áffiilírü «Ait« Tffitíít» Ashland Tidings Ashland to California line, 65 miles •—Paved. Established 1876 ' Medford-C’rater L ake Highway E very Evening Except The m acadam izing of the new Sunday grade from Cingcade’s place, 10 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND" c d tS T Y *" m iles northeast of Medford, to Trail, a distance of 14 miles, is completed. PAPER Until heavy rains set in the rem ain­ 'TELEPHONE 39 der of the distance to Prospect will Entered at the Ashland, Oregon be better than it was last year. Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. Published Men are the sport of circum- stances when The circum stances seem the sport of men.— Byron. Besides being of inestimable worth to the world from a humane stand­ point, lim itation of armaments and ending of the ceaseless fear of great wars, would be of immeasureable value to industry and to commerce in this and other countries. The arts of peace would flourish as the arts of war were abandoned Christm as shopping is in order right now. Stores a re preparing early for the lively buying that is sure to come. All the cogent argu ­ ments in favor of m aking holiday purchases loug in advance of Christ­ inas are just as strong this year as they ever have been. W ar is the cruelest, most m erci­ less scougre that a fflicts mankind« It is a sad com m entary upon human nature that alm ost countless cen­ turies have rolled by without even a serious attem pt being made to put an end to w arfare. R E C L A IM E D T U L E LAND IS S E L L IN G R A PID L Y Mr. L Jacobs returned yesterday from his tract of land near K lam ath Falls. He took over an auto load of prospects and made some good sales. He has a very attractive plan for handling the land. He agrees to take over the land and put it in cultiva­ tion and plant it to crop, either wheat., a lfalfa, grain, mint, potatoes, or any other crop the purchaser desires and give the purchaser one-third of the crop for five years, thus taking all the responsibility for seed and cu lti­ vation o ff the owner and giving him a substantial return on his invest­ ment from the first. Last year 32 acres of this land was put in pota­ toes under this plan, and the crop yielded the owner $90 an acre^rent a n d th e t e n a n t $ 18 0 an se<-d a n d s o m e on th e re te n a n try . $12U a n is c la im e d 20,000 That acre a c re s tr a c t— ev ery COURT NEWS At the Churches ’ Chris tian Church Corner B and Se< ond streets. Bible school at 10 o’clock. There is some­ thing a-doing every m inute of the Bible school session. You are cer­ tainly missing a good and profitable time if you are not in Bible school. Morning worship at 11 o’clock; ser­ mon topic, “ The M iraculous Power of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spir­ it in Conversion” ; this is the second sermon in the series on the Holy Spirit; it will do you good to hear these sermons. Christian Endeavor at 6:30; senior leader is Mrs. W hite, interm ediate leader is Mabie Hager; worship at 7:3 0 ; sermon topice. both societies are having splendid attendance and interest. Evening “ Have we any reason to be thank­ fu l.” Mrs. Josephine Champie, pas­ tor. SMtUixlay, November 10, lOiH people have been given assistance in this manner. This year, however, because of the urgent need Sn the Near East, it has been decided to give half the offerin g to Near East relief. The ^ ssocja$on. is hoping that people w ill come prepared to give liberally as a' substantial ex­ pression o f the blessings received in the past. Free Methodist Church Sunday school at 9:45. Preach­ ing at 11 a m. Revival services nightly at 7:30. Rev. B. W. H uck­ abee of Dallas, Texas, is the evan­ gelist. The prayer meetings at 2:30 every afternoon (except Sunday) are conducted by Mrs. B. W. Huckabee. All are invited. C. E. Glazier, D. E. Real Estate Transfers Jackson County Bldg. & Loan as­ sociation to George A d iras, S. % of lots 5 and 6, block 4, Park addition Presbyterian Church to Medford, $10. Subject for T hanksgiving services Jasper Gillaspy to C. W. Cam p­ next Sunday morning, “ A great bell, lot 10, block 4, Benson addi­ poet’s T hanksgiving.” The choir will tion to Medford. $1100. render special music for this occa- J S. Gill et ux to Louis Spencer ison. Subject for the evening, “ E s­ Case et al, part d. 1. c. 56, twp. 37 teem of the personal C h rist.” Sun­ First Congregational Church 3.. R. 2 W., $10. Boulevard and Main streets; te le ­ day school, 9:45 a. m. Junior C. E., City of p o ld Hill to Lodge No. phone 239-R. Sunday school, 9:45 4:30 p. nr. Young people’s meeting, W estm inster Guild, 129 I. O. O. F „ 20 feet off S. end of a. m., with classes for all grades 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. P rayer meeting W ednes­ lots 5 and 6, block 15, Gold Hill, and ages. Morning service, 11 a. j $200. iu.; subject, “ The sacrifices of day; topic, “ W hy w o rry?” Matt. 6: M artha A. Barron to James C. T hanksgiving.” Junior Endeavor, 24-34. The Ladies Aid society meets C F. Koehler, Gibson, lots 1 and 2, block ‘ S,” 3:30 p. m Christian Endeavor, 6:30 | Friday afternoon. Railroad addition to Ashland, $10. p. m.; subject, ’ ’The goodness of O. C. Boggs et ux to Edward E ld ­ God.” Psalm 3 4:1-10 (Thanksgiving red et ux, W H of lots 12 and 13, m eeting). Evening service, 7:30 p. block 1, G ray’s addition to Medford, m.; subject, “ Making our own $10. worlt‘4” (T hanksgiving.) Do »not1 City of Medford to O. C. Boggs, forget the Union T hanksgiving serv-I W % of lots 12 and 13, block 1, ice next Thursday at 10:30 a. m J G ray’s addition to Medford, $382.27. at the Baptist church; this is one of Joseph Barber et ux to Ira New­ the opportunities to “ tell the w orld” ' man, E 1/^ of S W U . sec. 25, twp. 35 that you are g ra te fu l. The public is 5., R. 2 W., $10. cordially invited to all these s e r v - . Thomas P. K ahler et ux to E liza­ Ices. W. Judson Oldfield, minister, 1 beth J. K ahler, lot 17, block 2, will do your plowing right now W illeke’s add.tion to Medford, $100. Thanksgiving Seiwices Pearl E. Dodson et vlr to John In your hard, sticky soil. The annual Thanksgiving services Coleman Hayes et ux, land in sec. w ill be held this year in the Baptist Bargain In used sewing machine; 22, twp. 36 S „ R. 2 W „ $500. church Thursday at 10:30 o’clock Gladys Barnett et vlr to W arner a. m. Rev. W. Judson Oldfield of also a new carload of'W hite sew­ W ortmau & Gore, lots 11 and 12, the Congregational church will til- ing machines just In, at block 3, Medford, $10. liver the sermon. The offering has R H. T oft et ux to Lauricka in years pa,st been put ‘into the P eil's Corner Thompson, lot 11, block 10, Im­ treasury of the local m inisterial as- perial addition to Medford, $10. sociation, for local charity Many S. F. Reichert to T. W. Johnston ' et ux, lot 11, N 2% feet lot 12, block! 73, Medford, $10. Jackson County Bldg. & Loan as-1 sociation to Atha H. Russell, lot 8, block 2, Oak Park addition to Med­ ford, $10. Laura M. Abbott to F. J. Ayres, land in sec. 3, twp. 36 S., R. 1 W., $10. Carie A Snider et vir to Dee Vern When you patronize this Hastings et ux, lots 28 and 29, block j store you can do so with a “ A ,” Railroad addition to A sh lan d ,’ $10, feeling of confidence that Helen M. G attw inkel et vir to Amyl Harding, lot 6, block 2, Grays a d d ij you are getting good value tion to Medford, $10. W illiam J. Forbes et ux to Roy high class merchandise at a Higgins, lots 1, 2, 8, 9, block 42, low price. Summit addition to Ashland, $10. Cecil T. Weedon to Martha A. Our stock of diamonds, Barron, lots 1 and 2, block ‘ S ,” Railroad addition to Ashland, $1. watches and jewelry is Maggie Burroughs, adm inistrator, to W arner, Wortmau & Gore, lots 11 complete, many other- new Medford, $507 4. lines have been added, m a k - The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Dise Plow ing our new store the easy place to settle the question. W HHH in acre l e v e l a.; a i l o o r — a ll ;,il l o i r I lesson, “ Soul and body.’* Sunday school at 10 o’clock. W ednesday ev­ ening meetings at 8 o'clock. Read­ ing room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m., except Sundays and holidays. COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS Trinity Episcopal Church Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy communion at 8 a m. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11. Everyone cordially welcomed. you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desice in pots, pans and preserving k e t­ tles. A little journey through our establishment will give you many suggestions as to things you should ha\e. In vestigate Our Ideal A rco la SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Hot Water Heating System for Small or Large Houses >ur New Line of Heating Stove9 Are Now In Provost Bros L you Irivo furniture that doesn't CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK suit— want som ething more up to te uuil iM'tier- phone us anil we’ll send a competent man see it and at Tange to lake it as p«»t THE “ O Z" BOOK!’, iwym ent on th e kind yon want— th e quality kind. W e’ll m ake you a liberal allow ance for Volumes of “Billy Whiskeis Adventure*;” your goods and we’ll sell you new furniture at low prices. A B C Books, Picture Books Di awing Books, Fairy Stories, Etc, THE VOLLAND LINE OF CHILDREN’S BOOKS to The new furniture will he promptly deliv­ ered. Sw enson, McRae Company Profusely .Illustrated Well written, delightful stories for children and little tots. See them ai The Office of the Oregon Gas & Electric Co. has been moved to W. A. SH ELI Children’s Work Specialty Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz Where all business will he transacted and lie paid. Mr. Provost has been appointed agent for the company a w a t e r r ig h t th a t c o s ts hut an acre all reclaim ed as ric h a s ric h c a n he a n d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B p r o d u c t iv e lam« lan d p e o p le Just Received a Large S hip m ent of m a re w a k in g v a lu e o f th is la n d a n d nia a le b e c o m in g in t e r e s t e d ii M b BHBB Weekly Report M y r tle C r e e k to th e I in p q u a d ista n c e of six m iles, a n d t h ^ B m a in in g th re e m iles to C a n y o n \^ H has one course laid. The road ove^ this section is fair. Galesville-Grave Creek, 19 miles — Paved. The section between W olf Creek and Grave Creek is being wid­ ened. and when wet the pavement is very slippery and it may be n e­ cessary to use chains. Grave Creek-Pleasant V alley, 8 m iles— Excellent macadam. Pleasant Valley-G rants Pass, 10 miles— About three miles of this section was paved this fall, the re­ mainder is in good condition. Grants Pass-through Medford and This is first quality material and the price is rig’ht Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. SPORTSMEN ATTENTION! Watch Friday’s Paper for Specials on Sporting Goods Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, et< Ready-to-wear Garments tail­ ored during the dull seasou— big assortment to choose from -—every size and every price— wonderful values. See the ex­ tra fine French Serge dresses at $16.75. All wool Polo cloth coats at $18.75. We have a fine line of coats at rem arkably low cost; also a great variety of scarfs and chokers. ORRES TAILOR SHOP New A rrivals We have made a big c’rt in prices. LEAVING TONIGHT F. W. Bartlett House Peters Axminister and Brussell Rugs Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs 115 W. Main Street M ED FO R D —In—- The Man From Lost River A tale of romance and thrilling adventure in the shadow of forest giants. —Also— IN ALL SIZES AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS Have you heard Miss Hansen on the Big Organ? BIG TWO REEL COMEDY We are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, all bought at the lowest market price and marked to sell at the very lowest price possible. - appreciates the fact that its citizens are the best in the land— and shows that appreciation in the laws it makes for their protection and service. The banking laws of Oregon— under which this insti­ SUNDAY—MONDAY Katherine MacDonald "Her Social Value*’ “ A WOMAN WHO WED— NOT WISELY BUT TOO WELL Don’t miss this wonderful star in one of her best picture tution operates— are made with a view to affording the most liberal banking service, safety. with the maximum of All goods marked in plain figures. “ WE SELL FOR LESS” The Citizens Bank Ashland We believe in getting hack to normalcy at the very earliest date. When there is a decline in the price of anything we immediately mark down the price on goods in stock, always keeping in line with the market. Oregon Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant J . P . D odge & S o n s a Reliable Houseturnishers