t*AQB FOUR AMtLAStf Ö Ä lti «DtUftS m m m Saturday, November Id, lOiH MH The three hundredth anniversary of the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving gives a peculiar interest to this year’s recognition of Thanksgiving Day. The people who established Thanksgiving Day had little bounty and many dangers. How much more have we to be grateful for!. America today has greater security and greater bounty than at any time before. That all of us may partake of the season’s good things, merchants now make their most attractive offerings. Profit by these announcements, so you too may have oood cause for Thanksgiving. 02020002022348484853232353535348482348484802004853230223485348235301020248535353482348535323232353534823480201300001002323480223485353232353532323232353235353484801000000020200010003050202020000000100020100 LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■vr’ , i rent, 11 per cent; wonderful bar- Pr ces exceptionally low on Wal- Birthday P a r t y - On the Plaza gain R. D. Sanford, 399 Beach nut ant* Iyory Bed Room Suites. At Raymond Dougherty, son of Mr. ________ 68-3 Swenson & McRae F u rn itu re Co.67-4 and Mrs. E. Dougherty, 71 Pine stieet, celebrated his third birthdUy anniversary at a party given at his ening at the farm home of W alter i home Tuesday of this week They Frazier Brown, a Jackson county Take th e , had a good time playing games, af-l rancher and form er Montana jo u r­ ter which they had refreshm ents nalist, who lives between Phoenix ■including the usual birthday cake and Jacksonville. ! with its three cahdles. The favors' TO I were tiny baskets of candy h e a rts .' T h an k sgivin g reduction in M illi­ 6 7-2 ¡The little host was the recipient of nery. M iss H argrove’s. many nice gifts. Those present werej Lo:s Fahs, Jack Fahs, Norma Pet-, Methodist Church erson, Wilda Petersen, M arg aret1 Laurel and NortlT Main streets. Short, Sam Hanson, Paul Good, Vir-i Tomorrow m orning a t 11 o’clock, Prof. I. C. Wilson will speak on gil Smith, Albert Meyer, Malcolm some phases of religious activity. In Meyer, Yale Meyer, Raymond the evening at 7:30 o’clock the ser­ Dougherty, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. Fahs, vices will be in charge of the Ep­ worth League, with John Rigg as Through Sleeping Car Service and Mrs. Daugherty. leader, this being the last meeting of “Win-my-Cbnm” week. to We renovate old suits. Paulser- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ud’8- 63tf Scenic Shasta Route Sunny Southern California SACRAMENTO—SAN FRANCISCO ¿ » S i ----- s$> The most important part of the Thanksgiving Feast is the Turkey, of course But it is equally import ant to know that your fowl is good and healthy, so the familv mav have no after-effects from the “ big feed.” A big quantity of freshly- killed Turkeys has just arrived. The p r u d e n t housewife will lose no time in choosing one of these fine birds. Prices are lower here than else­ where. COMPLETE STOCK OF MEATS has lieen (‘specially selected with a view of supplx ing the best for this joyous day fYou will find our prices just a little Jower than the aver­ age meat shop. East Side Meat Market Take the Sunset Route Ashland Poultry and Fish Market 67 N. Main St. W ILLAM ETTE FLAX GROWERS ORGANIZE SALEM. Or., Nev. 19.— The W il­ lam ette Valley Flax and Hemp Growers’ association was organized at a meeting of about fifty farm ers at the Salem Commercial club. It Is planned to have members sign five-year agreem ents to deliver their crops to the association. L. G. Hayford, president of the Marion County Realty association, was made tem porary chairm an and A. C. Bohrnstedt was named tem ­ porary secretary. E ither the state flax plant or the plant located at T urner may be purchased by the as­ sociation. TO Eastern Cities The Sunset Limited (No Extra Fare) operating daily between The G olden G ate a n d th e C rescen t City offers all the comforts of modern travel THRU SLEEPING CARS San Francisco and Los Angeles to New Orleans and Washington Observation Car and Dining Car all the way Connection !s made at New Orleans with Southern Pacific steam ers for New York—also rail connections with limited and express trains to northern and eastern cities. New One-way Fares, East through California, without additional cost. Liberal stopover privileg»», and the Apache Trail side tiip will appeal to you. TRADE— A red Durham heifer nearly two years old and bred. D, A, R. DONATE Inquire of Ticket Agents for further particulars or write Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Tobie, of Klais-j Will trade for alfalfa hay. 153 SUM FOR ROAD LOS ANGELES G ranite, or phone 411-R. 68-1 i Pell. Montana, passed through Ash-. MARKER NEAR PHOENIX offers all the comforts of modern travel • land yesterday m orning enroute to FOR RENT— Three rooms furnished By MRS. H. O. ANDERSON I California, where they expect to i with cook stove only, close in. The regular ^neeting of Moulnt Convenient schedules, observation cars, and excellent meals are JOHN M. SCOTT, Call at Home Bakery. 67-3 Ashland chapter, D. A. R., took place" spend the winter. The M ontanians other features of the Shasta Route General Passenger Agent are friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. I FOR SALE— Chemical toilet and 3 , at the home of Mrs. Fred Wilson French and O. H. Barnhill, whom gallons of liquid; also good cook ! yesterday. Round Trip Winter Excursion Tickets stove. 705 Pennsylvania Ave. they used to know in the Flathead Mrs. Peil’s report as chairm an of “ W hitm an's Rich to Oregon,” jby ' are on sale at C O ! R i' N E W S country. Mr. Tobie has for more FOR SALE— Overland “ F o u r” ; first the road m arker fund, showed a B utterw orth; Simpson’s poem to the than a score of years been cashier Reduced Fares W. T. Normille, S. I. Brown, and class condition, run only 4000 com fortable balance in the bank af­ Three Sisters, and “ Smith of the! of the Conrad National bank, one to miles. Extras. H. W. Hoyt, gen- ter Mount Ashland chapter had paid Third Oregon,” by Mary Carolyn P o iter J. Neff incorporate as ” Bol- eral delivery, Ashland. 68-5* its half for the m arker near Phoe­ i of the leading financial institutions Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego Davies, in full, and reading choice en Creek Mining and Lum ber com­ of Montana, while Mrs. Tobie is a FOR SALE— Milk goats and Pekin nix. bits from other poets who have tak- pany.” well-known a rtist and w riter Her For tickets and inform ation ask agents, or w rite ducks. 256 6th St. 68-1» Mrs. Peil’s paper on “The Tribes en the scenic beauties of our state ______ brother-in-law is Fred W hiteside, of Oregon Indians,” was omitted, as foi th e k s u b je c t. j Circuit Court ATTENTION — Would you trade the man whose testim ony secured your property for som ething here her time had been too much occu­ The program closed with a piano Verne S. Combs vs. May C< the expulsion of W. A. Clark from or elsewhere? We would .be pied by the Red Cross drive to per­ solo by Mary Galey. Divorce. pleased to try and m atch you We mit of its preparation the United States senate on the Miss Cham­ JOHN M. SCOTT, Mrs. Curry and Mrs. Icenhower C. A. McDougal-Calhoun vs. Geo. also sell if prices are right. charge of bribery, Mr. and Mrs. General Passenger Agent. Yockey & Co., Realtors. Phone berlain gave a most interesting pa­ assisted Mrs. Wilson in se rv in g , H. Ambrose et al. Affidavit, de­ Tobie were entertained Thursday ev- 146. 68-6 per on “Oregon Poems”— giving dainty refreshm ents. i fault, decree. 1 and M ontana T ourists— Southern Pacific Lines Southern Pacific Lines