Sas SHLAND climat«, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. A sii l and D aily T idings 1 ALARIA germs cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. n (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1921 NO. 49 UNION HEADS CANCEL RAILROAD STRIKE Offer Special Prize» — Study C lass F in ish es W ork— H. H. Lowe, of Butte Falls, raise- er of fine blood registered rabbits, has offered two special prizes for rabbit exhibits at the coming W inter Fair, November 7, 8, 9 and 10. Mr. Lowe, who is a worker for the pro-, motion of junior farm work affairs, has offered a registered New Z ea-! land rabbit for the best pair of rab- i bits exhibited by the boy or girl under sixteen years of age. For the — ———— — best rabbit exhibited a t the fair Mr. AMERICAN LEGION ANU ALUMNI Lowe has offered a registered New ASSOCIATION TO DEDICATE A 'Z ealand buck TABLET AT HIGH SCHOOL IN) HONOR OF FALLEN HEROES OP WORLD WAR. E < Hours of Bitter Fighting En ds In Labor Settlement E Haz K ik I Labor leaders Admit Government The study class of the Presbyter­ ian Missionary society concluded its six weeks study course under the I leadership of Mrs. Jam es Rudd, at a missionary tea given yesterday at : the home of Mrs. W illiam Mathes who acted as hostess. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Rudd by mem­ 14048040 bers of the society. The ladies filled) a missionary • box with gifts to be' shipped to an Indian mission at Wolf Point, Mont. BORED Ï0 HELP CHICAGO L Pressure Forced Their Decision IS WOMAN RETS OF PAST LI F it; ACTRESS ED BY TELLS VIRGINIA CLAIMS COULD FROM SHOCK. SEC- RAI’P E ’S HAVE MOVIE DIED CHICAGO, Oct. 28.— Cabalistic messages w ritten in a code known only to officials of the railway brot herhoods are running over the na- CHICAGO, Oct. 28.— Shadowy j. tion'a telegraph wires today, carry ing a message of peace after the btt-j secrets from the hidden past of Vir­ terest industrial and labor controversy th a t the United States has) ginia Rappe, beautiful young film known for years. actress, who died following a recent The message was sent to every g eneral chairm an of the “ Big F our” "p arty ” given by Fatty (Roscot\| A r­ brotherhoods and switchm en’s union by the grand chiefs of these or­ buckle in the St. Francis hotel at ganisations. They directed th a t th e nation wide strike of railroad em- : MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 28.— That San Francisco, were revealed with pioyes set for October 30 be cancelled, sounding a death knell for the MEDFORD. Or., Oct. 28— Charges walkout th a t threatened to seriously cripple, if not paralyze, the trans t,ie state highway commission, at its many sordid details by Mrs. Jose- and counter charges of “ fram e-up” ; portation systems of th e country. • j meeting in Portland W ednesday had phine Roth, her life-long friend, to- and ‘ unfair tactics” were hurled by The end of the proposed strike • taken steps which practically as- day in an effort to clear Aft>uckle of counsel for both sides in m e arg u ­ came ju st before m idnight after sured the improvement of the re- tbe resl)Ons*bility ior Tier death. hours of bitter fighting. Peace i m aining sections of the C rater Lake! The revealations Included the fact ments to the jury yesterday in the MY KICK ABOUT “ HAZ K IK ” trial of Jam es (Shine) Edwards, and came, the iiion leaders adm itted, he- highway, was the gratifying report (bat irginia had been the mothei While I am certainly in accord bitterness cropped out in the state cause the sovreign powers of the brought by Ben Sheldon, who has ’* ®bild "iiich had died when five atto rn ey ’s castigating the witnesses with tlie principles enunciated by United States governm ent stood back returned from Portland where he -x ears 1 be 111081 startling state- “ Haz K ik ’ 'in his first public ap­ for the defense, and the defense of the move to prevent the strike. went to present the m atter to t h e j m ent 01 Mrs. R o th s was that the actress was in constant danger of directing the heavy artillery of their pearance in the Tidings: those of The settlem ent of the strike situa­ commission tion m arks the culm ination of a pe­ invective and scorn against A. B. kindly criticism and wholesome At the m eetin g of the commission death froni 8udden 8hock- riod of unrest and general dissatis­ orders were entered on the 'record Gates, star witness for the state and publicity; yet I myself an advertising to the world, as | cut was not sufficient reason for a ally its present form, of the pending WHEN CAB DROPS Johnny to insure an even mix. Digon ! ; strike. federal highway bill. Oregon. The Ashland team has been | also denied th a t he had ever been in far a.: the meagre circulation of has made every effort possible to OVER STREP BANK the Medford adjunct to the big going strong and can sta rt to m o r-, Gates' room, As a consequence of today’s strike Road to Crescent Lake arrange even matches for tonight. departm ent store would permit, ’ j settlem ent, preparations to handle * Mr. Cecil also announced th at his' row ’s game with every man in fine ------------------------------ There will he other interesting th at certain “ prom inent citizens” condition. A uto Service P roject— SALEM, Or., Oct. 28.— Miss R u th ' the natio n ’s mail service by airplane, bureau intended building a road» prelim inaries, including a four round Medford has a strong line up and F irst aid to stran d ed m otorists I were in the habit of “exploiting” W ortham , 54, colored m issionaryi ai>to and by other emergency meth- from the north boundary of C rater go between Kid Hammond and Claud much confidence due to their vic^iry w ithin a radius of fifteen miles of innocent new arrivals who pro­ from Alaska, and Jam es Wilson, 62, ods were abandoned; “ Business as ¿Lake national park to Crescent U k e J W ri7 h i and V f o u i " r ^ over K lam ath Falls last Saturday. retired farm er, were killed about usual m arks the close of the na- a distance of about thirty-five miles Ashland is the purpose of newly o r­ posed big things for the town, as curtain raiser exhibition between Unless Roseburg, boasting of a ganized business enterprise known soon as they lit, w ithout reg ard m idnight when the autom obile in tion’s greatest labor controversy of As there are already roads from Sonny Austin, M edford’s 98 pound football team this year for the first as the Motor Aid Service company, to w hether such advertisem ents which they were riding left the pave-: the year. Bend to Crescent lake, and from Eu- _ . , colored pugilist, and Young Mea- tim e in its history, springs a surprise under the m anagem ent of A. B. Mc­ would induce people to come here, in e it five miles south of Salem. --------- r 1 1 1 ? ° i pscent lake, the building dows, another local “comer.” the championship of Southern Ore­ Kenzie. The service, supplied at a or go somewhere “ where harmony dropped down a step bank and land- Mail Clerks Examined— of (bis link will mean a northern e n - ______________________ gon will be decided by this game. nominal yearly charge, will Include prevailed” ; I thought it would ed bottom side up in the creek. N. J. Neipped, assistant chief clerk t ranes to the park and a vastly in- Record Insurance A djustm ent— Ashland lost th eir first game early towing of disabled cars, tire chang­ not much augm ent the harm if we Mrs. Wilson suffered a crushed of the railway mall service, was Up ! crease(1 travel to tee lake. Mrs. S. L. Allen, realty dealer and in the season to K lam ath Falls. A ing, delivery of gasoline and oil to said a few personal things in re­ chest, but will recover. Joseph Riz- from San Francisco this week giving! Other m atters fa??e‘rt up were the insurance w riter, on North Main victory for Ashland tomorrow means “ powerless” cars, and other inci­ gard to the secretary of a purely nicseky, driver of the automobile. a case examination to the A shland-' letting of a boating privilege on D ia-; street, believes she holds the record PUBLIC organization, (who, we both schofils will have an equal dentals. and his brother, Raphael, escaped Gerber railway mail clerks, and dis- mond lake, which, however, would; for fast adjustm ent of insurance thought, and still believe, is th o r­ w ithout a scratch. Joseph claims an cussing with the local postm aster the n°t be an exclusive privilege, thel claims. Within two days after the chance for claims with Thanksgiving oughly unfit by training and tem ­ approaching m otorist did not dim plans for handling the motor vehicle keeping of day to decide. Ashland dance enthusiasts will en­ the shores of Diamond fire which destroyed the one story peram ent for the im portant place. his lights, blinding him and causingt service over the A shland-D unsm uir. IaRe entirely free from privately frame building at 516 Oak street Those in the line up are: joy swinging to the music furnished L. end— Raymond Brower. ! by the famous Hawaiian orchestra We did not go “ to the business him to drive too near the edge o f 1 division in the event of a ra ilro a d ; owned cottages which was strongly Monday of this week, D. S. Powell, L. tackle— Taylor. strike. The postm aster has received i u,‘ged by the committee and concur- the owner, had a $1000 check to ! which will be at the Armory tonight. meeting to elect someone else,” I the pavement. L. guard— Henry Hill. I Dancing will be from 9 to 1 o’clock because the job would not be op­ Miss W ortham , who had been v is- several tentative bids on the p r o - |red in by Hr. Cecil fwbich Involves a; cover his loss. Mrs. Allen, the in­ en until he bad resigned, and, be­ citing the Wilson family, and W ilsonj posed star route service, and reports | change In the forestry nureau’s pol-1 suring agent, managed the quick ac- C enter— Dale Young. i a. m. R. guartf— Harlan McWilliams. A special feature of the dance will sides, a new secretary, undbr the i were pinned under the car. Th« px- th at the prospect for handling the icy), and the granting of a hotel and tlon by wiring to Portland and ob- R. tackle— Allen Autry. be that between dances the orchestra constitution of th e organization, am ining physician reports th a t death mail in this m anner looks very en- store concession at Union creek. | tabling the services of an adjuster, R. end— Elton Ramsay. will put on feature vaudeville acts. must be employed by the direc­ was due to drowning or strangula- couraging. , which was discouraged by Mr. Shel- Mrs. A llen-states th at it is the first Q uarter— Leslie Heer. They have, it is said, some very a r­ tors and not elected by the mem­ tlon. ---------- don and the committee on the instance of a complete loss experi- HAZ KIK. * F u ll— E arl Snyder. tistic dancers among the company. bers. A ttend Missionar)' Conference — ; ground that two such establishm ents enced in nineteen years of insurance R. H alf— Charlie Rush. The Armory will be well heated A yell rally will be held tonight a t; The Presbyterian missionary con- as close together as Prospect and Un-¡work in, Ashland. Two other losses L. half— Albert G u th rey .' tonight. For the past. two or three Nuts buried by squirrels are a; 7:30 o’clock, startin g a t th e library, ference Wednesday evening a t Med- ion creek would tend to weaken both r of $5 and $25 each supplem ent the Those on the side lines ready to weeks the boiler has been out of re- most im portant means of extending which will parade through the cen- ford was attended by the following and make them unsatisfactory to I $1000 loss during the nineteen years, be substituted and do th eir part, are: I pair, but everything is in readiness the valuable black w alnut groves of ter part of town. Yells and songs Ashland delegation: Mr. and M rs.; the public, and th at it was better to Mrs. Allen claims. Huger, Knapp, Evans, Nelson, H obd-ifor heating the building tonight. this country. and stunts will be given by the s tu - if . B. Lamkin, Mrs. J. W. McCoy, build np the establishm ents at Pros- — -------------------------- son, Bowers, Chester Woods, Har- The acts which will be put on be- Mosquitoes 2,000,000 years old. dents under the direction of G rant Mrs. H. E. Badger, Mrs. Van Sant, pect and Rogue Elk resort by ample A fter taking full 6 per cent ln- vey Woods, Wertz, Carton, D ecks,1 tween dances will be worth the price; have been found in the Eocene rocks Selby, Marjory McElvsnly, and Thel- Mrs. Ella G arrett, Rev. C. W. Hulet, patronage than to strive for a larger crease allowance, port of Portland aad CiTlberaon. | of admission alone, the boys say. .¡o f Wyoming and Colorado. ma Heer. and Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koehler. num ber of weak oneB. budget will face deficit of $299,000. Under the combinec auspices of the American Legion and the Ash­ land High School Alumni associa­ tion, a bronze tablet honoring the six local high school boys who died during the world war will be dedi­ cated at the high school Armistice day, November 11. So far as can be learned no other arrangem ents have been made in commemoration of the signing of the arm istice between the allies and the central powers, bring­ ing the world war to a conclusion. The tablet, now being made by Robert Keller, who is taking an en­ gineering course at the' University of Oregon, will be of milled bronze and placed on the right wall of the high school entrance. It will be forty- eight inches high, tw enty-four inches wide and dedicated to the following men: W alter Phillips, aviator, killed in action; Clement Sumner, engineer­ ing corps, killed in action; Raymond Morgan, Marine corps, killed in ac­ tion; and the following members of the F irst company coast artillery who died while in training a t As.- toria: Algie Loomis, F orrest Wol­ cott and Jack Decker. Prof. Irving Vining, representing the alum ni association, will make the main address and dedicate the tablet. Victor Mills will present the tablet to the American Legiou be­ fore the dedication in order th a t the ex-service men may take part in the exercises with a program now being arranged and which will be headed by Glenn Simpson, commander"of the American Legion, and president of the alum ni association, who will m ake an acilress. The following committee is in charge of the program and are a r­ ranging further details for the dedi­ cation. exercises: Glenn Simpson, Jam es Spencer, Edward Dunn, R. L. Burdic, S. A. Peters Jr., and G. A. Briscoe. Mr. Peters is in charge of the musical program and Mr. Briscoe will invite the school board and high school body to attend the exercises. BY INVESTIGATORS H w S T “ IS SNOWED IN AI CRATER LAKE