PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Our clothes are com fortable b e -! Drop into the salvage store and FARM REMINDERS cause they fit. Paulserud. 3 6 -tf1 look over the stock; sure to be some­ thing you want. 38-tf (O. A. C. Experim ent Station) Smoke American Eagle cigars. Twenty m inutes to half an hour of Don't miss the dram atic en tertain ­ Made in Ashland. 245 F o u rth St. Agency of Oregon F ire Relief as­ drying is usually sufficient to make m ent by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw Friday, • 16-lm o* sociation. Yeo, of course. 44-tf Bordeaux stick to tb? trees for October 28, at the Methodist church months, even through the rainy for the benefit of the community Have your old suit made new at w eather, finds the Oregon agricul­ W . C. T. U. M eeting— club house. 36-tf tu ral experim ent station. Don’t let The W omen’s C hristian Tem per­ P aulserud’s. ance union will hold a regular m eet­ the prospect ®f rain delay spraying. V isiting F ather— Remodeling and cleaning — C. Only actual rain should stop it.— Lester Payne, of K lam ath Falls, ing Tuesday, October 25, at 2:30 Orrea. o’clock in the afternoon in the rest Botany and Plant Pathology. is visiting his father. Andrew Payne, J room of the public library. All 1161 Boulevard, who has beeh seri-' Dinner E n tertain m en t— TALENT REAL ESTATE ously ill for the past several days i members are expected to attend and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Evans enter­ a cordial invitation is extended to ACTIVE; PLAN SEVERAL tained a few friends last evening at visiting members. Mrs. E. W hite, BUNGALOWS FOR FALL Fall Fashion show by the Parent- her home with a fine turkey dinner recording secretary. Teachers' association sewing and in honor of their sister and mother, (Continued from Page 1) millinery classes. Pioneer hall, Mrs Laura Farm er and Mrs. Susan Dollar dance. Ladies free, Ar- Wednesday, October 26. Afternoon Halley, who are visiting in Ashland spontaneous combustion. Loss not mory tonight. and evening. Admission 10 cents. yet learned. for a short time. 43-4 Narrow Escape Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. Dollar dance, Ladies free. Ar- W illiam High, of Talent, came Dollar dance. Ladies free. Ar­ 36-tf mory tonight. near being killed last Friday while mory tonight. • trying to get his Ford tru ck started. Fresh sweet cider a t Rose Bros. We do catering to private parties. A fter jacking up one wheel while V isitors From D u n s m u ir - 37-tf Nelda Cafe. 38-6t the truck was in the garage, Mr. Mrs. Elsie Wicks and Mrs. Bessie High went around and cranked the Miller, of Dunsmuir, Calif., are visit­ R eturn to K lam ath F a l l s - Cliff Payne makes medicine cases. car and it jum ped off the block, pin­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. John Enders and wife and Miss ning him against the garage wall. G. Selby, 56 Third street. Mrs. Verda Cozad returned to Klam ath Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Wicks and Mrs. Miller will return to Falls after a few days’ visit with folks as well as commercial and to u r­ Had the engine not stopped running he would have been crushed to Dunsmuir Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E nders’ parents. They ist business. 27-tl' dteath. were accompanied by Mrs. Ackley No Vacant Houses W anted, at once, women to cut for an extended visit. Style and quality are combined In There are no vacant houses in Tal­ fruit at Bagley Canning company, i P aulserud’s suits. 38-tl' ent aud many who have been trying Talent, Or. T ransportation free. Special dinner, Stevens’ re stau r­ to ren t houses in town have had to Dollar dance. Ladies free. Ar­ Phone 364-J-l. 4 4-tf ant, Sunday. Roast turkey, roast go elsewhere. duck with all the necessary fixings; mor}’ tonight. Suffers P aralytic Stroke Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf pumpkin pie and home-made mince A. Alford, of Talent, is in a seri­ Orders taken for fresh oysters. meat. ous condition, having suffered two Nelda Cafe. 38-6t The Ladies' Aid of the Congrega­ paralytic strokes. His daughter, Mrs. tional church will give a dinner and Dollar dance. Ladies free. Ar­ Alice W lllets, and his son, Russell W atch Rose Bros.’ window for bazaar at C hautauqua Pioneer ball mory tonight. Alford, are a t his bedside from Saturday candy specials. 37-tf Thursday, October 27. Dinner served K lam ath county and Mose Alford, of 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., 50 cents plate. We furnish salads and croquettes, Something new li Teo-s window. Medford. Fresh doughnuts and coffee served any kind, for private parties on 299-tf until 5:30 p. rn. Come and enjoy twenty-four hours’ notice. Nelda Junks blown out to sea from homo cooking. Cafe. 38-6t We serve the best of coffee at all China or Japan have frequently times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t been carried by the Jap an cu rren t and the prevailing yesterly winds No dance at H elm ’s club house, across to the American coast. R. (BO R) MIDDLETON Kingsbury Springs, until fu rth er notice. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Elkhorn Gunstore Hl OAK STREET Furs will be a good price this fall, complete outfit. Get my prices on traps and a Why send to m ail-order houses for Sporting Goodb? Bring in your catalogue and we will compare prices. Attention! Boy Scouts M ould like foe you to call at my store th is even in g; also would like for m em bers o f High School who are in terested in athletlca to call. Guns repaired, fishing rods wrapped. let me put it in shape for laying away. Bring in your gun and Helping Livestock Raisers W n ADDITION to loans to banks that aid farm ers, the W ar Finance Corporation assists banks th a t make advances for "the breeding, raising, fattening and m arketing of live­ stock.” This enables banks to aid m ateri­ ally men interested in the raising of pure-blooded stock, and will fu r­ ther in Oregon an already im portant industry. The F irst National will ba glad to discuss the necessary details with any directly interested. First National Bank Ashland I Oregon I Chas. Ray ‘Scrap Iron’ LEAVING TONIGHT -in- If you want a ringside seat come early SUNDAY—MONDAY Gloria Swanson — in — 15he Great Moment” A Wonderful Production beginning next Sunday night the show will start at 7:15 A storia— Extensive remodeling of Y. M. C. A. precedes opening. A t the Churches PE PPE R M IN T PA RAG RA PH S Presbyterian Church C. F. Koehler, pastor. Subject for Not many people realize how valu­ the m orning serm on, "Knowing able the pepperm int plant is when C hrist.” There will be no Services raised as a business. From forty to eighty pounds of oil is recovered from an acre of pep­ perm int. The distillation of pepperm int oil is very simple and inexpensive and the still does not get a man in jail or the poor house. There are many hundreds of thou­ sands of pounds of m int oil used an­ nually in chewing gum. The K lam ath county m int grow­ ers sold one barrel of pepperm int oil last fall for over $4,000. So one can see m int coins money, even if not in Philadelphia, New Orleans or San Francisco. Several m int growers of the W il­ lam ette valley have moved to K lam ­ ath county and are planting m int on land reclaimed, form erly a m arsh. Mint roots are planted in furrow s about three feet ap art in sim ilar m anner as spuds, the “seed” being loots. Three carloads of roots passed through Ashland for Klam ath Falls recently The m int hay, a fte r having the oil steam ed or distilled out of it, is equal to alfalfa for stock feed. H ow Modem Science Applies an Ancient Principle to Your Washing In ancient days garm ents were cleansed by tying them in a softly- running brook. And today we’re m aking use of th is old-time cleansing principle in a modern way in the laundering of your family linen. In our large washing cylinders, sm oothly lined with polished brass, cascades of warm, soft w ater bubble sm oothingly through the meshes of your garm ents. The cleansing power of these tiny stream s is enhanced by the use of m ild, white soap, which forms a cream y puefe th a t loosens and washes away every vestige of stain and soil. Then th e re ’s a .freshening, sweet­ ening series of rinses in clear, pure w ater which leaves the garm ents crisply clean and fragrant. Surely much nicer than the old- tim e rub-and-scrub plan. And it’s more economical, too, and so much NEW OREGON JUSTICE IN /nore saving of tim e and energy and ROBES OCTOBER 31 vitality. We will be glad to have our driver SALEM, Or., Oct. 22.— Justice call— just bundle up your things and John L. Rand, new appointee to th e ¡ phone us when you’re ready. state suprem e court to succeed the late Justice Henry L. Benson, will sit for the first tim e with the court Phone 165 when it meets a t Pendleton for the sem i-annual term of the supreme court for eastern Oregon. The ses­ sion will convene October 31. Ju s­ tice Rand has been instructed by ( hief Justice B urnett to meet with the court a t th a t time, and he will not appear in Salem prior to th a t date. Ashland Laundry Co. The redness of the Red sea is due to masses of certain seaweed). TtX» LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR RENT— A furnished first-floor apartm ent and garage; strictly up to dlate. Phone 411-R or call 153 G ranite street. 44.1 APPLE CIDER, fresh from the press, 40 cents gallon, two gallons 75 cents. Yes, we deliver. Phone 9 -F -ll. 1 OR SALE— Good w inter apples, $1 per box; come and pick them ; bring boxes. 369 G ranite street. 44-6* Saturday, October 88, 1M1 in the evening. We unite with the boys’ conference in a union meeting at the Methodist church. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m .; Junior C. E., 5 p.m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m.; W estm inster guild, 6:30 p.m.; prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Church \ic a r , the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy communion a t 8 a.m .; Sunday school a t 9:45; morning service and sermon at 11. Visitors cordially welcomed. fession.” C hristian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30; sermon subject, “ The Testing Time.” You are invited to all these serv­ ices. Morning service, 11 o’clock; subject, “ Paying the Price for Life’s Ideal.” Junior C hristian Endeavor, 3:80 p.m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m.; subject, “ Persistence of the C hristian Ideal” The public is cor­ Church of the Nazarene dially invited to all these services. Corner of F ourth and C streets. I W. Ju d so n . Oldfield, Sunday school, 9:45 k.m.; Thornton S. Wiley, superintendent. Preack* ing service, 11 a.m .; Young People’s meeting, 6:30 p.m.; preaching serv- | ice, 7:30 p.m.; prayer meeting j Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. You are cor­ dially invited to come an d worship with us. J. E. McShane, pastor. C hristian Church Corner of B and Second streets Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastor. î E lrst Congregat ioual Church Bible school at 10 o’clock; Frank Boulevard and Main street. Phon Patterson, superintendent. Morning 239-R. Sunday school, 9:45, with worship at 11; sermon topic, “Con- classes for all grades and ages. “T00 Good for You, Kitty” E v en children know good coffee. T h a t’s w hy th e y d rin k F olger’s G olden G ate. I t’s n ev er b itte r nor puckery. D ifferent in ta s te from o th e r coffee • ** . x • * an d b e tte r. VACUU M PACKED The Melancholy Days (November) WILL SOON BE WITH US Tyre Kik: Why not make these Delightful Days and Evenings, by allowing 11s to install one of our splendid Heating Stoves, the BIG DROP prices are very low and quality of the best. MASON CORDS We are constantly adding new goods to our Housefurnish­ A drop of 15 per cent ing line and our priees are the lowest in the valley—quality on all MASON CORDS is of goods considered. authorized by the MA­ SON TIRE & RUBBER Call in and look over our stock and let us prove these CO. OF KENT, OHIO. statements to you. CLOSING OUT SALE— Hens and pullets sold; two first-class roost­ ers left; also some fu rn itu re and garden tools, rabbit hutch, chicken coops, etc. E. A. Hoag, 705 Penn­ sylvania avenue. 44-1* In effect at once, Oct. 18— AT , are marked on the goods, too, in plain figures at this store. FOR SALE— Piano 112 B street. iEEDON’S TIRE HOSPITAL and furniture. 44-3* FOR SALE— Twenty tons grain hay, near Talent, $10 per ton. Phone 220-R, Medford. F ran k Perry. 4 44-3 30x3% Heavy Cord, $20.66. Duty Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate priees. Lady assistant No trouble to show goods and the prices J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Housefurnishers