and Medford, if th e r e ; dressed. F. Beswick. R. F. D., 1920 in the various forms of tobac­ Also After Dinner Wafers Box 176. w e r e no opposition? It seems as 69-2 co taxes. This was an increase of made fresh for your J-jK m rt the cut in „rices k > u th e L O S T -J 2 0 t„ greenbacks, on stre e S more than $89,000,000 over th a t of L ew is stage line was to help the of Ashland Saturday. Finder re- 1919, which, in tu ra . was larger order at amblic it would have been done be- turn to Tidings office. Reward. than th a t reported for any prior Tore opposition was started. The In- __________ 69-2* yea?. dependent Jitney line betw een/M ed- FOR SALE— Turkeys, nice big ones, The fall of tem perature in twenty io r d and Ashland has but one price p hone 13F4. §9.3 four hours constituting a ‘ cold t o r today tomorrow an<> a lw a y s APPLE CIDER— Made fresh ev^Ty w e give fitwt class service and are day. Order now for th a t Thanks- wave” is variously defined by the Aere to help the public. Independent giving dinner. 40 cents g a llo n ,, weather bureau, acording — to — the — LESLIE PRICE. Prop. two 75 cents. Yes, we d eliv er.1 part the country affected and ’he Anto Stag« Line, ¿By Grace Hall, Phone 9 -F -ll, .. u. | kea80Q of the year. E n te r ta in Aid Society— Thanksgiving Dinner... Ender’s Confectionery THE ELHART WAY W e are glad to Lay asid e your - H oliday g ift if s h e e te d now. You pay for it when you wish to take it in Decem ber. Photo Albums LOOSE LEAF ALBUMS WITH 50 SHEETS A ssorted Size t NEW AND ARTISTIC COVERS P rices: l5 c . 35c, 30c, $1.00, $1 .5 0 , $3 .0 0 , $ 4 .0 0 , $5 .5 0 S O M E T IM E S A few simple adjustments will make your car run 100 per cent better LET US TUNE IT UP FOR YOU ^ A U T O M O T IV E SHOP 100 Main St. Phnn« aa K a th er in e M acD on ald The Screen’s Most Beautiful Star LEAVING TONIGHT- — In — ‘Her Social Value’ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- \ \ hat shall it profit a woman if she gain the whole world — and yet lose Love? William Farnum in The Scuttlers Special Thanksgiving Attraction "I