è sameissa! AtARIA germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. A SHLAND aid of climate, without the medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. n & V O LU M E 3 CCnccessor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) NO. 42 ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921 DENTIST TO HANG FOR RUSSEL MURDER IBIS U. S. Navy Buys Historic Yacht America for $1 88 $ Hoover Copes With Food Problem Of R. R. StriRe A. M. Beaver to Build New Store Bldg. On 1st St. I DOCTOR'S WIFE ---------- e «8 ---------- * Contracts were let this morn- <8> * WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. •> ing by A. M. Beaver, of the <8 <$> 20.— The United States navy <$\ Beaver Realty company, for <8 & has just bought one of the most ■8 the construction of a $5,000 <8 Q famous boats in the world. It i <•> concrete one-story business <8 cost the government $1. ' <«> <8 block on F irst street directly in The historic yacht America, the rear of the present Beaver <8> < § > first winner of the cup from < 8 > | POLKE GUARD SWEDENBURG <8 block. Work will bo started on $ B R IM FIEL D ’S CONTROL BREAKS ❖ England, is now a navy ship. <8> HOME AGAINST UNKNOWN; ♦ the building Monday of next <8 I ❖ Through the generous co-opera- WHEN WIFE VISITS HIM IN THREE NOTES DEMAND *1.000; tion Qf num ber of p a trioti1 LETTER ! L. Lamb, who has been award- <•>I CELL; DECI j ARRS INNOCENCE; RUSK TO CATCH <8 ed tho contract. <8! W IFE TO CONTINUE HER FIGHT <8> W ar Weeks, the old yacht has <§> WRITER FAILS. 8 The z property has a frontage ♦ <8> been rescued from her old berth <8> <8 of seventy-four feet on F irst & j <8> a t Boston, where she rested for Following the unavailing efforts years, reconditioned, and tow ed $>i <8> street an d has a depth of twen- <8 ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 20.— Dr. of local police authorities and the •$> down the coast by a sub chaser $>■ , <$> ty-five feet. The valuation of ♦ Richa,.d M Brumfield, Roseburg sheriff’s office for the past several <8* to the naval academy at Annap- <8> I <8> the lot, with improvements, is <$> dentigt and iorm eryl prom lneut In weeks to apprehend the perpetrator <8* olis. Here she was presented <8>l said to be about $5,000, and is • bus¡ness aiHj social life here, must MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 20. -Thir- of an attem pted blackmail of Dr. <8 to the navy by Charles Francis <8 WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 20.— . n n a n o t . t . r i l P at present occupied by a lunch pay w¡tb his Hfei to be hung by the i» w l m H u n n f . i o w /1 Francis G. Swedenburg, 990 Boule- <8> Adams, skipper of the Resolute, <8> teen indictm ents and one not tru e stand and a shoe-shining parlor. <$> ueck unU1 dead .. for Uie ,uu rd er of The government adm inistration has vard, prom inent Ashland doctor now on behalf of the Ea'stern Yacht <8> bill were returned by the grand jury taken steps by which the governors « both of which will be removed <á- Dennis Rusgell> iaborer, whose head- touring the southern states, for <$, cjub of Boston. Rear Admiral <8> Tuesdav afternoon. Of this num ber.! at once. The building will con- of all states will work in co-opera­ less and m utilated body was found tion with the federal government in <8- tain five storerooms, four of <$■ beside tbe burned and wrecked car $1,000, the physician’s home is now Henry B. Wilson officially re- <$■, three were John Doe in d ictm en ts,1 guarded by armed men. aeeordinB «. ceivcd the boa, (or navy. the event of a nation-wide strike of <8 which will be 20x24 feet. Tho B rum field near here July 13. The to statem ents by the police depart « The trip was made under the railroad employes October 30, Her­ <$> fourth room will be 12x16 feet. , prohibition law s.' jury returned a verdict of m urder iu ment. bert Hoover, secretary of commerce, <$> command of W illiam U. Swan. ♦ ! the first degree against the dentist Police state th at prior to the de- The plan originally was to <8> *s sa’d‘ announced this morning. shortly before m idnight after a de­ parture of Dr. and Mrs. Swedenburg <$. present the boat to the navy. Raleigh Matthews, of Eagle Point, All state governors have been a d -! liberation of a b o u t.fo u r hours. The Tidings has been a consist­ the early part of this m onth, t h e ^ The navy, however, is not al- was indicted on a count of second- vised of a plan of co-operation which The state's case centered around ent and loyal supporter of the doctor received two notes, printed lowed to receive a gift, accord- <« degree m urder, as a result of the the departm ent of commerce has de-j the charge that Brumfield killed Ashland cham ber of commerce in crude long-hand fashion, signed <§> ingly the departm ent purchased i fatal shooting at Eagle Poinjs last vised to keep the necessary traffic Russell and by camouflage tried to ever since the present m anage­ ’’I. W. W .,” and demanding $1,000.j <§, ¿be boat by paying $1. <§, month of W ilbur ( “ W ig” ) Jacks. and supplies moving during th e 1 substitute the body for bis own with ment took charge of the paper ten Each note contained a th reat to blow True bills were returned against threatened strike. Hoover said. F a­ j the hope th at his family could col­ the Swedenburg home “ to hell” if J. Oswald and Jesse Housely, charg­ years ago. It has been always vorable responses have already been lect $16,000 in life insurance. among the largest contributors in the demand was not complied with ing the m anufacture of intoxicating received from a m ajority of the state Attorneys for the defense claimed and the money dropped from a mov­ liquor. The alleged infraction of cash to the club’s activities; be­ executives,, it was stated. ' th at Brumfield is insane an d was sides, for all those years we have ing car at the north end of the Moun­ the Volstead act occurred on a farm Hoover said th a t he felt certain mentally irresponsible at the time of made it known th a t one columd tain View cemetery at 10 o’clock the on Griffin creek last summer. th a t no acute shortage of food would the m urder. Dr. B. F. Scaife, Eu­ each day was open FREE to the night of October 10. John H. ( “ Ham ” ) Lewis was in-j resutl from the strike. gene alienist, testified yesterdav commercial club to exploit the The notes were not taken serious­ dieted on a count alleging receipt of that, in his belief, Brumfield was By W. H. ATKINS interests of the town. Since the ly by the Swedenburgs and were stolen goods, knowing same were WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 20.— insane from July 10 to August 15, present secretary has been at the (I. N. S. Stafi Correspondent) tu rn ed over to the police for in­ stolen. This is a case arising out of' President Harding delved into tho and that he was still unbalanced. helm very little of thia space has WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. 20.— vestigation. Continued efforts to thefts from the local national guard railroad situation soon after his re­ The convicted man, staring death been utilized. W hether for lack j Old Man Figgers will hold the whip locate the note w riter after the first company. turn from W illiamsburg, Va., where in the face, received the verdict th re a t was made were w ithout re­ John Goodwin, taxi driver; Jam es of ability to write the dope, in­ he made the principal address d u r­ hand at the arm s parley next month. without a tw itching of a muscle and sults. Dr. and Mrs. Swedenburg, ( “Rhine” ) Edwards, taxi driver, and; disposition to do it, ' or lack of ing the inauguration exercises of Dr. ! The m athem atical wizards are the m aintained one of the most rem ark­ : midgets upon whose calculations the thinking the whole m atter the work Ernest S. ( “ Dud” ) W olgamott were knowledge of what was necessary J. A. C. Chandler as president of able displays of gameness ever seen WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 19, to give the public, we do not I diplomatic giants will rely in their of a practical joker and refusing to indicted on counts charging selling William and Mary college yester­ in the court room. consider the th re a ts seriously, left Ravages of the pine beetle in forests' intoxicating maneuvering. liquor. Two indict- know; he has simply failed to day. j Mrs. Brumfield’s head sank slow­ Figures, in huge stacks, showing A shland for a six weeks' tour of cause greater loss than forest fires, m ents each were returned against avail the club of this FR EE space. Chairm an McChord, of the in te r­ ly until it reached her husband's On the other hand, he has per­ the financial and economic effect of eastern and southern states, leaving j bis is shown in a report from J. F. Edw ards and W olgamott. state commerce commission, was shoulder. He put his arm s around An indictm ent charging burglary sistently DEMANDED th at The sum m oned to the W hite House at I a particular course of political ac­ her and kissed her ou the mouth. th e ir two daughters. Genevieve and Kimball, secretary of K lam ath-Lake Tidings advertise FR EE such tion with respect to arm am ent are Eleanor, at the home. Besides the counties Forest Fire association, of was returned against W ard Cham­ once by President Harding. Guy Head erect, the doomed dentist mouey-making schemes as he ; to he at the finger tips of the dele­ two girls. Miss Louise L ennart is K lam ath Falls, Or., to the American berlain, and Charles Randall was irA marched from the court room like a m ight see fit to launch, regard­ Goff, acting attorney general, also! gates. living in the Swedenburg home. Forestry association. Facts and fig- dieted for the alleged m aking of a was called. The meeting resulted soldier as he was led back to jail. less of w hether we approved them I The American “ big four” will eu- In the m orning or afternoon ° i,u r e s as to this form of forest dsvas- contract to dispose of intoxicating “Ju st as sure as there is a God In in a three-hour conference in going or not. For example, advertising te r the conference with the most October 10, police state th a t a th ir d , tation were placed today before Sen- ■ liQUOf. over the situation. , . . , heaven, I’m innocent, but I ’m not elaborate set of charts ever complied „-„„.j , ,, .... note was slipped undei the door of, a to r McNary and R epresentative' A not tiu e bill was returned in the FR EE Passm ore’s PRIVATE m u­ , , 1 afraid to meet death, Brumfield It is known th at the president be­ sic classes. Because we refused by the government. The charts are stated this morning. the threatened home. Th£ letter j Sinnott> of Oregon, who are urged case of Frank A- Milligan, form er lieves th at there must be an imme­ emphasized the fact th a t the time! to put fortb every effort for the Southern Pacific depot agent at Tal- to do th a t he threatened to organ­ diate reduction of freight rates a n d ! now being prepared under the direc- Dr. Brumfield said th at he had ize a boycott among the m erchants lim it foi giving the mone^ had ex-, paggagg of relief m easures now in i charged with embezzlement, the conference accepted as indicat- ,, „ . „ „ I slept well during the night a n d that against The Tidings, advocated pireii and reiterated the th re a t if the! congress. The Kran(1 jury continued its de ing a step in speeding interstate! ef IK - ecre a >> « sta le ugkes>! he felt good except for a sore throat, sending the club’s printing to previous notes. T hat evening the The report from Secretary K im - J iberatlons today. commerce action in the m atter. co opeia ng w t i ti e treasuiy, a s ,H e declared he had not been able to Medford and otherwise attem pted ; asked th at the classified tables lack us 1 . ,, , police "p lan ted ” a bulky envelope ball shows th a t on an area of less I ’ ------------------------—— 1 , helP h,s lawyers m uch,” and that. in every way to in ju re this news­ nothing in completeness. They will „ . . . , , . dropped from a moving auto of the than 800,000 acres th ere has been 1 , a , as the evidence was dam ning as it paper’s business. And all of this he so arranged th at America's dale- — . .. , „ ,, . . . _ sam e m ake driven by Dr. Sweden- an annual loss of $300,000 for ten ... . „ x „ . cou,d *>e. be wasn’t surprised at the while The Tidings was ONE OF gation will have detailed compart- verdict burg. The envelope was /m arked • years Tho ,ogg by flre wag 10 000 _ THE LARGEST CASH CON­ $1,000 and placed according to the, 000 feet of p¡ne while the logg sons available upon alm ost every Brum field’» iron self-rontrol broke TRIBUTORS TO HIS SALARY. conre,ruble proposition .h a t map be loday , |m |, wh(.n h(s instructions of the would-be black- cau8ed by tbe beetle reacbed 1>ooo,-i We adpiit we have a grievance, m ailer. W ith a cordon of special 000 feet . Inasm uch as prlvate tim . presente . wife visited him. Despite the tears but, ap art from that, there is a policemen detailed to the scene of berland owners would be spending ---------- o “ “ " i T," *" h er eyes. Mrs. Brumfield waa able principle involved. It is this: Can Secretary M ellons eiperta, t h e , , 0 ,orce action near the M ountain View cerne-: money U3elessly if the United stateg a smile through them. It a cham ber of commerce secretary The present age and era of m an,¡best the government could bring to- wag more than hef hugband COH,d Jackson county’s teachers’ insti­ tery, developm ents were aw aited, 1 government does not co-operate in but failed to m aterialize. The only fighting thla peat on public landg tute closed yesterday afternoon with do more good for the town by the superstitious adm it, is modern, 1 gether, are digging into the re c o rd s. gtand andi tbe denti8t cried Hke t suspicious sign of any kind was the adjolning private holdings. t he the election of three delegates to the supporting its institutions or by but nevertheless one in which broken and bringing forth every vital figure Child. sudden departure of a Ford roadster ■ American Fore9try association is state teachers’ convention to be held organizing boycotts against them? m irrors, leaning step ladders and or fact bearing upon m ilitary and "Brace up,” his wife told him. He did th a t to The Tidings simply black cats run riot in the dream s of naval program s of all principal world “ I’m a fighter, and the fight isn’t th a t had been parked near the ceme- agked to direct the campaign for 5 l P ortland the la tte r part of De­ because he was sore. Is it not the unlucky. A dm itting as a pre- powers. ter?. . gettin g action through federal legis- ce lb er- The elected delegates are over yet.” She herself wept pite- reasonable th a t when he gets sore A few days a fte r the failure of th e | la t,on W. R. Hughes, coach of athletics at Some of the charts resemble bilk ()Usly after ,eaving he|. husband mise that fate is capable of dogging at you he will do the same thing a man with had luck, the curious are board posters. Great columns, i? approx ed. at the local insti- m anager of the Gold Coin Quartz 8 o’clock, making a total loss „[¡w ith other e.v,«nditnres which a r e ' ” or indirectly caused by war clalm |lle , he cha,n„tonship nt the ber can be protected for several lefarence to school problems and Placer association, has returned 82.850 by robbery In tour months. The car. purchased a t noun yester-; A» o. there will be columns Pac|(lc co>st f()r (h e|r FIST FIGHT BREAKS O l T years. Investigation shows the bee- th a t are expected to be discussed a* j from the Alice mine, located in the IN BENCH CHAMBER OF . t je can be a ttracted to girdled and state meeting. Applegate district about fifteen miles day from W. E. Snyder, had been »< 'I « " " » revealing the re su lt, nt Hampshire hogs. During the season DEPUTIES DURING DEBATE | feRed trees. As a rule, two or three Diegon banquet, after the Out of G rants Pass. He reports th a t parked in front ot the drug store all | ' " i s in wrar expenses, and how a , lght gran„ and eigh( s(.nior Dutch tre a t,” was t be crew of men he has working afternoon w ithout showing any am-! g,ven Percentage of reduction in pionships were given the herd, with ‘tra p ” trees to the acre are enough 1 m anner of a Qf geventv.three r ,bbons given at the Hotel Ashland yester-j upon this property has shown up a bition to leave its new owner. Short-! arm am ent would affect all the pow -;a PARIS, Oct. 20.— A violent up­ to get results. ly before 8 o’clock Mr. Short made ers participating in the conference. The pest is a borer and is particu- noon A)y all teacher graduates of gix-foot vein of $50 ore on an aver- ro a r broke out in the cham ber of Experts Co-o|>ei-ating larly destructive to the tim ber in tKe the 1 diversity of Oregon. ¡age, not considering the very high- sure of the safety of the car. When deputies when the debate upon the The herd won honors a t the re- M ilitary and naval experts. and cent state fair at Salem, while G rants 1 ofessor Briscoe left this morn- i grade ore. This is one of the sev- the pharm acist locked up his place -.......-- - —— governm ent’s general policy was re­ m ountains of California, northw ard tQ be the q newed. Deputy Mendel, of the into Oregon and W ashington, a n d jinR tor <,raata Pass, where he w ilU erai properties belonging to the of business the machine was gone.! others equipped to figure the eco- pags ,g Circumstances surrounding the r o b - ;aomlc effects of certain lines of ac- tbe RUte tQ car,oads of Clemenceau faction, attacked M. eastw ard into Montana. • ’The bugs attend a da-' 8 session of the Douglas^ Gold Coin association. bery are sim ilar to the theft of M r.jtlon involving arm am ent reduction, j gtock fQr exhibjtion (Jig winding egg galleries in the bark coun,v teachers’ institute. He w 'llj W ork is rapidly progressing upon Escoffer, of the socialist party, by and the result is a stripped and dead retu rn t0 Ashland tomorrow. the Gold Coln mine on Forrest creek I S h o rt’s large Studebaker car about ; are co-operating with the treasury punching him in the jaw. School classes at both the high , and the fifteen-foot ledge upon th is ! two months ago. Both machines departm ent’s staff 111 rushing the PROPERTY VALUES LOWER There was a wild burst of cheer­ tre e . R ailroad officials and cham bers o f ! sc^ ° o1 anc" in grades were re- property, according to the owner, is were stolen at 8 o clock in the eve- data to a complete stage, ing and jeering and the president showing up some.' extremely high- ninR- Th« ca* wa8 valued at $350. A“ er all in the back of the fore HOOD RIVER, Or.. O<>t. 20.— was forced to adjourn the meeting commerce throughout the infested 8Umed th,s morning. Because of his short time of owner- inO8t minds statesm en will always county Assessor Wickham has an- l S?ade ore. W ork upon the Pearce until order was restored. section are urging action on the Mc- FIRST COMPANY STAGES and Bowden placer ground will be ship, Mr. Short was at first unable have as a central idea the cutting of nounced a complete summary of the Nary-Sinnott measure. ANOTHER HARVEST DANCE! pushed along continuously for opera- to give an accurate description of excessive taxes and of lifting, if pos- 1921 tax roll. The county’s total DEPUTY TREASURER --------- - i tions as scon as the rains of the sea- the machine, police state. The car j sible» th a t term of oppression from valuation is placed at $8,360,000. TO BE NAMED RUSSIAN MOB ATTACK» The arm ory has been the scene of ! son will supply the water under the had been purchased by Mr! Snyder the backs of Peoples whom they The total valuation for last year was ------ AMERICAN CONSULATE great activity this week, preparing adequate water right facilities which from a rancher living ten miles east represent. The economic phase is $9,956,875, Mr. Wickham lists 21.- SALEM, Or., Oct. 20.— Appoint- jo f the city and a hurried trip to the bound to stand out in tbe b*K Pic- 068 acres of land in cultivation, its BREST, Russia, Oct. 20.— A mob ^or the company’s annual harvest > have been acquired, m ent of a successor to Jam es Craw­ 1 form er owner was necessary before tu re - A large part of the délibéra- a8segsed value being $4.117,685. ford, deputy state treasu rer, will be of several thousand, singing revo- dance. Fall foliage of various kinds • the license num ber of the car could tions m a? settle down to a battling Despite the great number of mo- CORKS SPELL HIS NAME announced about November 1, ac­ lutionary songs and waving flags, and colors have entered largely into' i be obtained. with dry statistics on outstanding tor tru c k s,in use here, horses, now cording to O. P. Hoff, state treasu r- attacked the American consulate the scheme of appropriate decora- p Besides the Ford and Studebaker : Political questions inspired by th e , num bering 1,115 and valued at $51,- POPLAR BLUFF, Mo.. Oct. $<).— er. A lthough Mr. Hoff has refused; here today. tion and makes the building a very! rs. valued at $2,000, Mr. Short is idea th a t by solving them, advance- 905. show an increase. to intim ate the identity of th e ap- A num ber of windows were broken Utting place for the affair. Judging The most freakish “doctor sign” Hl of r u g s 'ment in ffelds of finance and com- The county’8 1,267 cows and cat- pointee, friends of the tre a su rer said hy the flying missiles b /fo re the po- from th e past inquiries regarding the the world attests the health of this Nle loser of $500 8tolea