(3 \ \ *»» W B • « THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE FIVE ruary 15, 1901, and as amended by lished in the City of Ashland for tw o ’ an Act filed In the office of the Sec-J consecutive publications In said Jack Barntbouse, m anager of the retary of State January 81, 1903, a n d , newspaper w ithin the ten days im- meat departm ent of the Plaza m ar- ________ H ili V isitor— as amended by an Act filed in the mediately preceding said Special e cent tl Mrs. Carl M arshall, of H ilt, Calif., ik e t, Is the proud possessor of a n e w ,oifice of the Secretary Of State Feb- Election, and also by giving notice was an Ashland visitor yesterday, Overland car. . ruary 3. 1903, ajnd as amended by of such election and appointm ent of j Pionee? I l l - ATTORNEYS. PHYSICIANS. the local business ------ — aQ Act filed in the ofiice of the Sec- Judges of election by publication in . .......................... A lbert Alford, 88 years old, father | shopping w ith “ , retary of State February 21, 1906, a newspaper published in the sai. 1 DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— Attorneya-at- of M. L. Alford, city recorder o f : houses. Don’t miss the dram atic e n te rta in -' and a8 amended by the legal voters oi City and by conspicuously posting a llmlted to eye, ear, nose- and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. Medford and one of th e beet-known • ment by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw F riday, said City a t elections held subsequent notice in each of the wards of sail throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ---- -— r - ~ — r. ----------------------------- pioneer citizens of Jackson county, j The dram atic entertainm ent by October 28, at the Methodist church to the y e a r 1898, and as amended by City not Je ss than ten days prior to 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash- k. A. ROBERTS— -A ttorney-at-Law. Acts am ending said Act adopted the election, land, Ore. ?3-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens* Bank Is in a critical condition at his home p r Mattie B. Shaw in the Methodist for the benefit of the community all by the Legislative Assembly or by Passed by the Common Council of Bldg. a t Talent, where he resides with his church on the evening of October 28^ club house. vote of the people, be and the same the City of Ashland on the 14th day DR. J , J. KMMENS— Physician and wife, who is 86 years old, and his will be entertaining and instructive. hereby-is amended by adding thereto of October, 1921, by the following ---------- Surgeon. Practice limited to ________ CHIROPRACTORS. __________ to Article XXIII, to read as follows vote: demise is expected within the next Don’t fail to ehar it. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses p n g FO .1 RINZ Shriners’ Ladies to Meet— Chiropractor. Yeas: 4. ARTICLE X X III supplied. Oculist and a u r iz tf o r Examination free. few days. He had a serious palalyt- Suite 8, No. ---------- Saturday afternoon of this week, Nays: None. Section 1. For the purpose of S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; 1c strik e about a month ago. Subm itted to the Mayor on the 1 Moves to A uburn Avenue— October 22, G rants Pass and Ashland funding the indebtedness of the City Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. residence phone 401. L. W. Storm and family have ladies will meet at Masonic hall in a. of Ashland incurred through the cost 14th day of October, 1921. Approved by the Mayor on the DR. LINCOLN Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the moved to 54» Auburn avenue. KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. social way and the gathering may of paving street intersections in Ash­ 14th day of October, 1921. land Street and Boulevard Paving dram a, “ Miss Glbbie G ault,” for the diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ ______ prove to be the harbinger of the o r-' D istrict aggregating approximately i C. B. LAMKIN, Mayor. Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 trical Treatm ents, Mineral and benefit of the community club house For high grade tailoring for men ganization of a fraternal order 31855.37 .and through the cost of ¡A ttest: to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National Friday evening. October 28, at the) &nd ! among the ladies of the Shrine, the extra grading in Ashland Street an I GERTRl DE BIEDE, Recorder. Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 48. ---------- M ethodist church. Come a n d hear it. . scope of the affiliation to include Boulevard Paving D istrict aggregat-1 H eart H ospital; hours, 8 a.m. to , , .... . _ „ ing approxim ately 11680.50, and The following will constitute the 12m.; evenings by appointm ent. PHONE your next job of plumbing several locaht.es in southern Oregon. th’ 0Ugi Pthe extra CO8t o£ paving Mill Ballot Titlo to be used at said elec Moves to Roco Street— to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. Phons Medford 714. Residence T l.n lir ,,,,. „ r ill I, „ ‘. - 5 ( 1 anrl r> 1 ^ .1 1 » _ _ . . _________ r - _____ . _______ ^Merchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel C. Judkins an d family now are liv- The hour will be 2:30 and a jolly , g treet or P ark Avenue (am ount over tion: Phone 138. phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o Ashland Grill. 27-tf ing at 54 Roco street, where they social reunion is in prospect. the 35,500 voted for this purpose) CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUB MITTED TO THE VOTERS aggregating approximately >2088.91. moved this week. i —— CHAIR DOCTOR H ELP W ANTED. BY THE COUNCIL and through paying taxes, attorney, Roy G iven F oni— _______ . S u its M ade to O rder— An Act fees and expenses incident to fore­ Glenn, son of Charley Johnson. Special breakfast. 60s. from 6 to ©leaning and repairing on short closure of properties against which To amend the C harter of the City WANTED— At once, women to cuf CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed fruit at Bagley Canning Co., Tal­ up and sold for you, from a wagon the Ashland family now living at 9 27-tf notice, K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland the City has delinquent improvement of Ashland, filed in the office of the Hotel Ashland Grill. ent, Ore.; transportation free. to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a K ingm an, Arlz., was lately the re- i Bldg. 302tf liens aggregating approxim ately 84,- Secretary of State February 21, penny whistle. Third and A, op­ Phene 364-J-l. 30-tf 410.01, all of said am ounts having 1889, and to amend all subsequent clpient of a new Ford car, his b en e-, Install Electric Meters— ---------- posite freight depot. No phone. am endm ents thereto enacted by the WAN 1 1.0. W rite. 2 8-lm o factress being Mrs. H. B. Valle, of, Twenty-four m eters have been in-j Home-made tam ales served at been borrowed from the W ater Sink­ Legislative Assembly or vote of peo­ ing Fund, and for the purpose of th a t city, who has appreciated the , stalled by the city electric light de-JRose Bros. 37-tf funding the indebtedness of the City ple by adding Article XXIII, au th o r­ WANTED— Small im proved m oun­ ROOFERS tain ranch; must have w ater; g i v e ________ Industry and perseverance which partm ent in Ashland homes during! --------- „ incurred through the widening of izing issue and sale of not to exceed particulars first letter. Box A-8, GRAHAM fc WILSON, practical North Main Street between the Plaza 318,000 bonds of said City to fund Glenn has exhibited in a rem ark ab le; the past two months. The depart-i Squirrel Poisoning C o s t - Tidings. 36-7* indebtedness incurred by loans from roofers; new roofs laid and old and W ater Streets, being part of the degree under somewhat discouraging. ment has placed an order for twenty- A record low figure for the cost root's repaired. 103 E. Eleventh cost of purchasing Houck Block ag- W ater Sinking Fund, Electric Light FOR SALK. circum stances. The gift was a free four more meters, which are expect- of poisoning ground squirrels by J. I gregating approximately 33500.00 Depreciation Fund, and other funds street, Medford, Ore. h ,'. one outright, and had no strings at- ed to arrive in a short time. H. Heckner, working in Jackson which am ount has been borrowed from tim e to tim e to defray various FOR SALE — Everbearing straw ­ T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. City expenses, and providing tax to tached insofar as payment for serv- --------- - county, says Ira N. Gabrielson, c h ie f! from .th e Electric Light Depreciation berry plants, 1 cent each: come ices was concerned. Something new li Teo's w indow .; rodent control inspector for th e ! Fund, and for the purpose of funding pay principal and interest. and get them. Bert Smith, 7 33 T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS­ This Notice is published by «on .. ,7 . .. . . , • t the indebtedness of the City incurred Oak street. 41-tfi FER — Good team and motor­ 299-tl j United States biological survey. Ac-}by the Pire D epartm ent Fund bor- authority of the Common Council as trucks. Good service at a reason­ 4. Mi-O-Na. th a t’s the name of cording to a report received by j rowing from other funds aggregating set forth in the above Resolution. FOR SALE— Five-passenger Nash able price. Phone 83. GERTRUDE BIEDE, Suits pressed for 50 cents. John Gabrielson, Heckner, assisted by o n e >approximately 3700.00, and for the six, in good condition; price reason­ the best prescription ever w ritten City Recorder. [ purpose of funding the indebtedness able if sold at once. 2 37 C street. FOR PROMPT and careful service for indigestion or stomach distress. I Maly, tailor, Pell building, Plaza. man an salary and 102 farm ers, pos- of th e City incurred by the Street 41-1* with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, G uaranteed by McNair Bros. ■ oned 40,280 acres of government Fund borrow ing from other funds call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone H as “L ion” Encounter FOR SALE— Law books; 71 vol­ land and repoisoned 42,200 acres, aggregating approximately 32320.10 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near A cepts N ew P osition— umes of Oregon reports, volumes G. A. Cover, owner of a 1,700J and treated lightly 16.850 acres (which am ount includes 31020.85 Hotel Austin. 1 to 54 and 62 to 78, inclusive. B A R B E R Miss Bessie McMillan has taken a acre ranch in the Dead Indian conn- where the squirrels .w ere not bad, paid for tra c to r), together with the CAR WASHING G. W. Trefren, 267 Fourth street, position as operator in the local tele­ try, was in Ashland yesterday on “ a t a total cost of 8l.432-.42, or not accrued interest on said item s of in­ Ashland. 41-3 C hildren’s W ork A business. Mr. Cover reports a re­ over 2.3 cents per acre. This is the debtedness, each and all of which EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ phone office. said items of indebte&iess are hère- Specialty ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. WINTER APPLES— Good size, 50 cent encounter with two m ountain i lowest unit cost for land poisoned by expressly validated, the Counc» IL ■ ■■■'"¿— LU------------------------------------ !------- lb. box 75c delivered. Phone Woolens for men and women sold lion pups near his ranch, all p a rtie s , in this state, says Gabrielson. Heck- is hereby authorized and empowered EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ Safety blades resharpened 9 -F -ll. sonable prices. Lithia Garage. by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf concerned escaping unscathed. Mr. j ner ia about half through wlth his to issue and sell, as in its judgm ent like new.^ Single bit, 30c may seem best, general obligation FOR SALE — Cocoa-Cola barrels, Cover was unable to find a rock pile poison campaign doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. bonds of said City in a sum not t< fine for cider; also one ten-gallon W atch Yeo’s window. 2 9 9 -tf a n d the pups were only cornerons, exceed 318,000, said bonds to bear keg, a num ber of one-gallon glass F 0R SALE— Ninety-three acres fine I unable to fulfill their growling H. It. Adams, the r’lumner, oeils date of issue, to bear interest at not jugs and a Jot of patent topped river bottom; deeded w ater right; threats. plumbing fixtures and supplies to exceed six per cent per annum , to fruit jars, tw o-quart. Depot Sup­ flue bungalow; dairy barns; cows, . I ‘‘lione 166-J, shop at 248 F ifth St. m ature in Ten years from date oi ply Store t form erly Depot Drug horses, harness and all farm We in v ite you to look issue, said bonds to be in denomin Store), 267 F ourth street, Ash­ 287-tf Smoke American Eagle cigars. J equipment go with place; on good tions of 3500 or $1000 each, du' land. 41-3 highway, seven miles from G rants over our stock of Made in Ashland. 245 F ourth St. signed -by the Mayor and counter- Pass; a bargain if taken at once. NOTICE I signed ’by the Recorder under the FOR SALE — Electric washer in 16-lm o* first-class condition. Phone 120.j See E. E. Phipps, Real Estate corporate seal of the City, having 1 Calling a Special Election of the j 8e mi-annual in terest coupons at- Broker. . 39-tf Imogene Wallace, planlste-teacli- «lectors o[ the City or Ashland lo b8 ta ,.hed thercto „h ereb y the City shall er. Phone 210-.I. FOR SALE— Heating stove for coal FOR SALE -— Six-room plastered 171 Helntun -November 1921. be held in substance and effect to house; best of plumbing; wood RESOLUTION or wood; good as new. 63 Pine 33-1 mo undertake and promise to pay the street. . bouse, chicken house, and 14 lots. Calling a Special Election of the bearer of each of said bonds at ma­ street. Phone 437-R. 39-tf 925 B street, corner Eighth. Look Electors of the City of Ashland to tu rity thereof the sum therein it over and if suited, will make INCREASES CROP YIELDS V isitor From R ogue R iver— “SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 Be Held on the 2nd Day of No­ named in United States gold coin of satisfactory terms. S. L. Allen. models now on floor, Swenson & vember. 1921. John McClaren, of Rogue River, „ the present standard of value with NOW A PROVEN FACT 39-tf McRae's; see them ; your term s e it Resolved, by the Common interest thereon in like gold coin at was an A shland visitor yesterday. are ours. .1. W. Scott, Sales Man­ ’ Council of the City of Ashland, Jack- the Fiscal Agency of the State of A pply E arly B efore th e F a ll R ains ager Southern Oregon. 35-lnio FOR SALE— Furnished or u n fu r­ son County, State of Oregon, th a t the Oregon in New York City or at the nished, 6-room modern bungalow; and other Decorative A rare tre a t aw aits the public in following proposed am endm ents to office of the City Treasurer, which sleeping porch, large basem eut; A (Tar on H and Now a t the SEWING MACHINES, clocks and the rendering of the d r ma, “ Miss the ( b arter of said City be, and th e | said boQds shall be known as “ Ci Material. large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, phonographs repaired. Douglas, t Gibbie G ault,” a t tin M ethodist; sa.m ® hereby are, proposed for sub- j of Ashland Funding Bonds.’’ flowers; garden; all In A1 shape; 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. ASHLAND FRUIT We w illingly give prices priced) right for quick sale. See 31-tf ¡church Friday evening, October 28, mission to the legal voters of s a id . Section 2. It shall be the duty of City lor th eir adoption or rejection the City Recorder to see to the Jack Falls, 55 Pine street. and figure am ounts ASSOCIATION for the benefit of the community at the Special City Election to be ALL KINDS of upholstering and proper application of the funds de-> 24-lm o* held on the 2nd day of November, rived from the sale of said bonds ; club house. • needed. m attress work done in exchange 1921, as in this Resolution provided: and the purchaser or purchaser; for discarded furniture. Douglas, FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room Tollage, with roomy base­ CHARTER AMENDMENTS B lB -!jbereo£ 8ball in no event be respon- 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. ment and outbuildings. Good size 31-tf MITT ED iO THE VOTERS i sible o r charged with the proper ap- lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ BV THE COUNCIL . plication of the funds derived from FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in cation with fine view. Desirable AN ACT the saje th ereo f; and provldid, also TH E PA IN T MAN good condition. Automotive Shop. DON’T MISS THE for small family who want mod­ To amend an Act entitled “An Act ■ th a t the debt lim itations contained 27tf erate priced home. Apply to own­ to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to jn the C harter of said City shall not er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. incorporate the City of Ashland, in apply to the bonds hereby autnoi FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — Corner Harrison. 4-lm o Jackson County, Oregon, and to de-j ized, and the surplus, if any, derived M attresses made over, packing and fine the powers thereof, filed in the : from the sale of said bonds shall he crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth office of the Secretary of State F e b -p a id ¡nto the general fund of said INTERUKRAN AUTOCAR CO. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf ruary 21, 1889, and the Acts ap- i Q ty, E ffective March 2 0 , 1020. proved February 25, 1895, amend- Section 3. The Council shall each D ally (E xcept Sonda y ) USED CAR BARGAINS— ing the sam e,” filed in the office of year at the tim e of making the a LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND Maibohm Six, good condition.3775 the Secretary of State October 14, nual tax levy for City purposes, in-1 7 :1 6 a. m. 7:15 a. m. Maxwell model 20, good con­ 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 1898, as amended by an Act ap- elude in such levy a sum sufficient j dition .................................... 500 8 :4 6 a. m. 8:45 a. m. j proved February 15, 1901, and as to pay interest due on the outstand-1 1918 Ford Touring, good con­ Did you ever try to save a m in­ 9:30 a. m. 9:30 a. m. ameniled* by an Act filed in the of- ! ¡ng bonds of this issue, and to retire! ute by not stopping to read a guide dition .................................... 260 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. in. fice of the Secretary of State Janu- the principal am ount thereof at ma i post on a strange road, and then New roadster body with top 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. ary 31, 1903, and as amended by a n itu rity . 56 only ....................................... spend hours finding your way 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Act filed in the office of the Secre- Resolved; further, T hat this Reso . back to your original route? Also cars for hire. ARMORY 12:45 p.m. 12:45 p. m. tary of State February 3, 1903, and I lution for proposed C harter amend E. N. NORTON MOTOR CO 1:30 p. m. 1:30 p m. as amended by an Act filed in the of­ m ents subm itted to the voters by tl Exasperating? 135 Pioneer Avenue 2 :16 p. m. 2:15 p. m. fice of the Secretary of State Febru­ Council be filed with the Recorder S9-r 8:00 p. in. 3:00 p. m. ary 21, 1905, and as amended by the of the City of Ashland upon its ap-i Yes, but th a t’s nothing to what 3:45 p. m. 3 :46 p. m. - legal voters of said City a t elections proval by the Mayor for submission it will be if you try to “ save” a FOR SALE. 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. few dollars by driving w ithout held subsequent to the year 1898 an d . to the legal voters of the said City 5:15 p. m. 6:15 p. m. to amend all Acts am ending said Act for th eir rejection or approval to be T ravelers’ Automobile Insurance Brick building an« lot— fully occu­ 6:00 p. m. 6:00 p m. ; adopted by the Legislative Assembly voted upon at a special elect* n — and then have an accident. pied at rental insuring gohd re 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. or by vote of the people. turns on investment. which shall be and hereby is called 8:45 p. m. 8:45 p. m. Sat . only Every dollar you “ saved” by 9 p. in. to I a. m. Be it enacted by the City of Ash­ to be held on the 2nd day of Novem­ 9:30 p. m. 9:39 p. m. failing to insure may cost you a land. That an Act entitled ‘“An Act ber, 1921, between the legal voting 25. acres with six room house, large 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:15 Midgt barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to hours of said date, and th a t Bald hundred when it comes to settling SUNDAY ONLY Only those in overalls and aprons admitted on dance acres alfalfa, good garden a n d ii corporate the City of Ashland, in time be and the same is hereby d s- the damage claims. LV. ASHLAND LV. MEDFORD Ja kson County, Oregon, and to de- ignated as the time for holding said farm land. 9:00 a. m. Ï 9:00 a. m. fine the powers thereof,’ filed in the l special election, and the following floor 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 2 8 ’/2 acres with fine dwelling, barn, 11:00 a m. office of the Secretary of State Feb­ named places be and they are herehy J 1 :00 a. m. packing house. About 20 acres in 12:00 Noon ruary 21, 1898, and the Acts ap­ designated as the polling places for 12:00 Noon good orchard. Balance suitabto 1:00 p. m. proved February 25, 1895, amending said election, and the following REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 1:00 p. m. for farm products. the sam e,” filed in the office of the named persons be and they are here­ 2 00 p. in. 2:00 p. m. E stablished 1883 Secretary of State October 14, 1898, by designated and appointed as and 3:00 p. in. 3:00 p. m. Phon e 211 41 E. Main St. acres with good fruit, house and 4:00 p. ni. as amended by an Act approved Feb- for the judges ann’t w a it u n til pains and ach « >ecoma incurable diseases. Avoic m iaful consequences b y takinf GOLDMEDAL It la made in five conetetendea, eaa of which is exactly suited to the needa of your ear. Uaa Zerolene for Correct Lubrication. STANDARD (MEL (JOMPANY « rbo world’s standard remedy for Hdney Ivor, bladder end arto acid troubler—thi National Remedy of Heiland etoce 169« luaranteed. Three eteee* ell i«»dbB4_ _ _ sem en Real Estate One good Ford hug, spe­ cial body, price $'290. City and Ranch Proper! le» H ouses to R ent. One Oakland Six tour­ ing car, price $550. CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T ’8 PASS 10:00 a. in. 8:00 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 11*: 00 a. m. 4:00 p. ni. 1:00 p. m. 6:15 p. ni. 4 :30 p. m. G rants Pass W aiting Room- -The Bonbonniare. Phone i f « . Office and W aitlug Room: No. 6 R Front St.. Nash Hotel Building. LADIES Monthly payments if de­ sired. If you want to buy or sell anything ini Busy Corner Motor Co. or W ant any kind of Notary work done it will be to your advantage to call on Main at Riverside, Medford, Oregon BEAVER REALTY CO. R eady-to-w ear Garment» ta il­ ored during th e dull s e a s o n - big assortm ent to choose from — every siae and every price— w onderful values. See th e ex­ tra fine F rench Serge dreesee at « 1 6 .7 5 . A ll w ool P olo cloth coats at « 1 8 .7 5 . If there are any bargains in town they have them. ORRES TAILOR SHOP REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS'