Wednesday, October-10, 1921 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGB FOUB months), first, $5; second, $2.60; We do catering to private parties. ASHLAND BUSINESS third, ribbon. Boar 6 months (un­ Nelda Cafe. 38-6t MEN OFFER PRIZES FOB WINTER FAIR der 12 months), first, $5; second, We serve the best of coffee at all $2.50; third, ribbon. Sow, 2 years Local and Personal | tim es. Neida Cafe. 38-6t and over, first, $5; second, $2.50; (Continued from Page 1) third, ribbon. Sow 1 year (under — ----------------- Side Lights------------------- — We furnish salads and croquettes, years and over, first, $5; second, 18 months), first, $5; second, $2.50; any kind, for private parties on $2.50; third, ribbon. Buck 1 year third, ribbon. Sow 6 months (un-i Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. MASONIC CALENDAR twenty-four hours’ notice. Nelda and over, first, $5; second, $2.50; der 12 months), first, $5; second,’ 37-tt Cafe. 38-6t third, ribbon. Buck 1 year and over, $2.50; third, ribbon. Under 6 Malta commandery, K. T., stated first, $5; second, $2.50; third, rib­ months, first, $5; second, $2.50; conclave Wednesday evening, Octo­ Watch Rose Bros.’ window for H arvest dance, Arm ory, Friday bon. Under 1 year, first, $5; sec­ t;hird, ribbon. ber 19. Work in Red Cross also. S a tu rd a y can d y sp ecials. 37-tf n ight. Doe, 2 41-8 ond, $2.50; third, ribbon. Duroc Jerseys— Same as above. Siskiyou chapter, R. A. M., stated years and over, first, $6; second, Chester White— Same as above. convocation Thursday evening, Oc­ E le cte d to F r a te r n ity —• Our clothes are comfortable be­ $2.50; third, ribbon. Doe 1 year and Berkshires— Same as above. tober 20. Also work Royal Arch. Kee and Edgar Buchanan write cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf over, first, $6; second, $2.50; third, Hampshires— Same as above. Lunch at 6:30 sharp, preceding rou­ hom e th a t life a t th e u n iv e rs ity so ribbon. Young, first, $5; second, tine session. fa r h a s been very a g re e a b le . K ee Drop into the salvage store and $2.50; third, ribbon. The Ladies’ Aid of the Congrega. a n d B ernice Yeo a r e ro o m m a te s a t look over the stock; sure to be some­ Any other breed— Same as above. titonal church will give a New Eng­ Mrs. Dili Leaves— H e n d ric k s h all a n d E d g a r w as e le c t­ thing you want. 38-tf Swine Ditdsion land dinner and bazaar in the Pio- M rs. M a rg a re t Dill w ill leav e to ­ ed to m em b e rsh ip in th e P h i S igm a Poland China— Boar, 2 years and mser hall October 27. 39-2 n ig h t fo r O k la h o m a fo r a m o n th ’s ' Pi f ra te r n ity a n d liv es a t th e f r a t e r ­ Where better tamales are served over, first, $5; second, $2.50; third, visit w ith h e r p a re n ts a t W ag o n er, j n ity house. T hey b o th lik e th e ir Rose Bros, will serve them. 37-tf ribbon. Boar 1 year (under 18 NOTICE Ashland News in Paragraphs She w ill visit a t M uskogee a n d o th e r c o u rse s of s tu d y , K ee in jo u rn a lis m points. In th e m e a n tim e J. Hr. a n d and E d g a r in th e p re-m ed ic. th e c h ic k e n s on N o rth M ain w ill •’batch” it together. lxiosen up and harvest dance. See the Treichler Motor company O rd e rs ta k e n Medford, about taking Liberty bonds at par. 39-3 N elda C afe. fo r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Style and quality are combined In 36-tf FOR SALE — Everbearing straw­ berry plants, 1 cent each; come Automobile Insurance -Teo. of and get them. Bert Smith, 733 41-3 Oak street. 41-tf course. 299-tf fre sh o y ste rs. FOR SALE— Five-passenger Nash O veralls and aprons harvest six, in good condition; price reason­ 38-6t able if sold at once. 237 C street. dance. 41-8 P a u ls e r u d 's s u its . DON’T MISS THE H arvest Danee ARMORY F rid ay, Oet. 21 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Only those in overalls and aprons admitted on dance floor UOOSENUPANDhlUE Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf H. R. Adams, the Plumber, óeils olurabing fixtures and supplies. ?hone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. 287-tf MEETING The ladies of Trinity guild will hold a social afternoon tomorrow (Thursday) in the parish house. All members urged to be present. The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow will do your plowing right now in your hard, sticky soil. Bargain In used sewing machine; also a new carload o f White sew­ ing machines Just in, at Peil's Corner ■nn —— SUITS and COATS with that label A committee composed of wives of, Sh riners from Grants Pass will be in) A shland Saturday afternoon, 2:30,1 at Masonic hall, to meet with the! A shland ladies. All Ashland Shrine laid les are requested to be present. will in Ju st now there is a splendid assortment of styles and sizes Io choose from but every day they are thinning out. BA R B E R Why not look them over and selectyours? Children’s Work A Specialty JUMPER DRESSES Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. are now in great favor. We have them in flan­ nel, serge, jersey and tricotine, $7.75 up. gy goods T yre tÇik:* BIG DROP G o ld e n OPPORTUNITY C o m in g Soon MASON CORDS 3. A drop of 15 per cent on a ll MASON CORDS is authorized by the MA­ SON TIRE & RUBBER 00. O F KENT, OHIO. In effect at once, Oct. 18— AT LEEDilUH’S TIRE HOSPITAL 30z3% Heavy Cord, $20.65. ANNOUNCEM ENT ! satisfy J every W. A. SHELL 41-1* Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. FOR SALE— Ninety-three acres fine river bottom; deeded water right; 36-tf fine bungalow; dairy barns; cows, horses, harness and all farm Suits Made to O r d e r - equipment go with place; on good Cleaning and repairing on short highway, seven miles from Grants notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Pass; a bargain if taken at once. See E. E. Phipps, Real Estate Bldg. 302tf Broker. Cliff Payne makes medicine cases. WINTER APPLES— Good size, 50 lb. box 75c delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. Extra fancy Imported tulip, hya­ cinth and narcissus bulbs. This week FOR SALE— Law books; 71 vol­ only. Ashland Greenhouse. umes of Oregon reports, volumes 39-2 1 to 54 and 62 to 78, Inclusive. G. W. Trefren, 267 Fourth street, Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Ashland. • 41-3 folks as well as commercial and tour­ ist business. 27-tf FOR SALE — Cocoa-Cola barrels, fine for cider; also one ten-gallon keg, a number of one-gallon glass Home-made tamales served at jugs and a lot of patent topped Rose Bros. 37-tf fruit jars, two-quart. Depot Sup­ ply Store (formerly Depot Drug Have your old suit made new at Store), 267 Fourth street, Ash­ land. 41-3 Paulserud’s. 36-tf - Remodeling and cleaning — C. Orres. for WATCH THIS PAGE Duty ITC We have purchased the When heated, water escapes from the radiator in the form of steam. In the same way oil vapors pass out through the breather pipe when the oil is subjected to engine heat. Low evaporation loss is an indication of the oil’s lubri­ cating quality. Four tk Street M eat M arket Excessive Oil Evaporation Reduces Mileage and Power And are now prepared to serve the trade with the best of meats at most reasonable prices. • We solicit your patronage and will treat you right. Cycol reduces evaporation loss. I t has the sta b ility to w ith stan d terrific engine heat ow ing to its peculiar chem ical characteristics. E xcessive loss o f oil th ro u g h evaporation m eans th a t th e oil is no t suitable to w ith stan d engine heat. P oor oils contain a large percentage of vola­ tile and non-lu b ricatin g co n stitu en ts w hich are lib­ erated w hen subjected to o p eratin g tem peratures and pass ou t th ro u g h th e b reath er pipes as vapor. P ow er and m ileage are reduced. Some oils lose as m uch as 50% in evaporation d u rin g a 10 hour run. Campbell & Goodlett Cycol-ixe your motor. Clean the crank c as e not w ith kerosene—and refill with the correct grade of Cycol as shown by the Cycol Recom m endatu» Chart ASSOCIATED O IL COMPANY» &w HARRISON BROS. KAY MORRISON OVERLAND MARCY CO. LITHIA GARAGE A. C. WILHITE CYCOL MOTOR OIL The chilly, blustering weather is as cer­ tain as night follows day. Putting off fuel preparedness doesn’t remove the necessity ; it but breeds discomfort—dissatisfaction. Tonight Stars Scientific te sts in o u r special m otor laboratory show th a t evaporation loss is g rea tly dim inished w ith Cycol in th e m otor. T h a t m eans b e tte r lub­ ricatio n and m ore m ileage. Cycol is the new and d ifferen t m otor oil. I t is free from d estructive “sulpho” com pounds. T hese are rem oved by the new H exeon Process, used only by us. O ils containing “sulpho” com pounds break dow n rap id ly u n d er engine heat. Y o u ’ll H a v e t o Stock U p B e f o re Y o u C a n S to k e U p And SUPERIOR coal (not just coal) is the an­ swer to all your hopes for better heating. It’s the coal you can ask for by name and be assured of proper fuel for furnace, range, fireplace and heater. Theodore Roberts Wallace Reid Affairs o/ Anatol Gloria Swanson 8eU by Bebe Daniels Wanda Hawley Agnes Ayres * and others f Carson-Fowler A screen masterpiece filled with keen satire, tense drama and great heart appeal. | GO TONIGHT It’s the clinkerless kind, leaving little soot; burns with a long flame and little ash; fires easily and has extreme heat value. Lumber Co. Superior Domestic Lump is the eco­ nomical range of size for all purposes. 1 < Admission—Adults 50c, Children 10c, including tax A. S. Boyd, N. W. Agent FRIDAY—SATURDAY Chas. R ay in “Scrap Iron 99 Henryt Bldg., Portland, Or. I r