PAGE P o m ÁSttLÁÑtt O A tt t ïtÜÎNGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tuesday, October 25, 1931 NORMAL INCOME TAX ugly hole made by the codling moth; head, nevertheless it is scab. If in announced in the press, and learn Mrs. Emma B. W ilkinson, supreme SECTION PENDING RILL Miss H arriet Hodges was a Sun- or the fiery red blotches painted by doube,’throw it out. The judge will why you receive« the prizes or failed. WITHOUT RECORD i the San Jose scale. The judge is un- use a hand lens in examining such Remember that the chief object of sentinel of the W omen’s Benefit as- day visitor at Gold Hill as the guest M dccabee L eader E n tertained— V isits a t Gold H ill— sociation of the Maccabee lodge, who i of her sister, Mrs. Miller. ---------- m erciful when he scores such fruit. M alta Commahdery, No. arrived in Ashland from P ort H u ro n ,! WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 25.-— It is adm itted th a t no fruit grower 4, K nights Tem plar Mich., yesterday fo r an all-dhy visit Let C. L. McKimmey tan your The norm al income tax section o f , will exhibit fru it with a conspicuous Two the pending compromise tax bill was j codling moth hole in plain view. But with the local lodge, was entertained deer -sheep and goa-t skins, W ednesday evening, October 26, at a dinner given in her honor yester­ miler, north of Ashland. 46-1* 1 adopted today by the senate w ithout often the judge finds a codling moth Order of the Temple. Refreshments. a record vote. The section provides hole and the excreta in the calyx Visiting and sojourning Sir K nights; day a ' noon 110011 at at Hotel Hote Ashland. Ashland. The The courteously invited. dinner, supplem ented by table deco-J Perfection in overcoats at Paulse- for a continuance of the present 4 where it is overlooked by the casual P K. HAMMOND, E. C. rations, was a pleasant affair and rutPs. 46-tf per cent tax r a t i o n incomes of $4,- observer or careless exhibitor. This P. W H. DAY, Recorder. well attended by th e Maccabee 000 or less and 8 per cent on in- means a worm inside gnawing at the , Visi; Son— • ladies. Mrs. Wilkinson, was a fte r­ comes exceeding $4,000. An in - ; vitals of the apple and later disgust- Newspapermen Visit— ward taken for an auto tour of the i Mrs. A. H, Peachy is visiting her crease of from $2,000 to $2,600 In p n g the unlucky purchaser, an d cer- A. E. Vorhees, of the G rants Pass > city and atten d ed an afternoon and ! son, Ernest Peachy, and family at exemption for m arried men with in-; tainly injuring the m arket. Such Courier, and Elbert Beade, of the, evening m eeting of the association/' Medford. Mrs. E rnest Peachy has comes of $5,000 or less, provided for] fru it is a menace to the fruit indus- recently returned from the hospital, in the pending bill, was adopted, j tr y, a reflection on the grower and Cottage Grove Sentinel, are in the where she underw ent an operation. city in the Interest of the Oregon M arried men also may be allowed a victory of a tiny codling moth over Epecial breakfast, 6 t cents, from Editorial association. an additional exemption of $400 in­ superior man. For this reason the! 6 to 9. Hotel Ashland Grill. 45-tf Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. stead of $200, for each child. stem end and especially the blossom 37-tf Don't miss the dram atic entertain- Dr M attie B Shaw will render tfae end should be critically examined in ment by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw Friday, j dram a „ Miss Gibbie G a u lt/. for th(? selecting your fruit, and in case your Ret urn From M ountains— A collection of birds stuffed by eyes are not keen, use a hand lens. October 28, at the Methodist church benefit of tbe communIty club house A. H. Peachy and wife have re­ Theodore Roosevelt, while a student for the benefit of the community p r {day .evening, October 28, at the turned from the m ountains, where a t H arvard, is now owned by the Remember th a t while the codling club house. moth usually does not camouflage Methodist church. Come an d hear it. they had been working during the University of Indiana m atters, he often digs in in the most j sum m er months. Mr. Peachy has For pleating, see Orres. Inaccessible places and in the most 17tf jij v is it Brother — been acting as fire warden. invisible manner. The fruit judge ‘ J. W right, of eastern Oregon, ex- REIM ER ADVISES prides himself in finding such an < ard P arty pects to visit his brother, J. V Have a fit— C. Orres. ON SELECTION OP 17tf enemy. Mesdames Ella Mills, Bayllss a n d : Wrlght> of Mountain avenue, this APPLE EXHIBITS Jesse Neil will act as hostesses at a week Mr W rjght ig vigin friendg Examine the apple carefully for Get your fall suit here. Paulse- scab, since a scabby apple can no card party of the Elks’ ladies a t th e } in G rants Pasg en route to Ashland ru d ’s. 46-tf (Continued from Page 11 Elks’ parlors Thursday afternoon at; ______ more win in a fruit exhibit than a ■ well-grown fru it of the variety in shabby man in a love affair. Some­ 2.30 o clock. W anted, at once, women to cut From K lam ath F alls— Jess Drew, of K lam ath county, shape, size and color. A Newtown, times a scab is no larger than a pin- Orders taken for fresh oysters. fruit at Bagley Canning company, a Spitzenburg, a Jo h ath an and a Talent, Or. Transportation free. was in the city last week and re ­ Nelda Cafe. 38-6t! Delicious each have a characteristic M YSTERIOUS PA IN S AND I Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf turned with some household, furnish­ fo rm ; hence in selecting get speci-1 ACHES ings belonging to his father-in-law . M erchants’ noon lunch. 60 cents. mens as near the characteristic type j W. K. Smith, of B street. Friday A fternoon (Tub M eets— Hotel Ashland Grill. 4 5 -tf, of the variety as possible. The size! Make Life Hard to Bear For Many j The Friday Afternoon Embroidery Ashland Women. Fall Fashion show by the P aren t- of the fru it should be typical of well- club met last week a t the home of Too many women m istake their School E ntertainm ent— Teachers association .sewing and grown fru it of the variety, not too pains and aches for troubles pe­ Mrs. H. C. Emery, on Mechanic The freshmen class was enter- m illinery classes. Pioneer hall, large nor too small. Some people culiar to the sex. More often, dis­ talned Friday evening at the h ig h ;" street. " ," “ ' The - - afternoon was spent in have the impression th a t very large ordered kidneys are causing the Refreshm ents Wednesday, October 26. Afternoon achdol by the sophomore claas. The * 0 ng nee ewor '• fru it is most likely to win first prize.j aching back, dizzy spells, head­ and evening. Admission 10 cents. and irreg u lar urination. evening was spent playing games, were served. Mrs. Earl Hosier was The latest fru it seldom , wins be- ! aches Kidney weakness becomes dan­ ' 43-4 honor guest of the day. Others pres­ story telling and giving impromptu cause it is not typical. A N ew tow n' gerous if neglected. Use a time- speeches. Principal Forsyth, Miss ent were: Mesdames G. H. Hedberg, G iandnuffher Dies— tried kidney remedy— Doan’s Kid­ the size of a cocoanut is in te re stin g ,! Guv Jacobs, F. Foltz, Raymond Hale, ney Pills. Hosts of people testify Ridings and Miss Hammond were but it is a m onstrosity, not a first- E. W. Redifer, a form er Ashland C. A. Carter, J. R. Lilly, S. Dryud, to th eir m erit. Read an Ashland members of the faculty present. resident, now residing n ear Myrtle class fruit. Newtowns and Spitzen- case: ___ I M. Smith, N. Z. Stew art, O. W. Long. Creek, has received word of the burgs which will pack from 100 to Mrs. S. A. Eddings, 259 B St., J. C. Poor and Love. W anted, at once, women to cut! death of his grandm other, 95 years 150 per box are mpre representative says: “I know the value of fru it at Bagley Canning company, of th a t variety thgn. larg er 'o r sm aller Doan's Kidney Pills and gladly old at the time of her death. We serve the best of coffee at all recommend them . Some time Talent, Or. T ransportation free. fruits. The specimens should be ago my kidneys were out of or­ times. Neida Cafe. 28-6t Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf For high grade tailoring for men well co lo red . for th e variety. A der. I became run down and had typical ft{ewtown *is greenish or no energy. My back was weak and women— C. Orres. ! Form er Resident. V isits— H. R. A dam s, th e P lu m b e r »«ils I i r» «.v greenish yellow. At least 75 per cent and lam e and ached dreadfully. plum bing fixtures and s u p p lie s 1 J ’ R’ Mashb»™, a form er Ashland The action of my kidneys was ir­ Report cards were out yesterday. of a Spitzenburg, a Jonathan or a ! regular, also. Doan’s Kidney Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth Si i resll,en t at one time proprietor of a 2 87-tr second-hand store here, is in the city I. your child needs coaching, phone Delicious should be covered with red Pills soon relieved the aches and visiting old-time friends. Mr. Mash- 4S0-J. Algebra, English, gram m ar with the rem ainder of the fru it an pains and put my kidneys in good condition.” 46-1 attractive yellow. M iner Returns — burn, who now is living in Spokane, school subjects. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t Herman M attern Is home for a Wash., left Ashland five years ago. U niform ity simply ask for a kidney remedy short visit from his mine in Siskiyou He will make a short visit with his Return From Hospital— Most exhibitors f a i l ' because the ! — get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the Mrs. Alden Powell and newly- a r­ five specimens on the plate or th o s e : same th a t Mrs. Eddings had. Fos­ county. He has been getting some father in Siskiyou county, Califor­ rived baby son have returned from a in the box lack uniform ity. The In -' ter-M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, good ore and is well pleased with nia. local hospitaJ to the Powell home on dividual specimens may be p e rfe c t/ results. He will return today or to­ morrow to his work. but there is too much variation be­ Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to Scenic drive. tween them. They may vary In size, I ---------- 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf We furnish salads and croquettes, forjn or color. A company of nof- i To Make A ddress at G rants P ass— _______ any kind, for private parties on diers in uniform looks b etter than i n ' Dr. W. J. K err, president of the 0!o to C entral Point— Oregon A gricultural college, has ac- Miss Murdoch, dem onstrator for tw enty-four hours’ notice. Nelda civilian clothes; and a company uni­ cepted an invitation to deliver the the Kerr-Gifford Co., who meted out Cafe. 38-6t form in size b etter than a lot of w ill do your plow ing right now dedicatory address at the célébra- tasty waffles at the Square Deal gro- giants a n d runts mixed. In some in yonr hard, sticky soil. tion to be held on November 5 at the eery Friday and Saturday of last Visitor From Rogue R iver— orchards most of the Newtowns are | Bargain in used sew in g m achine; Lester Carl, of Rogue Rivi|-, visit­ roundish in form, and the orchnrd- completion and putting into com- week, now is at Central Point, also a new carload o f W hite sew ­ ed relatives, the J. V. W right fam­ ist should select ^11 of this type. In ---------- mission of the Savage Rapids dam.! ing m achines ju st in, at — G rants Pass Courier. When better tam ales are served, ily. on Mountain avenue last week. other orchards most of the fruits Rose Bros, will serve them. 45-tf are oblong and heje this type should The regular meeting of the La­ be selected. Don’t place round and Dressmaking by Smith-Hughes graduate. Phone 9-F-2 45-6* (hi Shopping T o u r - dies’ Art club will be held this eve­ oblong or round and flat apples on Mrs. William Murray, of Talent, ning in C hautauqua 'P ioneer hall. th e same plate o r in the same box. Rev. J. T. Little will preach was in the city yesterday shopping Hostesses, Miss Blanch Hicks, Mrs. Not only is uniform fru it of b etter W ednesday evening, October 26, with A shland merchants. Cliff Jenkins and Mrs. Hal McNair. appearance, it is a requisite in the 7:30 p. m., in the Nazarene church. -------- - modern commercial pack. In the You are cordially invited to attend The dram atic entertainm ent by Idaho V isitor»—« recent pear show the final dlvisiof the service. 46-j Dr. Mattie B. Shaw in the Methodist The Hawks family, of 128 Factory in several of the exhibits, where the church on the evening of October 28 street, are enjoying a visit irom Mrs. fru it otherw ise was perfect, was won Try Roses’ special ice cream. will be entertaining and instructive. Hawks and brother from Idhho. by the more uniform plates. You! 45-tf Don’t fail to ehar it. w ould not buy a box of cigars with Rev. J. T. Little, form erly pastor long and short or thick and thin of the Nazarene church in Ashland cigars in it. INCREASES CROP YIELDS and later district superintendent of Froedoni From D efects NOW A PROVEN FACT the north Pacific district, will speak All specimens should be free from in the Nazarene church W ednesday frost m arks, spray injury, branch Apply Early B efore th e F all R ains evening, October 26. 46-1 rubs, bruises, cuts, stem puncture A Car on Hand Now at the or abnorm al russeting. These are You’ll jiko our clothes, Paulse- not part of well-grown fruit. Never ru d ’s. 46-tf perm it a fruit w ithout a stem or with ASHLAND FRUIT a broken stem to go on exhi PE PPER M IN T PARAG RAPH S Such fru it looks like a rooster Growing of m int in large tracts on out a tail or with a broken ta the K lam ath reclaimed land is now not leave any portion of th assured. spur or leaves attached to st Land th a t is suitable for celery, these are parts of the tree a A wonderful collection of fine onions, etc., is not always best m int the fruit. Leaves go well land, but the best m int land is al­ bouquet, bu t not with edible f silks at ways the best celery and onion land.. F m edom From P ests Only 17,500 acres of m int in the: The modern fru it grower United States now. and W rigley himself in producing fru it fret alone consumes the m int oil from insect and fungous pests. Tht including fairyspun, crepe 12,000 acres. ern epicure also does not reli ing codling moth and San Jost satins, canton crepe, thistle­ There will be several hundred t acres of m int land in production with his apples. There is not! down and many high-priced w ithin a year. the fru it kingdbm which lookt silks—many beautiful evening The reclaimed land belonging to repulsive to the fru it judge thl shades—- L. Jacobs and comprising over lXMl LATE TO CLASS1 eighteen q u arter sections is all the Crepe de Chine ...............$1.79 best kind of m int land. WANTED— Middle-aged wo Georgette ......................... 1.69 keep house and take care Messaline ........................... 1.69 woman; no w ashing or IrJ CHARGED W ITH VIOLATING five miles from Ashland. II Satin Messaline .............. 1.95 POSTAL LAW S IN TH E of Mrs. Sams, 143 Third st Silk and Wool P o p lin ... 1.98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ■ , spots and he will not give you the benefit of the doubt. To sum m arize: Select fruit typi-, cal of the variety in size, color and type: all the specimens as uniform in size, color and degree of ripeness as possible; free from frost marks, spray injury, rubs, bruises, hail pecks, cuts, stem punctures a»d ab­ norm al coloring; and, above all- means, free from pests, such as cod­ ling moth, San José scale, scab, rots blister mite, mildew and dirt. Come to the exhibit room after the! exposition, on a day which will he Co operation with Business Men • Z k N E of the im portant functions of the modern bank is keeping in touch with its patrons in business, and letting them know m arket and tra d e co n d itio n s. The officials of the F irst National often are enabled to give valuable inform ation to customers. Their outlook is broader and m o m ­ prehensive than thut of private indi- vidkials. First National Bank Ashland P £ C k ’2 BAD B«Z' < OXI Subtitles by Irwin S. Cobb M u n s in g F,TTING W e a r PERFECT Home Dressmakers Harvest SILKS 2»T COOPS r. „ „ « ' FOR SALE— Ten milck cows. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 25.— say Ranch, Dead Indian. Republican Leader Mondell today , :------------------- in tro d u c e d a a resolution re so lu tio n calling m i i l n r f for n / O l ND— -A yearling Herefor introduced er. Owner may have same bj the expulsion of Representative ing charges. Phone 470-L. Blanton, of Texas. The resolution The loan of an oifj charged th a t Blanton had Inserted WANTED— er to heat the salvage room.| m atter in the Congressional Record Telel Improvement Club. th at was unfit for publication and 370-R. in violation of the United States -------------------- AGENTS------------ postal laws. It was ag reed fro* bring ; START on» of our cand^ fa the m atter up for consideration a t home, or small room any Thursday of this week, owing to 'th e we furnish everything; exp absence of R epresentative Blanton unnecessary; big pay; men| t ©n. Frederick K urn, 514 loaay’ street, Philadelphia, Pa. a UNIO N SUITS the Ideal Fall and Winter Underclothing .ADIES’ 1er weights $3.49 ... Starts Today JACRiE Coo GAN The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow Tricolette ........................... 1.79 Jersey Shirting ..................1.95 40-ineh Charmeuse ...........2.98 <'repe Knit, the newest in silks, at, yard .................. 4.50 Oregon THE THEATER BEAbTIfU. ...................................................................... .... Peil's Corner the exposition is its educational fea­ ture. If we are not already produc­ ing the most perfect fruit in Am er­ ica, we should learn how to do so. We have the soil and the clim ate; all th a t is necessary is for man to do his part. Don’t fail to make an exhibit, even if you have only one variety. Often the smallest grpwer produces the best fruit. The community and the industry need your co-operation. Show the valley what you cau do, learn w hat others are doing. You will be well repaid. 15 to $4.25 [MISSES’ Inter weights 51.00 to $2.75 Cost No More BOYS’ winter weights Than $1.00 to $2.75 Ordinary MEN’S Underwear winter weight! $2.50 to $5.25 Our stock of Fall and Winter Munsingwear is waiting for you. ! Come in today and choose from the vari­ ety of styles and fabrics. No mat­ ter what your size, ' we can fit * von • I t ’s 100 tyer cent right, all the way through—buttons, too.