PAGB POUB ASHLAND DAtLÏ TIDINGS & T h u rsd ay, N ovem b er 3 , 1931 «w nç « ¿¿M 'easts Fall IS With His Trusty Lariat and an Exaggerated Butterfly N et He Captures Lions, Leopards and Panthers Alive and Unhurt— and Now ¿he Movies Show Him Actually Doing It. Jacks 0 Ik' ui ' rr » £/ w-w -'i $$» fis2SSL<.?YL' *------ S B i i >7 W * •• L ¿ - ' 3* ¿ i - V i '- V # ¿T ’w Ä . ; >, I I1*.*’ ■ .■••* < WKí^-.^t •xx&x: S*?S5? • •■< UÀ- - %&% d O • -fcS ' l x-ÿÿi M Crowding the ferocious beast into the bottom of the net, to be subdued at leisure. & By C urtis D u nh am l HEN Major Jack Allen saunt­ ers into an Asiatic or African jungle with a coil of rope over his shoulder and an exaggerated but­ terfly net dragging along behind him, who can blame the man-eating wild lions, tigers, leopards and panthers for being interested? Instead of banging away at them with a gun— as other big game‘hunters do—it is as though “Major Jack” were saying ccaxir.g’y : “Come, pussy—pussy, pussy, come, pussy. Come along and play with your harmless old friend, ‘Major Jack.’ ” Now, any- naturalist will teil you that curiosity is cv:n more highly de­ veloped jn a wiki animal than in a human being. For generations these wild and fetoeious jungle beasts have been hunicd by men with guns and a r rnue of SiooJ-thircty natives. The cider ones know a gun when they see if, and well remember the pungent smell of burning powder. Why shoal J t' .y worry about a ini!d-manncred tv.o-legged animal strolling about r.lcne with a butter the; tre apt to be simply . r i r ,., ah • '..tjor Jack,” thou; arai pi.ious and watchfu’ W V (W For instance, there’s a leopard up a tree—the most subtle and danger-1 ous of all jungle beasts. His curios- j ity about the man with the butterfly i net is mingled with contempt. He I sees nothing significant in that coil of rope over the man's shoulder, and has yet to discover that “Major Jack” is about the liveliest of living things on two legs, a veritable whirlwind (WgfeíxiÉSSÍ in action. They look each other in the face, “Major Jack” smilingly, the leopard with a voiceless snarl tapering off in­ Major Jack Allen as he appears in his jungle adventures. to a yawn. Then, entirely without warning, out and upward shoots the leopard is “bagged.” So long as As everybody has read in news­ Major’s rope—and the leopard is “Major Jack” keeps the slack of the papers, or heard Major Jack Allen clawing at an unwelcome and tighten­ net well twisted, he is helpless—and tell about it in his Illustrated vaude­ ing necktie with a long end at which to see the Major jumping about at ville acts, this mild-mannered and hu­ “Major Jack” is tugging, with the that task, with the netted leopard act­ yawning butterfly net waiting at the ing like a Kansas cyclone, truly is mane wild animal hunter, when upon his later adventures in the jungle, foot of the tree. % worth the price of admission. Presto! down tumbles the leopard, Now—and not until now—a duskv managed to ljave his most thrilling with half his wind and fighting spir- native or two appear and carry off feats recorded by the motion picture ¡t choked otf, plump into the net. the prize while the doughty Major re­ camera. It was a trying and precari­ Now watch the lightning tuning inove- freshes himself with a cigarette. The ous job—particularly for the camera­ ments of “Major Jack.” It is a capa- whole incident reminds you vaguely man. But the results proved so satis­ cit us net with a lot of slack fabric. •that the net part of the business is of factory that when they were submit­ This slac’ the Major seizes and twists ancient ancestry. In the Imperial ted l o Pathe—the great motion picture quickly, crowding the bounding and Roman gladiatorial contests the cham­ distributing concern — they were s-i ruing beast snugly into its bottom, pion, armed only witli the metal- promptly accepted for release to mo­ v i ere he is as helpless as a “pig in meshed net, frequently overcame his tion picture theatres tHroughout this m”—‘ noke,’ in fact, being an ,rival equipped with battis axe jn d country and abroad, in three one-reel n - ’p.Ç'i-m bar. The Roman sword. nictures. The first of the series. For pleating, see Orres. Having roped the curious leopard, “ Major Jack” tumbles it down into the wide mouth of his bag-like net* 1I Ail of H e if aiÎ^ri ? ahk,S” huUnting instincte arc humane. Here he is shown bringing up a motherless tawn on a bottle. (“ Netting the Leopard,” released Sep movements as rapid as those of the I and feroehv J j tember 25, contains the incident above enraged renderc the tho lat­ ia,_ chains ” * °1U f be restra,ne^ with enraged beast beast itself, itself, renders described. The other two are “Cap­ ter harmless—bound, head and feet Vou will see an example of this in turing Lions by Aeroplane,” and —before it can do any damage. 1 “ Roping the Black Panther.” All em- the picture called. “Capturing Lions just knowing how,” Major Al­ j body the same spirit of the humane len “It’s by Aeroplane.” Noosed chains fitted says. “ Facial expression is one ; capture of these ferocious beasts by of the most marvelous things in ani­ with a light anchor at either end are the most celebrated of living big mal life. You discover this when you lowered from the plane as it skims •game hunters. tackle one of these jungle beasts at close to the surface of the desert So much has been printed about close quarters, no to kill but to cap­ sands on the lion’s trail. When a Major Jack Allen that it seems super- ture. I have roped a lion, got him noose settles over the beast's head flous to go into his biography—more down and tied him. He's licked and the chain and its anchors ' Hom tin» city as possible, Mrs. Alice Baldwin, of K lam ath prohobition, he didn’t believe ports. about $115,000 was subscribed, and nue of 12 per oent on its cost. A Pome of them had built a college Falls, arrived in Ashland yesterday personal opinions would prevent him resnlt. ng in an estim ated loss of ---------------------------------- Hie project was abandoned. j $5,000,000 hotel recently erected in nearby to educate their children $1.000,000. to spend the winter with her sister, from giving both sides a “ square J. W. McCoy told how for at least Los Angelos, at a considerable dis- there. C A M P A IG N IS P L A N N E D * Mrs. Kentnor, 188 Factory street. ' deal” iQ the bootlegging cases. A T I j AST N IG H T ’S M E E T IN G fourteen years Ashland had unsuc-i tance from the business district,, was NOTICE cessfully been trying to interest cap-j not expected by many to prove prof- W inter apples, orchard run, fifty- Order your Thanksgiving suit The Auxiliary to the American Le- ital in b u ik in g an Ashland hotel by ¡table, hut has been so from the be- for sale ----- pound box 75 cents, delivered. Phone from P au lseru d ’s. • (Continued from Page 1) 4 9tf ;ion will hold their regular m eet­ A lf a lf a S»“cd i the form ation of a stock company or ginning. 9 -F -ll. --------- - C lo v e r S«>ed| ing tom orrow (F riday) evening at G ranite City hospital as a somewhat j sim ilar method. The offering of a! The U. S. Grant hotel at San Di- Vetch and Seed Grains ---------- “ A W oman’s W on't” at the High: 7:30 o’clock in their rooms at th« sim ilar enterprise. When Mr. ^n d -Jcash bonus of $30,000, Mr. McCoy ego. an institution costing millions; Agency of Oregon Fire Relief as- School. - -- - I rooms at the CENTRA POINT FEED STORE 53-2 Armory. A full attendance 1S ere gave a $50*0 stock subscription,, considered, would serve as an adver-1 is paying 15 per cent dividends. A C e n tr a l P o in t, O re. P h o n e 41 sociatlon. Yeo, of course. 4 4-tf ______ : sired. and Dr. F. G. Swedenburg followed tisem ent to a ttra c t capital to the de-j $100,000 hotel at Gooding, Idaho, See “ Mrs. Pat and the Law.” 53-2 Mrs. Henry Pace, Secy. with a sim ilar or larger am ount, the ¡sired proposition, with the result Big Carnival Dance Saturday, No-, • Mrs. P. K. Hammond, Vice Pres, general opinion was th a t it would be th a t a hotel would he built, in som< vember 5, at K ingsbury Springs. Spends Vacation Here— AqsilF~----- 'im possible to obtain the necessary j way or another. This appeared to bi Snyder s Orchestra. 53-4 L. F. Schuele, city engineer for _______ ______ J . I r A______ (funds needed to erect a mondern the concensus of opinion of those Portland, and family, are stoppin Ijenve for Berkeley— . t the V l.t, ap artm en ts during the W ' k TtEDT , I? ? ,i l° <>° '« > » h o u se-‘ “ “ P1“ 1- p noil«e H enry, present. . , .. ' whik. 129 G ranite St. 54-K Enders nut in about six m onths time M. C. Reid favored taking a full 54-6 put Mr. and Mrs. George Loosley left vacation of Mr. Schuele. on the building committee, but the page ad in the Saturday Evening last week for Berkeley, Calif., where F OR RFJN r — Two pleasant sleeping they will spend the winter. T heir| Orders taken for rresli o y sters., rooms, heated. Call after 6 p. m. address will he 2604 E tna street. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t a,r>p B oulevard 54-2 Ashland News in Paragraphs Two comedies. High school Fri- planiste-teach- ht c 53-2 oo, 171 Helman day night. 33-lm o The best chocolate creams can be High School Gym Friday night, purchased at Rose Bros. 45-ef 53-2; ---------- See “ Mrs. • P a t” at High School “ Mrs. P at and the Law” and “ A Friday night. 53-2 W om an’s W on’t ” at High School Gym Friday night. 53-2 M e m b e r sh ip C o n te st E n d s — ‘ The membership contest which the See Paulserud’s suits Satisfac- Hawthorne and junior high s c h tion guaranteed. 4 9 tfjh a v e been waging recently came to „ , •” I an end today, with 110 to the credit „ uits pressed for 50 cents. John otl tj,e form er institution and twelve Maly, tailor, Pell building, Plaza. j for the ,a tte r These include hnfh Imogene Wallace, er. Phone 210-J. street. A1' PLE CIDE lt— Made fresh every! «¡O'- one gallon 40c, two 75c. Yes. j we deliver, phone 9 -F -ll. tf HOR RENT— Two furnished rooms,, one mile from Postoffice on high-: way. Address Mrs. Arnold, P. O.l Box 585. 54-2* — FOR SALE— Piano, victrola, dining table, one bed complete and other articles, all in good condition. W. M. Stump. Talent, Ore. Phone 54-3 o 374R3. o l s ________________________ FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep- ing rooms, also single furnished rooms, adults only. 614 .Boule- vard.______________________ 54-6* •new members and renewals, all of TAKEN— From ' 267 8th St.. Wed- H ilt V is it o r — whoni paid the fee of 50 cents and nesday morning, tools. P arty tak- Mrs. W. E. Brownjohn, of Hilt, were obtained by the pupils of the ’ng same please retu rn at once. Calif., has been an Ashland visitor : respective schools. 54-2 Mrs. Louis for the past two weeks a t the home Dodge is president of the Parents- APPLES— Baldwin and Kings, hand of Mrs. M. Z. Stew art, 286 B street, j Teacher associationi whieh ig givjng picked, a good size and clean, 50 lb. box, $1.00 delivered. Phone a pageant at the Hawthorne school! “ Mrs P a t” and the Obstinate 9 -F -ll. tf this afternoon. Family. High School Gyni Friday I FOR SALE— New Overland F o u r,' night. 53-2 D a n c e W e d n e s d a y night. Moos«* just limbered up good with fin» h a ll. 5 1 -3 motor. Tires never punctured, a l­ Everybody’s going to Kingsbury most as good as new. One extra Springs Saturday night. 53-4 Why are they going to Kingsbury? non-skid tire never used. For quick sale will take $650 cash. If Because they have a real time. 53-4 We do catering to private parties. you want this bargain see me quick. W alter L. Evans, 247 Oak Niélela Cafe. 3S-6ti H a v e a f it — C. O rres. 17tf St. 64_i « kg TH E THEATER BEAUT VIA. TODAY ONLY B IL L IE BURKE Everybody’s Favorite -m^— The Frisky Mrs. Johnson 99 “ IT ’S A SCANDAL, MY D EA R !’’ “Y es, in d e c d f —s im p ly d is g r a c e f u l, t h e w a y t h a t w o m a n c a r r ie s o n w ith t h e n^en! W h y , e v e r y b o d y ’s t a lk in g ! A n d yet, s h e s a y s s h e d o e s n ’t g iv e a w h o o p — T h in k o f it! “ N o w , d o n ’t t e ll a s o u l, h u t b e tw e e n y o u a n d m e I s u s p e c t s h e ’s——e r — W as sh e ? C on te, la u g h , t h r ill, a m i fin d o u t! STARTS FRIDAY ‘THE END OF THE W ORLD’’