PAGE FOLD LOCAI AND PERSONAL “ Eat, drink and be m errv”— h a r. I vest d.nce. nr«« <«*«• m ° P the . D.A.R. Dedicate Highway Marker To Pioneer ,¡t6 A committee of British botanists .. 1 look over the stock; sure to be some­ and horticulturists is preparing to ♦ th in g you want. 38-tf Don’t miss the dram atic en tertain ­ Have your old suit made new at ______ _ publish a J is t of all the im portant j m ent by Dr. Mattle B. Shaw Friday, Paulserud m lserud’s. 36_tf Poultry R aiserj Meet—. pictures of plants of all species th a t October 28, at the Methodist church have appeared in scientific lite r a l ------- Poultry raisers in and .n e ar Ash- for the benefit of the community Remodeling ana cleaning — C. land wiI1 m eet tom orrow afternoon ture. It will contain a t least 225,- club house. 1 Orres. 000 entries. at 2 o’clock a t the city hall for the ~• purpose of effecting anent —~v,..6 a a perm pomia,ueni D aughters of the American Revo- , organization. ~ Reports will be Fall Fashion show by the Parent Guest at J. H. Puller Home__ The sum m er resort business is a members of lilt: the 1UUUUI Mount A8I1- Ash- vzc made Uiauc lution> ’ --- — vr* Miss Helen Carlton, of Centra Teachers’ association miss tees on nn the potential ■ land ch»Pter chanter nf thio city, and .v C e n tra the committees of this the . great industry th a t is likely to suffer v.v/u sewing taw ing and ana m eer h hall a llj i Point* is the SUest of Mm. J. H. Ful constitution an d the agreem ent with C rater Lake chapter of Medford, if the pollution of stream s and lakes millinery classes. Pioneer Wednesday, October 26. Afternoon 1er. the Ashland F ru it and Produce as- , gathered a t Phoenix, near the old m the northern states does not cease. sociation regarding the handling of! Culver home, this afternoon at 2:30 and evening. Admission 10 cents. Ters of the cham ber of commerce to first anniversary, the local chapter - t h e expense of the program. Ashland continue th eir unqualified support would not have a Chautauqua for ■Missionary Tea__ of the organization and its secre­ as iorty-four members and the Med ford chapter thirty-three. The W omen’s Missionary society the coming year tary. or the Methodist church will give a . “ H G. ENDERS, Jr., BIG DROP Have a fit— C. Orres. tea party Thursday of next week at 17tf W. McCOY, / the home of Mrs. Mathes, who will ^ “ L. F. FERGUSON, MASON CORDS Paulserud’s suits are reasonable be assisted in her duties as hostess H. McGEE, by Mesdames Van Sant and C. B. 36-tf ¿¿A. C. BRIGGS, Lamkin. A gift shower for the In­ ÀiE. V. CARTER, Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. A drop of 15 per cent dian school at Wolf Point, Mont is “P. 9. ENGLE. planned. 37-tf ^ V . O. N. SMITH, on all MASON CORDS is © COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desire In pots, pans and preserving ket­ tles. A little journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE »»A»-»«« »»■ BE SURE AND ATTEND THE OPPORTUNITY SALE SATURDAY SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STORE R* I s a a c & C o . Successors to C. H- Vaupel. Tyre THE QUALITY S TO R E The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated Jackson County Scenic Society Hold Meeting S u its M ade to Order__ Imogene Wallace, er. Phone 210-J. street. C h as R ay S c r a p Iron I be story of a boy who had to fight for everything he liad. < bailes E. Van Loan's gi-eat Mory front the Saturday Evening Post. It’s a Knockout Ray played it. Ray m ade it < ’oming— Sunday Gloria Swanson in "The Great Moment” OUR evaporated milk is put up in herm etically sealed cans, and no air or human hands touch it from the cow to your table, it is m ads from the richest and purest of cow’s milk, with no chemicals or pre­ servatives added, and no sugar. It islike rich cream. '’1ILH THE TIME TO BUY IS WHEN THE PRICE IS RIGHT .......- • X T t ' Â / ’Î Â k i X T ‘S *•” ,'omP|‘‘te in 'i'm lity and price on f’U kinds ut groceries. quality groceries MODERATELY PRICED GOLD HILL, Or., Oct. 21.— Mem­ bers of the Jackson County Scenic Preservation society held th eir regu- lftr m onthly m eeting here this morn ‘ng and attended a dinner given by the Gold Hill D aughters of Rebekah this noon a t the Odd Fellow s’ hall Im m ediately following the din­ ner, members of the association mo­ tored to Phoenix, where they will a t­ tend the dedication exercises of a highway m arker honoring the pio neer builders of the first road to southern Oregon and erected by the Medford and Ashland chapters of the D aughters of the American Revolution a t Phoenix, near the old Culver home. Y -M. C. A. .BOYS M EET H ERE FOR SOUTHERN Infanticide is sq common in some OREGON CONFERENCE Parts of the New Hebrides and t h e ! Solomon islands th at in many fam i­ lies all children are killed and sub­ stitu tes are purchased at will. authorized by the MA­ SON TIRE & RUBBER In effect at once, Oct 18— AT 30x3% Heavy Cord, $20.65. C. B. L A M K I N Real Estate „ White House Groceteria ana sddotn needs repiiins 7:30— Closing Service of Confer­ ence. Public invited Adress, ‘ W here C hristian Leadership Leads” . . . 7 , ................ Dr. E. C. Hickman 1 be public is invited to the Friday evening and SundUy evening ad­ dresses. The other sessions are in­ tended for delegates and leaders. All sessions of the conference will e held at the B aptist church except >e Sunday night service, which will be a t the Methodist church. AU singers from the choirs and congregations Of the various T T , 8re inV‘ted to occupy choir loft at the Sunday evening service. Dr. W oods’ orchestra wiP Play d u ring the closing service. An international commission keeps If r e c o rd of the advance and re tre a t of |i Im portant glaciers in all p arts of the th«>ugh the entire life from 10% to 20% The Luthy guarantee in S S t a r * # ± merit’ ’ *•“ ? ” ' b*,,eries— iuaran..«!, "L” ? Tw° service or a new battery without rpnn,rThy 18 8 Luthy battery for each type of car W e repair and give service on all makes of batteries come in today* and examine the “Luthy.” Two years service ora new battei^ without cost LUTHY batteries W ho is your fL u th y,f distributor? konw an, Buick Service Station, 83 North Main St, * • » “• exchange tire COMPANY M e d f Z Ort. Ashland, Ore. REED AUTO SUPPLY CO I Klamath Falls, Qin»,. • , F rid a y , Oet. 21 9 p. 111. to 1 a. m. bargains in YNLW batten, th a t keeps CHARGED of th T £ tte i^ ° rAnd'Ri^iH1 over-cap ldt^ ’ A d ARMORY Duty (Continued from Page 1) City Mild R anch Propertlee 11:15- -Address, ‘‘Boys and the H ouses to Ilent. World P rogram ” The Dalles— Wasco county appl*>! 12:00- Conference Photograph crop estim ated 175,000 boxes. citizens ’ bank building 12:10- -Lunch Saturday Afternoon 1:45- Songfest, Devotional . . . . . . . Rev. Josephine Chample Discussion, “ Some Things We Have Accomplished T hat We Feel Good About” BATTER IES “ How Much Service Can More than the Church and Sunday k tvo years, School Reasonably Expect ^service, From the Older Boy?” 2:45— Delegation Meetings 3:10— Recreation. Football Game at High School Grounds, Ashland vs. G rants Pass. Out-of-town Delegates Ad­ mitted freo 6:15— Banquet, songs, toasts, Yells Address, “The Price of Leadership” . Dr. Carl Doney battery is guaranteed for two years. For Sunday Morning There wuF be to 1 bC relieved of rePair expenses, 9:00— Leaders’ Conference charging. * * ° f repa,rs’ and 9eldom need of re- 10:00— Delegates and Leaders a t­ tend Sunday School and •No short circuits Church with Host Hostess 12:30— Dinner 3:30— Assembly, for Boys and . « j a a i i S K T S S S S Leaders only Song Service and Devo­ separator180?lblf battery’ By this Patented Luthy tional separator, 80% of aU battery troubles are overcome Address, “ The Price of Luthy voltage continues high C hristian Leadership Luthy separators are built to allow free «r Dr. E. C. Hickman, Pres- “ PktCS: 111 Other b a t t e S X r e n i £ ident Kimball School of The­ pass through pores in separators of wood or mXX/. ology Which resistance in c h a ^ n g \S d dis' Christian Callings for all in­ h^ pn g. That is w hy Luthy batteries ch argf^ ick er and terested Sunday E vening Harvest CO. OP KENT, OHIO. fumfl Regular Admission tVAP “ FRED HOLMES, “T rustees.” (E d ito r’s Note— Now th a t the board of directors of the Ashland chamber of commerce has seen fit to pass the above resolution and asked (bat it be published, The Ashland Tidings desires to ask the directors °* the chamber w hether’ they en­ dorse the use of the cham ber as an instrum ent of BOYCOTT against members a n d business institutions of Ashland? The Tidings will fu r­ nish space for their answ er and earnestly desires th a t it be speedily forthcoming. ) Starts Today -ill DON’T MISS THE **W . H. McNAIR, pianiste-teach- Cleaning and repairing on short 171 Helman notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland 3 3-1 mo B,dg’ ’ 302tf Only those in overalls and aprons admitted on dance floor üoosehüpajsí o l iv e PLAZA MARKET p r l c e l '" " FrCSh a " '1 C0red Me« » » ' •»»* euallty Try them once and you will be back for more. Our Groceries have m erit and the prices are lowest Here are a few of them : S5,U|’’ .......................................... » 1 0 « " n;' : •' •' ■' •': '■: » S , » " 0' 1 Cocoa, per lb. .................................................................................... .. Coffee, bulk, per lb. ...............................’ .................i»,.' ’ H ill’s B lu e can. lb ............................• a,,d ’8 5 3 lbs. ........................... ............................................................................ Sugar, sack ................................ • 14 lbs. . . ........................................................................... .......................... 1 .(M l W inter Potatoes? Yes, we will have Gems at $2.60 per 100 in two-sack lots. those famous Netcd THE PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS Cl NORTH MAIN STREET TRY OUR Royal Coal FOR YOUR HEATER Also we can furnish you— 4 foot Body F ir ...................... $9 25* - 16 inch Oak.............................. 4 5^ -6 inch Pine..............................350 12 inch Pine..............................3.00 C arson -F ow ler Lbr. Co. “ fn the Heart of Town”