PAGE FOUR a^^ctoher 10, A shland pablv twikos LOCAL AND PERSONAL MASONIC CALENDAR Siskiyou chapter, R. A. M., stated convocation Thursday evening, Oc­ tober 20. Also work Royal Arch. Lunch at 6:30 sharp, preceding rou­ tine session. From Neil Creek — > - W atch Rose Bros.’ window for: Mrs. \ erne Chapman was an A sh-; Saturday candy specials. 37-ttj land visitor yesterday, shopping among th e local m erchants. Orders taken for fresh oysters Nelda Cafe. 38-6t “Eat, drink and be m erry”— h ar­ vest dance. , , . , E n tertained a t M edford— Mias Rose Patterson and Mrs. G. U. G illette J-ere were entertained by We do catering to private parties. entertaln Nelda Cafe. 3 8-6t friends at Mod ford »yesterday. We serve the best of coffee at all , ? r ° P int° the salvase store and look over the stock; sure to be some­ times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t E. E. Gall spent Tuesday in Med­ thing you want. 38-tf ford as the guest of his brother A Ranch V isitors— j ---------- - L. Gall. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baer, who „ S!yte and QU,Hty a re romblned live on a ranch several miles east ot Paul“erud 3 • “ «»• 3«-« “A in’t we got fun?” — harvest Ashland, were business visitors In dance. Automobile Inaurane« Teo, of the city yesterday. course. 299-tf V isits B rother— Visit at M edford— H arvest Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Flackus mo­ night. tored to Medford Wednesday a fte r­ noon. the Treichler Motor company Medford, about taking Liberty bonds at par. 39.3 dance, Arm ory, Friday ; 41-8, Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. 3 6-tf Our clothes are com fortable be­ cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf f Fresh sweet cider a t Rose Bros. 37-tf Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock, in the parlors of the Meth­ o d ist church, a reception will be given to the pastor, Rev. C. A. E d­ wards, and family, «who have beeii reut'roed-' to Ashland for th e fifth KIRTLAND FARM is offering for sale cheap one registered 2-year- oltf black Percheron stallion, sired : by Ketab, the best Imported Black | Percheron in valley; or will sell Ketab. These are priced so thev will pay for themselves next year. We also have some young team s J for sale. V ill sell a few regis­ tered Milking Shorthorn cows and ca,ves’ 8>fed by j Foothills Corporal, the grand wh ?? 0II ° f thp Pacific c°ast. W nte, Phone or come and see. r hvne»,19"X*3’ Central Point. Or. J. L. Mason, Superintendent. 42-tf FOR RENT— House, centrally locat*- h \ r °°J?8 with la rse Pantry and bath. See E. E. Phipps, next door Tidings office. 42-tf FOR SALE— Fifteen W hite Leghorn i r V i f,,ne s tra in - u each r « ? 12 fOr the lo t B Miller. Box ________ _____ 42-1* WANTED— To borrow Iran .. ~ --------- 8250, first loan on city property, value $1100 267 Eighth. 42-2» FOR RENT— Furnished house, five rooms, bath and garage, light and water furnished; splendid loca-H Don; $30 per month. Phone 411- R or call at 153 Granite. 42-1 H LOST— Cameo brooch. Flnd?r re turn Tidings office. Reward. „____ 42-3* SALE— Spitz cull apples. 322 Wimer. 42-6 ADAMS 585 East Main Yard, 240 Third St. ¡i«.-, WRESTLING G olden M arshm allow Syrup, 10-lb, p a ll.........................$ 1 .0 0 5-lb. pail ....................................................................................... a- L lb eity B ell Cane and M aple, 1-quart c a n .................... 1.30 H -g a llo n .................................................... ...............................’ 70 Cocoa, per lb........................................................................................... C offee, bulk, per lb ................................................... .20 and .35 H ill’s Rlue can, lb ............ ....................................... ’ .....................30 3 ,b s......................................................................................................... 85 Sugar, sack ................................................................................; 6 14 lb s................................ 1.00 TO A FINISH THOR OLSEN W orld’s Middleweight Olympic Champion, 1912 61 NORTH MAIN STREET, TED THYE There you may engage in all the outdoor sports. ' ou may golf, play tennis, ride horseback, motor along splen­ did thrives, bathe in the warm surf and enjoy the social gayety in this land of perpetual sunshine. You may live in luxury at fam ous resort hotels, or find se­ clusion in rose-bowered bungalows, or in com fortable hoarding houses. Round Trip Excursion Tickets On sale Daily— Good until April 30th— Stopovers perm itted. Santa Barbara $72.50— Los Angeles $78.75— San Diego $88.00 (P lu s 8% Federal W ar Tax) • Four Daily Trains Chas. Natatorium Ray Friday, Oct. 21st ‘Scrap Iron’ Multnomah Club, of Portland Will Wrestle to a finish at the Medford Starts T omorrow — in — All wrestling holds will be posed in the ring, before the match, especially the bolds barred. VIA “ The Scenic Shasta Route” and Through Sleeping Car Service to San Francisco and Los Angeles Afford the best of service and equipm ent— for comfort and convenience in travel. "California for the T ourist,” our beautiful booklet, briefly de­ scribes and illustrates the charm s and romance of Sunny California. Copy FR EE on request. For fa rth e r p articulars ask agents or w rite Southern Pacific L ines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent GOOD PRELIMINARY PRONOUNCED BY CRITICS AS THE GREATEST PICTURE OF HIS CAREER LAST TIME TONIGHT The Affairs of Anatole” ALL STAR CAST BRING THE LADIES Tickets on sale at Brown & Brown’s Adams & Brown IM P O R T A N T EIK’s Club MEDFORD, OREGON CHARLES MELROSE, Referee GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY REAL Q. VS California , A. Has a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats of best quality and lowest prices. Try them once and you will be back for more. Our Groceries have merit and the prices are lowest. Here are a few of them : H. A. STEARNS Sunny Southern T o t , LATE TO CLASSIFY. W itb every order of five or more tiers of wood, we will give free one sack of pitch kindling split fine. We have on hand every kind of wood obtainable, any lengths desired, and priced right. Now’ is the time to buy. THE PLAZA MARKET to Have a fit— C. Orres. Special Pitch Kindling Free Phone 400 W’here better tam ales are served Bend logging camps and sawmills Rose Bros, will serve them. 37-tf to operate all winter. Take a Winter Jaunt year, and also to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn, who recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. All members and friends of the congre­ gation are cordially invited to be present.— Secretary. PLAZA MARKET Talent Visitor— Mrs. Mary W aterm an, of Talent was a visitor at the J. L. Greenwood !| home yetserday. lM f E V E N T OF S AT F THE YEAR i r i . Sx i ^ ^ i l EXTRA0RDINARY OPPORTUNITY TO LAY IN a SEASON’S SUPPLY OF FALL AND WIN SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, OCT. K s a r s ’î ï ï ’j i æ Y O U C A N 'T WAISTS, $8.75 _____________ - ______ Tailor made, of good^ s s s t t s s s AFFORD lo o k ° ï m ™ s u st TO S H O P DUCHESS SATIN, $1.69 YARD Silk Petticoats, $3.95 Made of Jersey silk with plaited flounce; come in green, tan gray and blue. 30 inches wide, fine quality, in black, the much-wanted color for fall and winter wear. TAFFETA SILK, $2.25 YARD SATEEN PETTICOATS, $1.39 EACH Come in fancy patterns and plain colors, Sold regularly at $1.75. COTTON TAFFETA PEITTICOATS $1.48 Made of 100 per cent cotton taffeta, in fancy floral patterns, in light and dark. 36 inches wide, in two-tone effects, suitable for evening dresses and street wear. LINING SATIN, $1.69 YARD 3(» inches wide, fancy lining satins, in new patterns for fall wear. Make your obi coat look new at this price. DRESS SATIN, $2.25 YARD WOOL UNDERWEAR, $2.89 COTTON UNDERWEAR, $2.19 Ladies’ Athena silk stripe merino union suit, made in different styles. Ladies’ heavyweight fleeced cotton union suits, made in all styles and sizes union suits, This lot of fine dress satin includes the well-known Skinner’s satins; also satin de luxe; all the new and much-wanted colors with plenty of black. CHARMEUSE SATIN, $2.48 Yard 40 inches wide, extra fine quality. You know how popular this silk is this season. Comes in navy blue and black. SILK HOSE, $1.00 Ladies’ silk hose, in gray, black, tan and white odda and ends. To clean np, $1.00 pair. LACES, 5c YARD yards fine lace, all new patterns. cotton clnny and torchon. 36 inches wide, in all the popular shades and black, and a a price you have been waiting for. The stock is limited, so come early. CREPE SATIN, $2.98 YARD 40 inches wide. This popular silk- in midnight blue only—a popular color at this time—and a very low price. PONGEE SILK, 69c YARD 33 inches wide, imported pongee. OUTING FLANNEL, 20c YARD 27 inches wide, extra heavy quality, in fancy patterns, both light and dark; also plenty of white. The right weight to make gowns and pajamas. WOOL SERGE, $1.98 WOOL JERSEY, $2.98 YARD 56-inch all-wool serge, extra fine quality for dresses—a bargain at this low price; navy blue only. 52-inch all-wool Jersey', in a fine quality for suits and dresses: comes in brown, reindeer, navy, red. DRESS GOODS, $1.98 YARD BROADCLOTH, $3.98 YARD 42-inch fine dress serges and otterman. in new fall colors—n a w , taupe, brown green and black. black. green and ’ ‘i " lde' , all w001' sponged mid shyunk’ flnfi for suits mid eoats; oys " a v r hlue> l)IOWIb •«‘»ver mid black. BLOOMERS, 3 PAIRS $1.00 All pure wool, in new block plaids; pink, blue WOOL SERGE, 98c YARD Ladies’ knit bloomers in « 1 - 1 iau and tic at waist and knee' Sold reg u larlv ^t RT.aMWWT« «ft a« a il.’wo° l .?tor'" ser«e : “ »»F 50c each regularly a t BLANABTS, $6.48 Harding blue, wine, scarlet, brown j Made of wodl and cotton, in new plaids.’ green and black. WOOL JERSEY COATING, $2.75 Yard to Ladies’ Heather silk and wool hose sizes 81-2 to 10. Sheets, $1.39 Each Wearwell quality with tape selvage. This price is ’way below today’s mar ket value. Onlv a limited amount at this price. Muslin, 16c Yard 36-inch fine qual- | ! ity bleached. Sold J regularly at Dress Goods-GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY-Dress Goods CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR al’ Cotton union suits, winter weight, sizes * ................................. ................ 85c t° 1 0 ............................. ..............$1.19 SILK AND WOOL HOSE, $1.75 ELSEW HERE TAFFETA SILK, $1.89 YARD Hosiery - GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY - Underwear Ladies’ fleece-lined styles and sizes. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, OCT. ™ Silks - Golden Opportunity - Silks q u a l i t y crepe de chine; come in pink and white. COTTON UNDERWEAR, $1.25 ™ Ladies 16 ....................................................... ... WOOL HOSE, $1.25 Wool Heather Hose, weight ,all sizes TABLECLOTHS, $7.48 70x70 fine Derrvvale linen tablecloth Napkins to match, dozen.. .$9.75i The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appn^at-ed heavy WOOL BLANKETS, $9.48 ------------- ---- ------■ E. R. I saac a C o . Successors io 0. H- Vaupel. -QUALITY STORE. :>2 inches vwide, in Heather patterns, a weight suitable for coats and suits. See these new woolens. WOOL BATTING, $2.98 Full comfort size, to use for comforts. COTTON BATTING, 89c quilts, cushions and mattresses; steril 72x90 full comfort size; will nulkc ized and anti-moth processed. complete comforter when opened up' Have your Picoting and Hemstitching Done Here