I — — a» - M— — M en Home Brew Brings Bottle Shortage High Schoo! W ain s Motoristit— Soft drink bottlers in many sec­ Automobile owners attending the tions of the country found them- football game a t the high school grounds m ust park th eir cars in such i selves in a sad predicam ent during V isits P arents— > a position th a t the m achines'w ill be i the past summer. And all the trouble Philip Hammond and wife, who backed against th e fencä3, G. A. j is due to the habit which has been .m otored through Ashland ten days! Briscoe,_ superintendent of schools, j acquired by “ home brew ers”— col- ago, on a honeymoon trip to Califor­ J lecting empty soda w ater bottles and nia returned yesterday and stopped said this morning. The ruling, Mr. ! withholding them from the bottler Briscoe stated, applied! to all car for a short visit with his parents, to whom they rightly belong. the Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond. * drivers bringing th eir machines in­ Philip Hammond was a representa-i side the enclosure. The past prac­ Perfection in overcoats a t Paulse- tive from Clackamas county in the tice of parking the autos on the lines !rn, ru d ’s. 46-tf last legislature and introduced the has caused considerable trouble both for the playing team s and onlook«r4 soldiers’ bo,.us bill. He is a prom i-| Fresh sweet cider a t Rose Bros. watching the game from the ground. went lawyer in Oregon City. 37-tf LOCAL AND PERSONAL Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Don’t miss the dram atic en tertain ­ Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf ment by Dr. M attie B. Shaw Friday, folks as well as commercial and 45-tt I tourist business. W inter apples, orchard run, fifty- October 28, at the Methodist 31 church; pound box 75 cents, delivered. Phone for the benefit of the community H. R.- Adams, the Plum ber, ¿«ils 9 -F -ll. club house. olumbing fixtures and supplies ’’hone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth Si. When* better tam ales are served, 17tf 287-tf For pleating, see Orres. Rose Bros, will serve them. 45-tf Orders taken Nelda Cafe. for fresh oysters. D ressm aking by Smith-Hughes Remodeling 38-6t graduate. Phone 9-F-2 45-6* Orres. M erchants’ noon lunch, 60 cents. 45-tf j Hotel Ashland Grill. Try Roses’ special ice cream. and cleaning — C. Woolens for men and women sold 45-tf hy the yard— C. Orres. 17tf W anted, at once, women to cut Get your fall suit here. Paulse- fru it at Bagley Canning com pany,: ru d ’s. 46-tf Talent, Or. Transportation free. ---------- ❖ Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf For high grade tailoring .for men and women— C. Orres. Valuable Cow lx>st—- ---------- Jeff Howard, of M ountain ave- 1,1 at Hospital uue, has reported the loss of a val- Mrs. H ettie Cozart was ill a t a uahle milk cow. local hospital the early part of this ______ week. NOTICE Will the party who took the E ast­ man kodak from parlor of Ashland hotel Wednesday afternoon, please retu rn same, or at least mail film to C. F. Relyea, Hotel Oakland, O ak­ land, Calif. W ANTED To know the w hereabouts of one C. W. Bowers, last seen in A shland; W anted, at once, women to cut fruit at Bagley Canning company. parties interested in mining deal Talent, Or. Transportation free. with him. Please let Tidings office You’ll like our clothes. Paulse-i know. 48-2* Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf ru d ’s. 46-tf We serve the be'st of coffee at all E. P. HUGHES WINS SUIT We furnish salads and croquettes, AGAINST TALENT DISTRICT times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t any kind, for ' private parties on tw enty-four hours’ notice. Nelda MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 27.— A jury Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to Tafe. 38‘6t 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf in the circuit court Tuesday a fte r­ noon returned a verdict in favor of NEW AUTO SHOP Buy.« New Coupe—• Ed P. Hughes in the suit of th e Tal­ Now open for all kinds of work Harold Babb, the proud owner of ent irrigation d istrict against him and lepaits. See me. • a new COupe( motored to Met&ord for condemnation of land for a dam T. R. HERKNER. Tuesdav to visit trie nds. site. Hughes was aw arded $1000. 47-2* Park Street. ______ He asked for $3500. The will be offered for th e follow­ ing in addition to a first and second prize of $2 and $1 for th e best box display of standard pack; Apples: Delicious, Golden Delic­ ious, Maiden Blush, Wolf River, Gravenstein, Rambo, Rome Beauty, Blue Peraniin, Yellow Newton, Bald­ win, King of Tompkins, Jonathan, A rkansas Black, Greening, Spitzen- On this coining Saturday, Oct. 29th, we will give abso­ lutely free, one 50 cent tube of MAG-LAC tooth paste with a ;>0 cent purchase, or over, of any merchandise in our store to the first hundred customers. THERMOS BOTTLES a n d L u n ch K its No kit is com­ plete without one of these bottles to keep your drink hot. ZE PVROL -Preserves tha teeth -Keeps gums healthy -Dispels offensive odors -Relieve:) sore th ro at -Renders wounds sterile 50c AND $1 BOTTLES TRUSS FITTING A SPECIALTY A ttendants who have had years of experience are at your service ALARM CLOCKS The famous Gilbert alarm clock and others—$1.50 to 3.50 Prescription Work Is Where We Specialize If in doubt about drugs or prescriptions, ask us. Ours is a service that you can rely upon, as we use fresh drugs of the highest quality at the lowest consistent prices. No extra charges for delivering to any part of the city. them from the porch of the d an ce' hall. He also testified th a t he saw the witness, Gates, in the dance hail i dancing. The defense asked the witness if ha did not say th at Gates “ had a good jag on.” The witness said that “ in the common meaning of the word he was intoxicated,” and quali­ fied his testimony, “as it appeared to me.” The jury is as follows: R. L. Ferns, farm er, Phoenix; J. H. McGee, m erchant, Ashland; Guy P ru itt, farm er, Eagle Point; W. W. Gregory, farm er, Central Point; As-! bury Beall, farm er, Central Point; • STORY OP FAST R. E. Tucker, farm er, Brownsboro; L IF » FEATURE OF EDWARDS TRIAL John Greb, farm er. Eagle Point; E. C. Gardner, farm er, T alent; Charles Klingle, farm er, Lake Creek; F. L. i • (Continued from Page 1) Holdridge, farm er, Talent; C. F. An- in front of Judge Taylor. tle, farm er, W ellen; N. B. Stoddard, The witness said he was driven to m erchant, Butte Falls. two residences ’and invitations ex­ tended for the trip. He said he wasi driven to one house and waited within while the defendan t drove If you want to buy or sell anything in away to arran g e the details. He said he knew' the woman as “ Billy” I and th a t she was dressing for the • or W ant any kind of Notary work occasion while he waited. done it will be to your advantage The defense questioned thw w it­ to call on ness a t considerable length relative to dates and tim es and places. Gates Intoxicated E arl Short, proprietor of the Rex If there are any bargains in town they have them. cafe, testified th a t Edw ards had a taxi stand a t his place during the month of August, and th a t he ran same except for short relief. Glenn O. Taylor, justice of the peace, testified th a t he saw Edw ards and party in a Nash car a t Prospect on the night of A ugust 6th. He saw burg, W inter Banana, Bell Flower, N orthern Spy, W ealthy, any othen variety. Special for the best display from one orchard, $5. Pears: Best box each variety of peprs; best plate each variety pears. -Q uinces: Best plate quinces. . Grapes; Best plate grapes. Peaches: Best box peaches: best plate peaches. W alnuts: Best display five pounds Almonds: Best display five pounds Best display of any other sort of nut, five pounds. ■ Heat units and quality is what counts. Positively no Coal sold in the West that equals the famous “ Peacock” Rock Springs Lump C oal- Price per ton in bulk................ $18.00 Price per half ton in bulk.........$ 9.75 Price per quarter ton in bulk. . . . $ 5.00 We are unloading a car today, and two more cars coming We have plenty Utah Lump CLUB Coal on HOUSE hand at BENEFIT COMMUNITY same prices as above SATURDAY WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. 5 pe.r cent of our sales will he given to the Community Club House Fund REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS Special Prices on All Guns and Sporting- Goods Saturday Only BEAVER REALTY CO. TOO lxATE TO CLASSIFY. BOARD AND ROOM— Call a t 715 N. ¡ Main. 48tf ¡ FOR SALE— Fryers. 2% to 3% pounds. 922 Boulevard, phone 457-R. 48-6 FOR SALE— Two patchw ork quilts, I also some canned fruit. Mrs. • Nancy Sicmore. 48-2’ WANTED— Second hand heavy wa­ gon. J. D. Lowe, phone 6F3. 48-5* FOR SALE— Special price, one sec­ ond hand Majestic range, $50; one small cook stove, $10. Henry Provost. 48-3* FOR SALE — Spitzenburg apples that won’t quite ship, 30 cents a i box in orchard. Phone 256L. FOR SALE— Reed 370 H argadine. baby carriage. 48-3* FOR SALE— Two 50-gallon barrels sweet cider. L. A. Duncan, Mill- ner ranch. 48-2* FOR SALE— Wood, m anzanita, oak and fir. Phone 479J. 48tf SACRIFICE for im m ediate sale, large two story $3500 residence; one story $1000 box residence near, both for only $3000; two story four room brick business building. $4000£ will all pay 12 per cent gross ren tal; all well lo­ cated. Come to 399 Beach street noons. KING APPLES— Good size and clean, splendid cooking and eat­ ing apples. 50 lb. box, $1 deliv­ ered. Phone 9 -F -ll. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY wish­ es position in dry goods d epart­ ment. Address P. O. Box 176. 48-3* Elkhorn Gun Store BOXING By Special Request October 28—8:30 Sharp Jackie Cooaan TOM SHARKEY Medford —vs.— BILLY HUFF Klamath Falls 10—Rounds—10 —m- P e c k ’s B a d B oy JOE BLACKBURN —vs.— “ BATTLING” FRICK 6—Rounds—6 WILL BE. HELD OVER AND PLAYED AGAIN TONIGHT “ Fighting Johnny” CARLSON Also a Comedy—“ Golfing” __ YS.__ Come tonight and see one of the best show we have had in some time “ MEXICAN” PEAT 6—Rounds—6 Three Other Fast Preliminaries I LEEDOM’3 TIRE HOSPITAL • THOMAS MEIGHAN in “ CAPPY RICKS” Tickets at Brown & Brown Select Apparel for Men’s W inter Wear Fashionable and Serviceable Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men--------Famous Jonteel Hirsh=Wickwire and Michael=Stern &Co. Make f i Logger Style Mackinaws are popular this season. We have the most attractive styles and patterns in :>U Patrick of Duluth Mackinaws and Overcoats nation Cream FREE with every $1.00 purchase of Jon LISTEN, FOLKS: For the next 15 days we are going to give everybody a chance to learn the dependability and real service quality of MA­ SON CORDS. In addition to the recent reduction of 15 PER CENT we are giving FR EE with every MASON CORD a MASON HEAVY- DUTY BLACK TUBE. This is real value you can’t over­ look. Come and get ’em at 6 STARTS FRIDAY A 50c Jar of Jonteel Combi Big Tire Sale ■H B»» FRIDAÏ »SHI This Week Only T yre JQik:* R. Middleton, Prop. for cold, w e t w e a th e r VX ' • X' ■ ( Í 4 » • -. . r -, i ] Manhattan Shirts Earl & Wilson Shirts and Collars Holeproof Hosiery Cheney » Ties teel Toilet Goods. M cNair Bros. Y’ • Hirsh-Wickwire Suits and Overcoats—$49 to $65 Michael Sterns Suits and Overcoats—$30 to $50 I,ADIES Ready-to-wear Garments tail­ ored during the dull season— big assortment to choose from — every size and every price— wonderful value«. See the ex­ tra fine French Serge dresses at $16.75. All wool Polo cloth coats at $19.75. ORRES TAILOR SHOP 1Ä New Arrivals, Men’s Headwear Knox H ats... .$6.50 Mallory H ats.. .$5.00 It will be well worth your while to drive down to look at this line of merchandise MODEL CLOTHING COMPANY S. T. Richardson, Prop. 123 E. Main Medford “ Double-Bilt” Suits and Overcoats for Boys Bradley Sweaters