PAG» ? por» A sìi L amj biiLï «toiSioS LOCAL AND PERSONAL P^ u i t b ,,^ h i r ^ T h i a ii. Saturday, November 12, 1U2Í L i ° nly. 2 ' omb'natlon °f ( i’ oraHe Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, mug. "In Ashland,” will also be pre- 3 1 dp a r' i Circumstances, such as the keeping 20 rents. E n te rs Confectionery.62tf sented anti illustrated by slides of ' riveu yesterday mOrning from San Mack of flood w aters w ithout cost byi ______ -_______________ Litliia park and Ashland canyon. The Supper Gets N inety D ollars__ Francisco and expect to make their the railroad em bankm ent, makes it! ASHLAND m a y date of this lecture is Friday, No- „ „ __ .vem ber 18. Morning worship at 11 The W ednesday club made $90 at ’ hoine on the Piace nnw occupied by possible to obtain K lam ath reclaim -’ H A v l.T O FfiE L o’clock. Sermon topic, “The Bap- th e ir chicken supper Thursday even- i i r - Forbe3’. parents on Roca street, ed lands at present low prices. De* • - . .. / TRAIN HOBOES tism of the Holy Spirit.” Christian lng, which sum will be used to good The present res'dents expect to tails can be obtained, from the own- * ------ 1 . Endeavor at 6:30, senior leader, Mr. advantage in Presbyterian church ,eave within a few days for Lo3 er at the Staples Realty Agency, (Continued from Page 1) Jam es Putm an, interm ediate leader, ----- —----------- — ---------------— —----- — Floyd Crosslin. Evening worship at work. Those who patronized the la -, Anseles where they will make their - ______ . Do vnnr u , , the 1111111 b(*r is increasing daily, an 7:30. “ Get the habit.” Come to dies were' pleased with service and future home in the suburbs. . s opping early average of twenty-five men 9top in church. Mrs. Josephine Champie, eat#- --------- - at the O. E. S. Em broidery Club Ba- Ashland every night. pastor. Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. zaar, Masonic hall, Friday, Novem-I HninhnJ * ... F irst C ongregation Church For high grade tailoring for men and women— C. Orrea. K ,am a,b p e p p e d , « P,,„lle m X I j I e lv e n n ho«w O . J I subject, QiiK-ippf “ “ Peace Poonn Societies Qnn'1 t ,. and « », ,4 Dis- Only those iu costume adm itted being 30,11 bv tbe Staples Realty j -------- _ n, given a neavy coat of plaster when arm am ent.” r t J “ *• Ul * n e n ; arm am ent.” Junior C hristian En- to F irst Company Masque. Agency, are very sim ilar to those in Gone to Dunsm uir— Mrs W’iltsfe vnri O n iih u * PUt UR6 1913, but now bears deavor- 3:30 P- «»• Christian En- ______ the vicinity of Kalamazoo, Mich., ' 8ht Cleo the m arks of many knives used t o ' deavor. 6:30; subject, ‘Bible Ex- Interestin g A erial Photos__ which is the center of the w orld’s w uit to Dunsmuir yesterday. -crudely fashion the names of v isit-' ampIes of Personal Evangelism .” A rthur B. McKenzie has several pepperm int industry. If it pays to ors to the room. M utiliation of the MatV 4 :1 ®-22 and 9:9-10. Evening E at ,„ nch a t Maaoatc haI1- waIls ba8 dM p“ ° ” £ interesting pictures which he and P,an t niint on the very valuable, rich his partner took while flying a t a garden lands n ear Chicago, why not Friday, November 18, from 1 to ft lice warnings, until the place is now cordially invited to all these serv- ineight of 2000 to 5000 feet over the bere? The cost of transporting the o’clock p. m. badly tn need of repairs ioes- Come and fill* your place. W. Oregon coast. Aerial views of New- • concentrated product to distant mar- The railroad police and em ployes! Ju d s° n Oldfield’ m inister, port, Yaquina bay. Cape Foulweath- kets is a trifle. B etter investigate, T rinity E piscopal Church Last chance to join the next ex- are practically helpless to stop the , Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. ---------- er. O tter Rocks, Siletz bay, Seal Rocks, Salmon river, and Devil’s $e° t’aulserud 3 suits. Satisfac- cursion to Klam ath Falls to see t h e , crowds °* unemployed men who are Holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday ricli m int and vegetable land? n o w ibeating their way, H atcher says. The sch° o1 a t 9:45. Morning service and 49tf iake show these interesting places t,on guaranteed. being sold on favorable term s. Make best th a t can be done is to search w elcom ed1 11 Everyone cordially trom a viewpoint entirely new to ¡reservations at Staples R ealty com-j the ' mences a t 11 o'clock; subject of W ashington, formerly from Sioux tteep into the water, sometimes to a ______ . ' city to another. lesson, “ Mortals and Im m ortals." City, la., and Mrs. George Cumming depth of y,e seventy feet. ent While cruis- lug over governm lighthouse ' r° m S'° UK C" y' V'S“ ed Mr' a n d ' ‘^ 5 Collp^ , „ ¡ f ' L d " ” ? ' ‘ h*. I“ :" “ ‘he ’’ " " ‘"S m e e ^ n g s '« 1 i J S ? a G ifts T h a t G a st \x ,-. We are showing a wonderful line of Diamonds, Wrist A\ atehes, Pearls, and many other new novelties fresh from Eastern lactories. A\ ateh our windows. ll yon are thinking of Diamonds, d o n ’t fail to look our stock over. We have some “ pick-ups” in diamonds up to one carat sizes, fully 40 per cent under the market. Fine blue white stones. ï I. J o h n s o n • J ew elec near Newport Pilot McKenzie lo c a t - i^ ” ' J ' W M ,llner last Monday. M,ss Owynne Gammon expects t o r 8 lroad employes te rd to curb the; mg room open from 2 to 5 p. m. ed a h id d e n r e e f t ht i . . ’p,le Cummings family were Ashland ,eave tonight for San Jose, Calif., • 000 menace and prevent the m e n !da,,y except Sundays and holidays.: a n d c h a r te r ? it fur ° U ‘ residents for several years. They are where she will attend business c o l-;from boarding passenger trains. In . Presbyterian C iiu r c h ice. At another tim e ^ i v e ’0 whal'es ! tra ' j . gf by. aUt° r° Ute to South* legC> ’ oX d^G were sighted in th a t vicinity and the i ern California wbere they will spend ---------- ’ v 1 ? ! Clty Hmits’ ™°n ° f W o rs b ip ” Keening, “ T he f l i e r s d p p n iv r n „ r Ut t £.,i ti » L ». , the w lnter months. I People who have .had experience I alk th ro u «b the city and board the Ethics of a Great Poet.” Topic for y g tted that thej had a some out-of-town prayer nieetinS W ednesday evening ---------- - j , ,n farm ing reclaimed J Jandg near tra in again at not brought along some depth a t 7:30 o’clock, “ P au l’s farewell bombs.. Once when some miles from ^ 7 tbe time tO ° ld e r y o u ri ®tO®kton and made big money in the crossing. to Jerusalem Acts 21:1- P h lo f , j journey uu m cj lu J e r u s a l e m . .” a i atcher claims th a t there 15. Sunday school at 9:45 o’clock, shore the motor died, necessitating a ! ThanksgIving su ,t- Paulseruc*s.49tf business are the largest buyers of glide to shore Whiio dni fL ---------- sim ilar lands n ear K lam ath Falls is . more hobo travel now than at any ___ The attendance last Sunday . reached ______ stunt the plane drops ab t 1000' y° U kD° W tb a t ricb’ rec,a,m ed now be’ng sold on easy term s by t h e ! ,im e since 1913 when “ soup lines” 7 -tb jU 23 °-f tbe goal set for nfcXt grain and garden lands near Klam­ Staples Agency. You cannot m a k e ; were s o r t e d to by the city in car- ft*™ ? m’ feet for each mile traveled, and a ath Falls can be purchased through half mile a m inute is the slowest th e Staples Agency for one-half the a m istake in following th e example. ing fo* tl,e road element. The menu W estm inster Guila 6-30 p m I! F of successful men. 1 con3»sted entirely of Mulligan stev ” speed it is sate to glide. Or. another, prlce asked for pow er ]ands jn thp concoction of the table leavin occasion some , packages got . jammed ette valley in the . 1 w n iam -------- ----- * an — d one-third ’ On,y six more weeks until C h ris t--1roni ,ocal restaurants. Coffee wa " ‘reS’ resultlng in a what such lands sell for in the Sac- mas- Buy your Christm as gifts a t 1 boi|ed on the stove in the bunk' three ^ a X l V b r and °a a" d J ° aqUin VaIley8?' thP ° ; . E ' ^E m b co id er-y Ciub B a - ^ OU3e. i Corner Sixth and E ast Maiq. • k I Now is the tinie to inspect these! zaar- Masonic hall, Friday, Novem-" --------------------------- -----------— streets. Revival meetings will conF teeth all in a day’s w ork,” lands_ this finp w eather can.g ,ast be.- 18. DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE tin ,'e until November 27. Prav»A says McKenzie. , , ikr». m. The public cordially in- ! Breaching service, 11 a. m.; Young Under new m anagement. Home voted. People’s meeting, 6:30 p~ m • j Bakery and R estaurant, 69 North ______ > ¡Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.; prayl ! Main street. Give us a trial. Spe- A shiandcrs in K lam ath F alls— ^ ednesd,jy> 7 :3 0 P. m. I C K ir k T T , ; Y°* are cordlal,y invited to come i cial chicken dinner Sunday, open all J. t K iik , J. L. Coffman, Engle- and worship with us. J. E. McShane day. We have installed the Gem dow Brothers, and L. Jacobs left Pastor. ______ ¡doughnut machine; try our dough- for Klam ath Falls this afternoon on ' f-hristian Church w . . v i nut8— they are different. Prices a land luiu.lng excursion. e x » ,e c r, 5 u“ l . S S . * 2 ^ 5 ' Washing at home, steam ing over; reasonable a - w i « a hot tub, freezing while h an g in g 1 ' V° ° d & Wood’ Props' g o retu rn later tomorow even- one who come« to Bible school to- clothes out on the line, is a t the hot- 62*1 ing. Monday R. L. Burdficlc, I. W. day will receive two tickets which tom of many severe w inter colds, Sperry, W. T. Cochran, O. H. Barn- wil1 adm it you and a friend to the J your family doctor will tell you. \ isitors from W«-ecolor” work- They are. not hand- I ou ll find much simpler, and - tonight! W onderful decorations! ®,l des but are the result of a fully as economical, to bundle upj For pleating, see Orres. 17tf «¡speciai process of photographv, by the family washing and send it to ! A lford’s Im perial Orchestra! which the picture is produced in full us. caters color w ithout the addition of a par- We will wash everything just as ! h Hotel Ashland Grill C “ ierS l ° Paul V .’Brown and brother, pros- ticle of artificial coloring. The new carefully as you could» wish: dry. home' iolks as well as to commercial it; iron the flat pieces; fluff the! ,nen and J u r is ts . 61tf perou£ ranchers from Benton coun-' woolens, underclothes and stock- ----- — ty. ip the }ieart of the W illam ette ings. and starch such garm ents as Return from Texas— valley, recently purchased of L. Jac­ need it. Mr. and Mrs. Hushke have return- obs, 284 acres of reclaimed laud , Then we’ll return your bundle promptly, everything clean and ed froni a very delightful m onth’s near Worden, which is south of sweet, and with only a few pieces vacation spent in Houston and Goose Klamath Falls, on the Southern Pa­ left for you to iron-all the distaste- Creek, T ex as.’ Mrs. H ushke says the cific. and are now on their land,! ful, heavy work over with. ! And the cost will be so reason w eather is beautiful in Texas at t h i s ? vitb whlcb they are well pleased.! | Such deals show the su b stan tial' able th at you’ll wonder why you i time of the year. haven’t tried this modern wash way character of the- land being offered i before. Let Friend Wife sleep in thh by the Staples Realty Agency. - I t A Su ccessfu l Specialist for the Past Phone today and have us show morning and go to the Hotel Ashlapd ---------- i F ifteen Years. ■ you u how you can forget wash-day e riii and and get one of those P 1-_ Mrs- Wood’s Prize Peaches day grill fipe worries. special 60 cent breakfasts. 6 ltf! Mrs. Mary E. Wood has shipped DOES NOT USE SURGERY a box of Salway peaches of her own Cliff Payne makes ’ quiHing- growing to her daughter in Oak­ Will he at Phone 165 frames. 58tf land. The peaches were pronounced by the recipient to be finer than any Medfoi*d H otel ‘T uesday, November I A,. O ffice H ours, Hi a.m . which she could obtain in Califor­ to 4 p.m. nia. Two boxes sent to a daughter LEAVING (in Portland were sim ilarly praised. ONE DAY ONLY TONIGHT ThC ThtATER btAUTIFUL An equal quantity shipped to a hotdl No (lu tr g e for Exam ination j at C entralia, Wash., brought $2.50 - a box, and part of them were re­ Dr. Melleuthin is a regular *gradu- tailed at 5 and 7 cents each. Mrs ate in medid n e and surgery and is Wood lives a t Laurel a n d High *iceaaed by tbe 8tate of Oregon. He llgn visit3 professionally the more im- I streets and thinks th a t women equal portant towns and cities and offers -In- ; the stern er sex when it comes to to all who call on this trip consulta­ producing fine fruit. She irrigates tion and exam ination free, except the expense of treatm en t when de­ j her trees with -wash w ater and ob- sired. i tains excellent results. Shipments were made as late as October 20. According to his method of ______ _ treatm ent he does not operate for . chronic appendicitis, gall stones. R egular Saturday night danoe to- ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or ad- AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS nlght a t Memorial Hall. noids. A t the Churches W hat Your Family Doctor W ill Say About W inter Washing Big Price Reduction IN 1^ Wineland & Shepherd H airdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Building N e w A r r iv a ls Axminister and Brüssel! Rugs Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs IN ALL SIZES AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS We are constantly receiving NEW GOODS, all bought at the lowest market price and marked to sell at the very lowest price possible. We believe in.getting back to normalcy at the very e a rlie st date. W ben there is a decline in the price of anything we linniediately mark down the price on goods in stock, always keeping in line with the market. AJ1 goods marked in plain figures. “ WE SELL FOR LESS” J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate- prices. Lady assistant Reliable Housefi rnishers Coming To Medford •ru- intATER BCAUTiFltf Tuesday, Nov. 15 Ashland Laundry Co. Seat Sale Starts Sunday House Peters The Invisible Power “ Look her over, boys. She’s a bad ono1> Laura ( liambers, shoplifter, husband doiiLg a stretch in Sing Sing. It runs in the family"’ , i —Also— HAROLD LLOYD in “ AMONG THOSE PRESENT , > Nothing but Laughs Sunday—Monday. BERT LYTELL -In — “ THE MAN WHO has to his credit many wonder­ suit ful He results in diseases of the stom ­ 49tf ach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, bed wetting, Expert Piano Instruction. p h o n e! bladder, catarrh , weak lungs, rh e u -’ C S Mitchell niatism, sciatic, leg ulcers and re c ta l' ailments. TOO IxATE TO CLASSIFY if you have been ailing for any ; FOR SALE— Good dry’ body wood ’• K*Ifth tIm ? d° nOt get any $3 p er tier W 4 Conner Glen better, do not fail to call, as im ! . . Conner, Glen ( pn>per m easures ra th e r than disease View Drive. 62-lm o are very often the cause of long-! Order your Thanksgiving from Paulserud’s. DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon 3taRding trouble. Lower F loor . . .Ç,, .$ 2 .0 0 I jo w cv Balcony- ...................$ 2 .00 E n tire Upper Balcony ..$ 1 ,0 0 —Eye, ear, nose and th ro at snec- u » iallst; glasses fitted. Office 402' Rei’ieb';ber above date, th a t ex­ — - -- Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. am ination 'pii this trip will be free m. to 5 p. m. Residence, Pio­ and tn a t his" treatm en t 1 b different neer Ave., Ashland, m orning and Address? 336 Boston Block, Min­ evenings.> Phone 28. neapolis, Minn. r «y DOORS— 7:30. r--; Fluì 10 per cent war (ax CURTAIN— 8 o’clock Sharp