fcÀGtì ÎWü ÁíMiÁírli b i í t v íídíñóé TidinSS ;ilg,th esiC niîoufi holltky* to Âsh‘ | j Wood, J’ ° L b r - M- ü ShaW' fi< A. Halé, W . G, Hale, Gèo. Ttverüer, 1 land. M. D., W. A. P atrick, Mary E. i V. . Taverner, ................................. A lU X U g Q iand Patrick, T. R — w.i«rha. u«™ Hughes, Mary Civic Club Plans 1876 A huge parade iu the morning, Fntrick, Nellie G. Ewah, Evelyn Dan- Sanford, Mary C. Hale, Mrs, A. H. Ashland Published Undh««4«|< ftetwobtt ft, Established Every Evening Except TELEPHONE 39 ________: ford, - Amanda Cherry, lunch tree to all and served on E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon. Postoffice as Second-ciass Mail Mat- ter. = <$> <$• <$> ■$> <$> '• ■ '• , Love is a star, whose gentle <•> ray ♦ Beams constant -o’er our lonely way; Love Is a gem, whose pearly light Oft charm s us in the darkest night.— Anonymous. 'î> C arrie M .! Hays, J. P. Koehler, I. N. L. Shriner, ........ Annual Meeting At Hotel Ashland Your state o f health largely depends upon the food you eat pänereon.“ “ ” « - son, Mrs. C. E. McCollister, G. E. terson, John H. Dill, Daniel L. R o ^ M ^ S . V p S f , ’ Mr", ¿ v j ’ At the CiViC Imr ovemeut club G.enn, Mrs. Daniel L. Glenn, R. P. Beeler. Mrs. H. J. Ballenger,j business meeting, held in Pioneer Neil, Mis. E. Atkinson, William ^Tinti^a -’ ’ 1 ’• R- i‘«orris^ ^Irs- R - w X w . T T ’ h . ^ ' d . ^ K o e t 1““ 1 J’“ ,erd a’ u fcrn o o n , the ladle, .N orrls’ Mrs- IrvlnS Finley, rlrving ler, Mrs. Emma Hager, Mrs. M. P. rm “de preparations for their annual 1 nley. A. V. Hood, H. R. Jacoby, m ee,' nS’ Whkh " IU ,akd « * '° ™ Mrs. H. R. Jacoby, Mrs. W. J. For- ’■ R : n ^ R MW . JAohn8onH H8lB5? Pi T i=roua I in I)icn^ bî f u n OQe 111 Ashland \*ill be one ot the best things in the world to promote the things our boys fought and died tn the Ih., gerat conflict. for in We do not see any reason why any of the “small-town sham ” that bes- Mrs- Lewis H. Jacks, Mrs. Mas- mer, M artha M organ,"p. M. Bechtel, of one of the Hotel A shiand’s popu­ lar luncheons next Tuesday. Plates will be sixty cents and reservations should be made not later than S a t­ urday of Mrs. Mary W ilshire, tele- phona 267-L. rich an d sons of poor both fo u g h t Mri/ K ate^H cnv Mrn. B. Jay Hawks. Swingle. Mrs. F. J. Swenning, W. S. The salvage shop continues to be reir, G. F. McConnell,! Ball, Mrs. M. V. Norman, Mrs. E. H. “shoulder to shoulder and blacfc to W. J Humphrey. W. G. b u rry , C W . ' Bush. P G M c W illia m s ’ C A B o r i a great success. This enterprise ben­ blade.” The efforts of one boy Nlms. A. B. Wick. P. J. Murphy. G .! ah . Mrs. Mary V. WiShlre,* Mrs H. A R M I S T I C E D A Y IX ASUI .AND efits not only the Civic club’s build­ were as good as the efforts of an- H- Billings, Minnie Beaver. Mrs. W .|J . Van Possen, Prof. Wilson, R. D. ing fund but those who make pur­ The third anniversary of Armis­ other, no m atter w hether he came !1' Yoek®y’ bred R. Neil, C. More- Blankenship, Emma Hevener, Mm. chases, because of the saving made house. C. E. Kennedy, Hazel M .-j. p. Eagon, A. Butler, Mrs. H. G. tice day will be on us within a very from a poor family or rich; whether Bruner, Dorothea Abraham , Ethel Wolcoat, H. G. Wolcoat, P T Wll- possible by the exteremely low price few days— Isn't It time to begin ,e wore shoulderstraps or was just Reid, Mrs. Annie Gash, B. M. ¡son, Mrs. M. S. Mulit, Leo Jam m er-i at which goods are so ld The latter preparations for the m em orializing.3 COininon buck private.” And the ^ bou^y ’ Tilu i b Shoudy. Clara N J thai, Leo Jam m ertha, L. H. W yant,! point is especially i im portant in view ‘ eolation ^ OU^ ’1 U M,'S' Mrs L. H. W yant, Rev. H arem ' of the coming wint of this occasion? President Hard- best way to sbow your appreciation w and the num- » il iv u 1 1- O1 V*ge’ ' J ’ M. S. Smith, Mrs. Mrs"* Harem Smith, Andrew ' , ber „ of . people . who , inter jug, in a proclamation, asks all citi- of tbe ,nea»*ini of A rni‘sBce day is jiam aker, p. B Donaldson. J. C.j W redaford" Andrew W redaford a re apt to suffer zens to fly Bags a t half m ast on th a t Io see how iH’inan and humble we Beagle, G. H. Ketchum, Nina Bell m . J. Barnhill, Mrs. K ittle Hunts- for lack of sufficient clothing, occasion and to offer a silent two- program for th a t day. Silver, Jessie M. Silver, A. M. Bea- j rows, Mrs. H. C arter, Mrs. B. H .' been diverted from golf links to head “ b le s s in g s on ----------------------— ----------------- J D0rreo3’ , R -A °xckey- R. Hatch, Mrs. A. Butler, Mrs. C. H. geai. » «> neaa divine mercy and for v. .V '" w » i .E dwi r,,>- “ A Minkler. C. R. Mlnk-J ' ___ _______________ our beloved country.” phrey, W. E. Sanford. Wm. Nasau. 1er, E. N. Butler, Mrs. Geo. P. King,! PEO PLE’S FORUM Armistice day is not to be one of ’ Jr Qslin, M. D. Dunlap, Jos. William Yoe, Mr. Finneran. M rs? W anted, at once, women to cut /$> ?> '?> «> j R. Smith, P. A. Decker, J. C. Sap- Finneran, Mrs. Van H ardenberg, fruit a t Bagley Canning company, hilarity, but ono of reverence, and . Penfield, Mrs. Ida Jones, John W. Mrs. Mary Cole. Ashland should unite in one com­ Talent, Or. Transportation free. [ Shortridge, Mrs. M. S. H am aker, E. Ashland, Ore., Oct. 24. bined effort to do justice to not o n ly ! Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf D. Jennings, A. L. Sherard, E thel C. To the editor: Putney, Mrs. Wm. O. Dickerson, R the victory of the allies in this ter- yve thn „nrUroionn^ * 1 ua,,cJ, «**»• »» hi . v». uicRerson, n. rible world war. but to the memory payers and legal voters of Ashland* ^ f w ^ B e n ^ o n J l ' H a ^ n e ^ D or those dear hoys who sleep ¡„ Oregon, hereby register our unalter- « «J? ^ 2 !. S. Powell, Mrs. Bert Freem an, Gen Flanders field as well as those w in ab’e opposition to the proposition eva W. Allen, Mrs. M. A. Baldwin. are uow scattered abroad on the face of having onr C hautauqua tabe n ad e used for the purpose of hous- Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Jas. Beagle, Mrs. of tlie earth, maimed a n J cripnlel ing live stock during th e mid win- C. H. N orthrup, Mrs. M, M. Brower,! M. Brower, Mrs. C. E. Sams, M rs.1 and in many cases disheartened by ter fair by any person or peisons M. c B Norton Nell Thornton, S. E. the load of sorrow on them th at at now or at an y fu tu re time. Thornton, Jennie L. Hogue, Mrs. L .«- No one w ho is physically ailing in any way can afford to take chances with the food he eats. For upon the selection of your food, and upon its perfect digestion and assimilation largely de­ pends your state of health. The most im portant thing in connection with the digestibility of any cereal food is the way it is prepared and the length of time it is cooked or baked. Grape-Nuts, the rich cereal food made from v. hole wheat flour and malted barley , is probably baked longer than any other cereal food. A large part of the starch of the wheat and barley is changed into dextrin and grape-sugar in preparing Grape-Nuts. This is one reason why Grape-Nuts is so easily digested by even the m ost delicate people. Grape-Nuts is vyheat and barley so processed as to make it delicious and appetizing; even young • children thrive on it and grow strong and rosy. Go to your grocer today and gdt a package of Grape-Nuts. Eat it as a cereal with milk or cream, or make it into a delicious pudding. It will be enjoyed and relished by every member of the family. Grape-Nuts — the Body Builder “ There’s u Reason” a p ip e — a n d som e P .A . G e t th e jo y t h a t ’s d u e you! Heating Is Not a Fixed Expense Crouch, Mrs. C. S. Silsby, C. C. Weis-! to be «»»Posed of, and, as one high enburger, Ada Hartley, Wm. H. Yoe, j official recently rem arked, “ there Is Mrs. A. R. Gregory, Mrs. H. P. j no dearth of m aterial from which to Holmes, Mrs. M. Henson, Mrs. L. E d raw .” Reames, Mrs. Dora Payne, Mrs. Jes The am bassadorial posts which sica Porter, Nellie Peters, .WE. they would refuse to consider a Palm er, Mrs. Caroline Deering, Mrs. have been filled are Brazil, where Peterson, Mrs. W. P. Guisinger, Eva j the Wilson appointee, Edwin V Mor- change for the better. T. Paris, Geo D. Faris, John Horn- gan> was re ta i« ed ; Chile by Dr W ! ing, Mrs. D. M. Brower, Mrs. Sarah; ,,, „ . . Discrimination in coal buying and coal K entnor, Mary E. Bruner, Mrs. A. ‘ 1 ° ‘ei ’ France by Myron T. j burning can both reduce the cost of Conwell, Mrs. L. H. Gallatin, Mrs. H errick; G reat Britain by Colonel being comfortable. J. G. Ambrose, Mrs. W. R. Davis, George Harvey; Italy by Richard Bold by ¡M rs. A. E. Mallicoat. Anabel M. W ashburn C 1.C ; Spain bv C v r u s The first step is to say SUPERIOR Henry, Mrs. O. H. Johnson, H arriet T„_ . ' : R. Dayton, G. IL Yeo,. Mrs. C arolyn: ' ’ 1 Jd Pan by Colonel C h ar-| Domestic Lump Coal to your dealer— and insist on getting i t ; the next is to Deer, Mrs. Harrison, J. L. Green-1 es ” a rre a - The two recognized : wood, Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Mrs. N. i embassies to which an am bassador make friends with your furnace, ! Ritzinger, Mrs. L. A. Moss. Geo. I r - ! is yet to be appointed are A rgentina! range and heater and treat them i win, P. W. Short, E. K. Hall. E. A. ! and Belgium. right. Reno, Mrs. Jessie Curry, Mary A. CARSON-FOWLER H arkin, Mrs. J. W. Mills, Mrs. J. ' W ith the ratification of the peace Superior Coal is high in heat LUMBER CO. Sayles, Mrs. Dunn, L. RobertstV, treaties President H arding will be value, burning with a long flame, v!1'3’ i N- D®n n is. Mrs- O. G. H arris, enabled to nom inate am bassadors to without soot, excessive clinkers Mrs. Rut«l, Mrs. A. C. Spencer, Mrs. I p . G. Mathes, Mrs. Carroll E. P ratt, I ’ y d T urkey- The latter or ash. H. C. High, Mrs. W. J. ModVe, Mrs. i 1>ost has- b>' unw ritten law, always W. Larder, Mrs. B. L. Powell, Ella t gone to a member of the Jewish W ertz. Mrs. W ertz, Mrs. E. A .; faith. The dism em berm ent of Aui- A. S. Boyd, N. W. Agent Woods, J. O. Rigg, J. N. DePeau, j tria a« a Mrs. C. F. Payne Rose P a tte rso n .! 38 * reS" 11 of the war wI” Prob Mrs. W. Hodkinson, Mrs. S. B. Tall-1 _ y ,mean th e lowering of our post lll.i.4 ., ¡ ’ o n l a a d , U r man, Mrs. Eliza Hicks, W. J. John­ at \ ieuna from an embassy to a le­ son, Mrs. G. H. Yeo, J. L. West, John gation. The appointm ent of an am- i Kellnfer, Mrs. C. D. Owen, Mrs. W. G. bassador to Mexico waits upon the ..... ..g. n ■■■■ ............... ..... recognition of the Obregon govern- ' ment there by the United States, and i no one can predict when the embassy! at Petrograd will be restored. The legations th a t have been filled ! and« the appointees of the H arding adm inistration are: Bulgaria, C har­ les W. W ilson; China, ,Dr. Jacob G ould-Schurm an; Czecho-Slovakia, Lewis Einstein (prom oted); Den-i m ark, Dr. J. D. Prince; Finland,! Charles L. Kagey; G uatem ala, Rov; Davis; N icaragua, John E. R a m e r;: Panam a, Dr. John G. South; Ru-j mania, Peter Augustus Jay; Salva-; i dor, Montgomery Schuyler; Slam J Edward E. Brodie; Switzerland, Jos- LADIES OUTING GOWNS i eph C. Grew (prom oted); V enzuelaJ LADIES' SATEEN PETTICOATS * • X j Willis C. Cook; the N etherlands, Our regular Peerless quality. Cut longer A good quality Sateen in plain colors and William Phillips (re ta in e d ); with! fiml wider than all other makes. In med­ Moral patterns, of high luster cloth. All ¡this post goes also the responsibility ium and heavy outing flannel— , of m inister to Luxemburg. J. Mor-! numbers fitted with elastic tops— ton Howell has been named as dip-" Special, $1.39 and up lomatic agent and consular agent a t Special, 98c and up Cairo, Egypt. The rem aining plums to be shaken HOUSE APRONS KITCHEN TOWELING UNION SUITS from the legation tree as the posts Ten dozen just arrived for in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, All fall w eight^otton fleece, this special sale. Good qual­ A very soft and absorbent ¡Cuba, Dominican Republic, E cuador? ity percale in light and dark cloth, 18 inches wide, in high neck, long sleeves, low Greece (when the governm ent is; bleached with blue border_ neck, short sleeves, and colors— , recognized), Honc«uras, H aiti, Li­ sleeveless, all ankle length— beria, Montenegro, Norway, P a ra ­ Special, 98c Special, 15c yd. Special, $1,19 guay, Persia, Peru, Poland, Portu- gal, Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Sweden, and Uruguay.! COTTON SHEET BLANKETS GOOD QUALITY COMFORTERS There is also a post as diplomatic! White, grey and tan with colored borders. agent and consul-general available AH lull bed size, filled with good quality in Morocco. Good, heavy body with long nappy fleece. white batting and covers of silkolene and Some of the positions will be fille d ; A real necessity these cool nights, all sizes sateen. Some knotted, others well stitched j by tran sfer or promotion of men w ho! have been in the service of the state Special, $2.69 and up Special, $2.98 and up departm ent for a num ber of years, , as it is the avowed purpose of Presi-! dent H arding and Secretary of State SWEATERS MACKINAWS Hughes to rew ard m erit and faithful The very latest in all wools. service in the departm ent; but there All are double breasted mod­ still rem ains enough “jobs” to keep New color combinalious in ¡th e presidbnt and his state secre­ els with shawl collars, loose tary busy listening to the ‘ backers” tuxedo styles, belted. The all ’round belts, 32 oz. all- of aspiring diplomats. Some people are so “sot” in their fuel habits you’d think <,i Wv ,p ri“ t ? right here that if y °u don’t know the A " d the friendsh‘P of a jo y ’us jimmy pipe— GO G E l ONE! And — get some Prince Albert and bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gong! P r in c e A l b e r t ia eolJ in to p p y red bags, tid y red tin t, h a n d so m e p o u n d and halt pound tin hum idors and in the pound c r y sta l glass h u m id o r w ith sponge m a is te n e r top. ‘ AT THE BARGAIN STORE values will please— Special, $4.95 and up Where Every Day is Bargain Day wool flannels in assorted plaid colors. Get our prices. Copyright 1921 5 ' J- Reynold* .... bacco Co. W inston-Saleni. N.C. 17tf Albert is a revelation in a m akin’s cigarette! My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent! And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince Albert 1 oils easy and stays put because it is crimped cut. And, say—oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe! Do it right now! F ringe A lbert • the national joy smoke How to Paint “Home Things’’ Chairs, Tables, Brtc-a -brae, Etc. E furnish detailed advice on varnishing, enamel­ ing and refinishing your furniture, etc., free to you who cannot get a painter and would like to do such work yourself. W W e tell you exactly how to do it. W hat kind of varnish, enamel or stain to use. W hat kind of brush and all else that you need to know. “Just a can of paint or var­ nish and a little work that’s fun” will work wonders with furniture and bric-a-brac that’s old only on the surface. We make a special line of varnishes, enamels, and like materials for you to use your* self. own I hey spread easily, dry per­ fectly and give every desired result. W e are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of paint products and make the very fin­ est kind of goods. Let our 72 years’ experience aid you in the work you have to do. 1‘ olk.u’ fu l l e r Specifica­ tions and you’ll get the right effects—depend on that. Don’t think you can’t do work like this simply because you haven’t ever done it. T ry it with our help, and see how delighted you will be. Learn what fun it is. Decoret Varnish Stains Stain and Varnish with one applica­ tion. Decoret refinishes with color ard gloss the worn and scarred »ur- fac«-3 of furxllture, floors and interior woodwork. The color of any natural wood can be matched. Made in 8 colors. „ T h e Decoret Line is composed of White Enamel, Ivory Enamel, Stovo Enamel, Screen Enamel, and Bronze Finishes. For Furniture and B r ic -a -b r a c : DEC­ ORET is “ Fuller’s” Specification for refin­ ishing ¡a color any wood surface. Ready-- mixed for use, stain and varnish in one application. Also makers of Rub­ ber-Cement Floor Paint, * tî“uûi_ï «“■ A ll-purpose Varnishes, Silkenwhite E n a m e l , I'ifteen-for Floors Var­ nish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Porch and Step Paint. Fuller & Co. Fullers • S P E C IF IC A T IO N Home Varnishes Service’Taints - Enamels M’f’d by W. P. Fuller &. Co. W H ERE TO BUY: Impor­ tant that yon get the right ma­ terial so be sure to go to the right store for Fuller products. Cut out the coupon to the right as a memo to direct you. Remember, don’t allow sur­ faces to rot. It costs less to paint them. Eugene— ,S hell Oil company erect­ ing a laige plant a t Eugene. Have a fit— C. Orres. For, Prince Albert’s quality — flavor — coolness— fragrance—is in a class 0/ its own! You never tasted such tobacco! W hy—figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper when we tell you that Prince Albert can’t bite, can’t parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! . THURSDAY==«FRIDAY=— SATURDAY S P E C IA L S SB 5W BS5BH RB 5H For aU exterior 1 Write us now—a postcard—for booklet of Fuller’s Specification Home Service” Paint Products whichatell just what to buy the work you have in mind; Dept. 19, San Francisco Pioneer Paint Manufacturers for 72 Years Established 1849 Branches in 16 cities in the W est Dealers everywhere SAVE THIS (Cut this out and put it in your pocketbook or handbag as a memo) FuUer’s “Home Service" Paints city*S° ^ by tbc following in your * * * * Consult our Advisory Depart­ ment relative to the questions you may have in mind. atlnj It la advisable to obtain the services of a Master Paint^r Dickerson & Son Ashland, Ore. >