a SHLAND climate, without the * * aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D ah NGS (International Hews Wire Ser VOLUME 3 CBuccessor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DLR 1*1 ALARIA germs cannot survive 1 * three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. 1 MZT NO. 44 HAPSBURGS FIGHT FOR HUNGARIAN RULE " V 2 X .-. Maccabee Ladies W ill Entertain Leader of Order EX-SERVICE MEN TO HAVE CHANCE Mrs. pm m a B. W ilkinson, s u ­ preme sentinel of the W omen’s Benefit association of the Maccabee lodge, will arrive in Ashland Mon­ day morning from Port Huron, Mich., to spend the day as the guest of the local lodge, M argaret Review No. 22. Mrs. W ilkinson will be entertained at a luncheon at the Hotel Ashland at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and will a fterw ard be taken for s e r i a l auto trips about the city and n e a r­ by country. The lodge will hold spe­ cial meetings a t 2 o’clock in the afternoon and a t 8 o’clock in the evening a t the Odd Fellows' hall. ADVANCE AGENT OF CLEAN-UP SQUAD OP VETERANS’ BUREAU CONFERS WITH LOCAL POST OP AMERICAN LEGION; TO HEAR CLAIMS NOVEMBER 7-S. An opportunity is to be offered ex-service men of Ashland and vicin­ ity to present th eir claims directly to governm ent representatives The Oregon clean-up squad of the Unit­ ed States veterans’ bureau, which is covering the state to reach person­ ally veterans who have service claims of any kind, will be in Ash­ land two days— November 7 and 8, with headquarters a t th e public library. A. C. Kinley, advance agent for the squad, is in Ashland to confer w ith Glenn E Simpson, comm ander; Donald Spencer, a d ju tan t, and other members of Ashland post No. 14, American legion, relative to a r ­ rangem ents for the coming of th e squad. The active co-operation of the local post has been secured in endeavoring to inform all veterans with claims of the visit and purpose of the clean-up squad. The visit of the clean-up squad to- this city is part of the nation-wide campaign of the United States vet­ e ra n s’ bureau to secure and place in process of adjustm ent ex-service m en’s claims of all kinds, including com pensation, hospitalization, voca­ tional training, insurance, allot­ ments, travel pay, etc,” said Mr. Kinley. ‘iu addition to handling new claims, the squad will make every effort to straighten out old claims upon which final action has not been reached.” A physician is included in th e per­ sonnel of the squad. He will make medical exam inations and in em erg­ ency cases is authorized to order im­ m ediate hospitalization o r medical treatm ent. If any veteran is not in as good physical condition as upon entering the service and believes his condition to be of service origin, he should not fail to appear before the squad for examination and file his claim. Men should bring their discharge certificates, or certified copy of same, and any o th er papers which' may hare a relation to claim. Advice will be given on the rein­ statem ent and conversion of war risk insurance, and the new provisions of the Sweet bill governing the same will be explained. Harvest Dance Proves Success At the Armory . H arking back to the days of corn- husking bees and the ‘’days of real sport,” merry dancers gathered at the Armory yesterday evening, draped in bucolic trappings th a t m atched sm ile-wreathed faces made up for the occasion, and held rev­ elry until 1 o’clock in the morning. The occasion was the annual harvest dance given by the F irst company, coast artillery. It is estim ated th a t 115 couples, dressed in bungalow aprons, over­ alls and other apparel symbolic of harvest time, participated in the dance. LARGE CROWD OF ASHLAND MUSIC LOVERS EXPECTED TO ATTEND ANDREWS CONCERT A large crowd of Ashland music lovers is planning to attend the bene­ fit concert for George Andrews, well- known Rogue River musician, at thè Page th e ater in Medford next Tues­ day evening. Tickets for the entertainment are now on sale at Rose Bros.’ confec­ tionery store or by Mrs. Henry Pro­ vost. ,rz r M A T H FALLS Ï Railroad Shopmen Will Disregard StriRe Order H az IÇik Nurse Springs Sensation; Hits Rappe Character Sensational inform ation bear- ing on the early life of Virginia '♦> Rappe, beautiful Los Angeles • movie actress who died shortly after a party staged by Roscoe Arbuckle in the St. Francis ho­ tel in San Francisco several weeks ago, was given today in a deposition made by Virginia W arren, Chicago nurse. Miss W arren declared th at she was a private nurse in a t­ CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 22.— The railroad shopmen will not walk out when tendance on Miss Rappe in the strike of railroad employes is called by the “ big four” brotherhoods and 1908. At th a t time Virginia, switchmen, it was learned.authoritatively today. then only 14 years old, was in , The decision of the shopmen not to quit their jobs makes the strike, if a delicate condition and was in one develops, a strictly “ brotherhood” affair. Although the m aintenance the care of a midwife. of way and one or two other unions voted to favor the strike, it is consirt ered to be certain th at they will defer action in view of the position taken by the shop employes. <•> <$> S/x Hundred Texan Trainmen on Strike Despite Board's Orders FORMER EMPEROR (H A R l.E h LEADS MONARCHIST ARMY Ih SECOND ATTEMPT TO REGAIh HUNGARIAN THRONE; EX­ PECTS TO REACH R ID A PEST TONIGHT. VIENNA, Oct. 22.— The second attem pt within eight mouths to re­ store the Hapsburg throne in H un­ gary is under way and is led by for­ mer Em peror Charles in person. The dethroned monarch is reported to be assembling his troops in Odenburg for a march on Budapest and has an­ nounced that he will be there by to­ night. The one-time emperor of Hungary arrived by airplane at Odenburg this morning from Switzerland. PORTLAND BASEBALL CLUB, WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 22.- PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE, j Six hundred yardmen and brakemen, IS SOLD FOR 9150,000 . , n u J members of the Brotherhood of Rail­ PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 22.— The road Trainm en, employed by the In- Portland baseball club of the Pacific ternational and Great N orthern rail- I am glad to learn th at 1 am Coast league was sold to W illiam H .,'road, struck here today, despite the not the only “ kicker.” The last Klepper, form er president of the Se­ orders of the railway board to re­ two weeks I have been compli­ a ttle club, by McCredies. The price BERLIN, Oct. 22.— M artial law mented by hundreds of people on main at work until after the m eet­ Speaking of pioneers and men of my constructive kicks. They say paid for the franchise, players and) has been proclaimed throughout vision, it is well to know th a t Ash­ it is about time th at somebody equipm ent was $150,000. Klepper ing of the union leaders and railroad Hungary following the announce­ PARIS, Oct. 22.— Marshal Foch J land lias a visitor sojourning here was doing some kicking about a will incorporate the club, taking in chiefs in Chicago Wednesday. ment of former Emperor Charles ol today is on his way to the U nited, about forty Portland business men, for a rest who has pioneered in the good many things. One of the Hungary to lead an army to Buda­ K lam ath country and had the un­ ladies who lives near the corner he announced after the purchase. He, WASHiNiiTfiN n c firt 9 2 __ States to attend the third annual na- I pest for an attem pt at restoration ot usual foresight th a t m arks financial of Helman ant) Laurel streets said th a t he would spend consider-j The fir8t 6tep in the contem plated the Hapsburg reign. succesa able money for uew players and f o r prOgrani of freight reductions was says she has a kick. N otwith­ This man is L. Jacobs, one of standing the folks thereabouts improvement of the park unless a !taken wheQ the in terstate commerce | BUDAPEST, Oct. 22.— The Hun K lam ath county’s most prom inent new location is aecured. , commission handed down a decision garian government has decided tc have tried for several years to citizens, business men and la rg e ’ have proper drainage put in to expel the form er Em peror Charles , declaring the rates on grain, grain land owners. HALIFAX, N. F., Oct. 22. W ith , products and hay in the western and who sent word to his friends here take care of the flood waters, the Mr. Jacobs was active in business last th at he expected to be in Budapesi ia: big rain brought down tons its topm ast carried away in the prev-t m ountaln Pacific coust groups of for twenty-five years in the Klamath ,)f earth an() deposHed it on her alent stormy w eather off Halifax, ! ra iiroads M unjust and t r e a s o n - by nightfall today. country and years ago he saw the; sidewalk and under her house, the American fishing schooner Elsie; able The decision retljced by one- possibility of draining the tule lands and th at the proper authorities dropped out in th e second leg of to­ half the rate of increases which were; SENTENCING OF BRUM FIELD and reclaim ing th at volcanic lake should get busy and make some day’s forty-mile race for the in tern a­ granted August 2 6, 1920, by 10 per POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 2 bed of rich soil for agricultural use, arrangem ents to take care of the tional fisherm en’s trophy. Follow­ cent increases on the freight rates ing the w ithdraw al of the Elsie, the on coarse grain. vast areas of which were covered ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 22.— Thi flood waters. I think so, too. with shallow w ater and a heavy race was conceded to the fast Can­ sentencing of Dr. Richard M. Brum HAZ KIK. growth of tales. adian challenger, Bluenose, cap­ field, scheduled for today, was post NEW YORK. Oct. 22.— The U nit­ He insisted th a t the water r u n - ----------------------------=— tained by Angus W alters. The Blue- ed States Steel corporation an­ poned until October 23 as a resul nose is considered to be the fastest nounced a reduction of $7 in the ning out of K lam ath river into the REPORT COMMITTEE ON of the d entist’s attem pted suicit? of all Canadian fishing schooners. m arshes could be dyked off and the RESOLUTIONS, JACKSON yesterday morning. Brumfield, al price of standard rails for railroad miles of level swamp bottom d rain ed J COUNTY' INSTITUTE though much improved, is not stron use today. The statem ent declared To do this was a big job and a slow -A ______ $ ; enough to be brought to court to b .th at, although the present costs of sentenced. . - one, as he had to go to the govern-. Your committee begs to submit! production do not justify the step, jf ment with his project and unravel tlie following resolution: was hoped th at the cut price, togeth- , miles of red tape. But he did it, and- “That the teachers of Jackson WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. er with the expected reduction of ■ f t after several years he got his title to county express their appreciation— J There will be some open se freight rates, will have a beneficial a large tract of this land. “ 1. To the instructors for their j during the disarm am ent and fa effect on the cost of railroad opera­ For a long tim e it looked like the helpful and inspiring work, conference, but the extent to tion. acquiring of this land would be im-j “ 2. To the county superintendent! the sessions will be thrown or possible, and friends of Mr Jacobs and her assistants for th eir untiring! public and the press will r TALENT REAL ESTATE M ARSH AL POCH the discouraged him, but he persisted. efforts to make the institute a sue-1 determined until the conferei ACTIVE; PLAN SEVERAL The Merrill country had fine al- cess, tional convention of the American assembled and a canvass of thi BUNGALOWS FOR FALL falfa and grain farm s and got their “ 3. To the Ashland schools for the! legion, which is to be held October tim ent made, it was announc< MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 22.— Good water for irrigation from the marsh - splendid music and physical train- progress w-as made in the civil ac­ the state departm ent this mo 31 and November 1 and 2. There lias come a real boom to the and lake th a t covered the coveted | ing. The “ Tiger’ ’of the French hosts tion in the federal court between the land. If Jacobs shut off the flow of “ 4. To Miss Poole, Miss Van Sant M cC.mber-S.vld«. Lumber comp.ny ’ town ° ' Talent ,alel>'- lhere havl"B during the world war sailed today a nun’ber re“ ‘ estals on the steam ship Paris from France w ater and dried up the lake, the and Miss Faldine for their talks and and the Big f in e . Lum ber company b“ “ Merrill land owners would be de- dem onstrations. for the recovery ot approxim ately tr a " “ r tl“ " s » “ >»" Property; also to receive America’s welcome on his prived of irrigation waters. But Mr. , "5. To Superintendent Briscoe and »29.000 for alleged non-fulfillm ent seve,al »“ “ «»I««™ »re to be first visit to the United States, where Jacobs and his associates went to the ' the teachers of Ashland for the spirit of contract | erected -vet this fall. among them he will join the distinguished vis­ The principal witness and f ir s t' being ° ne by Roy E stes’ on W est! itors who will attend the great con­ government and contracted with it; of hospitality m anifested, and espe- to furnish w ater out of the govern- cially for the bountiful luncheon of i one for the defense was Bert T h e i-iPront street: Dunnington & C™w- vention. ment canal for these farm ers by hav- Tuesday. roff, who told th e jury th a t th e B ig!fo,'d plan t0 build a new garaga on W eigainl in Party ing this acreage of reclaimed land- “ 6. To the Ashland Tidings for the Pines Lum ber company had m a d e ithe COrner near tbe Baptist cburch’! Marshal Foch left without the A reception given a t the Method­ taxed 26 cents per acre per year for pul.’icity so kindly given, every effort consistent “ with good the bui,dinS t0 be 60x100 feet in members of his family, accompanied ist Episcopal church yesterday eve­ tw enty years under the state drain- “ 7. To the Ashland Commercial, sawmill practice” to meet the d e -‘ Slze’ facing the b ‘shw ay on one side by only a small party, General Wei- ning and attended by more than 15ft E ' gand and two personal aides, one of people, d d the double duty of hon­ aga law. club for the opportunity afforded us; mands of the contract and that when and East Main on tbe other; The water was then shut off and j to appreciate the scenic beai^ties of j all efforts to secure shipping orders' Mun80" bought three lots on Gibson whom speaks excellent English and oring Rev. Charles A. Edwards, ap­ thousands of acres of rich land re-'A sh lan d and vicinity, from the p lain tiff company for t h e ! aVenUe a ” d W*11 bu,ld a new bunga' who was liaison officer with the pointed pastor of the local Methodist claimed, sim ilar to the Michigan re- ‘Be it further tim ber cut, it served notice an effort low on the property immediately. American artillery during the war. Episcopal church lor the fifth time To Im prove Horn« claimed land which made A. M. Todd, Resolved^ That we go on record would be made to sell it on “ the * My itinerary so far as arranged at a stated conference held recently Mr. McMann, Talent barger, has' includes New York, W ashington, at Forest Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Kalamazoo m int man, a m illionaire. as favoring the purpose and work of open m arket." This land is well supplied with O. S. T. A. and the county division Theirolf underw ent a long cross- moved down onto the highway and; Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, Daniel L. Glenn, who are still cele­ volcanic ash, decayed m arine life ' th ereo f; th a t we endorse the work examination. but his straightforw ard: WH1 d° a ‘Ot ° f illl’)rovement Mo., Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, brating their fiftieth and golden and vegetable m atter, an d while it i of the county nurse and the home etnrv wao « n .h u b .n a * ___ _ ou his bouse- while J. C. Mason and story was unshaken. At one junc­ Dayton and Indianapolis," a cable­ wedding anniversary. is dry on top, there is a flow of w a te r! dem onstrator; th a t we recommend ture the court again called attention Mr. Manning have moved their real» gram received here from Marshal In honoring Rev. Edwards witli at the rig h t depth to thoroughly th at the heads of schools do all in to tbe conflict in the clauses ot the estate office to the Norman build­ Foch before his departure stated. the reception, recognition was given subirrigate and insure immense their power to foster and promote contract under dispute, bringing ing on I street. Mr. Mason reports “ I hope to see something also of of the pastor's four continuous years crops of alfalfa, celery, m int and athletics and keep them clean. Be spirited argum ents from both sides. several sales of ranch properties also. your great west and south, which of service in Ashland, where he has any root or tuber vegetables or it also Much of T heirof’s testim ony was in T , Visits Mother also sent fine soldiers to France,” it made a host of friends. grains. Lloyd Turner, of San Francisco, “ Resolved, That we endorse the reb u ttal of th a t offered by Mr. Me During the evening’s program Mr. added. was up visiting his m other a few A Mr. Taylor, of Algoma, reports; work of the state club leader, Mr. Cumber and Mr. Savldge and Mrs. Glenn again went through No O fficial M ission A. L. Hill, president of the B lg 'day8 'a8t WWik Ht tbeir b° me ln Tal' sixty-six bushels of first-class h a rd • Seymour, and th a t we urge the ap- “ My trip is in no way an official the m arriage ceremony, perforate!? wheat per acre, rye 6,000 sacks from ; pointment of a county club leader Pines company, was a witness this e° ' mission, but purely personal. I will under a large gold heart and a bower . . „ Fee<,!‘ Cattle 300 acres of this reclaimed land; so: to the end th at the work may be car- morning, but was only on the stand make no set speeches. I hate pre­ of orange blossoms ' A’ J ’ B arre tt’ ot Talent, is feeding it can be seen what reclam ation of ried on in a more efficient m anner for a short time. The address of welcome was given pared talks. If I speak at all it will Thomas E. MorAhoff. a grader fo r -3 ” umber of beef cattle- bei«g inter th e tule lands has accomplished. in Jackson county. Be it fu rth er by M. C. Reed on behalf of the be from the heart and as the spirit It was Mr. Jacobs’ intention to “ Resolved, That we heartily en-j the Weed company, was ealled as an ested in the butcher business in moves me. church. He was followed by Rev. colonize the land and help families dorse the county unit plan of admin- expert witness ’ by the defense and Ashland. C. F. Koehler, pastor of the Presby­ “ I expect to be in W ashington Talent Barn Burns to locate and improve the land, but istration and pledge ourselves to testified tegardlng the lumber in when the disarm am ent conference terian church, who also delivered a his health broke and after an opera- support its adoption in Jackson the Southern Oregon Lumber com­ | There was some excitement in Tal- starts, as my governm ent may want welcoming address. l ent last Thursday morning about 5 tion in a local hospital he was Sd-1 county. pany’s yard, and said it was well Musical entertainm ent was sup­ ; o’clock when the big barn on the) to consult me on technical army vised to rest in Ashland for a time, “ B. C. FORSYTHE, manufactured. Other employes of m atters. plied by the men’s chorus. Two solos 1 Oibble place, east of Talent, burned so he is forced to give up active “ MARGARET GALLIGER, the lumber company will be called to were given by Mrs. W. M. Denton “It's quite possible if I make with all contents, being filled with work on the land and will probably “ HARRY H. LOWE, refute the allegtion of the plaintiff . ° ------ ----- 1 speeches I will refer to F rance’s situ ­ and Mrs. Knapp. that the timber was not cut accord haY ®Bd Brain and a large amount of put it on th e m arket and retire. “Committee. Refreshments were served a t the tkl» y ear’s corn, which is said to be ation as regards land disarm am ent. ing to specification«. conclusion of the entertainm ent, Marshfield — Two new shingle Pavement to be laid between The case will probably go (o the responsible for the fire, causing, Albany— Work starts on new $20, which lasted from 8 o’clock to 10:30 mills nearing completion. Marshfield and North Bend jury today. 000 aparam ent house. o’clock in the evening. (Continued on Page 4) Ü. S. 10 ATTEND A. LEGION MEET Rev. Edwards Given Reception By Methodists i