PAGE TWO THE A8HLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland Tidings rating aud the load carried. As on« are never any new clothes; food to! plaintiff had about 120 points for expressed it, ‘They would haul any Established 187 6 ** " of the sim plest— bread, soups of a introduction, but the court ruled Published Every Evening Except load they could s ta r t.’ ” thin sort and occasionally sau sag e. t h a t all of these were not admissible. The law provides a maximum Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. as a delicaey. As far as music, weight per inch of tiro in contact] Bert Theirolf was the-first witness opera and theater are concerned, called by the defense, when plaintiff with the road, but on the 500 trucks OFFICIAL CITY AND COVXTY they have long since been forgotten.” ; closed its case at 11:30 this m orn­ examined the maximum was exced- PA PE R -------i ---------------- ---------------------- . TELEPHONE 39 _________________________ ed As the report states: " It is ap-i ing. In com batting an objection; Subscription Price D elivered in C ity :• parent that ir’ t r “ C* operators are registered by the plaintiff’s counsel One month .•............................... $ gg j perm itted to use the highways with- to the question, Attorney George M. Three months .............................. 1.95 ¡ out police supervision, a few unrea- ! Roberts announced th a t Theiroif’s One mvearh 8 . ’. ........... 3.75jsonable truck operators will wreck testim ony would be largely rebuttal Mail and R ural R ou tes ’ i r° ad system th a ’ ‘»ay be bu ilt.” of th at given by Frank B. McCom- One month .................................. $ .65. e have laws against overloading. ber. president of the McComber-Sav- ’ Three months .............................. 1.95 but they are not enforced. idee Lum ber company. n * m° ” ‘hs .................................. 1 !® ' In in c lu d in g this feature, the en- The defense will call thirteen wit-, ________ ' .............................. ** gineering report conioq direct to t h e ' MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 21.— T hurs­ nesses, some of them being lum ber-' ADVERTISING RATES point by saying: “ Exam ination 'of! day m orning’s session of the federal men of Jackson aud Josephine coun­ Display Advertising: motor tax enactm ents in other tsatesl court in the civil action of the Mc- ties, who are acquainted with lumber Single Insertion, each in c h ........... 30c leads to the conclusion th at the pres-! YEARLY CONTRACTS (. omber-Savidge Lumber company, conditions in this section. ent California taxes are ex trem ely ! Display A dvertising It is expected th at the closing . . 1 San Francisco, against tlic Hie “ Fine Lady” is , and not in accord with I One tim e a w e e k . . . . . . ...................27 ^ m c oderate 1 name, and ( mg Shorthorns. z -Fine' L ady- will P in e. Lum ber company [or the coL argum ents will be made today and Two times a week....................... 25 c more equitable tendencies.” she is all her name implies. Every. Probably be shown at the Pacific I a - | lection ot approximately $29,000. „1-i the case go to the jury late this after- Every other d a y .................................. 20 ci Ix x a l R eaders ---------- I ------' s o m e out farm er, tP,natlonal Livestock exposition at leged to be due for no n f n i f i i i n , e „ J noon or eariy Saturday morning. o t^ c h . oi Ibo great p e rfo rm a n c e ,N" ' " T.o rt,“" d N»’ « n b .r 6-12 this ot contract, was devoted to the cold! Each line, each tim e .....................10c To run every other dhy for one au tt trueks and auto stages. O w n-! .. . „ , ' ' " " L year. She is the proDertv of T h o m a J in tr lu l “e such yeblcle. ar(, r „ „ „ ,„ 8 1 »sey or Ayr- I a^ £ month, each line,, - each - tim e. . - 7c era o, - ------ - „— vehicles <»■<, i mining ■ —• - i K u m e S U i a T 6c X “ h’ ” «»“ h l ^ . X 'h X " -.O C R i Southern FrMpy. October 21, 1WH “FINE LADY” MAY COME TO SHOW «M M M Big Pines Civil Action Case Near Finish Today Public Notice O n. cent the w .rd ’ea " " ‘time. “«> »"'>■ »take o t th e roada. We b' e Red more milk , * „ 7 ¿ X o r a t a ' a S m l 'J i o t m T 7 " “ ' " ' ° n ' e“ 1“ One cent the word each time. !"t,a 1,3e Oiey make of the roads. We than any other anim al on the nlace . ’-allfornla. two from W ashing-! admissions w ere made upholding the To ruu every issue for one month tr.v to make the railroads pay all the They didn’t weigh and test in th o se 1 ? T V * 0 fr° m ° regO” who content,°n® of its suit. The or more, Mi c the word each time. taxes that the traffic can bear, but Legal R ate days, so there is no way of combar- . MilkJnS Shorthorns. This R’g R>nes company sued the South­ their com petitors on the highways First time, per 8-point line. . . . .' 10c * eXpected th a t the entries ern Oregon Lum ber company for have roads built for them at the ing the yield of modern dairy cows ’ m' Each subsequent time, per 8- public expense, and thev get* ofV with Wlth ,hose big-framed, rugged Dur- * 7 7 " ' WUh n‘° re breed\ >the case not bein« decided, polnt line ..................................... 5c a udminal license fee The o ! ha'" a as thev - e r e ca led then Z reP" * * n t«d’ A b ilk in g Short- Excerpts from the testimony were Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 T1“” ' « • « '■ .« h .™ , „ o i and t„ ‘ a Z h T . “ ' A “ 8"™"* ' " » ' l e ™ ” l° *»X . these excerpts be- Obituaries, the line ...................... 2% c stages are protected from com p",, F raternal Orders and S ocieties c o m p e t l l ... «w, a n a m 1 a high record for both milk and b u t-i in& a 8’eed upon by attorneys for z x . . i - - • Advertising for fratern al orders tion, but they pay nothing commen­ x or societies charging a regular in iti­ su rate with their special privilege » J ' r »“ « ¿ ‘'l" '“ ““ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ and their wear and tear of the high­ in th l. country many h erd , d tm iU - 7 a 7 b , 7 l " * ligious and benevolent orders will be ways. Together ----- *•.............. .......... —------------------- — _______ -v Biee(1- was L. RhoiAsh, a lumberman from auto - - o - w . a v . with n u n t t U lU trucks, (F U C K S , charged the regular rate for all ad Mc( loud, Calif., who identified pho- compelled to bear a J t f O / V f A P / / P la n e vertising when an admission or other they . . ‘ should s 101,1(1 be ,)e cc Theological students can manage to tographs of the lum ber piles in the fair share share of of the the cost met nf awx »«.«__I ■ iC f l f S charge Is made. tair of v repairing get their food and lodging, but books yard of the Southern Oregon Lum What C oastltu tes A d vertisin g i X ' 1“ '.?',“ " '388 fOr "■|“ ch »<’>’ «ue m ore difficult. The Aemrican ber company where the lum ber in In order to allay a m isunderstand-! _ p Sl e’ Quakers are feeding a great many i controversy was stored. He testified ing among some as to w hat consti- 1 i lb ne e highways were built to at- of our students. i from these pictures, which were tutes news and what a d v ertisin g ,! tr act tourist travel and not to ren “ Many can buy th eir Bibles, but afterw ard shown to the jury, that we print this very simple rule, which der the railroads obsolete Th„ „„ „ Is used by newspapers to d ifferen t!-; to W|,«„h „ llf t . • I he use we need about 100 Greek and i o o ! b u t o n e * a s correctly piled to pre- ate between them : "ALL fu tu re . ° 1 ucks al,d auto stages i MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 21.— The Hebrew te s ta m e n t« fz»« vent stainine amt " i,- events, where an admission c h a rg e , ale 1)Utt,nS the highways is c alcu lat-; first step toward the estahii«hmAnf «t.,donto povn-ti i r & P°°rer •=’- ------------- _C ing’ The is made or a collection is taken I S ! ed to keep tourist traffic awav and ’ of a golf club in M e d fn .d L , U stU(1ents. Poverty In Germany is ~ ADVERTISING.” \This applies to i that not bv the sntce t h e v 7 v ’ at the n, bi n r Me< was taken not to be found in the so-called societies of every i but by th / r ^ “ .7 UP’ i Sl™ " “ t, hut in the homes s s x i i e’ e r , ! but b>- ,he — on morion of A ttorney O. C. Boggs, which before the war were called All reports of such activities after «Mayor Gates, as chairm an, appointed com fortable middle class. For in- b a r b e r they have occurred is news. let all pay taxes the following committees to thor- stance, a school teacher in the grad All coming social or organization ------- -- , nnghly investigate the situation and ed schools is paid in American C hildren’s W ork A meetings of societies where no There is a rapidly-growing senti- ' T L n c e “ a r T X T “ a®6“ “* ¡"9° ney’ at the pi'e8ent «m e about money contribution is solicited, initi­ Specialty ation charged, or collecton taken IS m ent in this nation against the con- D a n iX chairm an 7 , 7 T E’ ! A high sch° o1 NEWS. Safety blades resharpened tinned issuance of tax exempt securi- Voorhies CeoraT Cnlti profe8Sor "<> more like new. Single bit, 30c W# make all quotations on ties by city, county, state and federal 1601 ge ColHns, W illiam G. than $300. governments. federal Ta t and Vernon Vawter. i ..You ask how they doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. JOB WORK There from The Pacific Coast Gas association 1er E g t n ^ b T r î GrOU" d8~ H’ Chaad- ‘ THE FRANK LIN PR IC E LIST ..x ttt^ e d th i, seat,m en, concrete R elro î Ge J J T ’" " 1’'- Same prices— reasonable price— ton,, r e a c t i o n s „assert a, t „ re- i„ ,„ t R al|„, C o " i “ " " " 6nS to all t . g *’ Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. cent convention at Del M ont« <’»ii Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. L t '! " s - SO' e " , " 'C'“ iâ r" Ï r 't m , » b X é ° ’ " Establishment Of Country Club w . A. S H E L L MOTOP. TRUCKS AND A l’TO STAGES NOT PAYING FAIR have been exempt in whole or in part! from the operation of the income tax SHARI HIGHWAY (X>STS laws; and “ W hereas, The securities of the (From San F ran c’sco Bulletin) states and their minor subdivisions When California started her pol-jhave been exempt from the opera- icy of highway construction she was tion or such laws; and building for the future and prepar “ W hereas, Such securities come ing for progress, but in the most nto direct competition with securi­ optim istic im agination there was no ties offered by public utilities and By FRANK E. MASON thought of the automobile, auto other industries subject to the full <1. N. S. Staff Correspondent) stage and auto truck development operation of such laws and thereby BERLIN, Oct. 21.— “ Berlin uni­ th a t has since taken place. m aterially increase the rates of in versity theological students in many The means of caring for increased terest th at public utilities and o th e r' cases cannot afford to buy even a traffic have increased th a t traffic industries m ust pay; and Greek and Hebrew testam en t,” said beyond the means of caring for it. “ W hereas, no part of the income Professor Adolph von H arnack, noted In providing for progress we have derived from tax-free securities is so m ultiplied its ra te that we m ust contributed toward the support of theological leader, formerly advisor now make fresh provision unless we our public institutions or in the pay- of the kaiser and head of the Berlin university. He is the celebrated are to stand still. We built rpads to, ment of our public debt: and au th o r of the “ History of Dogma.” attra ct traffic and we have attracted “ Whereas. The present income tax "A Greek testam ent costs about 35 more traffic than our roads can ^ w s give to such tax-free securities cents in American money a t the pres­ carry. and the holders thereof an unfair ent time, and it may seem strange It is a m atter for congratulation preference to the prejudice of tax­ to you th at students cannot afford ra th e r than for complaint. Progress able securities and th eir holders to make this small outlay of money. can never come 'too rapidly for the Now, therefore, be it people of California. Always we ‘Resolved, That the Pacific Coast shall be prepared to meet it, buYin Gas association urges upon the! respect of the progress of transpor­ American Gas association th at it give' The Heider Tractor tation on the state highways we must serious consideration to this p ro b -! make immediate preparation for >em in order to provide corrective! and P.&0. Disc Plow more roads, wider roads and roads legislation to remove the present in -1 m aintained In a better state of re­ equitable burden of taxation sus­ w ill do your plow ing righ t now in your hard, sticky soil. pair. ‘ — tained thereby and to make all in­ Bargain in used sew iu g m achine; The all-im portant problem is one come from w hatever source and in of finances, and in view of the heavy whatever form bear its ju st propor­ also a new carload o f W hite sew ­ ing m achines ju st in, at bonded indebtedness incurred! and to tion of the cost of governm ent and I be incurred in conn?&tion with high­ remove the discrim ination now e x -! way construction we m ust look for isting between governm ental securi- ! additional sources of revenue. ties and those issued by public u till-• Prim arily, the state highways ties and other private industries.” were built for the convenience of the people— for all the people, and not The bluest ocean w ater is found for the special convenience of a lim­ In the Saragasso sea, where there ited num ber making a special use oi are very few m inute organism s to them. modify the natural color of the The people of California have water. benefited to such an extent th at from 191.5 to 1920, or the period, of the re Jr. new highway policy, the num ber of ^luttric O at fit automobiles has increased from 98,- 399 to 535.000 in 1920. This pro­ gress has increased beyond the width capacity of certain roadh be­ tween particular points, but in no instance does it appear to have been responsible for the tearing up of the highways. Damage of this kind has been done by the hard-tired, over­ loaded and rapid-moving auto trucks Electric Light Shades and by speeding auto stages, loaded Masks, Caps, Aprons beyond their passenger limit. During the same period as that Nut Cups, Napkins . given for automobiles, the auto Cut-Outs, Skeletons trucks have increased from 5,299 to 35.000. but th a t proportionately PUMPKINS No m o re d ru d g e ry w o rk c n greater increase is only a part of the th e fa rm fo r th e m e n folks or »tor>. The more im portant part will All Sizes B w o m e n folks. E v e ry be found In the engineering reports Tt will pay you to look over fa rm h o m e can n o w be issued by the two autom obile associ­ our stock citified w ith a ations of the state: During the past four months, 2.000 trucks have been weighed; 256 of these were found to be over­ loaded. in some instances as much Home W ater System as 100 per cent. Five hundred trucks 50,000 already in u se. N o hired »'elghed on public scales gave load­ hand can work a s cheap. B e ings on each rear wheel ranging a happy Leader farm owner, from 4,275 pounds for one-ton trucks " FMSakbr to 11,280 pounds for five-ton tracks. JE R R Y O’NEAL Truck operators observer little rela­ P h on e 188 tion between the m anufacturer’s Germans Are Unable to Buy Books For School It pumps and carries alJ the water itfgNBOg one-eleven c ig a r e tte s Any on? having ice cream packers belonging to the Ash­ land Creamery, please phone 24 and they will be called for. 2Ofcr15* Ashland Creamery Special Pitch Kindling Free W ith every orrter of f i r . or more tiers „[ « „ „ a . „ e Blve , rM one sack o pitch ktnrtttng ,p „ , ,,ne. W, „„ t wood obtainable, any lengths desired, and priced right. N o . I, tne time to buy. A. .■»8Ö E ast Main G. ADAMS Yard, 240 Third St. Phone 4(10 Helping Livestock Raisers I n ADDITION to loans to banks that aid farm ers, the War Finance ( orporation assists banks th a t make advances for “ the breeding, raising, rattening and m arketing of live­ stock.” 1 his enables banks to aid m ateri­ ally men interested in the raising of pure-blooded stock, and will fu r­ ther in Oregon an already Important industry. The First National will be glad to discuss the necessary details with any directly interested. First N ational Bank Ashland We have purchased the E a st S id e M eat M ark et and every cut (if meat we sell will be from CRIME BEEF—Tender, Juicy and Delicious W H O LESA LE AND R E T A IL KIRBY & ELLIOTT Phone 188 395 East Main BENEFIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE d r a m a t ic Interpretation Dr. M attie B r o w n S h a w Will Render the Drama Buying Tires Blindfold DON’T DO IT In Fisk Tires you can get just what you want at a price below’ the average tire. Fisk quality a t honest price. Peil's Corner Halloween Goods cÎ h r tt VIR G IN IA Friendly mRUEY Gentkmeo TURKISH U m m f e t Hod ef th* three agarette hobaocex perfect cigarette KRUGGEL brothers T in S y ARANT£ED W IC A N IZ IN C TIPES A C C ESSO Pirc TELJ25 ASHLAND,OREGON 91 OAK ST “ HI-QUALITY” One and One half H ours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening of OCTOBER 28 METHODIST CHURCH .,binti!roiM atti,e B- Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland as ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to hearers dhiring her form er residence here, since which time she e n ¡ein? a c? urae of instruction from Emma Wilson Gillespie of ot .«™ o Good Shoes’9 A STRONG THREE IN ONE COMBINATION We aim to give you all the quality we can in good footwear at a low a price as possible. M hen in Medford drop in and let us show you shoes if you don’t buy it will be all right. COSTS NOTHING TO GET ACQUAINTED 21 North Central Medford “ GOpD SHOES” Built Our Business. her h e r’ lit th e r t, ‘‘ShftTis an arti8t whom it is equally a pleasure and education o hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality w hich takes a thorough grip on her hearers. ’ ldK' ” raa,a'rk?bleeaad r i c h / '1’ HeV phra‘ ln8 ° r ‘ She possesses all the qualifications th at cn tn mnira .1^ • entertainm ent, making her character walk and S t I f f P g with a distinctive personality.” ‘ befo,e “ To hear her in the delineation of character is an e v e n t ti...» is ever gratefully treasured in one’s memory.” 1 ‘ 1 “ LOW PRICES” f <4 G ood S hoes ” "Miss Tibbie Gault” The "In” in Independent Eighty men out of every hundred are (dependents at sixty years of age. P utting a little in the bank each week is what makes the difference between dependent and INdepen- dent. The C itizen s B a n k Ashland, Oregon ¿