! the PAGE TWO A s h la n d Published Tidings Established 1876 Every Evening Sunday Except WHAT’S GOOD FOR THE GOOSJ SHOULD BE GOOD FOR THE GANDER ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS traffic is allowed to pass through with but shqrt delays. G rants Pass-Through Medford, Ashland, California Line— Sixty-five miles. Paved. Saturday, October 22, 1021 Fall plowing of upland vegetable gardens makes it possible for the land to be worked earlier the follow-] ing spring. Many western Oregon soils in the home gardens are such as to be benefited by lying rough during the w inter exposed to frost. A coating of strawy m anure turned under the top surface of soil will help to prevent excessive leaching. — Oregon A gricultural College Ex­ perim ent Station. Cause for Admiration “ Th© spectacle oi a daily papei system atically ‘ro astin g ’ the secre-’ Indeed you will have when you Medford-Crutwr L ake H ighw ay , OFFTCTAL CITY AND COUNTY put on our furs. They are so tary of tTie cham ber of commerce is Traffic is advised to use th e route PAPER not a good advertisem ent for people elegant and 9et off your gown > via Central Point, Bybee bridge, TELEPHONE 39 itor. (¡Trail and McLeod to Prospect. To --------------------------------------------— — i to settle here, h u t is good at?vertis- o tne to such high degree. Better Subscriprion P rice D eliv eieti in City: The condition of the Pacific high-) date traf£ic ba8 beeQ able tQ reacb inspect our furs before pur­ One month ..................................$ .65 : in& / or thera to where harmony way between Roseburg and th e Cali- th e lake tbe road aboVe Progpect chasing. Large assortm ent of Three months ............................. 195 prevails.”— Bert Moses in his A<>ver- fornia line, as of this date, is as fo l-ibelng b etter tban at aQy Ume tfaig all the latest furs. Six months .................................. 3.75 Using Forum talk. One year .................................. I year. C rater Lake lodge is closed <•501 w ell and good, as far as it goes. low9: Deer head mounting a specialty Mail and R ural Routes Roseburg-Myrtle C re e k -T w e n ty Ior the seagon Tbe ngw grada But had Mr. /Moses enlarged some­ One month ................................. $ .65 CHICHESTER S PILLS opened from Cincade hill, near Eagle * H E P IA M O N E n--- uaa _ T O B A M l. Three m onths .............................. 1.95 what on the advertising effect of a miles. Paved. L ad le«! A m L y»*ur B ru g g ls Myrtle Creek-Canyonville - T e n • Point for approxim ately six mlle8 C h l-ehM -tera M a m o o i Urana Six months .................................. 3.50 cham ber of commerce secretary m etilU cX V ) . 1 Ills in R e d leci C old metallic miles. The bridge across the Ump- to Ree3e Creek where the contrac, or sealed With Blue Ribbon. V / One year .................................... 6.5€ using the cham ber as an instrum ent I no other. B u r o f y o u r ▼ n u n » d l'r .v ,il n t n d ___ J id W. Main Street f t W f l d Ask »'c-rClii-CinCR-TEH F of BOYCOTT on its members and qua river is completed so th at traffic is filling the approaches to th e Ö lA ilO .X » ItltA N B F IL L S , ADVERTISING RATES , known as Best. Safest. Alwsyj Reliable citizens, the criticism would have can now use the main highway. Ma­ Reese Creek bridge. MEDFORD Display Advertising SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE cadam is completed from Myrtle Single insertion, each inch. . . 3 0 c 'b e e n well founded and complete. Very truly yours, YEARLY CONTRACTS It is unfortunate th a t it became Creek' to the Umpqua river, a dis­ K. B. HODQMAN, D isplay A dvertising ta n ce of six miles, and the rem aining One tim e a w eek...................... 27 %c > necessary for this newspaper to . Division Engineer. Two times a week......................25 cl openly criticize the secretary of the three miles to Canyonville is being Every other d a y .........................20 c cham ber of commerce. It became macadamized. The road over this J Vernonia — Five hundred men Local Readers I an unwilling messenger of the criti- section is fair. ; working on grade and laying rails on Each line, each tim e ....................10c cism. When Mr Fuller last June Canyonville - Galesville — Eleven i I Eccles railroad. To ru n every other day for one miles. Good macadam. month, each line, each tim e. . 7c threatened this new spaper w ith a Galesville-Wolf Cre< n I INTBRURRAN AUTOCAR CO. ( BOYCOTT if it did not meet his DE- To run every Issue for one month b ! Effective March 20, 1020. miles. Paving iu progrt or more, each line, each tim e. . i MAND9, the editor rem onstrated bally (Except Sunday) C lassified Column F ro m th e N ew R oyal C ook B ook with him a n d BEGGED HIM NOT ends, eleven miles b ’ LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND T o ^ u ^ e v e r y issue to ^ o n e month I TO START A FIGHT, BUE HE PER completed. About sever b 7:16 a. m. 7:16 a. m. f 8:00 a. m. N Angel cake so good 8:00 a. m. % cup strong coffee SISTED, to the great injury of the or more. %c the word each time. 2 cups flour 8:45 a. m. . that it fairly melts I/egai R ate business of this paper. This had d 9:30 a. m. 3 teaspoons Royal Baking 9:30 a. m. Powder in your mouth. Instead F irst time, per 8-point l i n e . . . . . 1 0 c continued three months before this 1 10:15 a .m . (4 teaspoon salt 10:16 a. m. Each subsequent time, per 8- of eight eggs, it can be 2 teaspoons mixed spices a 11:00 a .m . paper criticized him through its col­ 11:00 a. m. point line ................................. 5c made with three and the 0 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Cream shortening and sugar Card of t h a n k s ........................... $1.00 umns. Purely in self-defense this . 1 2 : 4 5 p. m. 12:46 p.m. until light; add well beaten yolks of the eggs can be Obituaries, the line .................... 2 ^ c ! paper took up the cudgel. We think longer used. B| 1:30 p. m. 1 :30 p. m. yolks of eggs; add coffee used for a Royal Sunshine F raternal Orders and S ocieties a BOYCOTTING cham ber of com­ b 1 2:15 p. m. * 2:15 p. m. slowly; add half of flour Advertising for fratern al orders cake. i , 3:00 p .m . merce is a worse detrim ent to a town 3:00 p. in. 1 sifted with baking powder, or societies charging a regular initi­ Here, too, is a Mocha 3:46 p. m. 3:45 p. m. salt and spices; mix and add ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ than the attacks we are m aking on ‘ 4:30 p .m . 4:30 p. in. Layer cake which you well beaten whites of eggs; ligious and benevolent orders will be the BOYCOTTER. Therefore, we a j 5:15 p .m . 6:15 p. m. add remainder of flour and will want to try, and clip charged the regular rate for all ad will continue until one of three things highway at all hours. Sho s ! 6:00 p m. 6:00 p. m. mix lightly. Pour into two for future use. vertlslng when an admission or other e 7:00 p .m . 7:00 p. m. greased layer cake tins and happens. E ither the BOYCOTTER may be necessary betwe< charge is made. 8:45 p .m . Sat . cniy Angel Cake 8:45 p. m. bake in moderate oven. will be replaced with a real com­ road pass and Cow Creek, w 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 1 cup sugar Spread sweetened whipped W hat C on stitutes A d vertising m unity leader, the cham ber of com­ struction is in progress. 1% cups flour '1 0 :3 0 p .m . 9at. only 12:15 Midet cream between layers and In order to allay a m isunderstand­ merce will be no more, or The Tid­ (4 teaspoon cream of ta rta r W olf Creek-Grave Creek e SUNDAY ONLY cover top with — 3 teaspoons Royal Raking ing among some as to w hat consti­ _ LV. MEDFORD miles. Paved. This aortlr LV. ASHLAND Powder tutes news and what advertising, ings will suffer annihilation through teaspoon salt 9:00 a .m . Mocha Icing 9:00 a. m. we print this very simple rule,, which the secretary’s BOYCOTTING m eth­ % cup scalded milk ’ 10:00 a. m. 1 tablespoon butter 10:00 a. m. 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla is used by newspapers to d ifferen ti­ ods. We simply will not longer sit 1 cup confectioner’s sugar B'l l : 0 0 a m. extract 11:00 a. m. 1 tablespoon cocoa ate between them : “ALL fu tu re I idly by and be calum niated and boy­ necessary to use chains. whites of 3 eggs 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 2 tablespoons strong coffee events, where an admission charge J 1:00 p .m . % teaspoon salt 1:00 p. m. Mix and sift first five ingred­ Grave C reek-Pleasant V alley - cotted by the cham ber of commerce, is made or a collection is taken IS | 2:00 p .m . 2:00 p. m. ients four times. Add milk A b s o lu te ly P u ro ADVERTISING.” \This applies to or by anybody else, w ithout fighting Eight miles. Good macadhm. Cream butter and sugar; add 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. very slowly, while still hot, cocoa, coffee and salt and organizations and societies of every back to the best of our ability. Even P leasant Valley-Grants P a s s - -1 4:00 p. m. beating continually; add va­ 4:00 p. m. stir until smooth. If too dry, kind as well as to individuals. M ad e fro m C ream o f T a rta r, ej 5:00 p .m . nilla; mix well and fold in Ten miles. Paving operations hav 6:00 p. m. if we have to fight a flock of buzz- add coffee; if too moist, add All reports of such activities after derived fro m grape«. 0 p. m whites of eggs beaten un­ 6:30 p. m. saws and an army of wildcats, v.e started about two miles north o I 11 | 6:3 sugar. they have occurred is new9. 9:30 p .m . til light. Turn into ungreased » 9:30 p. m. All coming social or organization are going to stop this sort of thing G rants Pa^s, two miles being al • i Ashland W aiting— East Sida Phar- angel cake tin and bake in meetings of societies where no or go broke. ready completed. Short detours ar b macy. very slow oven about 45 min­ FREE money contribution is solicited, in iti­ utes. Remove from oven; in­ JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD We want harmony. Wo want only provided around most of this work By all means get the new ation charged, or collecton taken IS vert pan and allow to stand DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY the most optim istic and favorable Royal Cook Book—just out. until cold. Cover top and NEWS. • LV. MEDFORD LV. J ’S’NV’LK Contains these and 400 other advertising to em anate from this sides with either white or • 7:40 a .m . 7:20 a. m. delightful, helpful recipes. We make all quotations on Free for the asking. iVrfte chocolate icing. . J 9:00 a .m . pap^r, but this paper should have 8:20 a. m. TODAY to .IOI1 WORK 10:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. no greater interest in harmony and Mocha Layer Cake K O YAL B A K IX O P O W D E R CO. from 12:00 Noon 1 1 :30 a. in. fa cup shortening 115 Fultuu Street good report than has the cham ber THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST 1:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 1 cup sugar New Y ork City Same prices— reasonable price— of commerce. 2 eggs 3:00 p. m. 2:00 p. in. to all 4:30 p. rn. 3: 45 p. m. The directors of the cham ber 5:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, yesterday passed a resolution of cen­ 9:30 p. m. 7.:00 p. m. Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ sure for the course this paper has ■ 7 :3 0 p m . Sat. only 8 .:0 0 p . m. ter. taken in defending itself, but not a 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 9:60 p. m. WE RUN ON SUNDAYS. word of censure for the secretary MEDFORD-ROSEBURG whose BOYCOTTING tactics have Daily and Sunday «• Oh, what was love made for, if <§> been a trem endous h u rt to the cham­ INCREASES CROP YIELDS LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBUhG ■ * ’tis not the same _ > ber, to this newspaper and to the 11:00 a. m. 1 0 0 p. m. Through joy and through sor- • town, and must have been known NOW A PROVEN FACT MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS «> row— through glory and Dally and Sunday to the directors, for it has been open Apply E arly B efore th e F a ll R ains LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T ’S PASS shame? — Moore. and notorious. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. in. ■ A Car on Hand Now a t the Secretary F u ller’s BOYCOTT has 11*: 00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. not been alone against The Tidings. 6:15' p. m. 4:30 p. m. The next time the United States He has applied it to the Ideal gro7 ASHLAND FRUIT G rants Pass W aiting Room— Tbe congress declares war, it might be eery as iwell, simply because Mr? Bonbonoiere. Phone 16O. ASSOCIATION well for the senate to take up im­ Curry asked for a statem ent of what . Office and W aiting Room; No. 6 mediately th ereafter and keep be­ was being done with the budget S. Front. St.. Nash Hotel Building, For the next thirty days we will accept Liberty Bonds at par in fore it as “ unfinished business” the money he was contributing. Who payment on used ears, and we have some good bargains in the term s of peace. This m ight insure a will be the next m erchant to gain peace treaty within a reasonable his ill will and become the victim of following makes: time after hostilities cease. ORDER T O U R his BOYCOTTING tactics? At the present w riting it appears th at the If you want your dream s to come diiectors of the cham ber are goiug true, don’t oversleep. to lend th eir endorsem ent to these methods. Is such a cham ber w.orthy Get in the push and you won’t of support? need a pull. Are such cham ber of commerce methods good “advertising for peo­ On optim ist is a man who will buy ple Jo settle here,” or is It “ good hair restorer from a bald-headed advertising for them to go where barber. harmony prevails?” NOW TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. F. W. Bartlett In n m v , Another Royal Suggestion A ngel Cake and Moch A ROYAL BAKING POWDER “Rake with Royal and he Sure” L iberty B o n d s at P ar Just when we are beginning to think we can make both ends meet: some guy comes along and moves thej ends. To brag little, to show well, to crow gently— if in luck; to pay up, to own up, and to shut up— if beat-j en, are the virtues of a sporting! man. LADIES R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull s e a s o n - big assortm en t to ch oose from — every size and every price— w onderful valu es. See th e ex­ tra fin e F rench Serge dressee a t $ 1 6 .7 5 . A ll w ool P olo cloth coats at $ 1 8 .7 5 . To business th a t we love, we ri«e betimes and go to it with delight. To improve the golden moment o f 1 opportunity and catch the good that! is within our reach is the great a rt of life. BELLEVIEW ITEMS (C ontributed) Mrs. L. M. Moore and son-in-law, Fred H. Miller, were callers in the Belleview district Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Drake, Jam es Birch aud Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dennis and little daughter were callers in Belle­ view district Thursday. John W. Drake, W. B. Dennis, of A shland; Fred H. MMer, Fred Pel- land, Jack Coleman, Jack Birch, Billy Murphy, of St. Paul, Or., left Friday morning for Bly, where they will spend a week or ten days hunt- tag. Friends wish them luck and a good time. Miss Minnie M. D rake, of Belle­ view district, spent a few days this week visiting friends in town. Mrs. W. B. Dennis and little daughter were calling In Belleview district Tuesday. B lock W ood Dodge Brothers Touring Cleveland Chevrolet and Olds W inter is coming—prices are ragkt. Supply may he lim­ L Treichler Motor Co. ited later, as shipments from factory have already 1 6 -1 8 S o u th F ir S tr e e t, M e d fo r d , O r e g o n stopped. ASHLAND LUMBER CO. PHONE 20 ORRES TAILOR SHOP Just Received a Large Shipment of The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow w ill do your plow ing right now in your hard, sticky soil. B argain in used sew in g m achine; also a new carload o f W hite sew ­ ing m achines ju st in, at Peil's Corner The "In” in Independent Eighty men out of every hundred are dependents at sixty years of age. P utting a little in the bank each week is what makes the difference between dependent and INdepen- dent. ROOFING This is first quality material and the price is right. Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. If you want to buy or sell anything in REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS or W ant any kind of Notary work done it will be to your advantage to call on BEAVER REALTY CO. If there are any bargains in town they have them. / The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Dickerson Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc.