PAOS PODS A i a u í f t í ¡ U l t i ü ó tffM Metidir, October-81« IMU Hulmve'en Social— ‘ they will attend a world conferencej br&ith m arked C o m m an d s Emery'a • opinion that the home market Is the The Junior society of the B a p tist'o f church leaders and missionaries, address. best. church enjoyed a Hallowe’en social Rev. Edw ards will leave A sh lan d ' “The honor of having led the Le­ No price on Newtowns has yet in the church Friday evening. There Tuesday for Portland. gion to these achievements is not been established, although offers of BELLEVIEW ITkMM were many spooks and ghosts pres mine,’’ he salt). “ They were $1.65 and $1.75 have been made for H unters A re L uc£j>— ent. came masked. Billy Murnhv Dick Coleman Jack 7 " as all — — — • One of SALEM, Qr„ Oct. 31.— Out of 425 ceivea celved and and accomplished accomplished by by th a t large sizes of extra fancy stock. B u sh J o h n D r a k e and Fred Miller the p‘ inclpal entertainm ents of the accidents reported to the state in- great leader and partiot who has Seven cars of Rogue River Spitz re­ ’ ’ 1 evening was the initiation Into the dustrial accident commission for the done more to advance the destinies cently sold in London for a price ,7 ! , , 7 i n h W izard alld Witch order- Some of week endlne October 27, five were of the Legion than any other m an— which will net growers here $2, but ta d th h t 7 859 ? i 7 * ’ hfhey those present were fortunate enough fatal. The fatalities were: ¡o u r late and beloved commander, a California buyer picked up a car nn W h*8 ot luck> br pslng ko,“ e to reach the third degree. There Liberlo Gonzales, Preuss, O re.,1 Frederic W. G albraith, Jr. God rest for $1.65. with them one large deer and plentj was alao a . l*ATE TO CLASSIFY. M erchants’ noon lunch, 60 cents. Hotel Ashland Grill. DRESSMAKING — Mrs. G’ettis, G3 c fts h a m St. Jean A. 51-6* FOR SALE— Bed room spt, consist­ ing of bed, box spring, hair m at­ R eturns to ’Frisco— tress, dresser, chifforobe, three upholstered chairs, w riting table Miss Louise Homes, employed as and small square table. A. Kopp, a trained nurse in a San Francisco Ashland Hotel. • 51-1* hospital, left this m orning on the 5 o’clock train to resume her work FOR SALE— Newtowns, good size apples, $1.25 per box. 311 Moun- in th a t city. Miss Homes has been tain Ave. Bring box. 51-3* a t home with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Homes, for several ANYONE WISHING TO BUY a place close in. cheap, phone 326-J. 51-3* weeks, recuperating from a serious Illness. \\ ANTED— Boarders. Strictly home cooking. 743 East Main. 51-2* Remodeling and g '¡F O R RENT— A 400 acre alfalfa and Orres. stock ranch six miles from Ash­ land. known as the Vrohman For pleating, see Orres. ranch. Cash rent, $500 per year. 17tf Staples Realty, agent. 51-2 Dance WednetMlay tiight. hall. We can give you prompt service, fo u r mechanics at your disposal. ^AUTO M O TIVE SHOP 100 Main St. « An American Drama Eternal By James Fenimore Cooper S P E C IA L M A T IN E E Wednesday—4:15 P. M. FOft SCHOOL CHILDREN Remember the day and lie on time LEAVING TONIGHT ongress has realized the im port­ the country of the ag ri­ and. livestock industries, and appropriated a large sum for furthering them. The banks and bankers constituted the medium th ru which this asslst- ifrfce will be given, becauseH he war finance corporation will have the benefit of their experience and know­ ledge of local conditions. The F irst National sees this as a distinct m ark of approval for the banks of th e country. to C ance cultural N ation al B an k Ashland Oregon Some November Leaders JERSEY JU5ÎPER DRESSES $5.00 AND LOTS OF BETTER ONES, TOO CREPE 4e CHINE Elkhorn Gan Store Kt OAK STREET F urs will be a good price this fall, a complete outfit. Get my price« oil trap« and Why send to m ail-order houses for Sporting Good«? your catalogue and we will compare price*. Guns repaired, fishing rods wrapped. let me put it in shape for laying away. A ll SILK JERSEY PETTICOATS $2.25 to $2.98 AND UP (ANTON CREPE CREPE SATIN FAIRYSPUN and other high priced novelty silks, $3.49. WOOL COATINGS are offered at very low prices. Make your chil­ dren’s coats now and your own, too. Buy Your Winter Underwear Now CARTERS or ROYAL MILLS CORONA HEADQUARTERS FOR COFFEE nPEWRITERS 7— D a y S p e c ia l— 7 $5 COMMENCING SATURDAY, THE 29TH All Finished Products of Oregon GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 1 lb. t i n ..................... 39u 3 lb. t i n ___: ...........$1.14 5 lb. t i n ............................. $1.69 PREFERRED STOCK COFFEE 1 lb. tin . ................... 38c 2! In W inburn’s car, Milt Bie- Ore. 5 i_ i j gal officiating ° — at •■ the Mr. I. ------------- -------- »-■---- ------------- •W wheel. nuuci, JW | W inburn’s headquarters will be at FOR RENT— Seven room cottage, in - . his. . stay will fair condition, ¡with fine range. the u»_s--------. Fairm ount, where One block from Ju n io r high be indefinite. He carries letters of school. Inquire a t Allen Realty introduction to several form er Ash- office or at 355 Almond St. 51-2* landers now living in 'Frisco and ex­ pects to enjoy his stay in the Cali­ FOR RENT— Ranch. 70 acres, house and barn, chicken house, etc., 22 fornia metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. acres alfalfa, balance grain and Moses are expected to return to Ash­ pasture land. Plenty of wood on place. Two milqs from Taljent. land in ten days or two weeks. Mason & Manning, Talent. Ofe. _____ 51tf Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf FOR SALE— General m erchandise store. Stock and fixtures a t In­ When better tamafes are served, voice. Mason & Manning, Talent. Rose Bros, will serve them. 45-tf Ore. ________ 5 i t f ÏSDAY Service... I • Heat units and quality is what counts. Positively no Coal sold in the West that equals the famous “ Peacock” Rook Springs Lump Coal— i Price per ton in bulk...............$18.00 Price per half ton in bulk.........$ 9.75 Price per quarter ton in bulk... $ 5.00 We are unloading a car today, and two more cars coining We have plenty Utah Lump Coal on hand at same prices as above