I I PAGB TWO Ml ■ M M M THÊ ASfitLAÑÍ) DAMA TÎDÎNGS Jes»e Applegate and they made the Mrs. Anna H. Russell,, sisters, and portholes. When relief arrived, trip on horseback, having th irty pack -daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill tw enty-four dead Indians were found Established 1876 ! and saddle ftorses. A full account Mr. Hill crossed the plains from around the cabin with no casualties Published Every Evening Except of this expedition, w ritten by Mrs. Tennessee with oxen in 1849, took a to the brave white women. Sunday Alice Sargent, was recently pub­ donation land claim now known as THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Capt. O. C. Applegate, of K lam ­ lished in this paper. Kingsbury Springs He returned to ath Falls, says when th e party of OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Mayor C. E. Gates, of Medford, Tennessee and brought Mrs Hill and fifteen left the W illam ette valley to PAPER TELEPHONE 39 made a splendid talk complimenting the children across the plains by ox lay out the road they started from Subscription Price Delivered in City: the two chapters for their patriotic team in 1852. Mary Hill m arried near where Portland now stands, but One month .................................. $ .65 work In erecting the m arker along Patrick Dunn, who took a donation the city had not been founded then, Three months .............................. 1.95 the route of the original road blazed claim in 1852, and George Dnnn, and th ere were no American settlers Six m onths .................................. 3.75 by the pioneers in 1846. He paid a their son, with whom Mrs. Dunn between Portland and F o rt Hall, on One year ............................. 7.50 glowing tribute to the fifteen men i makes her home, lives on the orig- Snake river, now in Idaho. The ob- Mall and Rural R ou tes and called attention to the difference inal place now. Mrs. Dunn is 85 ject of the expedition was to get O(le month ..................................$ -65 Three months .................... 1.95 in the wilderness they had to blaze years of age Patrick Dunn was connection with the governm ent post Six months .................................. 3.50 through and th eir mode of travel, by formerly clerk of Jackson c o u n ty ;.'at Fort Hall. The party traversed One year .................................... 6.5( saddle and pack horse, to those of was elected to the legislature in principally what is now the Pacific j today, along thé same route, on a 1854, and died in 1891. ADVERTISING RATES ¡highway to Ashland, by th e present Display Advertising ; paved highway in automobiles. Jam es H. Russell, Hugh B a rro n ' new Green Springs m ountain road Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c The mayor called attention to the and John Gibbs took a donation land over the Cascades to the K lam ath YEARLY CONTRACTS historic fact th a t when the “ famous claim, known for a long time as country, crossing the K lam ath river Display Advertising One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 H fifteen” e first came to the great Mountain House, now known as the near the present town of Keno and Two times a week..............................25 c northw est, or Oregon country, com­ Barren place. Mr. Gibbs was killed over the line into what was then Every other d a y ................................ 20 c prising what is now Oregon, W ash­ by Indians in 1853. Hugh B arron’s Mexico, now California Encounter- Local Readers ington, Idaho, part of Wyoming and sons, Ed and Homer, live on th e old ing tbe lava beds, they crossed back Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other (My for one Montana, there were» only nineteen place now. George Barron and the into the Oregon country a t th e stone month, each line, each tim e. . 7c white women in this whole territory widow of Hugh Barron live in Ash-, bridge on Lost river, where the next To run every issue for one month land, as does Mrs. Alice Butler. Her m arker is to be erected, through or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c and that William P arker, one of the daughter, Anna Hill, m arried Jam es what is now Nevada, up the Hum- party of fifteen, afterw ard m arried C lassified Colum n H. Russell, who died in 1895. They boldt river to F ort Hall, intersecting one of them One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month The exercises were closed by Mrs. had eleven children, nine girls a n d ' the Oregon trail down th e Columbia, or more, %c the word each time. C. C. Van Scoyoc, who offered the two boys, ten of whom are living, | They desired this route for two Legal Rate F irst time, per 8-point lin e ......... 10c prayer of the national association, the only ones in this county being j reasons— one because the Hudson Each subsequent time, per 8- w ritten by “ The F ath er of His Coun­ Mrrf. O. W inter and Miss Nellie, who Bay company controlled all the jfosts lives with her m other in A shland.i between the m outh of th e Columbia polnt line ..............................; .. . 5c try .” Card of t h a n k s ........................... $1.00 ! and F o rt Hall, and the trouble be- Three of the party of fifteen pio-» Mrs. Russell is 83 years of age. Obituaries, the line ................... 2 ^ c “G randm a” Merriman, who recently tween England and this country had neers later located in Jackson coun­ Fraternal Orders and Societies died at Medford, and two other worn- »ot beerf settled, placing th e lives of Advertising for fratern al orders ty, as follows: Lindsay Applegate, or societies charging a regular initi­ Jesse Applegate and William P ar­ en, whose names were not learned, the Americans in jeopardy unless ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ker. had an exciting experience during they had connection with the United ligious and benevolent orders will "be the Rogue River Indian war. They States troops and, second, because The children of Lindsay Apple- charged the regular rate for all ad held out for tw enty-four hours of the treacherous rapids of the Co- vertising when an admission or other gate, living in this county to w , are: charge is made. Mrs. Alice Sargent, of Jacksonville; against an Indian attack in a s m a ll, lum bia at The Dalles, where both Mrs. Rachel Alford, of Medford; cabin near the present town of,-lease and Lindsay Applegate had What Constitutes Advertising In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Capt. O. C. and L. B. Applegate, now Rogue River. The Indians shot: lost a son by drowning. Lindsay Applegate and family ing among some as to what consti­ of K lam ath Falls; also his sons. Mrs. flaming arrow s at the cabin trying! tutes nçws and what advertising, Alice Peil and Miss Lydia McCall, to set fire to it, and when they would came to this valley In 1860, locating we print this very simple rule, which is used by newspapers to differenti­ of Ashland, both of whom attended approach close to the cabin the worn-1 on what is known as the Dollarhide ate between them : “ALL future the unveiling, are grandchildren. en would take a shot a t them from • place, in the Siskiyous, and took events, where an admission charge Frank, son of Capt. O. C. Applegate, is made or a collection is taken IS also lives in Medford. ADVERTISING.” ’This applies to Jesse Applegate has no children organizations and societies of every ORDER YOUR ! living _ here now, but Mark Apple kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after j gate, of Medford, and Dan Applegate, they have occurred is news. ■ of Ashland, are his grandchildren. All coming social or organization I 6 meetings of societies where n o : ‘ r8‘ A tlanta Satchwell, of this money contribution is solicited, Initi- city, is a daughter of W illiam P a r­ atlon charged or collecton taken IS ker, and S. A. and S. S. P arker, of NEWS. Ashland, are his sons. There are several grandchildren We make all quotations on JOB WORK of these pioneers living, whose names from we did not learn. THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST NOW The officers of the Mount Ashland flame prices— reasonable price— Mrs. , Gordon Mac- to all i chapter are: Winter is coming—prices are night. Supply may be lim­ Cracken, regent; Mrs. J. P. Dodge, Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, vice regent; Mrs. William Curry, Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat- ited later, as shipments from factorv • hare already r second vice regent: Mrs. H. O. An­ ter. derson, secretary; M rs.‘ Alice Peil, stopped. historian; Mrs. Mary Swigert, chap­ “ And oft of a very thankful- <£ lain. <®> ness the spirit in me sings Officers of C rater Lake chapter: # For a new-born beauty 1 find each day in simple and* & J. Norris, vice regent; Mrs. W. M. <9 homely things.” *'l Van Scoyoc, secretary; Mrs. C. B. PHONE 20 W arren, treasu rer; Mrs. Julia Bishop, reg istrar; Miss Sarah Van Too many congressmen have half Matre, historian. an eye on duty and an eye and a half Mrs. John A. K eating, of Port- on what effect their doings will have land, state regent, sent a message on the next congressional election. j expressing appreciation of the state ■ - ------ for the splendid memorial. Men continue to discuss women’s, som e HistoricaI Events clothes just as though their opinions This interesting data was secured had weight with the gentle ones— from people attending the unveiling which they do not. 1 exercises: The historic Culver house, which Should th a t disarm am ent confer­ stands ju st below Phoenix and is so ence do its m anifest duty, the war well kept by Loyd Culver and wife, lord’s will have to hunt a more use­ was built by his grandfather, Sam ful occupation. Culver, and John Davenport in 1855, and was a hotel and store. Manv From the first turn of the No one has risen up to say t h a t ; notable pioneers and weary travel- the senate has ratified* the p e ac e ,ers stopped there in earlier days It motor until the end of the trip, treaties with unseemly haste. was a block house built Qf bjg t , m_ Ashland Tidings Tuesday, October 35, 1921 charge of the toll station. The road had been built a few years before by legislative franchise. The Ap­ plegates later moved to the Harga- dine plac^, on which most of Ashland now is built, which was the family home for years. They moved to K lam ath Falls after the first treaty with the K lam ath, .Modbc and Snake Indians in 1863, and Lindsay Apple- gate was the first Indian agent. Capt. J. C. Applegate was captain of state troops and scouts during the Modoc war in 1872-73 and was also Indian agent at Klam ath Falls sev- eral years after his father. Have You Noticed.... That our shop is always busy? "There’s a Reason” ^ A U T O M O T IV E SHO P 1 0 0 M a i n S t. AFTER EVERY Tbe new sugar coated chewing which everybody ./S llv V likes—you will, too. UNITED Pi that tion. poi your throat. B lock W ood ASHLAND LUMBER CO. continuous , iam ’ of power bers, dovetailed and fastened with A fter all is said and done, mere wooden pins. It had portholes to be man is very glad th a t Adam’s rib un­ used in case of attack. The build­ derw ent th a t transform ation. ing was w eatherboarded and other­ wise fixed up many years ago. Two of the oldest pioneers in the county who attended the unveiling Friday were Mrs. *Mary A. Dunn and D. A. R. Dedicates Marker to Pioneer Builders of Read (Continued From Y esterday.) Mrs. Bert Anderson and Mrs. Gor­ don MacCracken then removed the huge American flag covering the monument, which presented a strlk ing appearance, surrounc*ed by beau­ tiful flowers and children, grand­ children and friends of the sturdy pioneers. The m onum ent is of Jack- son county granite and on it is a handsome bronze tablet with this in­ scription : “ Erected 1921 by the C rater Lake and Mount Ashland Chap­ ters of the Daughters of the American Revolution in honor of the following pioneers who, in the year 1846, blazed the ! first trail through the w ilder­ ness of southern Oregon and the Rogue River valley.” Then follows the names of the pio- ners: Lindsay Applegate, Jesse Ap­ plegate, W illiam P arker, Henry Boygus, John Owens, Robert Smith,! Moses H arris, Benit Osborn, Levi I Scott, John Scott, J. Jones, Samuel Goodhue, Davis Goff, W illiam ’ Sportsm an, Benjamin Birch. All of these men now are dead. The party was led by Lindsay and Jonfeei THE FLi A Just Received a Large ROOF This is first quality material andl Repair the roof before the fall ra We carry a complete line of Roo| Dickerson Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Red Crown gasoline delivers steady, dependable power. Every gallon o f“RedCrown” which goesxinio your tank in­ sures ready starting, smooth and rapid acceleration and more mileage—a continuous stream of power. That ex­ plains the popularity o f “Red Crown”- w h y it is the choice of motorists who know what good gasoline should do. The Melanciio (Novembei WILL SOON B £ WITH US It pays to look for the Red Crown sign before youfill. You will find that sign at Standard Oil Service Stations, garages, and at other dealers. ft Why not make these Delightful Days and Evenings, by allowing us to install one of our splendid Heating Stoves, the prices are very low and quality of the best. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C diM .) We are constantly adding new goods to our Housefurnish­ This Week Only A 50c J a r of Jonteel Combi nation Cream FREE with Phone 44 ing line and our prices are the lowest in the valley—quality of goods considered. OU (CtUi^nU) Call in and look over our stock and let us prove these every $1.00 purchase of Jon statements to you. teel Toilet Goods. are marked on the goods, too, in plain figures at this store. McNair Bros» 2Ä« Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant No trouble to show goods and the prices J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Houseiurnishers