THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, October 22, 1221 PAGH TIJREE Imogene Wallace, planiste-teach- ! Return From Idaho— er. Phone 210-J. 171 Helman James Phlllpot, accompanied by “Gravy” Plymate and wife have 33-lmo returned from Idaho, where Mrs. his wife, has gone to the Southern street. Pacific company hospital in San Plymate has been visiting her moth­ R eturn IVoni Klam ath Falls—■ er, .Mrs. Stevens, the last two Francisco, where he has been oper­ Pitch Tent in P a r k - E. T. Staples, local realty dealer, ated on for appendicitis. Some of the Roseburg Scouts a t­ months. Morris left but a few and L. Jacobs, Granite street, hate tending the boy9’ conference brought weeks ago to accompany his wife Klamath Falls, where their tent and are camping in the home. They visited friends and rel­ The dram atic entertainm ent by park. atives at different points on their Dr. Mattie B. Shaw in the Methodist way home. church on the evening of October 28 To Undergo Operation— Investigate Our Ideal Hot. W ater H eating System for Sm all or L arge H ouses Our New L ine o f H eating Stoves A re Now In will be entertaining and instructive. L. J. Jacobs returned by stage S u its Made to O r d e r - Don’t fail to ehar it. * from K lam ath Falls yesterday. He Cleaning and repairing on short had been on a business trip for the notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Ret u n i Front C o lo r a d o - last few weeks to Springfield, E u­ Bldg. 302tf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown re­ gene and Portland, back an d forth turned this morning from Denver, to his home here. Colo., where they were called three weeks ago because of the death of W anted, at once, women to cut BENEFIT COMMUNITY Mr. Brown’s mother, Mrs. W. H. fruit at Bagley Canning company,; Brown. Talent, Or. T ransportation free. Phone 364-J-l. 4 4-tf A rare treat aw aits the public in the .ren d erin g of the dram a, “ Miss R eturns From R oseburg— Gibbie G ault,” a t the Methodist Mrs. C. F. Shepard and grand­ church Friday evening, October 28, daughter Yvonne have returned for the benefit of the community from a ten dkys’ visit with friends at club house. Roseburg. Mrs. Shepard also a t­ tended the Brumfield trial. Provost Bros. W anted, a t once, women to cut fru it at Bagley Canning company, Talent, Or. T ransportation free. Phone 364-J-l. 44-tf M otors to M edford— W. A. SHELL CLUB HOUSE Dr. Mattie Brown Shaw Will Render the Drama "Miss Gibbie Gault" One and One-half H ours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening o f OCTOBER 28 -METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Mattie B. Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland, as her ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to her hearers (Juring her form er residence here, since which time she h |s finished a course of instruction from Emma Wilson Gillespie, of the Gillespie School of Expression, of Portland, and these are some of the things they say of her: “ She is an a rtist whom It is equally a pleasure and education to hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality which takes a thorough grip on her hearers. “ Her personality is unique. Her phrasing of difficult passages rem arkable and rich .” “ She possesses all the qualifications th a t go to make a pleasing entertainm ent, m aking her character walk and talk before you, with a distinctive personality.” “To hear her in the delineation of character is an event th at is ever gratefully treasured in one’s memory.” W. K. Smith and bis son-in-law, Jesse Drew, returned to their h o m e1 near H ildebrand, Or., yesterday. Mr. Sm ith disposed of bis home here. Their many friends wish them w e ll, and are sorry they have to le a v e , Ashland. For pleating, see Orres. 17tf T eacher E n tertained— The young women’s class of the Presbyterian Sunday school, Mrs. J. R. Wick, teacher, were entertained la st eveujhg at the home of Mrs. R obertson on Almond street Mrs. Hitchcock assisted the hostess. This class plans to do some work tow ard furnishing the new P resb y te ria n ! church annex. Big Free Deal on Jonteel This Week Only A 50c J a r of Jonteel Combi nation Cream FREE with every $1.00 purchase of Jon H. R. Adams, the m um ner, aeils plum bing fixtures and supplies Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth St. 287-tf teel Toilet Goods. % P resb yterian Church C om fortable— M cNair Bros. The Presbyterian church has been j made snug and com fortable by clos­ ing the opening to the annex, so p e o -! pie will find the church warm as: usual tomorrow. “ HI-QUALITY” 44 “ LOW PRICES” Good Shoes” ! I !l ’S3:« FOR RENT— House, centrally locat­ ed; six rooms with large pantry and bath. See E. E. Phipps, next door Tidings office. 42-tf Don’t be a Slave to a Stove When a woman finds th a t she can do cooking better th an she ever did it before, do it w ith the utm ost economy of fuel and food, and a t the same time free herself from the necessity of forever standing guard over a hot stove, she is likely to do something about it. yyestinghouse Autom atic Electric Ranges are getting all these desirable results for thousands of women. They are th e only ranges th a t have really reliable autom atic control, and this control is one of the things th a t makes them so economical to use. Nor is their price as high as careless talk m ay have led you to think. Ashland, Oregon COSTS NOTHING TO GET ACQUAINTED FOR RENT — W ell-located and pleasant furnished housekeeping CHIROPRACTORS. rooms for the w inter; vacant on or about the 20th. Phone 353-L. I>R. GKO. .1. KINZ — Chiropractor. 38-tf Examination free. Suite 8, No. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ residence phone 401. pletely furnished; close in; price reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. diue. Phone 122.38-tf E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ trical Treatm ents, Mineral and LIVE STOCK Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bank Building. Phone 48. KIRTLAND FARM is offering for sale cheap one registered 2-year- ATTORNEYS. old black Percheron stallion, sired by K etab, the best Im ported Black BRIGGS A BRIGGS— A ttorneys-at- Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. Percheron in valley; or will sell Ketab. These are priced so they L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. will pay for themselves next year. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank We also have some young team s Bldg. for sale. Will sell a few regis­ tered Milking Shorthorn cows and CHAIR DOCTOR heifers; two bull calves, sired by Foothill’s Corporal, the grand CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed up and sold for you, from a wagon champion of the Pacific coast. to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a W rite, phone or come and see. penny whistle. Third and A, op­ Phone 19-X-3, Central Point, Or. posite freight depot. No phone. J. E. Mason, Superintendent. 4 2-tf — -- - ' «"— MU-- 1 1 -J 1 ■ = —• W rite. 28-lm o FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. M M ..................... TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ nished, 5-roorn modern bungalow; T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS- FER — Good team and m otor­ sleeping porch, large basem ent; trucks. Good service at a reason­ large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; able price. Phone 83. priced right for quick sale. See FOR PROMPT and careful service Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 24-lmo* call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near FOR SALE. Hotel Austin. FOR SALE- -Sixteen-inch oak wood. PLl'HBING V. H. Chapman. Phone l-F-12. PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. SEE H. S. Lynch, Talent, for dry Phone 138. wood, or phone 12-F-22. 36 2tw-lmo* CAR WASHING Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Fobes Supply Co. Wholesale Distributors Portland, Oregon FOR SALE. Brick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good re tu rn s on. investment. 25. acres with six room house, large barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 acres alfalfa, good garden an d farm land. 28^2 acres with fine dwelling, barn, packing house. About 20 acres in good orchard. Balance suitable for farm products. 7 acres with good fruit, house and ! chicken shed. Sightly location. Furnished six room dwelling on a l paved street, one of the finest lo - ' cations in, the city. Inquire at FIR ST NATIONAL BANK ROOFERS / GRAHAM & WILSON, practical roofers; new roofs laid and old roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh street, Medford, Ore. LOST. LOST— Cameo brooch. F in ta r re- turn Tidings office. Reward. 42-3* 1 Billings Agency REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — Established 1883 M attresses made over, packing and ’ crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth! Phons 211 41 E. Main St. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf! Used Car Bargains 1920 Hudson speedster in perfect condition, price $1650.00. Overland Four touring car used o n I y three months, good as new price $650.00. One Stoddard roadster in good running order. A bargain, price $150. < )ne good Ford bug, spe­ cial body, price $290. One Oakland Six tour­ ing car, price C. B. L A M K I N Monthly payments if de­ sired. BARGAINS IN Busy Corner Motor Co. Real Estate t l t j and Ranch Proper! le» House« to Ment. “ GOOD SHOES” Built Our Business. ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ -♦ ♦ ♦ M * > « ♦ « * * ♦ 1 I M M M M M DK LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, Dr Jarvis’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Medford Laboratories, Sacred H eart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to 12m.; evenings by appointm ent. Phone Medford 714. Residence phone. Medford 61._______ 27-lm o FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in good condition. Automotive Shop.: • 27tfj When in Medford drop in and let us show you shoes if you don’t buy it will be all right. G ood S hoes FOR RENT — Three - front - room apartm ent. Allen building. 43-tf “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 models now on floor, Swenson & Did you ever try to save a m in­ McRae’s; see them ; your term s ute by not stopping to read a guide are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man-! post ou a strange road, and then ager Southern Oregon. 35-lm o spend hours finding your wav back to your original route? SEWING MACHINES, clocks and phonographs repaired. Douglas, • Exasperating? 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. Yes, but th a t’s nothing to what 31-tf i it will be if you try to “ save” a ALL KINDS of upholstering andj few dollars by driving w ithout m attress work done in exchange Travelers’ Automobile Insurance for discarded furniture. Douglas. — and then have an accident. 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. Every dollar you “ saved” by 31-tf failing to insure may cost you a hundred when it comes to settling FOR SALE— Spitz cull apples. 322 the damage claims. / Wimer. 42-6* Jordan Electric Co, - DO YOU want a business of your DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and own with no investm ent? Must throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and be young m arried man with light 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ par for delivery. H. O. P arkhurst, land, Ore. 73-tf 210 West Jackson street, Medford. 43-3* DR. J. <1. EMMRNS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to W A N ! ED. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses WANTED— W ashing to do at home. supplied. Oculist and aurist for Mrs. Ring, 207 Vista. . 43-5* S. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. FOR SALE— Heating stove for coal or wood; good as new. 63 Pine street. Phone 437-R. 39-tf We aim to give yon all the quality we can in good footwear at a low a price as possible. „ PHYSICIANS. t-F -1 1. A STRONG THREE, IN ONE COMBINATION 21 North Central Medford HELP FOR SALE — Everbearing straw- EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- berry plants, 1 cent each; come ic £- Lithia Garage, phone 114 v i1 and get them. Bert Smith, 7 33 EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at 1 i rea­ 41-tf Oak street. sonable prices. Lithia Garage. WINTER APPLES— Good size. 50 lb. box 75c delivered. Phone and women— C. Orres. Return to Hildebrand— H ALB ÎX)R RENT. D R A M A T IC I n t e r p r e t a t io n E. T. Staples motored to Medford Com ing to A shland— Mrs. Sam W illiams and son Wyric Visit a t .M e d fo rd - on business today. are driving to Ashland Saturday, Clarence Cornelius drove down to M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel where they will a tte n d the Southern Medford with Mrs. J. T urner a n d 1 Ashland Grill. 27-tf Oregon Older Boys’ conference. Mrs. brought Mrs. O. E. Dews and baby Alfred Heston, Charles Hollow and home from the hospital. Mrs. Dews Normal Kendal also are in the party Food D e m o n a tr a tio u - will spend a few weeks with her Many shoppers were attracted to and will attend the conference, which mother, Mrs. T urner, on the Boule­ th e Square Deal grocery yesterday is given under the auspices of the vard, before returning to her home and today by the free dem onstration Y. M. C. A.— G rants Pass Courier. in the H argrove apartm ents. of breakfast foods conducted by the Woolens for men and women sold K err-G ifford Co. yesterday and to­ Special dinner, Stevens’ re stau r­ by the yard— C. Orres. I7 tf day. Miss Ethel Murdoch, who was ant, Sunday. Roast turkey, roast in charge of the dem onstration duck with all the necessary fixings; yesterday, returned to Medford to­ E lkhorn Gun Store Sold— pumpkin pie and home-made mince Robert Middleton, form erly an day. meat. employe of the Southern Pacific Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the company here and well known by dram a, “ Miss Gibbie G ault,” for the everybody, has purchased the E lk­ benefit of the community club house horn gun store from M. E. H orr and B A R B E R F riday evening. October 28, a t the will continue the business at 81 Oak M ethodist church. Come a n d hear it. street. He will enlarge the stock C hildren’s W ork A with all the best and largest devices Specialty for the sportsm an. There will be «no Baby Son A rrives— A baby son, born to Mr. and Mrs. need in future for any one to send Safety blades resharpened away for sporting goods. Roy Brown, new arrivals from P o rt­ like new. Single bit, 30c land, was welcomed at the Rose­ doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. Home-made tam ales served at! m ont apartm ents yesterday. J. Rose Bros. 87-tf Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf R elay L etter Box Placed— The postm aster has established a city letter carriers’ relay box at the Cheek Forger Escape*» ■ E fforts of the police departm ent corner of Boulevard and Morton to apprehend Oscar Elwood, well- streets. Notices have been printed dressed and dashing “salesm an," ou the box cautioning the patrons who cashed several checks of small not to m istake the relay box for 4 denom inations with the forged sig­ street letter box and therefore avoid n atu res of H. G. Enders & Son Tues­ placing mail of any character in the day, have been w ithout avail. The relay box. S n I young check raiser disappeared after Suits pressed for 50 cents. John several checks, aggregating $30, Maly, tailor, Peil building, Plaza. were found in his room at the Bell room ing house by the police. Cook’s pool hall was victimized for $10 and Motor to Medford— Mesdames Enders and Ike Fride- the Bon Ton cafe lost $3 in dealing gar motored over to Medford one w ith the “salesm an.” day the first of the week. .1 F or high grade tailoring for men One cent the wo rd each time. A r c o la R eturns From K lam ath F a lls— realty B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L CITIZENS’ BANK B U IID IN G Main at Riverside,» Medford, Oregon