THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, October 25, 1Ö21 PAGE THREE M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel A ttends Church Conference— Suits pressed for 50 cents. Jo h n ' Ashland Grill. 27-tf Maly, tailor, Pell building, Plaza. Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, left this afternoon for Portland, A shland D em ote«— Professor Vining R eturns— Visi« P arents— Ashland is to be demoted Novem­ where he will a tte n d a committee Prof. Irving Vining, who had been Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Randles, of I spending the sum m er and fall ber 1 to the statu s of a toll station meeting for the organization of a Belleview, spent Sunday with their months at Lake o’ Woods, was seen in the ranks of the Oregon Gas and board to raise a fund of $100,000 to H ot W ater H eating System for son, M. E. Randles, and wife, of j on the streets this morning. It is Electric company. Already its local care for the yearly allowances of re­ Sm all or Large H ouses Liberty street. presumed th a t Professor Vining has surplus equipment is on its way to tired Methodist Episcopal m inisters Our New L ine of H eating Stoves deserted the camp for the w arm th Medford by auto truck. The town in Oregon. The meeting will be held Drop into the salvage store and of his Ashland home. A re N ow In is in the hands of a receiver insofar W ednesday and Rev. Edwards will look over the stock; sure to be some­ as this hot air is concerned, th a t of­ retu rn to Ashland Thursday of thia week. thing you want. 38-tf Woolens for men and women sold ficial residing at the county m etrop­ by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf! olis, from which center the m anage­ Cliff Payee makes medicine cases. Building Bungalow— ment will hereafter radiate. In case The bungalow of E. J. Farlow is W ill Visit H e r e - of blowouts and punctures, we will now under construction, and when Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers and have to signal the central office and completed will be one of the show family left this morning in th eir car ! also pay bills at those headquarters BBNSPIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSB places of the city. for Medford and Ashland, where they ■ unless a collection agency is in­ will stop for a day, leaving the chil-i stalled here. Cliff Jenkin, form er The Ladies’ Aid of the Congrega­ dren, and from there Mr. .and Mrs. m anager at Medford, has been tra n s­ tional church will give a dinner and Rogers will drive on to Portland for ferred to Roseburg, and George Jen- bazaar at Chautauqua Pioneer hall a britff business and pleasure trip.— kin, local m anager, is on the w ait­ Thursday, October 27. Dinner served! ing list. K lam ath Falls Herald. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., 50 cents plate J Fresh doughnuts and coffee served) R eturns From Drain, Or.— Suits Made to Order— * until 5:30 p. m. Come and enjoy! William Hedrick, of B street, has Cleaning and repairing on short horns cooking. returned home after several weeks’ notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland ) visit with his sen, Ray Hedrick, o il Bldg. 302tf! Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Drain, Or. I » Will Render the Drama folks as well as commercial and to u r­ From K lam ath F alls— ist business. 27-tf The best chocolate creams can be! Mrs. C. A. Pauley, late of Ashland purchased at Rose Bros. 45-ef) and now residing in Klam ath Falls,) H unter R eturns— Jam es Beagle has returned from is in the city for a few days straig h t-' ening up business affairs. a several days’ hunting trip. In v estig ate Our Ideal A rco la Provost Bros. D R A M A T IC In te r p r e ta tio n Dr. Mattie Brown Shaw 5_ Every sufferer from stomach) Agency of Oregon Fire Relief a s - , trouble, gas, belching, sour stom ach,1 sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf i nervousneess, dizziness and bilious- ! ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na In v ite d to G ran ts Pass — stomach tablets today and s ta rt a The Epworth league of the Ash­ treatm ent. G uaranteed by McNair: land Methodist church has Received Bros. an invitation from the G rants P ass' league to visit the la tte r city Satur-) M o to r to Eagle Point*. • day of this week, stipulating “ free Mrs. F rank Snyder an d Mrs. Miles everything.” as long as the local and little daughter motored to Eagle delegation agrees to stay. A b a sk e t-! Point Saturday. ball game between the G rants Pass and Ashland leaguers is the occasion A rare tre a t aw aits the public in of the planned visit. the rendering of the dram a, “ Mias Glbbie G ault.” a t the Methodist W anted, at once, women to cut church Friday evening, October 28, fru it at Bagley Canning company, for the benefit of the community Talent, Or. T ransportation free. club house. Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf L os A ngeles Arrival— BETTER DEAD One and One-half Hours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening of OCTOBER 28 METHODIST CHURCH Life is a burden when the bod; ' s racked with pain. Everythin worries and the victim become despondent and downhearted. T» oring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for ova *00 years; it is an enemy of all pains r* ulting from kidney, liver and uric a d roubles. A ll druggists, three size*. xx>k for th e n am e C old M edal o a orery and a ccep t n o im itation be Dr. Mattle B. Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland, as her ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to her hearers during her form er residence here, since which time she h |s finished a course of instruction from Emma Wilson Gillespie, of the Gillespie School of Expression, of Portland, and these are some of th e things they say .of her; . “She is an a rtis t whom it is equally a pleasure and education to hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality which takes a.thorough grip on her hearers. “ Her personality is unique. Her phrasing of difficult passages rem arkable and rich.” . ‘ She possesses all the qualifications th a t go to make a pleasing entertainm ent, m aking her character walk and talk before you. with a distinctive personality.” “To hear h er io the delineation of character is an event th a t is ever gratefully treasu red in one’s memory.” Return From Portland— Mrs. Frances McKnlght, who had Mr. and Mrs. B. O. W allsten have! been in Los Angeles for several returned from Portland, where the> months, arrived in Ashland yester­ had been visiting friendh during the day morning and will visit her past week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, and her little daughter Eleanor. Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home folks as well as commercial and We do catering to private parties. tourist business. 45-tf Nelda Cafe. 38-6t Ladlfti Visit A shland— R eturn Front C alifornia— About twenty-five members of the Mrs. J. H. Snyder has returned from a several days’ visit w ith G rants Pass D aughters of the Nile' friends and relatives in California. visited Ashland Saturday afternoon i to confer with ladies of this city eli-l Rem odeling and cleaning — C. gible for membership. Though noth­ ing definite was accomplished at the Orres. meeting, all were enthusiastic and hopes are held for «the future. A n ts A ccident — A bent radius rod caused a Ford j to go over an eight-foot embank- i m ent ju st above the Savage Rapids, dam construction camp late Satur­ day evening? A man, woman and child riding in the car were u n h u rt.; — G rants Pass Courier. Imogene Wallace, er. Phone 210-J. street. "Miss Gibbie Gault” planiste-teach- 171 Helman 3 3-1 mo • !B=J - . . I --------1 . W. A. SHELL B A R B E R ÌF òà IT WAS ‘‘oompacy night** BUT W H IN I got horn«. • • • I FOUND the Browns. • • • HAD A etek baby. • • • AND OOULDN'T ooma. • • • • SO I chortled “Oh, joy. WON’T SUB and I have. • • • $ SW IL L KATS for twol** • • • m M. • • • C h ildrea’s W ork A Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. “YOU DON’T suppose. • • • K JUST ON you!” • • • D • • Deer head mounting a I • • • D A W . Main MEDFOI THEN WK tried the Joneses. • • • • • • AND WHEN grub tor tour. • • • WAS JUST about ready. • ? • • • B B • B B AND THE M issus fainted. FOR SALE— Twenty acres of tim ­ ber, one-eighth mile south of Ash­ DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray land. Inquire 129 Fifth street. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, 45-6* Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. FOR RENT— Residence, six rooms, Medford Laboratories, Sacred large bath and pantry, corner Oak H eart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to and B, near Armory. Call 136 B 12n>.; evenings by appointm ent. street. 45-3* Phons Medford 714. Residence phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o SACRIFICE for immediate sale, CHIROPRACTORS. large two-story $3,500 residence; one-story $1,000; big residence near; both for only $3,000; two- DR. GEO. J. I<1\Z — Chiropractor. Examination free. Suite 8, No. story four-room brick business 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; building, $4,000; will all pay 12 residence phone 401. per cent gross rental; all well lo­ cated. Come to 3 99 Beach street, ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. noons. 45-2* E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ trical Treatm ents, Mineral and FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National nished. 5-room modern bungalow; Bank Building. Phone 4 8. sleeping porch, large basem ent; large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, ATTORNEYS. flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; j priced rig h t for quick sale. See i Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. 24-lm o* Room s 6 and 6, FO R SALK. Citizens' Bank Bldg. FOR SALE— Piano. $75. Route 1, Box 83. Address 45-6* CHAIR DOCTOR • • • “TH E MORE the merrier. B B B B I’LL FEED the males. * B B B ON THE cigarettes that satisfy. B B B AND YOU women can talk. B B B AND BETWEEN the twe. B B IL B OS B WE’LL ALL be Satisfied.” • • • C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN Real Estate City and Ranch Proporti«» M ooses to D ent. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING BEAVER REALTY CO. “OH, WELL.” I said. B ONDERFUL c o m p a n y , Chesterfield* — any time, anywhere. Ju st seem to “hit the spot.” Good tobaccos, good blending, (by a private formula th at can’t be copied), good-look­ ing package with an air-tight wrapper. On every count, an all-around d o w n r i g h t good smoke. “ Satisfy” ? All over the place. W •••• can afford not to set aside something for the unforeseen emergency and the days ahead. A shland, Oregon FOR KALE— REAL ESTATE. and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses supplied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 2 8 Mt acres with fine dwelling, b a rn ,' packing house. About 20 acres in good orchard. Balance suitable or W ant any kind of Notary work done it will be to your advantage for farm products. to call on 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly location. B AND A minute later. IF THERE Isn't enough food. The Citizens Bank DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS A N D T H E Brown baby was bfrttea. B 4 per cent interest on savings. WANTED— W ashing to do at home. Mrs. Ring, 207 Vista. 43-5* 25. acres with six room house, large barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 acres alfalfa, good garden a n d If you want to buy or sell anything in farm land. DO THE RHONE bell tinkled. B In our savings departm ent you will find courteous treatm ent and prompt attention. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedanburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. 73-tf W ANTED. Brick building and lot— fully occu-, pied at rental insuring good re tu rn s on investment. ANO THEY fell tor It. WHAT’S THE (HEerenoe? NO ONE OIL ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice keeper for eldbrly lady. Inquire Mrs. H attie Lynch, 36 4 Vista. 45-3 FO R SALE. THE SMITHS changed their mind. F. W. Bai W ant lady as companion and house­ FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — ! M attresses made over, packing and crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth! St. Phone 63-R. 18tf j AND SO I said. BUT THKY had headaohss. Indeed you will have when you put on our furs. They are so elegant and set off your gown to such high degree. Better inspect our furs befpre pur­ chasing. Large assor all the latest furs. PHYSICIANS. FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, i n ) good condition. Automotive S hop.' 27tf 1 I’D W A IT S all this food. “LET'S RHONE tfca S m ith s’ Cause for Admiration HELP WANTED. 1 HAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed FOR SALE— W indfall apples, New- up and sold for you, from a wagon town and Spitzenbergs, 50 cen’s to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a per sack in the orchard, or 50 1 penny whistle. Third and A. op­ cents box delivered. A. H. Haven- posite freight depot. No phone. hill, phone 11F-5. 45-4* W rite. 2 8-1 mo SEE H. S. Lynch, Talent, for dry T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. wood, or phone 12-F-22. 36-2tw-lmo* PER — Good team and m otor­ APPLE CIDER, fresh from the presB.i trucks. Good service at a reason­ 40 cents gallon, two gallons 75 able price. Phone 83. cents. Yes, we deliver. Phone FOR PROMPT and careful service 9 -F -ll. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone FOR SALE— Good winter apples, $1 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near ■ per box; come and pick them ; Hotel Austin. bring boxes. 369 G ranite street. 44-6* I’Ll TIRING to K. C. B. FOR SALE— Piano and furniture. 112 B street. 44-3* to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. FOR SALE— Twenty tons grain hay, Phone 138. near Talent, $10 per ton. Phone CAR WASHING 220-R, Medford. F rank Perry. & i 5 44-3 , -»J*»*! < V ; iug. Lithia Garage, phone 114. FOR SALE- —Sixteen-inch oak wood. V. H. Chapman. Phone l-F-12. ( 43-4* sonable prices. Lithia Garage. “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922! ROOFERS models now on floor, Swenson & j McRae’s; see them ; your te rm s ; & WILSON, practical are ours. J. W. Scott. Sales Man­ RAHAM roofers; new roofs laid and old ager Southern Oregon. 35-lm o roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh SEWING MACHINES, clocks and) street. Medford, Ore. phonographs repaired. Douglas,) FX)R RENT. 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf FOR RENT —- Three - front - room apartm ent. Allen building. 43-tf ALL KINDS of upholstering and m attress work done in exchange for discarded furniture. Douglas, FOR RENT-—Vista apartm ents, com­ pletely furnished; close in; price 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- 31-tf dlne. Phone 122. 38-tf FOR SALE— Spitz cull apples. 322 Wimer. 42-6* ) • • • I’" l One cent the wo rd each time. rains hut it pours! BUT NO, Sue Specialty B U S IN E S S A N D P R O C E S S IO N A L C IG A R E T T E S Furnished six room dwelling on a ' If there are any bargains in town they have them. paved street, one of the finest lo - ■ cations in the city. Inquire at FIR ST NATIONAL BANK LIVE STOCK KIRTLAND FARM Is offering for sale cheap one registered 2-year- ol