fttHcU», 1, I t t i He« mit! C S L o c a l and Personal Wanted, at one«, women to cut For high grade tailoring for men SW* fru it at Bagley Canning company, and women— C. Orres. Talent, Or. Transportation free. Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf R eturn from 'Frisco— Dance Wednesday bight. Moose J. H. Philpott and wife have re­ liall. 514» turned from San Francisco, where Medford Man Gets Damages— Mr. Philpott underw ent an operation • Leave for California — H. O. P ark h u rst, 210 West Jack- for appendicitis at the Southern P a­ Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Swingle and 90Q stre e t’ Medford, has been award- cific Company hospital. - son expect to leave in the morning ed $15 by the city to cover damages for San Diego to spend the w inter, to his automobile top after passing When b etter tam ales are served, and w hatever may be necessary in under a low hanging v ee limb in Rose Bros, will serve them. 45-tf the way of funds. T heir many one of A shland’s main thorough­ friends regret to see them go, but fares, following action taken at a Ret un i from New York—- some would like to follow for a few recent council meeting. According to Mrs. Laura Edwards has returned 'investigating councllmen, the Med­ from New York where she has been months. ford man unavoidably struck the visiting her daughter, Miss Ernest- * limb. Due to the activities of the ine Edwards, since last June, and: We furnish salads and croquettes, any kind, for private parties on I street commissioner, the tree "evi- will reside perm anently dt her home! tw enty-four hours’ notice. Nelda ! ¿tence” has disappeared. on East Main street. Cafe. Vining Vining James Fenimore Cooper’s World Known Novel S/?e Cast o f the M ohicans A historically truthful version of this world-known story , starring ~_38-6t Have a fit— C. Orres. 7. If your stomach is continually 17tf kicking up a disturbance; you feel --------- - bloated and distressed; if you belch To l ,,de,RO OP©»»tion— gas and sour food into the m o u th ,! Bert Smith was taken to a local; then you need Mi-O-Na stomacn ta b -1 hospital toda>’ to undergo an opera-' lets. G uaranteed by McNair Bros. t*°n- W ALLACE t BEERY Rand, Visitor— —Also— Vernon Hooper, rancher in the Two Reel Comedy—“ Hold Your B reath” Dead Indian district, was an Ashland visitor the la tte r part of last week, returning to his home Sunday a fte r­ S P E C IA L M A T IN E E noon. Cliff Payne makes shaving stands. ---------- Fi-ee Fish Are Offered— Wednesday—4:15 P. M. . n H o s p i n i s vi r i d e r We do catering to private parties. Local m otorists, who have return- R etu rn s fro m Ix x li, C a l i f . - FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Nelda Cafe. 38-6t ed from H ornbrook, state th a t free Mrs, E. F. Smith returned recently ( salmon fish may be had for the tak- Admission: I nder 12 years, 10c; past 12, 35c from Lodi, Calif., where she has been I Will Leave for California— lo t ju s, beyond Hornbrook on the i ?l8lll„ g h„ sl9ter F. D. Swingle and family expect Klam ath river. Operators of a fish to leave Ashland this week for Cali- hatchery, it is said, are killing the Try Roses’ special ice cream. fornia, where they will spend the fish for the eggs, which will 'be sa —: 45-tf w inter months transplanted in Oregon stream s. The fish are being offered by the sack- Visit Relative»— W anted, at once, women to c u tjfu i, anti a surplus is still left, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall spent Sun-J fru it at Bagley Canning company, ______ _ One cent the wo rd each time. day with relatives in Ashland. T n ," W rW U 0 " Now Is the tim e order your HELP WANTED. ° ne ‘ ■ Thanksgiving suit. Paulseru * as smashed Saturday enjoyment of the evening. 47-tf I able price. Phone - 83. afternoon when his car. Mr. McCune known. FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com- FOR PROMPT and careful service Orders taken for rresh oysters. Miner Returns— states, collided with the rear end of pletely furnished; close in; price with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, Marcus K elts has returned home an interurban bus near Medford. Mr. Nelda Cafe! 38-6t The United States senate eventu reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone from his job of mining and expects McCuiTe claims th a t the bus, preced­ dine. Phone 122. 38-tf 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near ally decided not to prolong the Send Missionary Box Monday— to be in Ashland for the winter. Hotel Austin. ing him, stopped suddenly w ithout a "world war any more. To keep aj FOB HALE— REAL ESTATE. The Presbyterian women will send w arning being given by the driver war going three years after fighting PLUMBING W inter apples, orchard run. fifty- m aking it impossible to ¡stop the their box to Wolf Point, Mont., next has ceased is a novelty in world his­ ANYONE WISHING TO BUY a place close in, cheap, phone 326-J. 51-3* PHONE your next job of plumbing pound box 75 cents, delivered. Phone: McCune car which was traveling at Monday. Any who want to contrib­ tory. ute, seifd to the manse this week. to Jerry O’NeafO, Beaver Building. ' the rate of twenty miles an hour, FOB SALE. I’houe 138. Also the Guild work bags for Ellis before nosing into th e rear end of FOR SALE— General merchandise Will Write U. of O. History— Island should be finished this week. the big bus. ROOFERS store. Stock and fixtures a t in- A detailed history of the Univers­ Mrs. Cyril Cox, who has been vis­ voice. Mason & Manning, Talent, j “ T . " ’ ity of Oregon is being written by WILSON, practical O re. We serve the best of coffee at all iting her mother, Mrs. S. R. Jeter, B ltf G R A H A M Heat units and quality is what counts. Positively no roofers; new roofs laid and old Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the school times. Neida Cafe. on Fourth street, has returned to 38-6t roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh SEE H. S. Lynch, Talent, for dry Coal sold in the West that equals the famous “ Peacock” of education, who will include th is! h r home in Vancouver, B. C. street, Medford, Ore. wood, or phone 12-F-22. Rock Springs Lump C o a l- in a projected series dealing with Embroidery Club to Meet__ 36-2tw-l mo* LIVE STOCK I Oregon educational history. The Friday Afternoon Em broidery \ \ il<’ Goose F e a s t - Price per ton in bulk................. $18.00 FOR SALE— Newtowns, good size — -------------- Relatives and friends of John E n­ — club will be en tertain ed by Mrs. apples, $1.25 per box. 311 Moun- KIRTLAND FARM Is offering for Price per half ton in bulk..........$ 9.75 See Paulserud’s suits. Satisfac- Frank Guisinger, 1193 Boulevard, ders are feasting on eight wild geese sale cheap one registered 2-year- tain Ave. Bring box. 51-3* Price per quarter ton in bulk ___$ 5.00 tion guaranteed. 49tf th ii week. sent over from Klam ath Falls by Mr oldl black Percheron stallion, sired FOR SALE— Dining set, $20.00. 112 i by Ketab, the best Imported Black Enders. We are unloading a car today, and two more cars coming B street. 50-3* Percheron in valley; or will sell Ketab. These are priced so they We have plenty Utah Lump Coal on hand at FOR SAI^E— Jersey cow, two heifer 1 will pay for themselves next year. calves, one a yearling, library ta- i We also have some young te«ms same prices as above ble, motor washing machine, and for sale. Will sell a few regis­ i heating stove. 264 G rant St. 49-4* W H IT T L E T R A N S F E R CO. tered Milking Shorthorn cows and heifers; two bull calves, sired by I SWEET CIDER— Order for that Foothill’s Corporal, the grand Hallowe’en party, 40c gallon, two champion of the Pacific coast. 75c c&livered. Phone 9 -F -ll. W rite, phone or come and see. Phone 19-X-3. Central Point, Or. FOR SALE— Wood, m anzanita, oak J. E. Mason, Superintendent. 42-tf TALENT, Or., Nov. 1.— Albert Al­ and fir. Phone 479J. 48tf GOVERNMENT CONFIDENCE FOR SALE. ford, for forty-six years a resident of KING APPLES— Good size and Talent, passed away a t his home in fl’ongress has realized the import- clean, splendid cooking and eat­ Brick building and lot— fully occu­ ^ a n c e to the country of the agri­ th a t place Sunday at 2:45 p. m,, as ing apples. 50 lb. box, $1 deliv­ pied a t rental insuring good r e ­ cultural and livestock industries, ered. Phone 9 -F -ll. a result of paralysis. turns on investment. and appropriated a large sum for Mr. Alford was born in Missouri FOR SALE— Fryers, 2% to 3 H , furthering them. in the year 1833. In 1850 when but pounds. 922 Boulevard, phone acres A w*th s * room bouse, large The banks and bankers constituted 4g_6 barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 17 years of age, he crossed the th e medium th ru which this assist­ acres alfalfa, good garden a n d plains by ox team, and settled in the Our line this year will cover all the field of dependable ance will be given, because the war farm land. FOR SALE — Bulck four-cylin’der finance corporation will have the I W illam ette valley, where In 1853 he Touring car. Phone 437-R, or call benefit of th eir experience and know­ gift-giving. We will feature low prices throughout the 47-tf 28 acres with fine dwelling, barn, was m arried. 63 Pine street. ledge of local conditions. packing house. About 20 acres in In 1869 Mr. and Mrs. Alford re­ “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922; good orchard. Balance suitable entire holiday season. Merchandise this vear is verv The F irst National sees this as a moved to the Rogue River valley, • » models now on floor, Swenson & , for farm products. distinct m ark of approval for the McRae’s; see them ; your term s and resided north of Central Point much cheaper. banks of th e country. are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man- acres with good fruit, bouse and until 1875, when they moved to Tal­ ---- Oregon. --------- 35-lm o ager Southern chicken shed. Sightly location. ent, where they have since resided. FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in Mr. Alford, in business affairs, good condition. Automotive Shop. Furnished six room dwelling on a was a man of success, but spent lit­ 27tf paved street, one of the finest lo- tle time in public life. He was com­ cations in the city. missioner of Jackson county at thei CAR WASHING Inquire at FIRST NATIONAL BANK time the court house was built, and! EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- A s h la n d O regon participated in the erection of th at; icg. Llthla Garage, phone 114. BOARD AND ROOMS. structure. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ BOARD AND ROOM— Call at 716 N. He was also a veterans of the! sonable prices. Lithia Garage. Main. 48tf G o v e rn m e n t care Red Cross is spending Million Dollars a Year lelp the ex-service m an and his family B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Newest Leather Handbags McNair Bros. 231« ! C O A X .! G if ts T hat L ast O. 11. J o h n s o n J e w e le r Albert Alford, ' Valley Pioneer, Dies At Talent First National Bank Jitan <