PAGE TWO T11E ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS now will be a truce. At a more f a - ' are offered an d an equal am ount in vorablc tim e the Greeks will t r y m erchandise, and these are so appor­ Established 1876 again. tioned as to give every grower a Published Every Evening Except) The new map of Europe arb itra- I chance to secure an award. • Sunday rily drawn b y -th e Paris conferees TH E ASHLAND PRINTING OQ. There are but three classes under O FFICIAL CITY AND CO VN+Y“ will not rem ain unaltered for very which apples are entered for compe­ long. Millions of people are dis-i tition, being th a t of a plate of five, PA PE R satisfied with their assignm ent to one box and three boxes.' First, sec­ TELEPHONE 39 MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 19.— The —- ------- --------- ------——— -——-------- live under sovereignties which they ond and third prizes are offered tin second day of the trial of the civil Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. . . ... Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat- aate u h l,e other millions are out-- twenty-two varieties of apples on action of the McComber-Savidge ter. I r a Eed by the separation of the racial | plates Seven prizes are offered on ) Lum ber company of San Francisco ■**” ,J-------- ----------- ' " ------ kin from political association with ! e best single box display on five against the Big Pines Lum ber com- themselves. of the best commercial varieties, and pany of thls city opened with Prank <«> And all our dream s of b etter life above, ♦ es t n e e oxes of two or three i named corporation, still on the wit- ❖ But close in one eternal gush <$> varieties. ! x 1 X x , ness stand. Over 100 telegram s and of love. — Byron. ♦ ro w e is a re not expected to e n te r • letters exchanged between the two 4’ 'S' *s> S- 4» ( o n in sized boxes, but the I firniB were introduced as evidence a w a it , will be m ad e on q u arter and the entire proceedings to date The world must not think t h a t ,. ?^eS’ nia> ke obtained at the have been occupied with this phase, because it has taken the senate three ( 1Ct ° ll” Mertfoid cham ber of each letter and telegram being read years to make peace with the cen­ coin m etre. These are now ready for to the ju ry and m arked for identlfl- *’|S b l ,t l O n ’ j c a tio n . tral powers, the American people have been averse to haviug peace. , A ’ e,ltries must he made on Octo-i These letters and telegram s reveal er i, as the judging will be done nothing startling, being an account Nations in future are to make on the 28th and the exposition will of the business relations between the their appeals to reason w ithout the MEDFORl), Or., Oct. 20.— There be open to the general public on Sat two concerns. persuasive influence of sixteen-inch urdav, October 29. is consternation among the hoboes It is expected th at Mr. McComber guns. will be on the stand the rem ainder and other units of the floating pop- ■ We furnish salads and croquettes, of the day, a n d th a t the case will not t ,. . ,, .1 , ulation of Medk’ord following the The person who dispenses unkind . I any kind, for private parties on be completed before Saturday, at the , j j j i .. . city council’s decision to have e v ery 1 words and deeds is pretty sure to J tw enty-four hours’ notice. Nelda present rate. . , .. ., , . ; homeless and moneyless niau arrest- draw dividends of the same kind. I Cafe. 38-6t ____________________ ed as a vagrant and sentenced to saw Monday afternoon a couple of wood at a municipal woodpile to be A few lightning flashes of public indignation might stir the senate to established in the city. The council ordered Chief of Po­ hasten its im portant work. lice Timothy to purchase a num ber Who is the great statesm an a n d ’ ° f bucksaws and bucks* to be Indeed you will have when you financier to put the ‘ vision” in re­ i in m aking this campaign to enforce the floaters to accept work locally ! put on. our furs. They are so vision of federal taxes? j or get out of town. Until arran g e­ elegant and set off your gown ments can be made for the establish­ to such high degree. Better NEWS FROM EUROPE ment of a municipal woodpile, the inspect our furs before pur­ A report from the Balkans re p re -!chief was ordered to put all suchi chasing. Large assortm ent of sents the Greek government as readv i loiterers at work 0,1 the pu b lic1 all the latest furs. to give up its war on the Turks. K ing' library woodpile. Deer head mounting a specialty Constantine is expected to ask fo r-1 Tbe chief decided to wait a day eign governments to act as m ediators before putting the work order into to bring about peace, according to effect, and yesterday morning and the dispatches. ¡forenon went among the homeless X • J ' i l i d W . M ain Street How much tru th there is in the und Jobless men on H aym arket, îeport will be disclosed by events of S(iuare and in the “ jungles” along MEDFORD the near future. But one thing is Bear creek, w arning them that, certain: If the Greeks have to adm it startin g with today, he would arrest failure of this attem pt to recover every man w ithout a home or job the territory which they lost to the for vagrancy, and if found guilty in Turks centuries ago, any peace made I)ollce court, he would be put to ---- ----------------------- ■----■——.... - work sawing wood. The city will pay such sentenced 1921 DOLLARS I vagrants only 50 cents a cord for sawing^ and no money will be paid D ERIIAPS you are earning leas * than in 1920, and feeling poor : until after each man saws his cord. | in consequence. Do you realise that It is figured by the mayor and 1921 dollars are bigger in purchas­ councilinen th a t when the news once ing power than 1920? /I ! gets about of the city woodpile, the j Consider the drop in prices of sta ­ 1 floating population all over the state ples recently, and how much more your money buys now. You will feel and northw est will quickly learn of i better, and perhaps even be able to : it and henceforth give Medford a save a bit. [ wide berth, and that those jobless The F irst N ational is in a position nov/ in the city will depart for a more to offer the finest kind of banking service. congenial location as soon as possi- ' hie. Ashland Tidings Correspondence Features Trial Of Lumber Co. s OF CITY WOODPILE Thursday, October 20, 1021 lively tilts between counsel for op­ posing sides occurred over the intro­ duction of letters and messages. County Clerk Chauncey Florey has been called as a witness relative to «©unty records in the case. X MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 20.— One week from toady, October 27, is the time set when all entries m ust be made for the Rogue Itiver Valley Apple exposition, therefore there c^re but a few days left for the growers to get exhibits ready. More than $100 in cash premiums V O U do n ot need ex- -1* pert knowledge o f woolens and tailoring to sa fely buy clothes here. W e m ake s u r e o f q u ality fo r you; our ow n welfare depends u p o n sa feg u a rd in g yours; that’s w hy we sell clothes “tailored to measure by B om .” First National Bank Ashland A 50c Jar of Jonteel Combi Born Tailoring offers nation Cream FREE with you good style, depend- i able woolens, painstak­ every $1.00 purchase of Jon ing needle work and teel Toilet Goods. unusual value; it is guar­ anteed to please you— m oney back if it doesn’t. McNair Bros. B lock W ood NOW W in te r is c o m in g — p ric e s a re night. ite d la te r, a s s h ip m e n ts fro m S u p p ly m a y he lim ­ fa c to ry have Eighty men out of every hundred are dependents at sixty years of age. Putting a little in the bank each week is what m akes the difference between .dependent and INdepen- dent. a lre a d y Itizens Bank sto p p e d . ASHLAND LUMBER CO. PHONE 20 A sh land , O regon diamond i : raxd pills , m as eIC . LStn0Wn Ss Be't' Ssf«t. Always Reliable Peil's Corner SOLD BY DKDGGISTS EVERYWHERE Cost No More Than Ladies’ Munsing Wear $2.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 4.50 4.75 v a lu e s v a lu e s v a lu e s v a lu e s v a lu e s v a lu e s now now now now no w now ........................................$1.45 ....................................... 1 7 5 ....................................... 1.98 ....................................... 2.98 ....................................... 3.90 ....................................... 4.25 MISSES AND CHILDRENS’ MUNSING WEAR Ordinary Underwear Jï CHILDREN’S HEAVY COT FLEECE Ì!» S m a ll sizes, $1.25 v a lu e s, n o w ........... $1.00 M ed hi m sizes, $1.50 v a lu e s, n o w ......... 1.29 L a rg e sizes, $1.75 v a lu e s, n o w .............. 1.59 CHILDREN’S WOOL GARMENTS S m a ll sizes, $2.25 v a lu e s, n o w ..............$1.75 M ed iu m sizes, $2.50 v a lu e s, n o w ......... 1.95 L a rg e sizes, $2.75 v a lu e s, n o w .............. 2.39 M isse s’ sizes, $3.00 v a lu e s, n o w ......... 2.75 MENS’ MUNSING WEAR $7.00 values n o w .$5.25 6.50 5.50 4.50 4.00 3.00 v a lu e s n o w . 4.75 values now. 4.25 v a lu e s n o w . 3.75 v a lu e s n o w . 3.25 v a lu e s n o w . 2.50 W eighs O nly A Few O unces F o r each d o lla r you sp e n d y o u g e t y o u r m o n e y ’s w o rth o f M u n sin g w e a r se rv ic e an d s a tis fa c tio n p lu s th e re p u ta tio n o f th e m a k ­ ers. • E a c h M u n sin g g a r ­ m en t th a t com es to o u r s to re is b ack ed by th e re p u ta tio n o f th e m a k e rs, who fo r over t h i r t y y e a rs h a v e p ro ­ d u ced u n d e rg a r m e n ts o f u n v a r y ­ in g q u a lity . M u n sin g w e a r T h a t ’s w h y w ear. TYU u n d e rw e a r p lu s called M m tsiug Boys’ Munsing Wear BOYS’ HEAVY COT FLEECE S m a ll sizes, $1.25 v alue, now ........... $1.00 M e d i u m sizes, $1.50 v a lu e , n o w .. 1.29 L a rg e sizes, $1.75 v a lu e , n o w . . . . . . 1.59 BOYS’ WOOL GARMENTS »TVL« •», S m a ll sizes, $2.25 v a lu e , now .............$1.75 M e d iu m sizes, $2.50 v a lu e , n o w . . 1.95 L a r g e sizes, $2.75 val'ue, n o w ............2.39 Y o u n g M e n ’s, $3 v alu e, n o w ............. 2.75 One and One-half Hours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening of OCTOBER 28 METHODIST CHURCH * The ’In” in Independent sexled __ _____ T a k « n o other. B u t o f y o u r Ask for C l n . C l i i K.'f r R u Let Munsingwear free you from underwear irritation The fit lasts as long as the fabric The fabric is a fighter to the finish A right size and style for every one Most economical in the long run Interpretation ORDER YOUR • u n d e rc lo th in g . M ad e fo r m en, w om en c h ild re n , in all sizes, sty le s a n d fa b ric s. D R A M A T IC 0. A. PAULSERUD - Bargain iu used sew ing m achine; also a new carload of W hite sew ­ ing m achines ju st in, at M u n s in g w e a r is th e id eal fall a n d w in te r BENEFIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE Dr. Mattie B. Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland, as her ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to her hearers tJuring her form er residence here, since which tim e she h |s tinished a course oi instruction from Em ma Wilson Gillespie, of the Gillespie School of Expression, of Portland, and these are some of ihe things they say of her: She is an a rtist whom it is equally a pleasure and education to hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality which takes a thorough grip on her hearers. “Her personality is unique. H er phrasing of difficult passages rem arkable and rich .” ’ She possesses all the qualifications th a t go to m ake a pleasing entertainm ent, m aking her character walk and talk before you with a distinctive personality.” To hear her in the delineation of character is an event th at is ever gratefully treasured in one’s memory.” - a C hl-chea-ler , C. W. Nims, of A shland,'m em ber of Malta commandery, was elected grand commander of Oregon Knights Will Render the Drama This Week Only L t d lr . l A »h, brand 1*111. in Red Dr. Mattie Brow n S h aw Jonteel CHICHESTER S PILLS . T*IE MJUIU.VD . KNIGHTS TEM PLAR LODGE Oregon "Miss Gibbie Gault” in your hard, sticky so il. COMMANDER OP OREGON F. W. Bartlett Entries to Apple Show Must Be Made Oct. 27th The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow C. W. NIMS ELECTED HIGH Cause for Admiration — Tem plar at the recent state conclave • held a t La Grande. George W. Dunn was elected grand sentinel, and also served as a member of the com m it-! tee on expenses and mileage. The grand commandery will meet at w ill do your plow ing right now Roseburg next year. O u r sto c k o f fall a n d w in te r M u n ­ sin g w e a r is w a itin g fu r you. Cornu in to d a y a n d choose fro m th e v a r i­ e ty o f s ty le s a n d fa b ric s . N o m at t e r w h a t y o u r size, w e can fit von I t ’s 100 y e r c e n t r ig h t, all th e w ay th r o u g h — b u tto n s , too. No m a tte r th e size o f y o u r p erson o r p u rse , you can be u n io n su ited a t o u r s to re w ith a season fu ll of s a tis fa c tio n . Munsingwear is 100 When the Frost is on the Pumpkin a s it w ill soon he, you w ill w a n t one o f o u r P A L A C E H E A T E R S to ta k e o ff th e chill. Yes, w e h a v e m an y k in d s a n d sizes o f sto v e s— C H E A P , M E D IU M a n d H IG H G R A D E . T h ey a re se llin g too, b e cau se th e p ric e is le ss— yes, c le a r dow n to .B E D R O C K — a n d w e o n ly h a v e one p ric e an d th a t is m a rk e d on th e sto v e in P L A IN F IG U R E S . S om e d e a le rs d o n ’t m a rk th e s e llin g p ric e on t h e ir goods, ju s t lea v e it o ff so th e y c an ra is e th e p ric e if a c u sto m e r w a n ts to tr a d e in a n old sto v e o r so m e th in g . W e d o n ’t do b u sin e ss t h a t w a y — th e se llin g p ric e .s m a rk e d on all o f o u r g o o d s in p la in fig u re s — th is lia s been o u r sy ste m ot d o in g b u sin e ss f o r th e p a s t 33 y e a rs a n d we he liev e th is m e th o d is a p p re c ia te d . A Big Stock of Rugs and Linoleum in Inlaid and Printed Goods JUST IN AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant J. P. Dodge & Sons î Reliable Houseturnishei 7