A < * "• * í‘, ■>;/.» f.e» s» rs: ~.s*-. VOLUME 3 Cßuccessor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) WINTER STORM SWEEPS STATE ' ROCKEFELLER LOSES BALING UNDER WAV AT TRIGONIA WELL Damage In Portland District The work of baling out the Tri- WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 21.— Estimated Near M illion: Train I gonia well began Saturday after- John D. Rockefeller and Mrs. E dith! -- I noon, and oil ( gas and w ater start- ed flowing, causing a rum or in the Service Stopped East Portland ! evening th a t oil had been struck. JAP DECLARES lost in a decision handed down to-! _________ _____ For a tim e owing to gas pressure, day. They resisted the paym ent of!. , . 1_i, al_, ¡income tax on common stock dls-l « k, “ ' i " b n e h tly “ *13 atten lo o n ° ” «>» hills surrounding the w ater bubbled over the top of trlbntions In an oil pipe company Ash‘and- N° « hOT” «"'«I“ »X ™'“ . sleet and snow, accord- • the casing like an artesian well. As I reorganization ! 1Qg t0 news dlsPat disarm am ent conferences. ♦ » -x. • , 4 on his to u r of the United States,! football championship of the state of quested to leave th e .r money and the Soutllern Pacltfc company The countries referred to in Mr cific company lines has been main- ^unday’ washing out railway track ­ Oregon was hung on a limb Satur­ Ito’s criticism are A ustralia, whose age, blocking highways and cover­ Z ,° . ™ Brolher3- i here. The marshal. In his tained, although several trains are day. And it will hang rig h t there drug store or with Mrs. Peil, 52* shipping laws he feels are special train of six cars, will leave tunning behind schedule, it was an- ing the ground in many districts for another twelve months, for the, coastwise u n just; the United States, G reat Granite street. Portland for the south December 2. nounced a t the local station this af- With blankets of white of varying University of Oregon and Oregon depths. B ritain and the British colonies. He ' The following new members are He will rem ain here until the even- A gricultural college in th eir annual . . _ f ternoon. Train num ber 53, due makes the claim th a t the United Government w eather bureau re ­ reported by Mrs. Peil: .ng of December 4 and then le a v .I te r e a t 4:2« o'clock In the after- game here, for the second tim e in States, while claiming a desire for Mrs. V. V. Mills, captain; Ella B, for Los Angeles, arriving Decern-f noon is expected at «: 30 o’clock this ports indicate the prospects of an ­ two years, played to a no-score tie. “ open door” policies, and the mem­ other sleet storm today. All trans Mills, Mrs. J M. W agner, Mrs. H. H. Oregon 4, Oregon Aggies 0. That bers of the League of Nations while \ ¡evening. Number 13, due at 9 :4 5 , portation on the Ore-Wash General Diaz, . the company also o’clock this morning, was twenty j i Navigation X n v a n d “ E lh art, W. G. Curry, Mrs. C. F. ______ wa3 the score. N either eleven won apparently approving anti-trade bar­ Koehler, Mrs. H. G. McCarthy, Mrs. announces, will arrive here in his m inutes late. The la tte r train, i t ' Bank railroads has been abandoned the gonfalon for 1921, but both riers, proceed to pass laws which Sugg, Mrs. George Robison, Mrs. Pr >vate car from the east November was stated, was forced to make a ¡T hree train s are stalled on the Spo- earned abundant glory are nothing but the erection of the John Parson, Mrs. Stella Case, F. D. 24 He will travel by way of Og- To say th a t either had the ed g e,, Strictest sort of trade ___ _ barriers | detour at Corvallis* the tracks h av -’ kane. Portland & Seattle system. W agner, Charles Johnson, E. V, Car- den- . ing been washed out by the heavy The rainfall reached 6.37 inches in except to the minor extent th a t s ta -‘ against J a p ih in d other nations ter, Mrs. J. M. W agner, Miss Emily ------------------------------ Japan Concerned rains at th a t place. a seventy-two hour period. Tele- tistics of play may show, would b e |* Kaiser, Mrs. W. H. McNair, Mrs. It was a h a rd -’ Japan, according to Mr. Ito, Ls According to the inform ation glv- i phone and telegraph communication unjust to both. W. C. Moor, captain; Dr. T. O. J a r ­ fought, fiercely played, mud-spat- vitally concerned in keeping her en out at the Southern Pacific Com- has been practically demoralized, vis; Mrs. W. R. Davis, captain; Mrs. ______ pany office, all train service north . tered game of football, spectacular present Pacific shipping up to the O. Gustafson, Mrs. H. S. A ikess. S. of Portland on the Spokane, Port- . _____ to watch because of the m a n y ! stan d ard it has reached. To this ** Davis, Mrs. P. T. Doras, Mrs. land and Seattle line has been sus­ “ breaks” th a t favored first one side end she m ust watch carefully all Mary P. E lliott; Mrs J. H. Provost, pended, and no tickets are being' and then the other, but never to discrim inatory laws and all attem pts captain; J. P. Dodge, Mrs. Dwight sold for points beyond the state m et­ ¡th e extent of a score either way— by other nations to unjustly harm Roys, J. L. Shaughnessy, Mrs. Pin­ ) all In all, as near a case of “ horse . Japanese shipping. Mr. Ito has re- ropolis. Boats ,*were necessary to ion, Mrs. L. J. Orres, Mrs. Chapin and horse” as any football game cently been called to the presidency rescue passengers from a marooned ’ Alfred Maneely, W. D. Jackson, J. G. train east of Monmouth Fails, yes­ could be. , of Jap a n ’s greatest steam ship line, W ally, Mrs. S. J. Alstrom. Mrs. Mary terday afternoon. from London, an d for th at reason he jmhnson, Mrs. Stuart, Mrs. [J E. Last night and this forenoon 1.65 claims to know som ething of what spates, Mrs. George H arkins, , Mrs. A LOS ANGELES, Nov. ______ _______ ________ a„ fell 1U 21.— Thin inches of rain in ABinailU) Ashland, ac. ac is going on. Mary Hatfield. Mrs. J. M urray Mur- Sirls have .been banned a t the Lin- cording to Louis Dodge, government In addition to the claims he pre­ phy, W. B. True, W. G. Prescott, coin high school here w eather observer. This is the first sents against England for her dis­ Mrs. B. L. Powell, Miss Minnie Skinny shoulder blades, sunken real rain of the season, a n d was crim inatory acts in connection with Pole?. chests, neck bones, scrawny elbows bailed wi(h delight by the farm ers, shipping to her colonies, he alleges and pipe stem legs are henceforth because of the benefit to grass and th a t the United States, by m aking fíy- - ri-*“ Í - ‘tm I to be taboo. -*. 3 grain crops and the softening of preferential rates for passengers and ‘ The agitation among the students the soil, which will greatly facili­ freight carried from the O rient in I is not due to the school having been tate plowing. Owing to the unus­ American ships, violates one of swept by a passion for the esthetic, ually high tem perature which pre­ President Woodrow W ilson’s points but merely because nutrition experts vailed there was no snow left in the advanced at Paris, in which the PTPS C h llP fh th6 instltution have reached the surrounding m ountains. This fore- SALEM, Or., Nov. 21.— Public American president declared against I conclusion th a t the perfect th ir ty -1 noon the streets of Ashland were utilities of Oregon will pay taxes the erection of commercial barriers. _______ _ ---------- six is the fastest thinker. flooded. Much sedim ent washed i the coming year on a total appor- L While there has been expressed no The other day I got a cute lit­ The W omen’s Missionary society i 0,’ i n wOrA>r to become b rillT a n t'down *™m the hills onto the pave- h 'T O t’ “imZoba’« ^ of the Presbyterian hurch w ^ the thrU li^ ro u t* and Street Superintendent tle billet from my banker (not tioned property » ¡nation In the Washington. T my local banker) th a t my ‘ac­ a program Sunday e v e n in g N o v e m - ' aT T T ’ “fla ^ s ” i Fraley and his helpers were busy count was overdrawn. As I had state of $123,311,472.13, according th a t the delegates may decide to do her* 27, in in place place of of the the regular r e g u l a r tak,n_g t deep in’ “g drains unchoked in or- no available ready funds to make to a statem ent made public by the 80- her 27, c«jr to allow the surplus w ater to good, I had to confess to him in state tax commission. This fig u re 1 —---------------—----- - church service This will be the milk 8tation.' ® ' ° ° 3 escape. Ashland creek is higher for the 1921 roll is $566,328.16 less' «1 APPLICANTS F o r JOBS annual praise m eeting of the society, nr the following m anner: than it has been since last spring, than th a t of 1920. This reduction IN FORESTRY SERVICH a n a Ike offer,ng go In ike Won,- “ My Dear Banker: For the a*nd the season’s accum ulation of is due to lower rates, and it is not-! ______ en s? board. Every woman of th e 1 mpnt , nepart- ,, , I raent of the city schools and is wit, rubbish is being washed from the following reasons I regret being w ithstanding the fact th a t the full PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 21.—-Eigh- unable to reduce my overdraft. creek bed. • r ^ ta u ° pt value of the utilities this year as ty-three applicants for forest service I have been held up, held down, o ire ri„ B0°Mi,h ib88 ° ' the ie a r a° Pr° Per ” “ l r ' “ »ke' o ’ t0hre .'tu d T n T '“ ' fixed by the state tax commission ranger took civil service examina- PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 21.— Dam- sandbagged, walked on, set upon, is $4,447,794.76 more than last year.; tions held recently at gjl forest sup- enng i e oxes a ie on the liter-, The establishm ent of the “ milk age oi betweep $500,000 and $ 1 - flattened out and squeezed by my a t e table in the vesUbule. The statio n ” at Lincoln school wTere --------------------------- bankers, the income tax, the su­ The full value for 1920 was $181,- ervisor’s headquarters in Oregon and per tax, the excess profits tax, ■057,000.53, and for this year $185,- W ashington, according to John D. la te ^ W1 ° Pen theiF mite boxe3’ ’ tw enty-five “ flappers” considerably THANKSGIV1NG' PROCLAMATION , G uthrie of the forest service. Only war loans, war bonds, w ar saving 504,795.29 The Sunday evening program will is the la te st1 move ^ t h l nutrkiVn ISSVKD BY I'AMKIN The to tal apportioned value of 43 took the examination last year, certificates, the autom obile tax, the utilities combined with the gen- The papers have been forwarded to and by every society and organi­ he in two parts, ‘‘The Clinic of a expert. The girls duly registered ---------- eral assessed property valuation o f , the civil service , hearq u arters at zation th a t the inventive mind M issionary Specialist” will be given come daily at 10 o’cloc ka. m for the state makes the total assessed W ashington, where they will Le It is proper, fitting and a time- of man can invent to extract what first by the Guild. i th e ir glasses of certified milk. I may or may not have in my property valuation in Oregon about graded and returned early next honoreJ custom during the autum n $1,020,000,000. i spring. possession. of the year especially, to render unto “ By the Red Cross, Blue Cross, Almighty God praise a,"nd th a n k s­ St. D unstan’s, the C hildren’s giving for the num berless blessings Home, the Y. M. C. A., the Sal­ and mercies th a t we as a nation vation Army, the Belgian Relief, continually receive from His béné­ the A ustrian Relief, and every hospital in the country ficient hand. “ The governm ent has governed At this w riting the envoys of the my business so th a t I do not earth are sitting at W ashington en­ know who owns it. I am inspect­ deavoring to work out a plan of ed, suspected, examined and re ­ treatin g each other as we would be treated, and help bring about peace examined, informed, required and commanded, so th a t I don’t know on earth, good will tow ard men. who I am or why I am here at We nre mnro • j . ! And may divine guidance be given all. All th a t I know is that I am han ever Tk.T Ashland , „ Other day th e Sr0U,1,i was these “ e" s° ,hM supposed to be an inexhaustible By EVA SCHULTZ ’ nomics, 174 in pharmacy, 87 in for- W best n b e t 1 tk^ w M ? e | “ ' e e'Eht ‘°ClleS °' snow i b8 »«»Ished iron, the earth, and supply of money for every need, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- estry, 76 in mines, and 63 in voca- Ive •' say, Dr F r l n r ., r £ , ’ e", ' he merCUrr St0° d ‘en degrCeS men sha11 ,earB t0 w ar ” » ”“ >«• 'u rg 990 B o n leva rd 7 ^ - n - bele-x zero." . President H arU ng and Governor desire or hope of the human race, LEGE, Corvallis, Or., Nov. 21_— tional education. The increase in the school of com- ¿ t w « k w ith m ™ i h '“ r a ° d MrS- S” e ie “ 1’“ r S Olcott have proclaimed Thursday, and because I will not sell all I The school of commerce at the Ore-, gon A gricultural college is now the tnerce has been rem arkable. Last . ' en u rg ' i t0 h a lin g been som ew hat w orried November the 24th, a legal holiday. have and go out and beg, borrow __ „ _L__ e e . S ° Ur ° 1 le south- ’by the bfack-hand letter dem anding I would therefore urge the people of or steal money to give away, I am big school of the institution. The year the enrollm ent was only 625; >rn, eastern and western states, tra ­ $1000 which they received the day enrollm ent will likely reach 6000 be-: this rate of increa8e ;n the last few discussed, boycotted our city upon th a t day to assemble cussed, veling by both rail and water. talked about, lied about, and held fore the college year is over, accord- i years has caused commerce to 'p a s s they left Ashland, which communi­ “ The more we see of other places cation threatened the destruction of in th eir several homes and places up and darned near killed, and ing to President Kerr;. This Hn- up both agriculture and engineer- of worship, or in union services as he more we think of A shland,” tea­ their home. the only reason why I am hang­ cludes sh o rt courses and sum m er ing. m e d ' Dr. Swedenburg. “ The wea­ « “At New Orleans we boarded a is the custom of many, to render ing on to life now is to see what session students. Five of the Ashland students are thanks to God, the ru le r of nations. k e r was generally good during our Of this num ber, 750 are en ro lled , registered in the school of com- in thunder will happen next. C. B. LAMKIN, ibseaee, bt»t When we left Minne- I commerce, 687 in en g in eerin g .! merce; others in different school« “HAZ KIK. (Continued on Page 4) |l>7or of Ashland. 591 in agriculture, 520 in home eco-;are taking some commerce RECEIVE RATION OF MILK DAILY Mission Society Prepares Program H az fÇi/c M E S TAXED AÏ 5123,311,47? Af ASHLAND AFIER SIX WEEKS EASTERN TRIP OF O.A.C. STUDENTS