PAGA SIX ASfítAXÜ DAILY TIDING! Wednesday, November ft, 1M< Invtted to Grant« Patt*** fact, welcome it, as long as the ex- J. A. McIntire et ux to Welborn-armv and »851,222 000 to the » try ? Bert Greer, editor of the Tidings, pense eomes out of private pockets Beeson, lot 2, p art of lot 5, block 2, Glpat R ritain^ orm„ has received an invitation to attend anti not the taxpayers °enerallv ” | P rac h t’s addition to Ashland, $10, . . 1 -1 j ____________ g * ' W. E. Lane et ux to J. Dee Hen- a 0Vropr;ation for 1921 aggregates Local and Personal the dedication ceremonies of thé ~' ”” “ drickson, lot 8, block 2, W hitman $1-121,318,000. Japan's appropria- Savage Rapids dam, to be held at -----------------------Side Lights----------------------- Park addition to Medford, $10, I tion is $282,357,000. The total for CXIVRT NEWS G rants Pass November 5. The invi­ these two countries is approximately tation comes from the G rants Pass PER CAPITA WAR MASONIC CALENDAR I Canadian V isitor—• M aniage License $19,000,000 lower than the am ount cham ber of commerce, which is look­ TAX IN V. 8. IS Jack Wlnkel and Mildred Stillwell. Mrs. M. A. McVIcar arrived yes- ing for home builders to assist in spent by the I nited States. Of course 11 CENTS DAILY the cost of labor is higher in the terday afternoon from Brandon the development of the 12,000 acres v Circuit Court , United States and it is probable th at Malta Commandery. Stated con- •'ia n Boba, ^ n d is_\¡siting her daugh- of land which will be irrigated with Jackson County Bank Inc. vs. The (Continued from Page 1) _~ _____ ____________ — _________ l4n actual results this couutry-has less clave Wednesday evening, November ' tei ' ^ rs- C. A. E duards. w ater made available by the dam Sterling Mining o Co. Inc. Answer. I Farm ers & Fruitgrow ers Bank vs. i 13 Per cent for education, develop- mentioned and the sixty miles of can- 2. Also work in O rder of Temple. MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 2.— “Why l i p * t A ari" I . to show for its arm am ent expendi- ------- ll L' er8 vx n 1 « « X. _ 1 A _ . r e te r Lnsele et al. Answer. nient, public health, research and ture3 dollar by dollar than Great See “ Mrs. Pat and the Law.” 53-2 als recently completed. Hillah Temple. Stated session F ri­ have not asked the county court to Mary Gomez vs. Edwardo Gomez. , lm ilar projects. Britain or Japan, bn, the tact re- day evening, November 4. Arrange- Order your Thanksgiving suit employ an attorney to assist me In | Ma^ E p err|n o j ! These (lgurea t|M , tar(|lllg mains: menta in o id er for Shrine cere- Suits p r i s e d for 50 cents. John from Paulserud's. 49tf the prosecution of the bootleg cases Perrine. Summons. burden of arm am ent. A real red u c-1 Tbe Vnited States is setting the monial. Maly, tailor, Fell building, Plaza. in circuit court is because it is my Peter B arneburg et ux vs. E. H. tion in arm am en t by the conference pace ln arm am ents, Pine F lag to be Given A w ay— duty to prosecute such cases with-1 F encb ux> Demurrer. Mnarv Frances m d JT „ . '" » “ »«o" armaments would R ude.H o.trs H . h « S t u n t s School children are giving awav ' ,1S P a t” and the Obstinate out incurring any needless expense, B Evahs Affidavit Proof o f ° X - ‘M<> ,he 9a''lng ° ‘ » ‘«rally Presbyterian C hristian Endeavor- ticketg tQ the prohibition , ecture ^ Family High School Gym Friday FOP. SALE------- to the taxpayers as long as I feel lication. Default. hundreds of millions of dollars an- ers endeavored to combine business the Presbyterian _, ■ . T , ., night 53-2 that I can successfully handle such! A lfalfa Seed church Friday ev- 6 Jackson Co. Bank Inc. vs. David nually for the American people, with pleasure a t their monthly meet- . Clove? Se«-di J ening. When these tickets are tu rn ­ cases,” said District Attorney Rawles : ^ P a l m e r et al. Application and; The appropriations for arm am ent H allow e’en P arty— ® ing , last . evening. The success of the ed . in . tor » „ admission . .. , Vetch and Seed Grains they will be sep- Moore in an “ It would be i Jackson Co. Bank vs. Carrie A th ’9 year are even greater than last x interview. - undertakiug was largely due to the CENTRA POINT FEED STORE The Misses M arguerite Irwin and a different m atter if 1 had lost sev- Cozens. Affidavit and order. , . * aiated and the room whose pupils year, being $1,422,752,000. Of this Central Point, Ore. Phon# 41 .n u n » win. I. m ittee gave. have |argM t o( adm |s .................. ...... Mildred Dunn en tertaim /i a few of eral such cases an d felt th a t I should Crelit Service Co. Inc. vs. Fay R. ; am ount $771,530,000 went to the A tterw ard. a witch recited ineant» , th elr cre(|1, , Me|ve g lllelr , r|ends a Hallowe-e„ party have assistance in the prosecution of ! Diamond. Summons. - __________ tiona over a cauldron which em itted „ „ „ U rge Amerlcan (|a g w hkh ,s Monday n ig h t a t th e la tte r’, home on them. ; Jacksonville School District No. 1 ! Stultz et al. Order. i a no .line .tin. c la im s and tot now on ,,[3pjay the store window Allison street. Everybody dressed lit “Some misguided people, ever i vs. L. E. B. S. Pierce assumes the business tunes lor Auules a and n ti n u t« w t - r n of . j . „ p _ Doect shall be shaped up, now is Springs Saturday night. 53-4 ask for it. In fact, once or twice worth while if you are vens, ___ 376 B St., Ashland 53-3* _______ A dozen good silk plush dreth, Jack Callahan, C. C. Crow- tlie time to act. influenced by outsiders, Judge O a r d - j ______ looking for good, long- eoats and as many good son and daughter Clarice, an d Clara Invited to B row nsville— ner came to me and offered such FOR SALE -Span of good work Two comedies. High school Fri- wearing garments. Will. mules,- weight about 2800; also Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koehler have counsel. substantial eloth eoats - day night. 53-2 received invitations to a tte n d the i "My position is th at I am hired span of horses weighing about hether it is high class 2400, and two wagons and h ar­ Your elioiee Agency of Oregon Fire Relief as-! „ * tw enty-fifth anniversary of the old i by all the taxpayers to perform the or popular priced gar­ ness. D. P. Parvin, a t city camp sociation. Yeo, of course. 4 4-tf R eturns from historic Presbyterian church at duties of county attorney w ithout $19.75 ground on W ater street. Come ments, we have them ---------- . I Mrs. Fales, sister of A. L. Lamp,i Brownsville and make me an offer. 53-1 1 Although the present! unnecessary expense to them , and as Arrives from K lam ath Falls— yeS,erday froni . building is but a q u arter of a c'entury long as I feel th a t I can look after h red Payne arrived in Ashland . “ en m aking her old, the church was organized in the public interest w ithout such an! yesterday afternoon from K lam ath p„. 6 111 mouths. Mrs. 1 853. In this year Rev. Robert Robe expense. U nderstand, I do not spurn) Falls, called here by the death of his ‘ es ls Ve, v g 'a d to return to her was appointed missionary to the extra legal help, but only the ex­ tiiirn r A. a o Payne, who died , yes­ home t ■ and ST «»va tHat that ° ne Ashland . . Northwest, . « with headquarters at pense it would entail. father, S. street is w orth the whole of Salem.: Brownsville and a salary of $400. terday morning “ But m atters came to a head this! morning when interested people The best chocolate creams can be Z n ^ e Kb° ard hopes wil1 suffice.” , Imogeue Wallace, planlste-teach- purchase,! at R ose B r o s ' ' 4", e canX to the county court an d offered , G i , " " T B ,° WnVi,le AND LOTS OF BETTER ONES, TOO er. Phone 210-J. 171 Helman to pay the expense out of their own et to ‘ U nity years, during which tim e, street. 33-1 mo his slender salary was considerably pockets for a com petent legal assist­ Duck H unter” in H o s p it a l- His wife still lives. an t for me in the prosecution of the George Rose, employe of the augm ented. Baby Ihuighter Born — : having reached the age of eighty- bootleg cases, if I would accept such Pacific company Is w A d iu g h te r was born to Mr. and Southern ried about a recent news ItenZgiZhZ l° Hr' ReV' Koehler hel(? the n e x j counsel^ Mrs. H. C. Stengel, October 21, at a _do accept the proposition, in Medford hospital. Mrs. Stengel Is him the status of a “ duck h u n te r” loi\gest Pasto rate a t the old church the d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. and mem ber of a local hunting p a r t / and A. H. Hays, now of Ashland, which invaded the Klam ath F a l l / was for many years one of its elders Stevens, 745 C street. district recently, contrary to the fact High School Gym Friday night. I " ' “» th e timo S r! '¡Roso“«'»,'" cô,',! - , '‘y e“ " " ! KhlK3bur>'; A t „»ed .0 a ioca, ho.piU l, B„ « e ri, A ° “ ”>e- Ashland News in Paragraphs « — —’ — j . — f w w U V 1 V O m ome November Leaders Plush Coals 50 Fine Suits 50 Fine Coats $ 1 9 .7 5 JERSEY JUMPER DRESSES $5.00 Free Tube with every Mason-Cord at Leedom’s Tire Hospital C H R IS TM A S SAVJNGS from injuries resulting from a re­ cent accident. V isit R elatives— BLOUSES of CREPE dc CHINE $3.49 ALl SILK JERSEY PETTICOATS $2.25 to $2.98 W inter apples, orchard run, fifty- pound box 75 cents, delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Leach of Trinity. Calif., are in Ashland for a See “ Mrs. P a t” at High School few days visit with Mrs. Leach’s Friday night. 53-2 Neil Creek V isitor — sisters, Mrs. Ellis Evans and Mrs. Ad Helms, the well known Neil Laura Farm er, and mother. Mrs. A. S. Payne F un eral— j Creek orchardist, transacted busi- Susan Halley. Funeral services for A. S. Payne, . , „ _ ... ----- 1 " h o died yesterday m orning a t his i ness in Aslgand and Medford Mon- uS ! •