H. R. Adame, the Plumber, ¿«He • RU<1 P a tty ”- G ive»— . , , S 11" ' Christian Local and Personal M ote» to GW C alter H em e— Special breakfast, 60s. from « to* H otel A shland Grill. 27-tf Suits pressed for 50 cents. John Bright fall w eather gives the fru it Maly, tailor, Peil building, Plaza. growers opportunity to ‘ worm ” L eave for Los A n g e l e s - th eir peach and prune trees. The! Mr. and Mrs. Ira Johnson, 4 8 1 1 H igh School R e c e p t io n - root borer is one of the most serious N orth Main street, Ashland residents rpjie fresbnien class at the local pests of the peach and prune in Ore-; for many years, left this morning for bjgb gcbool will be given the official gon! “ W orm ing.” or removing the; Los Angeles. Calif., where they will wejcomjng ‘ party” of the year at an borers by hand, is as yet the most m ake th e ir home at 11 lb Santa Rosa entertalnm ent* arranged by the reliable method known for th eir con-! avenue of th a t city. sophomore class in the school gym­ trol. Use a sharp knife and avoid nasium at 7:30 o’clock this evening. injury to the tree. It is well to ap­ Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the It Is understood that hazing will be ply Bordeaux m ixture to the wound« dram a, “ Miss Glbbie G ault,” for the taboo but as one sophomore ex­ before replacing the soil. The Ore benefit of the community club house pressed j|, “th a t is only alleged.” gon A gricultural college experiment F riday evening, October 28, a t the station has developed washes for M ethodist church. Come and hear It. Something new U 7eo*s window. sum m er use, form ulas of which will 299-tf be sent free to any one Interested.— V isits R uger F am ily— V ---------- Entomology. Mrs. John Hickey and daugther, Quit 1 Chautauqua Board— of D unsm uir, Calif., an d Mrs. Joseph' Mrs. Fred S. Engle, prom inent in A storia— Prices of milk delivered G regoire and son, of Tacoma, Wash., Ashland Red Cross and club work, in city advances from 8 to 12 cents are the guests of the Ruger family,! resigned from the Chautauqua board per quart. on North Main street. Mrs. Gregoire of directors at a meeting held at the i Billings agency W ednesday evening. ' is a niece of Mr. Ruger. ---------- The vacancy has not yet been filled M erchants’ noan lunch, 60c, Hotel by the board of directors. Mrs. Ashland Grill. 27-tf Engle stated she did not have suf-, ficient tim e to devote to the work. Visits Sister H e r e - The board considered the chautau- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, of Al- qUa program for the coming year, gonia, are visiting with Airs. C. E. Discussion centered around the ad- Ellis, who has been ill at the home visability of a six or seven-day sched- of her aunt. Mrs. McCallister, for ule of the Ellison-W hite chautau- the past several months. Mr. T a y lo r. qU3( with which the board decided is a b ro th er of Mrs. Ellis. to contract for the next year. any kind, for tw enty-four Cafe. private hours’ parties on Roge Bros. < in serve them . Nelda 38-6t M cK innis Fam ily R eturns— One cent the wo rd each time. i. U a....... Id 37-tf PETRIT JURY TO CONVENE MONDAY Thomas McKinnis and family have The petit jury will convene next retu rn ed from their California trip Monday, with Judge F. M. Calkins and have concluded, for a tim e at on the bench. The docket has not least, to settle in Ashland. They been arranged as yet. Three Bank are located at 228 Factory street. The McKinnis (amity is related to °< J«<*ao„ville cases will come be- Mrs. Val Inlow. of Mountain av en u e., fore th,s term ° f c° ur • ° w 1 • and has a num ber ot old-tlm. Blakeley, form er county triends h e r . who are FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. LOST— Cameo brooch. Fincter re­ turn Tidings office. Reward. 42-3* j everv wav. Whv not look them over Has* M e n th» M R A ik - T IG H T tin* nf SO ’ Lioorrr A M y b u T obacco C o . _ _ J FER — Good team and m otor­ KIRTLAND FARM is offering for trucks. Good service at a reason­ sale cheap one registered 2-year- able price. Phone 83. old black Percheron stallion, sired by Ketab, the best Im ported Black FOR PROMPT and careful service Percheron in valley; or will s e ll, with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone Ketab. These are priced so they 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near will pay for themselves next year. Hotel Austin. We also have some young teams for sale. Will sell a few regis­ CAR WASHING tered Milking Shorthorn cows and heifers; two bull calves, sired by EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ Foothill’s Corporal, the grand ing. Lithla Garage, phone 114. champion of the Pacific coast. W rite, phone or come and see. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ sonable prices. Lithia Garage. Phone 19-X-3, Central Point, Or. J. E. Mason. Superintendent. 4 2-tf LOST. and sizes to choose from but every day they are thinning out. ___ _______ 1_______■ F. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS SEWING MACHINES, clocks and phonographs repaired. Douglas. | 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf with that label • • . - _____ J ? WANTED— At once, women to c a l, CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed up and sold for you, from a wagon fruit at Bagley Canning Co., Tal­ to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a ent, Ore.; transportation free. penny whistle. Third and A. op­ Phone 364-J-l 30-tf posite freight depot. No phone. WAN 1 KD. W rite. 2 8-1 mo WANTED— To borrow $250, first ROOFERS loan on city property, value $1100. 267 Eighth. 42-2* GRAHAM A WILSON. practical roofers; new roofs laid and old WANTED— Small improved moun­ roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh tain ranch; m ust have w ater; give street. Medford, Ore. particulars first letter. Box A-8, 36-1 Tidings. TR A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ju st now there is a splendid assortment of styles T CHAIR DOCTOR H EI.P W ANTED. “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 models now on floor, Swenson & McRae's; see them ; your term s are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man­ ager Southern Oregon. 35-1 mo COATS • * J _____ ~ = and d>: !_■■ FOR BALK. SUITS satisfy DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Dr Jarvis’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 trical Treatm ents, Mineral and to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Medford Laboratories, Sacred Batik Building. Phone 48. H eart H ospital; hours, 8 a.m.' to 12m.; evenings by appointm ent. PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. Phone Medford 714. Residence Phone 138. phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o LIVE STOCK Sold by all grocers for will ATTÖRNÄIH. PHYSICIANS. Put this down in black and white I W here b etter tam ales are served notice. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Church Bible Class Gives) Wednesday Party 287-tf We furnish salads and croquettes. 6 j? ï - ‘•Turn backward, turn backward. l ««H b ffié e and family have oh. Time in thy flight, and make me movÄd t0 bld C arter home on a child again just for tonight. fo u n ta in avenue, form erly occupied Cflrls, short dresses and “ kid trucks’’ fey GlareOc< Barney and family, The d a ss party of the adult were much in evidence at a party ______ classes of the C hristian Bible school given this week by the Women s A rare tre a t aw aits the public in wag he,d W ednesday night at the Benefit association of the M accabee;tbe rendering of the dram a, “ M’s s , c h ristian church parlors. ‘The meet- lodge. The women were Pressed as Oibbie G ault,” at the Methodist -ng wag well attended Tbe r00ms children and played "kid games” church Friday evening, October 28, were a tt,actively decorated with, during the evening. - for the benefit of the community j autum n leaves and vines an d flow­ club house. ers tastefully arranged. An orig­ 17tf F or p leatin g, see Orre«. inal game, planned by the superin­ i May Leave fo/ C a lifo rn ia - tendent, Frank Patterson, was am us­ M otor to A pplegate— W ilmer Poley and family, accom- ing Each couple was given a sub­ Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Applegate mo-j panied by Mrs. Josephine Poley, ex ject upon which they were to com tored to the Applegate country on a pect to leave for California next pose a poem in a certain num ber of pleasure and business trip. week to spend the winter. ■ minutes. The poems were rea/f aloud and a vote taken as to which The dram atic entertainm ent by Woolens for men and women sold were considered best. Dr. Buchan- 17tf ; an conducted the stu n t games. The Dr. Mattie B. Shaw in the Methodist by the yard— C. Orres church on the even in g of October 28 j ----------- doctor formerly taught school and 299-tf »will be entertaining and instructive.. W atch Yeo’s window. it seems he hasn’t forgotten some of. ---------- Don’t fail to ehar it. his schoolroom methods. R efresh­ Wild G eese Sighted— ments were served by the ladies in Owe» Property Sold— Several flocks of geese were sight- charge. Those present, besides the Julius E. Foss, foAnerly of Tai-; ed over the city yesterday. The children, were: John W olters. W. J. ent, has purchased the home at 27$; birds, heading due south, are the Albert, S. Peterson, Mr. an d Mrs. S. B street from Mrs. A. C. Owen. The; forerunners of cold w eather, accord- M. W right, Mr. and Mrs. J. V .! sale was made through the Billings. Ing to the old-time w eather proph- W right, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochran, agency. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Home-made tam ales served at Dr. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. D. N .; For high grade tailoring for men Rose Bros. 37-tf Davis, V. V. Hawley. Ed Hunt, A rtro and women— C. Orres. Swingle, J. M. Beaver; Mesdames A tterbury, Owen, G albraith, Reed, Fashion Show— læ a v es for R o s e b u r g - The millinery and sewing classes Myers, Hall, Bryant, J. Putm an, W. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Perry left being conducted by the Parent- A. Cooper. D. Hale, M. Cole, F. D. yesterday for Roseburg, w here they J y n \ Teachers association are speeding Swingle, J. W. Headley, L. BonnfM,, will make their home. Mr. Perry is ; , . x. „ a v n . . i , i . UP th eir work in preparation for the J. Champie, L. Driver, L. Hedrick, an employe of the Southern Pacific, * . ; coming fashion show to be held in C. Morrison, F. Crowson, and Misses company. ;th e Chautauqua Pioneer hall Octo- M. Benedict and Vert Champie and; the superintendent, F. Patterson. ber 26. 9 M M TEMNGfl THE Friday, OetoVef t l. îWtt R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull season— b ig assortm ent to choos® from -—every siae and every p r i c e - w onderful value«. See th e ex­ tra fin e French S erge dresse» at > 1 6.75. A ll w ool P o lo cloth coats at $ 1 8 .7 5 . ORRES TAILOR SHOP Used Car Bargains 1920 Hudson speedster in perfect condition, price $1650.00. Overland Four touring ear used o n 1 y tinea months, good as new price $650.00. One Stoddard roadster in good running order. A bargain, price $150. < hie good Ford bug, spe­ cial body, price $290. One Oakland Six tour ing ear, price $550. Monthly payments if de­ sired. B u s y C o rn e r M o to r Co. Main at Riverside, Medford, Oregon