% PAG« FOVH Friday, October 2S, IM I ÁBHLAND bÀÊLÏ TÍÚÍÑGá M ÍM M i T Buys Garage Interests— Return from S p o k a n e - A, B. Mackenzie has purchased Mrs. F. R. Buyers has returned from a several days visit w ith rela­ Harold Prose’s interest in the Class EMERGRUT MASONIC MEETING tives and friends at Spokane, Wash. A garage, forming a partnership with Edward High in the m anage­ Woolens for men and women sold ment of the business. The new gar-j by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf age owners will have the agency for Special communication of Ashland ; the Essex and Packard cars. Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home lodge N o .'23 this (F rid ay ) evening, Order your Thanksgiving suit October 28, for work in the third de­ folks as well as commercial and 45-tf from Paulserud’s. 49tf gree. Two candidates. Meet at 7:30 tourist business. o'clock sharp. Announcement is D ressm aking by Smith-Hughes Cliff Payne makes medicine cases. brief, hence let all members and vis­ graduate. Phone 9-F-2 46-6* itors take notice. We do catering to private parties. W. E. BUCHANAN, W. M. 1 Nelda Cafe. 38-6t Leaves for Tacom a— W. H. DAY, Secretary. Miss Rose Patterson, daughter of Z----------------- ---- Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvestor Patterson, Makes Realty Purchase— 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf left yesterday evening for Tacoma, W. W. Robison has purchased tw o 1 W ash., w here }she will visit Mrs. unimproved lots on Beech street, O’Neil of th a t city, form erly Miss FOR SALE------- south of Ashland street in the M at-‘ Vivian Fuller of Ashland. A lfa lfa Seed thews addition, from Mr. and Mrs. j Clover Seed# W. R. Yockey and Mr. and Mrs. A. j For high grade tailoring for men Vetch and Seed G rains ' M. Beaver. The deal was made by ■ and women— C. Orres. CENTRA POINT FEED STORE Central Point, Ore. Phone 4 t the Beaver Realty company. W anted, at once, women to cut Don’t miss the dram atic entertain-j fru it at Bagley Canning company, ment by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw Friday, Talent, Or. T ransportation free. October 28, at the M ethodist church Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf for the benefit of the community From Neil Creek — club house. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guyger, of Nell creek, were Ashland visitors yester­ For pleating, see Orres. 17tf day. Mrs. Guyger assisted at the Orders taken for fresh oysters dinner served yesterday noon a t the Nelda Cafe. 38-6t| C hautauqua Pioneer hall by the La­ dies’ Aid society of the Congrega­ tional church. R eturns from Gold Hill— Mrs. Nancy Sisemore has retu rn ed ' Sen Paulserud’s suits, Satisfac- from a visit with Mrs. Kelsey at Gold) tion guaranteed. 49tf Hili. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Heat units and quality is What counts. Positively no Coal sold in the West that equals the famous “ Peacock” Rock Springs Lump C o a l- Price per ton in bu lk .................. $18.00 Price per h alf ton in bu lk ......... $ 9.75 Price per quarter ton in bu lk $ 5.00 .We are unloading a car today, and two more cars coming We have plenty Utah Lump Coal on hand at same prices as above W H ITTLE TRANSFER CO. Your blow n-out tir e s or tiilw s can be m ade as s tr in g as th e Rock of G ibraltar by our vul­ canizing process. We m ak e no haphazard p a tc h e s,— all out­ w ork is guaranteed to last for ♦he life of th e tire. The price w e ask sp ells econ­ om y to you first, la st and a l­ ways. KRUGGEL BROTHERS GUARANTEED VULCANIZ IN C T IR E S A CC ESSO R IES TEL.125 ASHLAND,ORECON 91 OAK ST We furnish salads and croquettes, any kind, for private parties on tw enty four hours’ notice. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t HEADQUARTERS FOR COFFEE 7— Day Special— 7 COMMENCING SATURDAY, THE 29TH GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 1 lb. t i n ..................... 39o 3 lb. t i n .................... $1.14 5 lb. t i n ............................. $1.69 PREFERRED STOCK COFFEE 1 lb. t i n ..................... 38c 21/2 lb. t i n ................. 5 lb. t i n .............................. $1.69 92o DEPENDABLE COFFEE 1 lb. t i n ............................. 33c 3 lb. t i n ............................. 92c W h ite H o u s e G r o c e te r ia Quality Groceries Moderately Priced *31 IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H . VAUPEL THE Q U A L IT Y STORE ppoFtuiiity Sals MANY NEW AND ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SATURDAY Customers that have attended the “ Golden Oppurtunity Sale” are well pleased with the Bargains offered— Note the Following Items—and Bring Your List SA TU R D A Y Ju st in, by express—Waists for S aturday’s selling: Four dozen, in all sizes 36 to 46. Made of Crepe de Chine. Trieolette and Pongee Silk. All new styles. Values to $7.00. Saturday ...........................................................$3.48 Ladies Knit Union Suits, all styles, each ..............$1.25 Children’s Knit Bloomers, pink only, 4 f o r ............. $1.00 Children’s Cotton Underwear, vests and pants, each .............................................................. 39c, 59c and 69c Children’s Black Sateen Bloomers, heavy, each ....5 9 c Ladies’ bungalow Aprons, made of good percale, ea. $1.00 Ladies’ Petticoats, made of fancy material, floral patterns, each ...........................................................98c Rainproof Umbrellas, made of cotton taffeta, each $2.98 Jersey Silk Petticoats, new colors, each ..................$3.95 New styles in Vanity Boxes, Saturday e a c h ..........$1.98 Ladies’ Winter Weight Underwear, vests and draw­ ers, each ....................................................................75C Full size All Wool Blankets, new plaids, p a i r ..........$9.48 New Fancy Ribbons, wide widths, y a r d ....................35c 56 inch All Wool Serge, heavy quality, y a r d ..........$1.98 Heavy Quality Fine Dress Satin, yard .................... $2.25 Imported Pongee Silk for underwear, yard . . . ___69c 36 inch Dutghess Dress Satin, black, y a r d ..............$1.69 36 inch Heavy Outing Flannel, fancy and white, yd. 25c Comforter size Cotton Bats, e a c h ................................. 89c Children’s Cotton Hose, all sizes, pair ..................... 25c Wool and Cotton Blankets, new plaids, p a i r ..........$6.48 The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated / Have your hemstitching and picoting done here. use our shortening. There is a big difference in pie crust, all due to the kind of shortening used. Now we know from ex­ perience that our shortening makes the most delicious crust you ever tasted*. Just try some! Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the dram a. “ Miss Gibble G ault,” for the benefit of the community club house in ’Frisco Hospital— Mrs. J. H. Philpott has gone to San Friday evening, Ofctober 2 8, a t the Francisco to be with her husband, Methodist church. Come ant? hear it. who is in the Southern Pacific hos­ Visits Friends— pital, having recently undergone an Miss Hazel Smith, clerk at Mc­ operation. Gee’s, is spending a six weeks’ visit Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf a t the home of her parents a t Brok­ en Bow, Neb. Miss Smith will re -’ W inter apples, orchard run, fifty- tu rn to Ashland and her position at pound box 75 cents, delivered. Phone McGee’s. 9 -F -ll. M erchants’ àoon lunch, 60 cents. 45-tf W he» b etter tam ales are served, i HotPl Ashland Grill. Rose Bros, will serve them. 4 5 -tf! NEW AUTO TOP SHOP Rem odeling an a cleaning — C.| Now open for all kinds of work Orres. and repairs. See me. T. R. Herk- ner, Park street. 49-2* Engages Housekeepe Mrs. Jones, of North Main street,; FOR SALE has been engaged by Mrs. P h o eb e' A uthorized Ford Service Station, W right as companion and house-j in elud ing tools and ««•eeswories. ; keeper. B est location, „ H ave Your Celebrated Story STARTS TODAY Cappy Ricks” Packed with thrills from start to' finish Coming ‘Sunday- "The Spenders” "Arcii-Topath” There are scads of women who never know what real foot comfort means; their feet bum and ache at the end of every day, and they wonder what can he the matter. To those we'extend an invitation to come to our store ami let us try on a pair of ‘ A ROH-TOPAT 11 ’ shoes or oxfords. Sensible toes, sensible heels ami built over com­ bination lasts with correct fitting arches ami heel seats ami best of all—sold at a sensible price. SOLD ONLY AT W ind Shields Fixed at “Coup S hoes ” 21 N orth Central Medford Hittson’s MEDFORD, OREGON BENEFIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE E x p e rt M achine andi Shop W ork i CENTRAL POINT GARAGE Now is the time to order your¡ Central Point, Ore. Thanksgiving suit. Paulserud*s.49tf¡ ______ I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ' Try Roses’ special ice cream. 45-tf FOR SALE— Young horses (chunks) — A. H. Davenhill, phone 11F5.J 49-3* Get your fall suit here. Paulse- ro d ’s. 46-tf; FOR SALE— Jersey cow, two heifer calves, one a yearling, library ta ­ ble, motor washing machine, and I Again Opened A fter Rem odeling— heating stove. 264 G rant St. 49-4* A fter tw enty days suspension of business for extensive rem odeling, FOR RENT— Five room house. 264 1 G rant St. 49-4* the O. H. Johnson jew elry store is again open for business. There has SW EET CIDER— Order for th a t been a great tran sfo rm atio n w rought Hallowe’en party, 40c gallon, two in the room. A large plate glass 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. window, with double case has been installed, new linoleum laid, the en­ FOR SALE— Milk cow and team of work horses. Inquire 117 Laurel. tire in terio r "beautifully decorated, 49-3* and the show room much enlarged, so th at now it is one of th e m ost WANTED— Lady to do housework. « No washing. Good home. 75 Hel- beautiful jew elry rooms in th e val­ man St. 49-4* ley. The show window space has SALESMEN been enlarged so th a t it will be the 57 MILES per gallon made with new most commodious and attractiv e in patentedi gasoline vaporizer. W rite Southern Oregon. The store opens for particulars. Stransky Vapor­ tom orrow for business. 49-1 izer Co., Pukw ana, S. D. 49-1*“ Thomas M eighan Peter B. Kyne’s 77- 153 EAST MAIN ST. < QUALITY GROCERY CENERAI DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE Big Windstorms Coming - J The dram atic entertainm ent by Dr. M attie B. Shaw .in th e Methodist church on the evening of October 28 will be entertaining and instructive. Don’t fail to ehar it. Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. 37-tf All Finished Products of Oregon FOR THE REST PIE CRUST A We serve the best of coffee at all Epecial breakfast, 6h cents, from! times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t 6 to 9. Hotel Ashland Grill. 45-tf E. R. «I SSÈ G abriel Snubbers Gill P iston R ings B earing Service SATURDAY 5 per cent of our sales will he given Io the Community Club House Fund Special Prices on All Guns and Sporting Goods Saturday Only W eed C hains and Studebaker Cars 1 Elkhorn Gun R. Middleton, Prop P hone 57 Select Appare! for Men’s Winter Wear Fashionable and Serviceable Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men-------- Famous Hirsh=Wickwire and MichaeU Stern & Co. Make Logger Style Mackinaws are popular this season. have the most attractive styles and patterns in We . Patrick of Duluth Mackinaws and Overcoats w f for cold, w et w eather r M anhattan Shirts Earl & Wilson Shirts and Collars Holeproof Hosiery Cheney Ties a Hirsh-Wickwire Suits and Overcoats—$40 to $65 Michael Sterns Suits and Overcoats—$30 to $50 It will be well worth your while to drive down to look at this line of merchandise New Arrivals, Men’s Headwear Knox H a ts ... .$6.50 Mallory H a ts .. .$5.00 M O D E L CLOTHING COM PANY S. T. Richardson, Prop. 123 E. Main Medford “ Double-Bilt” Suit3 and Overcoats for Boys Bradley Sweaters