\— T A G B SIX ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS M onday, N ovem ber 2 1 , 1921 The three hundredth anniversary of the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving gives a peculiar interest to this v e a r’s recognition of Thanksgiving Day. The people who established Thanksgiving5 Day had little bountv and many dangers. How much more have we to be grateful for!. America todly has greater security an l nowter ^Cb" ;V than at aDy tune before' That aU °f us may partake of the season’s good things merchants cause“ or T h a X S °ffennSS' annOuncements’ 80 you t0° have good 555555RW555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555K555555555555555 •vT” THANKSGIVING DINNER One Dollar Merry Widow Cocktail ®hanit SOUP Cream of Chicken a la St. Maude Tomato Boullion en Tasse 9Whn >4 RELISH W Crisp Celery Special Thanksgining Dinner $1.00 Sweet Pickles ENTREES Fried Spring Chicken, Supreme Roast Leg of Lamb and Currant Jelly Oregon Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce . The best place to have Thanks- ; giving Dinner is Home. But if you can t be home, the best place on earth is the Tavern Cafe NOVEM BER 24, 1921 F ruit Ccvritdil SOUP Tomato bisque aux crotons Cream of Chicken a la Rhein RELISH Celery H earts Head Lettuce, Mayonnaise ROAST Roast Young Tom Turkey Oyster Dressing C ranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Baken Banana Squash, drawn butter DESSERT Hot Home Made Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding Coffee VEGETABLES Mashed or Baked Potatoes Baked Squash or Onions in Cream SALAD Fresh Fruit Salad j, You can depend on getting a real J Feast here—skilfully prepared j dishes, made from the choicest, freshest Meats, Vegetables and Fruits. The pleasant, homelike surroundings will add to your enjoyment of the good food. Tavern Cafe DESSERT Green Apple Pie and Cheese English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake Mixed Nuts and Raisins Fresh Cider Coffee Tea Milk NELDA CAFE HOTEL ASHLAND 155 East Main—Ashland WHEN LOVED ONES GATHER ’ROUND THE FESTIVE BOARD ON 'cfheliidQ TURKEY The most important part of the Thanksgiving Feast is the Turkey, of course But it is equally import­ ant to know that your fowl is good and healthv. so the family may have no after-effects from the “ big feed.” A big quantity of freshly- killed Turkeys has just arrived. The p r u d e n t housewife will lose no time in choosing one of these fine birds. Prices are lower here than else­ where. Ashland Poultry and Fish Market 67 N. Main St. o f the 'èdblç ALL THE FIXIN’S FOR THANKSGIVING What a host of g o o d things is here to make thfit Thanksgiving dinner a complete success! Cran­ berries, F i g s , Apples Raisins, Puddings — and we could go on naming a hundred more. Two things every item has in com­ mon: high quality and low prices. Come in today and be convinced. Knapp’s The h o u s e w i f e who knows is proud to serve our Meats, because thev are so fresh, juicy and tender. Whether your preference is for Beef Pork, ’Possum, Turkey Veal or any other meat buy here and make sure that your Thanksgiving Dinner will be a complete success. Plaza Meat Market Jack Barnthouse, Prop. Groceteria On the Plaza him next year. He received part Local and Personal PaulserucTs Suits will bear com­ Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf Taken to State A sylum — The Medford man named Nichols' who it was suspected had been in­ sane for a long time and who re­ cently took his two and a half year I old m otherless daughter, and went to Weed, Calif., where he was tram ping around with her, and who with the girl was brought back by Sheriff Terrill, has been adjudged insane and was committed to the state asylum by Judge G ardner last week. Expert Piano Instruction. C. S. Mitchell. Phone Try Roses’ special ice cream. Thanksgiving Day V hat a wonderful sentiment lias grown around the Thanksgiving Dinner! Truly, it is the Feast of Feasts— the occasion of family gatherings, when homes are bright with love and laughter. We have always been proud that our Pure Foods have contributed to the joys of the occasion. This year we are better prepared than ever with a big line of Preferred Stock Canned Goods, Vegetables, Fruits and Jellies, Nuts and Candies—and prices much lower than last year. Quality Groceries Moderately Priced White House Groceteria 388 East Main Soldier Land P lan Q ueried__ Inquiries on the soldier land plan proposed recently by the state cham ­ ber of commercé are pouring into the state cham ber headquarters and land com m ittee of the American Le­ gion. There are many ex-service men in the state who are anxious to own their own farm , but are unemployed and w ithout funds. The plan ad­ vanced by the state cham ber is par­ ticularly for this class of men. The first tra c t of land which has been made available for soldier settle­ ment is a section of the Squaw creek irrigation district. E fforts are being mado by the state cham ber McNair’s New Clerk — Robley R eturns to P ortland— andl the Legion to make other tracts Miss M arjorie Fifieid is the new R. R. Robley, form er A shlander, of land available. clerk at McNair Brothers drug store, arrived in Ashland Saturday even- she having taken the place of Mrs. I ing en route from San Francisco to Dance at H elm ’s club house, i R. C. Bailey who resigned Saturday Portland. He has charge of the sub K ingsbury Springs, Thanksgiving exemng after more than two years stations of the Portland Railway Eve., Wednesday, Nov. 23. Leedom’s! of acceptable service. ‘ and L ight company. 5-piece ^orchestra. 66-5 I A SH L A N D R EPR E SEN TE D BY of his football training as a mem­ parisons in price, quality and fit.63tf B azaar Successful—• F IF T Y STUDENTS AT O. A. C. ber of the rookie eleven last year. The E astern S tar bazaar was re­ Mr. W inne is a member of Kapp Storm y W eek P redicted—- splendent w ith a fine display of (Continued from Page Three) Theta Rho. W eather predictions for the week fancy article, in addition to a good ___________________________________ ! Cecile Case, a pursuer of com­ beginning Monday are: assortm ent of the plainer kind, as N orthern Rocky M ountain and exhibited a t Masonic hall last Fri-j A ristolochite, honorary pharmacy mercial knowledge, Elm er Mowat, fra te rn ity Scholarship, p£»rticipa- 1 registered in forestry, and William Plateau regions— Cold w eather, con­ day afternoon and evening, the ex­ siderable cloudiness and occasional tent being larger and the display; tio n in student activities and qual­ D. W hittle, a student in mining en­ snow. even more elaborte th an last year. ities of character form the basis up­ gineering and a m em ber of Tau Pacific States — Considerable The rooms were thronged by ladies o n which members are chosen for th is organization. Mr. P orter is a Delta fraternity, complete the ranks cloudiness and rains with tem pera­ who did th eir holiday shopping ear-, ture below normal. m em ber of Kappa Psi fraternity. of Ashland sophomores. ly. Refreshm ents were also served from 1 to 9 o’clock There were sev­ E a rl Beigle, registered in electrical Freshm en from Ashland are Jack Cliff Payne m akes fire screens. •engineering, and Oliver Anderson, member of Tau Delta, P.ollie Free- eral “sidte shows” to the bazaar pro- ■ studying mining, are two other ju n ­ per, and a num ber who never angled Lum berm an V isits__ man, taking agriculture, Cecile and io rs from Ashland. before were tem pted to cast a line, E. H. Brande, of Grinnell, Iowa, into the artificial fish pond with Football fans predicted a big sea- Mabie Moore, both enrolled in home visited briefly with form er residents varying results. eon for husky Burton Winne, a soph­ economics, and Irving ro rte r. a stu ­ of the Hawkeye state living here, om ore in mining engineering, when dent in commerce and a pledge to last week. He is president of the Let Friend W ife sleep in the J they saw him plow through the Sigrpa Chi. B. J. Carney company, m aking a m orning and go to the Hotel Ashland M ultnomah line in the game with Irk C. Neville is a special student specialty of cedar poles, the corpora­ grill and get one of those fine J M ultnom ah club early in the seaso n .' in pharmacy, and John Swigart in tion securing th e ir product in Idaho, special 60 cent breakfasts. S ltf A sprained ankle has kept this full-i electrical engineering., Violet H er­ W ashington and British Columbia, hack from playing much since th a t, bert is taking graduate work in and having offices in Spokane, Chi­ When better tamales are served,' tim e; but the team is relying on home economics. cago and Minneapolis, Rose Bros. will serve them. 45-tf Thanksgiving Specials Sweet Potatoes, six pounds for 25c 25 pounds $1.00 Cranberries per pound - - - 25c Celery, L ettu ce and everyth in g for th e b ig T h anksgiving F east. We have the fixins and, o f course, they are a little b etter and a little cheaper here. THE PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET