Wednesday, October ift, IM I T E E ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS For pleating, see Orres. 17tf Correction—» From McMinnville — W. T. Macy, McMinnville under­ R eturn F io m Oregon City— tak er and form er mayor of th a t city, The Rev. and Mrs. P. K. H am m ond, ln Aghland yest#rday w w le returned Monday night from a visit . here Mr Marcy made & ghort to Oregon City and ^ ort an . , t ^e g o^ge undertaking parlors. The dram atic entertainm ent by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw in the Methodist church on the evening of October 28 will be entertaining and instructive. Don’t fail to ehar it. tQ j In yesterday’s Issue of the Tidings it was stated by m istake th a t J. W. McCoy was elected treasu rer of the Consolidated Chamber of Commerce of Southern Oregon. C. H. Pierce, of the local Ford agency, was elect­ ed treasurer. The original state ­ ment was obtained from an author- ative source and was thought to be correct. Brink »— Cranberry harvest to be­ who were so greatly aided and bene­ gin ¡»oon ih district at mouth of Co­ fited by their labors and unselfish lumbia. river. sacrifices. May their brave souls rest in peace. Hdxtd River— Work to begin o n ' briclgp across fork of Hoed river on Moiptft Hood loop highway. PHYSICIANS. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. Room» 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. 73-tf Bldg OR. J. J. EMMEN8—-Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GUO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and a u rist for Examination free. Suite 8, No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. residence phone 401. SO U T H E R N OREGON’^ Three Inseparables One for mildnesx VIR G IN IA One for mellowness. BURLEY One for arom a. T U R K IS H The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and b le n d e d 2Oforl5f ★ Hl H untef R eturns— Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hammond, of Oregon City, who are m otoring to J. M. Morgan and William Lind-; at Ashland sey left yesterday on a three-day California, stopped yesterday for a short visit with Mr. hunting trip in the Dead In d ia n ’ H ammond’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. country. ; P. K. Hammond. Mr. Hammond is a well-known attorney of Oregon Imogene W allace, pianiste-teach- City. er. Phone 210-J. 171 Helman street. 3 3-1 mo Special breakfast. 60s. from « to 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf V isitor From R ogu e R iver— On H unting Trip— William Swing is again at w o rk in the Plaza m arket after a week.’s hunting trip in the Dead In A tjn country. Mrs. Swing accom panied her husband on the camping trip. [•jinfeMMM Dr. Mattie B. Shaw will render the dram a. “ Miss Gibbie G ault,” for th e benefit of the community club hoiuse Friday evening, October 28, a t the Methodist church. Come a n d hea r it. Mrs. Lincoln Neeley, of Rogue Shoem aker R eturns— River, was an Ashland business vis­ W illiam W ilfeung, a shoem aker itor yesterday. who had been absent in Kansas and middle western states for ten years, 4. You don’t have to risk a cent to returned to A shland Tuesday to be relieved of catarrh. Get a Hyo- again locate here. mei outfit from McNair Bros., the druggists, and if it does not satisfy, For high grade tailoring for men Training designed to fit them f< »r the they will refund the purchase price. and women— C. Orres. battle of life was taken by 147 blind­ ed ex-service men at the Red Cr< isa In­ stitute for the Blind, near Balt Imore, Md., during the fiscal year 192 9-1921. according to the report ef the , Ikiatl- tute for that period. Of this number, 19 have gonri en te other institutions, in almost every case to institutions where tho.-ie hav­ ing sight are receiving advance edu­ cation. The blind ex-service m tMi whe have entered such institutions ego pro­ vided with special text-boi ikj* ia Braille, reading which th ey were taught at the Red Cross Institlul.e. Twelve men have passed fifoan the Institute to successfully carry <»n some occupation or business for wh'iclj. they were fitted by special training. ,A few have withdrawn from the Instltvite be­ E have established a service painting practice goes back more cause of poor physical condition, 14 are for women and men who than 72 years. W e are one of the receiving further “training en the want to do small jobs of interior Job” and 87 are still in training. country’s largest manufacturers. painting, varnishing or refinishing O ur experts make a study of spe­ of furniture, floors, bath rooms, cifying paints for every kind of walls, bric-a-brac, basketry, brack­ use. ets, etc. Follow Fuller’s "H om e Serv­ I t’s a free service. Y ou simply ice" Specifications, and you’ll get tell us what you have to refihish, the exact effects you’re looking for. how finished now and what effect Medical care and clothing flor thou­ you want to get. D on’t think you can’t because sands of children in Central and East­ W e tell you how to do it— m you haven’t done this kind of work ern Europe are outlined as tbe activ­ detail. W hat kind of material to before. L et Fuller products and ities of the American Redl Cross In use. W hat kind of brush. W hat Fuller service show you that you Europe for the current year) says a can. method. W here to buy. statement on the eve of i/he Annual Roll Call of the organization. These You can work transformation in activities, supplemental to this feeding home things that w ill surprise you. operations of the Euroijeatn Relief O ld bedsteads, t a b l e s , chairs, Council of which H erbert Hoover Is floors, bath tubs, etc., are old really chairman, are designed toi provide the Where to Buy on/y on the surface. Paint, var­ most adequate and balanued relief Important that you get die right within the resources of private phi- nish or enamel them and they’re material so be sure to go to the right Jnathropy. new t store fo r Fuller pro­ Through the establishment of child W e make a special line of ducts. Cut out coupon welfare stations In tbe centers of pop- below as a memo to paints, varnishes, etc., lor just this direct you. ula on of those count rhta where ade­ kind of work — Fuller’s “ Home quate medical care Is ntlt now obtain­ W rite us n ow — a Service” Paint products— for you post card—for complete able, the American Red Cross plans to provide the medical assistance need­ to use. catalog of Fuller's Spec­ ed to restore these chlldnen to a nor­ T hey dry perfectly, spread easily ification “Home Serv­ ice” Paint Products, mally healthy life. Tlie sum of >«,- and smoothly, and give every de­ which tells just what to tMM),000 lias been made, available for sired result. Y ou’ll be surprised buy for the work you this work. to learn what you can do,—once have in mind. Send full description of, and get our free advice on refinish­ you’ve used them. ing furniture, chairs, floors bric-a- Our experience w ith paints and brac^ brackets, basketry, etc. Red Cross Trains 147 Blind Veti i In Useful Work Little Wonders, Madam— To use Pearl Óil in your oil heater t \ ■ fv -:- 'A,- that you can work yourself with paint, varnish or enamel Red Cross Plann $6,000,000 Effort To Save ChiMren Fullers Public Notice Any on-» having ice cream packers belonging to th e A sh­ land Creamery, please phone 24 and they will be called for. "Honte ServiceTMiai* MTd. by W. P. Fuller & Co. Ashland Creamery Dept. It, Saa Francisco Paiatlfaanfactarcra for 72 Years 1S4» For all Kxterier M s of Fainting It is advissMt Sa I i the l iota Fifteen-for-Floor» Fifteeador-Floors So Fuller’« Specification fo r a durable, beauti­ fu l floor varaiab of the finest type. N e t injured by b< ter, ro lltag ^ »»«• C. B. L A M K I N SAVE THIS ; (C o t this oat and pot i t in your pocket-book or handbag as a memo.) Fuller's “ H o m . Service” Paint Product» aro sold by tbs in your c k y : BARGAINS ÍN Real Estate PEARL KM OSENt OIL You can get it in bulk from dealers everywhere. Order by name — Pearl Oil, HEAT AND LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California, «nty and Ranch Properties H ouses to B en t. W. O. DICKERSON A SON A shland, Ore. Í CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HKALTHATORIL’M— Dr. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic. Elec­ . Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 trical Treatm ents, Mineral and to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 48. H eart H ospital; hours, 8 a.m. to 12m.; evenings by appointm ent. 1 PHONE your next job of plumbing . Phons Medford 714. Residence to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building. phone, Medford 61, 27-lm o I Phone 138. . ....... ..................... CHAIR DOCTOR ■ ROOFERS CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed GRAHAM & WILSON, practical up and sold for you, from a wagon roofers; new roofs laid and old to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh penny whistle. Third and A, op­ street, Medford, Ore. ' . j ' « 1 1 > posite freight depot. No phone. m .j----- W rite. 28-lm o T R A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS­ H ELP W ANTED. FER — Good team and m otor­ WANTED— At once, women to cu| trucks. Good service at a reason­ fru it at Bagley Canning Co., Tal­ able price. Phone 83. ent, Ore.; transportation free. Phone 3 6 4 -J -l 30-tf FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, FOR SALE. call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near FOR SALE— Four-foot oak wood, Hotel Austin. $10.50 per cord. 143 Garfield. ..................... ■: . ------- 1 l — 39-3* CAR WASHING FOR SALE — Electric washer in EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ first-class condition. Phone T20. ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. 39-tf EXPERT CAR REPAIRING a t rea­ FOR SALE— H eating stove for coal sonable prices. Lithia Garage. or wood; good as new. 63 Pine 12-lmo street. Phone 437-R. 39-tf FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. APPLE CIDER— Fresh from the press, 40c gallon; two gallons. FOR SALE — Six-room plastered house; best of plumbing; wood 7 5c. Yes, we deliver. Phone house, chicken house, and 14 lots. 9 -F -ll. 925 B street, corner Eighth. Look “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 it over and if suited, will make models now on floor, Swenson & satisfactory terms. S. L. Allen. McRae’s; see them ; your term s 39-tf are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man­ ager Southern Oregon. 35-lm o FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ nished, 5-room modern bungalow; SEWING MACHINES, clocks and sleeping porch, large basem ent; phonographs repaired. Douglas, large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. flowers; garden; all In A1 shape: 31-tf priced right for quick sale. See Jack Falls, 55 Pine street. ALL KINDS of upholstering and 24-lmo* m attress work done in exchange for discarded furniture. Douglas, FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. room cottage, with roomy base­ 31-tf ment and outbuildings. Good size lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in cation with fine view. Desirable good condition. Automotive Shop. for small family who want mod­ 27tf erate priced home. Apply to own­ er on premises. 705 Penn. Ave. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — Corner H arrison. 4-lm o M attresses made over, packing and crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth FOR SALE. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf USED CAR BARGAINS— Brick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good r e ­ Maibohm Six, good condition.$775 turns on investment. Maxwell model 20, good con­ dition .................................... 500 25. acres with six room house, large 1918 Fold Touring, good con­ barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 dition .................................... 250 acres alfalfa, good garden a n d New roadster body with top farm land. only ...................................... 5« Also cars for hire. 2 1 V» acres with fine dwelling, barn, E. N. NORTON MOTOR CO. packing house. About 20 acre« in 135 Pioneer Avenue « '•* » « A l 1 V H M H S 9 - ? good orchard. Balance suitable • for farm products. LADIES R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull season— big assortm ent to choose from — e v e r y ,s iz e and every p r i c e - w onderful values. See the ex­ tra fin e French Serge dresse» at $ 1 6 .7 5 . AH w ool P olo cloth coats at $ 1 8 .7 5 . ORRES TAILOR SHOP 17 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly location. • ! Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the finest lo­ cations in> the city. Inquire at FIR ST NATIONAL BANK FOR RENT. TO RENT— Central location, sunny corner room, furnished; private entrance; rate to perm anent room­ er. Phone 480-J. 39-2* FOR RENT — W ell-located and pleasant furnished housekeeping ! rooms for the w inter; vacant on or about the 20th. Phone 353-L. 38-tf BENEFIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE D R A M A T IC Interpretation Dr. Mattie B row n S h a w Will Render the Drama "Miss Gibbie Gault” One and One-half H ours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening of OCTOBER 28 METHODIST CHURCH Dr. M attie B. Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland, as her ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to her hearers during her form er residence here, since which time she hfs finished a course of instruction from Emma Wilson Gillespie, of the Gillespie School of Expression, of Portland, and these are some of the things they say of her: “ She is an artist whom it is equally a pleasure and education to hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality which takes a thorough grip on her hearers. “ H er personality Is unique. Her phrasing of difficult passages rem arkable and rich .” Also m a k e r s e t Decoret. Robber. Ce­ ment F l o o r Paint. “ Fullerwaar” V a n is h . , WaahaMo WaD Finish. Auto Ksamel, Barn t^ n o m r S k Porch and Step Paint. W H IT E LE A D . T here is no w asted heat when your heater is filled with clean-burning Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match this high-quality kerosene makes the heater deliver comfortable w arm th at little cost. And it’s most conve­ nient to use — no ashes to bother w ith — no coaxing to make it bum . Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by the special process developed by the experience and resources of the Standard Oil Com­ pany. W ATTORNEYS. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS ft BRIGGS— A ttorneys-at- lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Law, P ioneer B lock, A shland. J A rare tre a t aw aits the public in FIRST ROAD the rendering of the dram a, “ Mins Gibbie G ault,” a t the Methodist ((Continued from Page Two) church Friday evening, October 28, Don’t miss the dram atic en tertain ­ for thè benefit of the community ment by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw Friday, m u rd e re d by the Indians near Fort club house. October 28, at the Methodist church HialK. l e a v e s for C alifornia— In closing, I will quote again from for the benefit of the community C. Wilson, who had been spending H unter A squired “L im it”— tike Applegate m anuscript: club house. three weeks’ vacation in Ashland, V eteran nimroda aver th a t Henry “ Perhaps few companies of men left yesterday for Fresno, Calif. Provost bagged the “ lin .'t" when he e v e r perform ed such a campaign W atch Yeo’s window. 299-tl acquired an aged white rooster whil? 'F lth o u t repeated quarrels and even Something new it Teo’s window. in quest of ducks last Sunday at the se rio u s altercations, but th e mem­ 299-tl Bernes ranch near Phoenix. Mr. Portland A rrival— A rthur Spencer, new arrival from b e rs of the Old South Road company Provost was accompanied by Pre 1 Portland, who has accepted a posi­ bore together the trials and p riv a­ V isit P ortland Friends— Neil and A. C. Ninfnger. T!:~ entir? tion as organ player at the Vining tio n s of the expedition with a ‘for­ Mr. and Mrs. B. O. W allsten are party was about to retu r with?u- theater, has rented apartm ents in the giving and forbearing* spirit, and spending a week’s visit with friends hunting laurels of anv kinu when Allen block in preparation for the , th e ir m utual burdens and the dan­ a t Portland. Mr. Bernes sighted a larp° and coming of Mrs. Spencer and two chil­ gers to which they were exposed con­ rheum atic-appearing rot •»♦» ■- sun­ dren, who will arrive in Ashland tin u ally developed and strengthened Suits pressed for 50 cents. John ning him self on r. nearly ience. t'heir friendship. A reunion of them. within the next few days. Maly, tailor, Pell building, Plaza. Grabbing a gun from o. the V/ere such a thing practicable, would hunting party, Mr. Bernes k ’. u the Crater Lake Trip— Woolens for men and women sold l>e a season of peculiar joy, one to fowl and tendered it to Mr. Provost Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orres, Miss with considerable ceremony. Al­ by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf’ be rem em bered by the veteran su r­ vivors with pleasure until they, too, Cora E. Baldwin, B. Roselle and C. though the rooster was accepted by shall pass away into the great un­ Wilson were Sunday visitors at Cra­ Mr. Provost, other members of the McCloud V is ito r - know n.” Guy Ackley, employe of the M c­ te r lake. The party made the round party claim th at the rooster is “ no Since the account of the road ex­ Cloud River Lum ber company, i s trip in one day. m ore.” pedition was w ritten, all members spending a few days with his famil y NOTICB before retu rn in g to the lum ber cam ii. of the party have passed into “ the I Smoke American Bÿgle cigars. great unknow n.” But th eir mem- i Piano instruction in your home. Made in Ashland. 245 F ourth St. ory should be kept green by those ■ Call up C. S. Mitchell when you de­ M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, HoU)l 16-lmo* sire a bookkeeper, stenographer, i Ashland Grill. 27-13 pianist or piano instructor. 39-3 V isits P arent»— PAGE FIVE “ She possesses all the qualifications th a t go to make a pleasing entertainm ent, m aking her character walk and talk before you. with a distinctive personality.” “ To hear her in th e delineation o f character is an event th at is ever gratefully treasured in one’s memory.” Used Car B argain s 1920 Hudson speedster in perfect condition, price $1650.00. Overland Four touring car used o n l y three months, good as new price $650.00. One Stoddard roadster in good running order. A bargain, price $150. One good Ford bug, spe­ cial body, price $290. One Oakland Six tour­ ing car, price $550. Monthly payment« if de­ sired. B u s y C orner M otor Co. Main at Riverside, Medford, Oregon ' FOR RENT— Vista apartm ents, com- i pletely furnished; close in; price 1 reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- dine. Phone 122. 38-tf WANT ED. WANTED— Small im proved m oun­ tain ranch; m ust have w ater; give particulars first letter. Box A-8. Tidings. 36-7* Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Did you ever try to save a m in­ ute by not stopping to read a guide post on a strange road, and then spend hours finding your way back to your original route? Exasperating? Yes, but th a t’s nothing to what It will be if you try to “ save” a few dollars by driving without Travelers’ Automobile Insurance •—and then have an accident. Every dollar you “ saved” by failing to insure may cost you a hundred when it comes to settling the damage claims. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE E stablished 1888 PI io m 211 41 E. Main St.