0 ALARlA germs cannot survive three months in the rich osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. n 8HLAND climat«, without the k aid of medieine, cure* nine cases dut of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. VOLUME 3 (International News Wire Service) (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) NO. 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 BRUMFIELD ATTEMPTS SUICIDE; MAY DIE Y.M.CA MEET HERE FOR Giants Pass Grid Battlers To Play Locals R. Officials and Labor Heads Are Called to Mat Talent Woman Dies Suddenly; Apoplexy Attack OHE TEETH Ï0 <3> ---------- ♦ — «>i <•> TALENT, Or.. Oct. 21.— «> Ashland and G rants Pass ♦ ; Miss Tencelio Wells, sister «> ♦ high school football team s will «> <§> of the late W. N. Wells, ♦ » j ♦ meet in battle on the local grid- <$>, form er superintendent of the j iron tomorrow afternoon for <$> -•> county poor farm , died this «> i the second tim e this year. <$> <•» morning at 1 o’clock, due to a $ _____ ---------------- Although the Ashland husk- «'j <$> sudden stroke of apoplexy. Miss _ . «> ies romped over the G rants ❖ ! Wells fell to the floor in a ♦'C O N V K ’TED MURDERER SHARP­ DELEGATES A R R II E O ' «> Pass field two weeks ago for a - swoon immediately after she «> ENS GOLD TOOTH FILLING ON OLDER BOVS’ CONFERENCE; gj g fjctory, local sport fans $>' <$> arose from her bed to accom- | F'LOOR OF ( ELL; SHERIFF'S RECEPTION C O M M I T T E E believe th a t the visiting team ♦ «> pany Mrs. W. M. Wells to the «>| PREMONITION LEADS TO IN- MEETS TRAINS; ANNOUNCE «> has improved and will put up a «>; «> bedside of a sick inm ate of the VESTIGATIN. THREE-DAY PROGRAM. good battle’ Grants Pass SUP' ♦ , .«» county farm. Miss Wells com- «> ' porters are encouraged by the «> «> plained of pains in her head ! fact th a t their team held the «> ju st before losing conscious- <$> ROSEBURG, Or.. Oct. 21.— Semi­ Plans for the boys’ conference are ’ Medford warviov8 to a 16 to 10 «> < 3 ness. -c o n s c io u s and under the influence complete and delegates are already SCore, although they were t>e- ® I $ > According to statem ents of opiates, Dr. R. M. Brumfield, con­ arriving. One of the finest groups j feated. ❖ •» made this morning, Miss Wells ♦ victed yesterday of m urder in the of young voung men ever gathered in «> Captain Leslie Heer, of the The annual Jackson county teach­ CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 21.— The <£ was known to have been ill first degree for the killing of Den- southern Oregon will soon be as­ ♦ local team , has recovered from <$> ers’ institute, held for three days at «> previous to her sudden death. «’H is Russell, lies on his jail cot today United States railway labor board sembled as the guests of Ashland. «• an injured leg and will be in <$ I Ashland, closed at 4 o’clock W edues^ issued an order today citing ra ilro a d '« ' The body was taken to the ♦ in a dangerous condition, hovering R egistrations will begin a t 3 « the game tomorrow. <ê> day au d the m ajority of the teach- Weeks - Conger undertaking < s > between life and death as the result 1 officials and leaders of the "big o’clock this afternoon. A reception er3 hje(j them away to th eir respec­ «> parlors at Medford, from where «> I four" brotherhoods to appear before oi attem pted suicide. com m ittee of Boy Scouts under the tive districts in order to teat^i the «> the body will be shipped to Cen- < § > I the board Wednesday of next week While reading at his home last care of .1. O. Rigg will meet all d ele-, 'tw o rem aining school days of the ' < $ > terville, Iowa, the form er home «> }and give testimony as to w hether or night. Sheriff Starm er had a strange gates at the train. The Scout guide»; week, and this m eant a sixty-mile; not they had been or are violating «• of Miss Wells, who had been ♦ premouition that the convicted will conduct the visitors to the! drive for some of them. • living in Talent since February < ? > the wage cut decision. dentist was dead. Sheriff Starm er homes where they are to be en ter­ The last day scored some im­ oi thia year. All parties concerned have been hurried to the jail and found Brum­ I came to Ashland to lead a tained. p ortant points in the Jackson coun- instructed meanwhile to m aintain field lying on his cot in almost un­ The first session will be at 4:45 \ j ty teachers’ world. F irst, the county peaceful and quiet life, in this all the wage Scales. conscious condition. A pool of o ’clock this afternoon. Devotional j unit of the Oregon State Teachers’ wonderful land where the roses The board will require the broth­ blood lay on the floor near the dent­ by W. Judson Oldfield. All dele-; bloom at Christm as and cool association cpmpleted organization erhood chiefs, it was announced, to I ist’s cot. gates should be In attendance w ith-' by electing officers under its new breezes blow all sum m er long. It Medical attention was obtained at ¡show cause why they shouldn’t b e ! out fail. Nominations of confer- . seemed to me th a t nature had constitution. The officers are: once and the wounds were closed by ¡punished for violating the wage cut I once officers will be held, after President, Superintendent G. A ., conspired to make this the most | decision by calling a strike in pro-; several stitches. Unless infection which the dismissal will be made j Briscoe, A shland; vice president, H. delightful place on earth for a sets in the prisoner is expected to I test against it. for supper. A meeting has been arranged fori P. Jew ett, Talent; secretary-treas-) quiet repose. But soon I Ascov- If the board’s edict th at the sta tu s' recover. GuarAs have been placed ered th at, besides its seductive The following program will be ob­ all the ex-marines of Jackson, Jose-, tirer, Ray Henderson, C entral Point, I of the roads remain unchanged is in the cell to see th at Brumfield does served : phine, Klam ath and Siskiyou coun-, These officers, together with Mrs. beauty, Ashland had some possi­ obeyed, it will postpone the strik e' hot tear out the stitches. Friday Evening ties. This meeting is for the pur- Edna B. Allen, of Rush, and Super­ bilities— in fact, wonderful possi­ until the case has been thoroughly; During the investigation conduct­ 7:30— Song Service and Devo­ bilities, in'developm ent— so I set pose of making possible ex-m arines' intendent Susaune W. Homes form ed today it developed th a t Brumfield thrashed out and the question of tional ___ Rev. W. J. Evans' to see their old comrades and “ bud- the executive committee for the to work and tried to do something had pulled out a set of bridged teeth legality or illegality oi the brother­ 8:00— Address of W e lc o m e .... th a t would bring Ashland into MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 21.— A new dies,” and also for the privilege of county. from his mouth, straightened out a hoods’ action in calling the strike is oil-drilling venture has just beeu Mayor C. B. Lamkin, Rev. Secondly, among the resolutions her own. Well, no sooner had I enjoying the celebration to be held piece of gold on it and sharpened the C. P. Koehler. H erbert started than some folks began to definitely settled. inaugurated by a company composed in Medford on Armistice day, No­ adopted was one pledging support of ,, , ... . _i uietal by grinding it on the concrete The first definite announcem ent Doran of well-known Medtord men, which the teachers to the county unit of fight— all of them did not fight vember 11. floor With the improvised knife j by a federated union th a t it would 8:15— Election and Installation the thing; they chose to ..fight the is capitalized a t >50,000, under »he This will mean much to all ex- adm inistration measure, which Ben the dentist slashed his throat on indivitAial who had attem pted it. j join the strike came from the broth name Southern Oregon Exploration ol Officers ! “ leathernecks,” as there will be rep­ Sheldon introduced into the last leg­ erhood ¡of the maintenance-of-way company, of Medford, and which this both sides. One wound reached al­ 8:30— Address, "The Price of Some of them lied about me./They resentations from the Fifth, Sixth, islature. This m easure was present­ and shop, employes’ unions. Presi week filed articles of incorporation most to his jugular vein. Physical Leadership” . . . walked up ahd dowfi ’the street j Eleventh and T hirteenth regim ents, ed to the teachers by A sistant State During the delirium th a t followed dent Grable said th at his men w ould| Carl Doney, D.D., Presi­ also men from Guam, H aiti a n d ! Superintendent W. M. Smith, and an and said th at I was engaged in strike October 30 if the "big four" with the state corporation depart­ his attem pt at self-destruction, dent W illam ette U niver­ the greatest graft th a t ever hap­ ment at Salem. The incorporators many other places where the m arine; hour was given to discussion of it Brumfield raved about going to the brotherhoods did. pened— th a t I had sto le n .>40,000 sity are L. Neidermeyer, H. H. Noel and corps had men stationed. ! lively discussion, too. Only one postoffice to mail a letter, and th a t Saturday Morning .i.’F. Mundy. Every ex-marine should consider county in Oregon is at present under .of the people’s money. Yet I did . some one had shot him in the neck. WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 21.- not fight back, but took the ad- | | 8:00— Leaders’ Meeting The company, which is entirely it his duty to correspond immedi« this form of school adm inistration— He frequently called for his mother, The adm inistration has no intention 9:00— Song Service and Devo­ ately with Dick Mollinet, 624 West Crook county— where the measure vice of some good friends to of invoking war-time powers to cope separate from the present Mundy who is dead. tio n a l.. Rev. C. A. Edwards Eleventh street, Medford, Or., who was voted by the people last August, ignore it. After six years of well venture, has leased the m ineral with the threatened railroad strike, rights under 1,400 acres of land, 9:30— Address, “ The Price of In­ ignoring I discovered, th a t the METHODIST RECEI’TION is the assembly committee for this Third, the following names re-i tellectual Leadership” calum niators had made consider­ but will rely entirely upon the rail­ which takes in the W esterlund branch of the service. ceived a m ajority vote for officers road labor board to solve the prob­ orchards and adjacent territory, and 10:00— Discussion, "How Can able headway in convincing others The com m ittee in c h a r g e ’is mak-i of the State Teachers’ association: The parlors of the Methodist lem. it was officially stated at the will at once begin the sinking of a High School Fellows Be­ ing every possible effort to get all President, Mr. Howell; vice presi-j of the duplicity they charged. church will be a scene of lively, ; wel, The contract for drilling has come Leaders in Scholar­ Some folks said, "W ell, if he W hite House this morning. friendly greeting tonight when a re­ the ex-marines in this section, a n d '^ n t , G. W. Ager, and for members ship?” I beeu let to the Lynch Bros., the ception will be given to the pastor, the old m arine slogan, "W e want! of the executive committee, E. H. isn’t guilty he would not allow CLEVELAND, Ohio, Oct. 21. 10:15— "R aising the Moral Tone i largest drilling concern on the Pa­ Rev. C. A. Edwards, and family and you,” is appropriate at this time Hedrick, Central Point, and O. C. them to talk th a t w^y about him. The "big four” brotherhood leaders; • in the High School”— Dis­ cific coast, and requires th at they to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn. The He m ust be guilty, or he would The committee would also like to Brown, Roseburg. Jackson was declared they will be “ glad” to meet cussion fight back.” And another promi- i drill to a depth of 2,000 feet. reception will be given by members have all men wear their uniforms, i quick and proud to put unanimous the labor board and the railway ex-i 10:30— Discussion. “Can the In­ The company also in sinking this and friends of the church congrega net citizen went 400 miles to say which is the insignia of the day, and vote for G. W. Ager, form er county ecutives in Chicago “ We’ll go any-, dividual Boy Raise the well will explore for coal, and its tion. to remember the tim e and the place, superintendent, as O. S T. A. vice to one of my friends th a t every where to meet anybody to avert th e ' Moral Tone in the High other business man in Ashland prom oters say they expect to strike president-to-be. strike," said President Stone, add-i School?” ............................. two or three veins of commercial would tell him th a t I was a thief R epresentatives to the Oregon ing, also, th at he spoke for the other! OREGON CATTLE SHOW UP Two Papers by High | coal as the drill goes down. and a liar. Then I thought it was NEARLY TUBERCULAR FR EE State Teachers' association council brotherhoods. School Boys The diam eter of the hole is to be about tim e to wake up and fight ______ _ were elected, as follows; W alter R. 11:10— Recess I five feet, with three and one-halt- “ Proclaim Oregon a bovine para-' Hughes, Ashland, Inez W illits, back. That I had waited six years Tl RI LEH LI\ E LONG TIME, ¡inch core all the way, so that, as too long to call my calum niators dlse— about 99 per cent of the more Jessie B. Wilson, Medford; (Continued on Page 4) B IT STICK AROUND HOME Colonel Mundy says, “ We can see all In the m eantim e, some of those than 10,000 cattle so far tested for Hedrick, ( entrai Point; Al- i the way down all the time and let to whose salary I was one of THE tuberculosis are free of the dread meda Fuller, Sams Valley. A lter­ LARGEST contributors got peeved POPLAR BLI FF, Mo., Oct. 21. nothing get away from us.” nates, G. W. Milan, Phoenix; Mrs. I disease.” Turtles are like m ountaineers of the an d began to BOYCOTT my busl “ W heeras. Certain charges have Such is the prelim inary word th a t . da East, Neil Creek; W. R. Putnam , Ozarks— they live a long time, but FREIGHT TRAIN DERAILMENT been brought by The Ashland Tid­ ness. Then I said I was going to goes out from the state college ex­ Go! 1 Hill. NEAR DUNSMUIR DELAYS' fight, and I am going to keep T never get far aw a? froni horae ings reflecting on the character and J. -kson county scored 100 (per tension service which, in connection ALL TRAINS FROM SOUTH ability of John H. Fuller as an indi- Sixty years ago H. W. K irkschoff fighting until somebody gets with the livestock men, the state cent m embership in the State Teacl)-; carved his initials, "H. W., 1861,” on licked or I am busted. Nobody ' j vidual and as secretary of the Ash- livestock sanitary board and the fed- ers association or O. S. T. A., asj the back of a tu rtle and turned it. Ashland was w ithout mail d e l i v e r y , ^ chamber of copltnerce; and from now on can calum niate and 1 eral bureau of anim al industry, is | fam ilially cited, which means 221 boycott me w ithout getting a loose. K irkschiff died several years j from the south today. Statem ents “ W hereas, Assertions have been PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 21- — ! carrying on a campaign to clean up • members this year. ago. H. H. K irkschiff, his son, has a t the Southern Pacific depot from made th a t a large percentage of the fight back. This much just for While no general reduction in lbe sta jC( and as far as possible es» J the yardm aster’s office indicate a membership agree with the attitu d e an explanation to the tim id ones found the plodding animal. freight rates is possible until oper- tablisli a state-w ide cattle district train wreck had occurred a short of said Ashland Tidings; and as to why I fight and why I am ating costs are lowered, the carriers fOr production of beef and milk and distance below Dunsmuir, Calif. It not going to quit fighting. As "W hereas, Though Mr. Fuller may have announced many îa te reduc-, jor m arket of pure-bred stock tuber- was stated th a t the derailm ent of a have made some mistakes in his long as there is anybody left who tlons and are readjusting thousands cuiar free freight train near that city had held ! work, as all make them in their lines fights me, I am going to be in on of individual rates to elim inate in-; Several tubercular-tree areas have up trains due here at 8:45 oXFlock of endeavor, no m atter how well the fighting. I would ra th e r get equalities on grain, foodstuffs, lum- a irpa dy been established, reports E. this morning, -4:40 o’clock this qualified they may be in such lines, broke fighting than being BOY­ her, low-grade commodities, végéta- g Fitts, directing the work in Ore- afternoon and 6:15 o’clock this eve­ after investigation the directors of COTTED. I have not, heretofore, bles, livestock and m anufactured gOn as ^be representative of the ex­ ning. It was stated at the yafdmas- the chamber of commerce are con The luck of F. H. Short, proprte-) and do not intend in the future articles of many kinife being among ¡tension service. The largest of these te r’s office th at all the trains would vinced th at such charges are un- tor of the East Side pharmacy, has • to sta rt any fights, but when the the items on which the freight co9t is Clatsop county. Several other arrive in n Asmana Ashland about about 7 7 O o’clock MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 21.—-T he, ai rlve > CIOCIt, founded an d statem ents incorrect; turned. His recently-purchased other fellow starts it, count on has been cut. The above comment counties are engaged in the clean-up tjng of the Southern Oregon tonigbt- anfj Ford car, stolen W ednesday ev en in g , me to go clear through. was made yesterday by G. W. Luce, f on a COuntry-wiA) basis and can Sportsm en’s Game and Protective 11 is claimed at the local postof- “ W hereas, The directors of the from in front of the drug store, has HAZ KIK. freight traffic m anager for tb e ,soon be declared disease free. association, which was scheduled to *‘ cp th at the delaj^jif mail and train j cbarabec of commerce feel th a t the „ „ . beeu retrieved from a roadside ditch «■ Southern Pacific company, relative In Polk county, 1,921 cattle w ere. | |wo nuies \ service is caused by an accident to - 8ide - of • Siskiyou, ---- i be held in the public library here on attack in The Ashland Tidings is un­ to the general discussion of freight with thirty-one reactors. In ! M EDFORD MAN SHOOTS the ferryboat system at Oakland, w arranted and is seriously detrim en­ where it had been abandoned by the ‘ I October 24, has been postponed until rates and railroad labor wages n o w .j j nn COunty, 3,998 were tested with SEASON’S IiARGEST DEER a f(er November 1. At this gather- used to transport the mails to San tal to the community at large; and going on in connection with the onlv fourteen reacting— a rem ark a-'ithleV6S’ ^ o r t states th a t de­ ing Col. George Kelly, of the state Francisco. "W hereas, The by-laws provide, in fective headlights on the car caused threatened railroad strike. ble showing, declares Professor MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 21.— One of-gam e commission, and Capt. A. E. the unknown driver to precipitate section 2, article 4, a means of de­ I would like to call the attention FRts. in Deschutes county, fifteen GREAT I^ARK AT term ination of sentim ents in cases of w estern shippers, producers and out of 257 reacted. Of the first 500 the machine off the road. One wheel the largest deer ever shot in south-1 Burkhdoff. the state fish and gam e' ARMORY TONIGHT of this kind, as follows: consum ers to a few of the im p o rtan t. tested in Crook county, not a reac- was broken and other incideQtal ern Oregon or in the state, so fa r as warden, will be guests of honor. Plans will be discussed and for-! damage done to the car. can be learned, was bagged recently “ ‘Meetings of the members may be reductions th at have been announced tor was found. A real old-fashioned harvest hall mulated at the meeting for fish and A telephone call from H ilt by a in K lam ath county by Sidney Smith, held at such other times as the presl- by the Southern Pacific company This is said to be a fine trib u te to statin g he was an Ashland m a n 'o f Medford, while he was on a h u n t-1game laws to cover this section, and ls to be beld at tbe Armo,’y this ese- board of directors may de- man and other carriers within the last Oregon cattle-raising conditions. In and knew of the theft, resulted in | ing trip with V. J. Em erick au d ^th e proposed enlargem ent of C ra te r' ” ingj and 18 to term ine, but not less frequently than few months. These reductions in- the eastern states a much higher Although M r.¡L ake National park by including the feature entertainm ents th a t h a v e in t br ee months, or upon (he Barnum. clude cuts in rates on root and percentage are diseased, in one state the ot the “ u t°- The HUt George to Diamond lake and vicinity within its I been_put on with so much success by w3ittcn leque(jt Of 5 1>er reBt of (lie __ . state ____ the; name is not Smith is „ reluctant green-top vegetables and melons as high as 17 per cent. At this r a t e ’ , inform ,,u o rm ant, a u i- whose " UUBO name , . ,, , _____ u , the First company. members in good standing; provided, from California and Oregon points Oregon would have had 1,700 dis­ known, stated he had noticed the weight an d sise of the prise, sev eral' confines also will be discussed, Decorations are most elaborate machine from the highway. ! old hunters and men of experience that when called otherwise than by to Chicago, averaging 12 per cent; eased out of the 10,000 instead of LONDON, Oct. 21.— W arships and represent a week of painstak- the president or the hoard of direc­ W ith the recovery of Mr. Short’s havo judged th a t it would weigh 350 20 per cent redhction in livestock about 100 actually found. , , „ _ in g work an deffort on the p art of tors. the notice shall contain a state ­ "Elim ination of the disease will car, th e pharm acist considers he has I pounds when dressed, and George bombarded Lisbon all day Tuesday ra te s; reductions of from 10 to 25 and Tuesday night a fte r form er P re­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson. ment of the purpose of the meeting have an im portant bearing on the rea8on to believe his luck baa B arn«ni aays th a t he and Mr Smith per cent on eastbound rates on dried They would do credit to the efforts and shall be issued at least two days unabl# t0 ,lft 1 into the c&i mier Granjo had been seized by the fru its, dried peas and beans and future of the cattle industry in Ore-' cbanged for the b etter’ The revolutionaries, according to a L is-¡of any , tfecorator . in , the west . preceding the m eeting’ "; and of bis au to - P»rchaseii ° a ly six hours, after it had been killed. canned goods; reductions ranging as gon.” Professor F itts asserts Autumn leaves and colors are used ..w herea8 No effort has been before, culm inated a series of rob-1 The anim al was one of the mule* bon dispatch to London newspapers high as 45 per cent on fu rn itu re to a large extent. made to call a meeting in accordance from eastern points to Pacific coast The bull-roarer, used by the abo- beries am ounting to >2,850. M r.1 tail variety. E arlier in the season today. All one has to do is to get out j Lisbon dispatches direct to the Short has lost a >2,000 ----- S tu d eb ak er! , K lam ath Falls hunters . bagged one . T x points and many reduced westbound rigines of A ustralia in religious c e r e ----------- - --- x. , .. o * th eir overalls and aprons and get with the foregoing section; and monies, is a slat of wood attached car and rugs valued a t >500 since j weighing 250 pounds, and th a t w a s; International News Service did not “ W hereas, Mr. Fuller has signi­ ra te s on m anufactured commodities. ready to "looseuem upandlive,” as mention th a t the city was being fied his willingness to resign if, in out a loud arriving in Ashland four m onths ago. considered unusually large. H eipfol-reductions have been madte to a thong. It gives bombarded. Some doubt is ex- the posters state. No one is to be the judgm ent of the trustees, such In effit and westbound rates on hun* groaning or "booing” noise when pressed as to the veracity of the r e - ; adm itted on the floor unless they Sweet Home road being repaired ; Echo— Road east of city to be of commodities, both domsetio whirled, and this Is alleged to be the are in barn-dance costarne. (Continued on Page 4) port. graveled. and im port voice of a spirit« with crushed rock. 'ILL PLACE BOTH SIDES ON THE DEFENSIVE MEEI IN MEDFORD c. of C. Secretary Is Given Vote Of Confidence Freight Rates Adjustment By S. P. Not General Hard Luck Turns For F. H. Short; -Auto Recovered Sportsmen Of S. Ore. Postpone Medford Meet