konday, November f, lòdi ewe— — m m — (him by the secretary of state's of«¡Pupils Win Flag— The fourth grade of the Junior ‘ flee. He was arrested on this charge I several (lays ago by J. J. McMahon, high, won the fine American, flag of­ ? deputy state motor traffic officer. fered to the room whose pupils se­ A shlandeis in Georgia— A fter hearing th e conflicting testi­ cured th e largest attendance a t the W. H. W enner and wife, who are meeting mony, A ttorney George Codding, act­ prohibition enforcem ent m aking an extended tour of th e ing as special counsel for County T rid a y evening a t th e Presbyterian southern states, recently visited the Prosecutor Rawles Moore, practical­ church. J. B. H unter family, now located in ly recommended a not guilty verdRct. I Georgia, where they keep -bees— See P aulserud’s suits, — Medford Mall Tribune Satiafac- seventy four stan d i of them, in fact. tion guaranteed. 49tf Mrs. H unter was form erly Miss Me­ Fresh sweet cider a t Rose Bros. lissa W enner, of Ashland. Mr. Wen­ 37-tf Store R earranged — ner is a clerk a t the Southern Pa- ______ J. N. Dennis has rearranged his cific company freight depot, and the! W eather fop th e W w k_ grocery and feed store so th a t the vacation which he is now taking is , ,, .. ° The following w eather predictions table supplies can be handled to bet­ the first he has enjoyed for th ree are made by the governm ent bureau ter advantage. \e a rs. Mrs. W enner has some very for this week: Generally fair, ex­ dark thoughts about the colored pop­ St. Cecelia’s Guild dance Tuesday cept for considerable cloudiness and ulation of the South and is anxious evening. Moose hall. Refreshm ents. occasional rain on the north coast. to get back to Ashlaud, where she Normal tem perature. Tickets, couple $1.10, spectators 25c. and her husband are expected soon. I Cards and dancing. 56-3 Woolens for men and women sold W anted, at once, women to cut by the yard_ c . Orres. I7 tf V isitor from B e l l e v i e w - fru it at Bagley Canning company, ______ Mrs. E. E. Gall came in from Talent, Or. T ransportation free. | Baby Roy Born— , Belleview this m orning to spend the Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf j An eight pound boy was born to day with Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mathes at the Hand Practice T onight — Suncrest orchard yesterday. The F o r high grade tailoring for men This evening, a t 7:30 o’clock, the baby was named Clarence Wesley. and women— C. Orres. Ashland band will meet a t 't h e city-! hall for their regular practice, which i Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf V isits a t M edford— for several reasons had been post­ Ruck H unters R eturn— ! L. A. Crane, Ideal grocery clerk, poned. Amos Nininger, E. T. Staples, a n d '8Pent yesterday visiting Ids parents For pleating, see Orres. 17H .T. J. Coffman returned S a t u r d a y M e d f o r d . ! from Tule lake, near K lam ath Falls, E lh a iis E n tertain - 'w ith the rad iato r of the Staples car! Try Roses special ice cream. Yesterday the H. H. E lh art fam- • C0Vered with wild duck, the evidence, ---------- ily entertained at dinner with th e ir ; at least of a 8UCCe8sfui hunt. Mr j Tools Still L o s t - usual uiberality and cordiality, M r.! Jacobs returned with Mr. Staples a l-' C. Redifer is still looking for and Mrs. W infield Ball, Tom H u d -!though he remalned in K lam ath ! the ba® of tools which were stolen son, O. H. Barnhill and John R ig g .! p ajjs during the duck shooting e x -'^ roni in iront of bis house a t 267 The two war veterans e n te rta in e d , pedition Eighth street last Wednesday. P a rt the rest of the company, telling how! of the tools were m arked with the they fought, bled and died a t t h e 1 Remodeling and cleaning — C. initials “ F. M. L.” a n d belonged to front during the recent unpleasant- , Orres. another party. ness across the pond and In the 1860’s. Fresh straw berries were Em broidery Club M eets— When b etter tam ales are served. served from the E lh art garden, The Friday A fternoon Em broidery j Rose Bros win 8epv# them 46.tf where Hudson adm its th e clim ate is'C lu b met last week with Mrs. F ran k : ______ ju st as tropical as on Scenic D rive.! Guisinger on the Boulevard. The Spend Ray a t L ong’s C a b i n - ---------- ; afternoon was spent in needle-work. Dr. and Mrs. Jarvis, Miss Anna Imogene W allace, pianiste-teach- Dainty refreshm ents were served, Kopp and L. A. W hitehead spent er. Phone 210-J. 171 Helman Those present beside the hostess, Sunday at the m ountain retreat of 8treet- 3 3-1 mo ¡w ere: Mesdames F ran k Nelson, C. i Sap-a nd-Salt-in-the-W oods. ---------- A. Cotter, Roy Hale, Guy Jacobs, H. Johnson Claims P r e m iu m s - c Emery, Q w Long( Q H A lbert Johnson has the card, the berg F ran k PoU N z Stewart> A Highway N u is a n c e - ribbon. $11 in cash and the word o f j M Dyrud and M D Love Contrary to a previous report, the C. C. Cate th at he received the f ir s t. ‘ ’ men working on the highway near Talent, who are said to bother pasa- premium, a t the state fair this year, The best chocolate creams can be ing women m otorists, are doing road on the best three boxes of apples, a purchased at Rose Bros. 4 5 -e f|work j U3t south of Talent, and not prize which another Ashland or- 1 on the north side as previously chardist was reported to have cap­ Leaves for R oseburg— stated. tured. Mrs. H arry R andlett left yester­ Local and Personal Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. day m orning on num ber fourteen to) MINT LANDS: Ex-service men i Join her husband at Roseburg, where will do well to get inform ation from ! they will make th e ir future home. A shland Man Acquitted— Staples agency as to easy way to get J. 'H . W heeler of Ashland, who land. 57-1 Order your Thanksgiving suit conducts an auto top establishm ent from P aulserud’s. 49tf Witling W orkers E ntertained— in th a t city, was found not guilty in Justice Taylor’s court here today (V W totg The W illing W orkers classes of of driving a car on which was a li- Elwood Hedberg and George J a c k - 'the P resbyterian Sunday school, and cense other than the one Issued to aon from Portland 8pent the week. ) teachers. Mesdames Badger an d Tay- end with the H o b e rg family on Sec- lo r’ were e n terta‘ned Saturday even- ond street. lng at the llorae of Mrs- G. M. Frost, _____ | on W imer Heights. Apples of the i W anted, at once, women to c u t 'p rii® w innin* varl«*y we™ supplied ¡fru it at Bagley Canning com pany,! from the Pro8t orchard. Dougnuts r'ree an<^ refresbm ents were served. Talent, Or. Transportation Phone 364-J-l. 4 4-tf ---------- \ isiting in P ortland— L. F. Ferguson went to Portland ! A uto CoUision- W. A. Black, 922 Boulevard, has S aturday to vlsit his two brothers, filed a com plaint with Chief of P o -!wbo live there, and to attend the Calumet Baking lice H atcher to the effect th a t a n‘ght horse show at the Pacific In- Powder is Hudson car containing three y£uing ■ ternational. He expected to be gone First in Q u ality men, had run into him on North a few days. —received highest Main street yesterday, resulting in ---------- a w a r d s a t t h e considerable damage to the plain- World’s Pure Food ! tiff’s car. Mr. Black stated th a t the Mr’ and Mrs> G‘ F ’ have Exposition, Chica- j car. which is registered to E. O. rece,ved letters fr01« m issionaries in o, Illinois; P a r is Steigler. was being driven at terrific I an(* Hawaii’ the la tte r place be* xposition, P a ris, speert and never slackened until the ng ieacbed b> Miss Marie Church, France. ■Black car was struck. Chief H a tc h -!°f C° rvallto’ on be* retu rn trip, to First in R esu lts er telephoned Traffic Officer Me- e° “ ’ Korea> wbere she has been —never fails to pro­ Mahon a t Medford to look out for * orfcln8 for some years in th e same duce p u re, sw ee t, the alleged speedsters, who were * ( w*th Miss Mary Young, of Ash wholesome foods. Miss Church visited a t the headed north. The Medford officer land. First in P urity replied th a t he would wait until ev­ Billings home for three weeks last -contam sonly such ening and see if the accused made a spring. ingredients as have been officially approved by report. No fu rth er particulars have theUn ited StatcaPura been received at the Ashland police Food Authorities. station today. moi Clark et al. Verdict. Judgment. F irst N ational Bank of Medford v<. N. G. McMullen e t al. Order and notice. T alent Irrigation D istrict vs. Ed­ win P. Hughes et al. Cost bill. •’George Finley vs. Big Bend Mill­ ing Co. Inc. Notice and demand. Belle Nickell vs. Effie May Ter­ rill. Answer. E verett V. Dahack vs. C. C. Clark et al. F o r money. F ran k Randlieve vs. J. C. Cass et al. Amended answer. INTERUKRAN a uto c ar co . Sheriff to Gust Peterson, lot 16, block 1, W alnut P ark addition to Medford, $470.26. E. S. Talbot et ux to W. T. Macy, land in sec. 10, twp. 36 S., R. 1 E., $10. Calviu L. D usenberry et ux to F ran k M. P arker, lot 7, block 14, Gold Hill. $1. C. L. Dusenberry et ux to R. L. D usenberry et ux, land in Bee. 8, twp. 36 S., R. 3 W., $10. Elm er Leslie e t ux to J. T. Gag­ non, lots 11 and 12, block 52, Med­ ford, $10. F ran k Craig to Edw ard G. H ard­ ing. lot 8, block 8, Ross addition to Medford, $20. E thel E. Coy et al to C. C. Tay- 3 2, W% of lor, N E *4 of N E H , sec. “ m N W U , sec. 38, twp. 37 S., R., 1 E., $10. J. H. Carlton et ux to Lyle H. Carlton, NE% of N W % , sec. 13, twp. 36 S.. R. 1 W., $10. LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 7:15 a. m. 7:16 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:46 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 9:30 a. CQ. 9:30 a. m. 10:16 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 12:45 p. m. 12:45 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:15 i>. m. 2:16 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 3:46 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. in. 5:15 p. m. 5 :1 5 p .m . 6:00 p m. 6:00 p. in. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:45 p. m. Sat. enty 8:45 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:15 Midgt SUNDAY ONLY LV. MEDFORD LV . A8H1 j AND 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. ni. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a m. J 1:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 2-00 p. m 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 4 :00 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5 :00 p. ra. 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. macy. JACKSONNTLLE-.MEDFORR DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY L e a v e s for P ortland— Wolcott’s Grocery 4 ! Staple and Fancy Groceries F irs t in E conom y — m o d e r a t e in p r ic e — you save when you buy it. Contains more than the ordinary leaven­ ing strength -there­ fore you use less. First in mil­ i : Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf lions of homes P h o n e 17 C or. 4 th a n d B S ts. W e D eliv er SPECIALS D elicio u s A pples P o tato e s - - - - $1.50 to $3.00 per box 2 sack lots $2.60, sin g le $2.75 H ills , E d w a rd s an d L angs Coffee W h ite W o n d er Soap 16 a n d 22 oz. J a m - - . - . • 6 for 25c. . 25c A SUBSTANTIAL BALANCE Every person engaged in business transactions in his home community finds it a wise m easure to m aintain a substantial balance a t his bank. Don’t, for the sake of your credit standing, allow your commercial ac­ count at the F irst National to drop low. You can afford to exercise some self-denial to keep it up. The F irst N ational can tell you of invest- m e n t opportunities w h e n your Saving« Aecount has reached a sufficient si2e. w h ere " n o th in g else” will d a 1 6 ox. S o m e b a k in g p o w d e r« c 1 2 os. can« instead o f 1 6 os. cai s u re y o u g e t a p o u n d w h e n you i i« C hristian W orkers H old S ervico— The Christian W orkers’ bands, of Talent and Ashland, had charge of the services a t the lower Green Springs school house yesterday af­ ternoon. w ith every Mason-Cord at Leedom’s Tire Hospital One 1920 m odel D ort w ith new a t $750.00. F or a few days Easy term s. HUDSON, PACKARD AND ESSEX NEW CARS Your friends find having a “ nation­ alized” account is good business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and repairing; m attresses made over. Douglas, 253 Fourth St. Phone 63-R. 52tf FURNITURE and household goods carefully packed and crated, ten years experience in Rogue River valley. Douglas, 253 Fourth St. Phone 63-R. 52tf FEATHER MATTRESSES made from your old feather bed. F ea­ thers cleaned and renovated. Douglas, 253 F ourth St. Phone FOR SALE— One good team work 63-R. 62tf horses, harness and wagon. M. H. Overocker, 55 Straw berry Lane. ; FURNITURE BOUGHT. SOLD or ex- 55-3* changed for upholstery work. Douglas, 253 Fourth St. Phone FOR SALE — Straw berry plants: C3-R. 52tf Everbearing $2.75 per 100 and New Oregon $1.50 per 100. In­ WOOD SAWING quire Grubb, hardw are dept., E n­ ders. 55-3* LEAVE ORDERS for wood sawing at Amer's Gun Store, 57 N. Main APPLE CIDER— Made fresh every St. Our prices are low; care ta k ­ day, one gallon 40c, two 75c. Yes. en to give satisfactory service. we deliver, phone 9 -F -ll. tf Phono 134. 52-6» APPLES— Baldwin and Kings, hand LIVE STOCK picked, a good size and clean. 50 lb. box, S I.00 delivered. Phone KIRTLAND FARM - Is offering for 9 -F -ll. tf sale cheap one registered 2-year- ----------------------- .... . ........... — olcJ black Percheron stallion, sired FOR SALE— Wood, m auzanita, oak by Ketab, the best Imported Black and fir. Phone 479J. 48tf Percheron in valley; or will sell . Ketab. These are priced so they FOR SALE — Buick four-cylinder will pay for themselves next year. Touring car. Phone 4 37-R, or call We also have some young teams 63 Pine street. 47-tf for sale. Will sell a few regis­ tered Milking Shorthorn cows and “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 heifers; two bull calves, sired by models now on floor, Swenson & Foothill's Corporal, the grand McRae’s; see them ; your term s champion of the Pacitic coast. are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man­ W rite, phone or come and see. ager Southern Oregon. 3 5-1 mo Phone 19-X-3, Central Point, Or. CAR WASHING J. E. Mason, Superintendent. 42-tf EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. BOARD AND ROOMS. The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow BOARD AND ROOM- -Call at 715 N. 48tf Main. will do your plowing right now in your hard, sticky soil. LOST. Bargain in used sew in g m achine; also a new carload of W hite sew ­ in g m achines ju st in, at EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- sonable prices. Lithia Garage. LOST— Gold fram ed glasses, at cor­ ner F ourth and B. Finder leave at Tidings. 56-2 I Peil's Corner CHICHESTER S PILLS . _ THE d u m o x b bband A »Ul fer, C L t-chew-tcr • W am oi--------- ■'111* In R t d and » o l d tnettlll? Marion Tyre l^ik- Free Tube WANTED— W’ork of any kind. Ad-, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice dress W. E. Edwards, care of Tid­ limited to eye, ear, nose and ings. 55-3* throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ WANTED— Boarders. Strictly home land, Ore. 73-tf cooking. Reasonable prices. 743 E ast Main. Phone 391-R. 52-6 DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to Jean A. ! eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses Gettis, 63 Gresham St. 51-6* i supplied. Oculist and aurist for WANTED— W ashing to do at home. ! S. P. R. R. Offices, M. P. and H. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. Mrs. Ring, 207 Vista. 43-5*1 DR. H. M. SHAW— Physician and FOR RENT. Surgeon. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested; glasses fitted. Room 402, Med­ rooms, heated, bath, 550 Boule- ford Bldg., Medford, Ore. Office vard. 56-3 hours: 10:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Residence 108 Pioneer Ave., Ash­ FOR RENT— 80 acres alfalfa farm land. Mprnings and evening, and land, house, barn and farm tools, by appointment. Phone 28. wood for your own use. R ent on shares. Mason & Manning, Tal­ CHIROPRACTORS. ent, Or. 55tf FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep­ ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ ing rooms, also single furnished trical Treatm ents, Mineral and rooms, adults only. 614 Boule­ Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National vard. 54-6* Bank Building. Phone 48. FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ ATTORNEYS. pletely furnished: close in: price reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. dine. Phone 122.3 8-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Bldg. FOR HALE— REAL ESTATE. car guarantee. M arriage L icenses John H. Fuller left yesterday ev (Circuit Court ening for Portland, where he will! M. D. Jackson vs. Victor W. Brown attend the Pacific International Live et al. Demurrer. ’ Stock show. City of Medford vs. Joseph West Lawton et al. Default. Decree. Annie M. Root vs. Vernon Vawter W anted, at once, women to cut fruit at Bagley Canning compand,! et al. Order. of Medford vs. Geo. Hamblin Talent. Or. Transportation free, i et City al. Affidavit. Default. Tax judg­ Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf! ment. E. M. Peterson vs. Travis H. Lynch et al. Foreclosure. To Hold Social— State Bank of Talent vs. C. C. The W estm inster Guild, of the Presbyterian church, will hold a so­ cial at the home of Mrs. Maggie B. Riley, 141 High street, this evening. All the young women of the Presby­ terian church are invited to attend the affair. PHYSICIANS. Class A Garage COURT NEWS and WANTED. W. A. SHELL 6 Samuel T. Johnson Moore. One cent the wo rd each time. LV. J ’S’NV’LK LV. MEDFORD 7:20 a. m. 7:40 a. m. 8:20 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. WHY HESITATE— When I can sell 12:00 Noon TRANSFER AND EXPRBSS. 1:00 p. m. 1 :30 p. m. you two residences on a prom inent i 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. in. corner, worth $4500, for only FOR prompt and careful service, 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m. auto trucks or horse drays, call $3000; and a fair 8 room resi­ 5:00 p. m 5:30 p. m. W’hittle Transfer Co. Phone 117. dence and 4 beautiful lots worth 7:00 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel $2000, for only $1500. Splendid 7:30 p m . Sat. only 8 :00 p .m . Ashland. 56tf locations! You m ust act at once 1 0 :3 0 p .m . Sat. only 9 :5 0 p .m . to secure either. Apply 399 Beach I’. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS - W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. St., Ashland. 56tf MEDFORD-ROSEBURG FER — Good team and m otor­ trucks. service at a reason­ Daily and Sunday SALE— 10 acres two miles out. able price. Good LV. ROSEBURG FOR Phone 83. LV. MEDFORD $750 down, balance easy term s at 1 00 p. m 11:00 a. m. 6 per cent. House, barn, chicken PLUMBING MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS house, woodshed, well, good, SondaV Dailv and fences, all in cultivation, about 5 j PHONE your next job of plumbing B A R B E R LV. G’T’S PASS LV. MEDFORD acres alfalfa. Price $2000. Mason to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. 10:00 a. m 8:00 a. m. and Manning, Talent, Or. 55-tf C hildren’s W ork A Phone 138. . 1:00 p. m. l l ‘:00 a. in. 4 :00 p. m. FOR SALE— Six room cottage, bath 1:00 p. m. Specialty ROOFERS 6:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. and pantry, in heart of city. 63 Grarfts Pass Wa: tine Room— The Safety blades resharpened Gresham. 55-6* GRAHAM & WILSON, practical Bonbonniere. Phone i60. BTmrw| Rke new. Single bit, 30c roofers: new roofs laid and old Office and W aitiug Room: No. 6 FOR SA I At. roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh M i doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building. street. Medford, Ore. AT REPAIR WORK. » » » — l i EVERYnma Now is the tim e to order your! Thauksgiving suit. Paulserui ' | b o x « , sealed with Slue Ribbon. T a k a n o o lb e r. B u y o f y o u r l> r u « l« t. A ik lo r C If l- C ir E H - T E Ilf l U l A M O N » I I K A N O P I L L S , (or « « years known Is Beat. Safcat, Always R ellai.k < SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS (N Real E state City and Ranch I*ropertlen H ouses to Ment. CITIZENS’ BANK BFTUDÏNG W e h a v e p u rch ased th e East Side Meat Market an d ev ery c u t o f m e at we sell will l»e from P R IM K B E E F — T en d e r. J u ic y a n d D elicious W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL KIRBY & ELLIOTT P h o n e 188 395 E ast M ain IaADIES Ready-to-wear Garm ents ta il­ ored during the dull season— big assortm ent to choose from — every size and every price— wonderful values. See the ex­ tra fine French Serge dresse» a t $16.75. A11 wool Polo cloth coats at 918.75. ORRES TAILOR SHOP IN SU R E YO U R IN SU R A N C E The simplest way to create an estate and assure your family fi­ nancial independence is a Travel­ ers Guaranteed Low-Cost Life In­ surance Policy. But it is not enough merely to insure. Let us issue the policy so th at it will pay ydhr wife an income of $100 or $200 a m onth as long as she lives, insteed of a lump sum for her to invest. This makes sure th a t your life insurance will always provide her a living— and will not go to some Jil stock prom oter or advising friend who may unwisely invc the money for her. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Established 1886 Phone 211 41 E. Main St.