PAGE TWO Ashland THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tidings A TOURIST HOTEL FO R A S H L A N D ! mediately opposite, and were power- had a splendid view of the Rogue cease our vigilance, for the Indian« of hum anity— the only compensation returned in safety to their homes ---------- ! less to render us any assistance. The River valley, which is described as continually hovered about us, seek to the builders was a consciousness except Henry BoyguB, a brave and Established 1876. M. C. Ree<4 certainly started the bodies of the drowned* were never a great meadow interspersed with ing for advantage. By the tim e we of duty nobly done. handsome youth, who was probably Published Every Evening Except ball rolling with his article, ‘ One recovered, though we offered a re­ groves of oaks, which appeared like h a d worked our way through the Sunday (Continued on Page Thre^j n tin g Thou Lackest. Last night ward to the Indians, who searched vast orchards. THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. m ountains to the Rogue River valley,. All the members of this road party a t a m eeting of business men the the river for months. We reached As they m ade th eir way through j and tlxeD through the Grave Creek OFFICIAL (.TTY A N D <1.00 and howling winds, brought sadness Then our labors became quite ard u ­ over this old south road— or, as It The F irst National is in a position Obituaries, the line ......................2% c to offer the finest kind of hanking ♦ PU BLIC FORUM > US‘ 1 nder tl* ae sad reflections ous. Every day we kept guard over was usually called, “ the old Immi­ F raternal Orders and S ocieties service. J w e resolved, if we rem ained in the the horses while we worked the grant road.” Advertising for fratern al orders or societies charging a regular initi­ country, to find a b etter way for road, and at night we dared not The road was free to all. a work ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ others who m ight wish to em igrate, By S. PATTERSON ligious and benevolent orders will be Closing the spigot and letting it as soon as we could possibly afford charged the regular rate for all a d ­ vertising when an admission or other run at the bunghole. You will often the time. charge Is made. “. . . So, in 1846, a fte r m aking hear the rem ark th a t the C reator has arrangem ents fhr the subsistence of doue wonders to help beautify the W hat C onstitutes A d vertisin g our families during our absence, we city of Ashland. He gave us the In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Ashland Oregon ing among some as to w hat consti­ w ater and placed it up on a high organized a company to undertake tutes news and what advertising, m ountain, built us a reservoir to the enterprise, composed as follows: we print this very simple rule, which is used by newspapers to differenti­ hold it. Some of our citizens think Levi Scott, Henry Boygus, Jesse Ap­ John Owens, he ------- didn’t finish the — job. They want ------------- .. uut . - plegate, — - ----» R obert Smith, ate between them : “ ALL future -- He gave an exam ple in folly which anybody events, where an admission charge it cem ented in and a pipe line la id ! Moses H arris, Benit Osborn, John can understand. is made or a collection is taken 19 tq it. Right here I want to explain I Scott, Lindsay Applegate, Beujamix ADVERTISING.” \This applies to organizations and societies of every why I think we are pursuing the Birch, John Jones, Samuel Goodhue, It isn’t so easy, however, to sense the mistake wrong course. We have a w ater sys- David Goff, W illiam Sportsm an and kind as well as to individuals. of trying to build the body on foods which lack All reports of such activities after tem th a t has always paid for itself > William Parker. essential nourishment. they have occurred Is news. and m aintenance, even before the i ‘Each man had his pack horse and All coming social or organization Here, again, is a foundation of sand which meetings of societies where no rate was raised above $8 per a c ie ! sadd^e horse, m aking th irty anim als gives ’way when the test comes. money contribution is solicited, in iti­ for irrigating. No reason th a t i t ! to guard and take care of. A portion Scratch Feed alone will not make liens lay. You will save ation charged, or collecton taken IS shouldn’t now, if properly handled.I of the country we proposed to trav- Many a food that tastes good lacfeo honesty NEWS. money and get more eggs hv feeding 1 don’t like to criticize our council, ' erse was a t th a t time m arked the of nourishm ent to equal its taste. T h u s It tem pts as I know its task is a thankless job, I niaP ‘unexplored region.’ . . . The We make all quotations on KERR’S EGG PRODUCER the appetite into mistakes that often are costly. JOB WORK as I served in th a t capacity for two ^dea ° fopening a wagon road from With years. At th a t tim e there was no through such a coutnry at th a t time G rape-N uts is a food which helps build bodily THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST was counted as preposterous. KERR’S SCRATCH FEED compensation for our services. I endurance for life’s stress and storm. The full Same prices— reasonable price— “ . . .One thing which had much was on the board when our city hall to all nourishm ent of wheat and malted barley, together K E R R ’S F eeds are all food. G uaranteed ahaoluudy free froiu was built and know som ething of influence with us was the fact th a t w ith the vital mineral salts so necessary to bone cheap by-product« and undesirable ingredient». Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, the question as to which power, structure and red blood corpuscles, w ith phos­ Postoffice as Second-claBs Mall Mat­ what a councilman has to contend Kerr’s Egg Producer is a mash feed which contains all of with. We were cussed and dis­ G reat Britain or the United States, phates for the brain, is retained in Grape-Nuts. ter. would eventually sedure title to the cussed. But we didn’t spend the T he long baking process by which G rape-N uts is the elements for high and sustained egg production. Feed people's money until we first got country, was ont settled, and in case made gives the food a natural sw eetness and an it to your flock and make every hen lay, her full quota of unusual ease of digestibility and assimilation. Oh, what w ithout youth, their consent. Give us a square deal a war should occur and B ritain prove eggs. Would love be?— what would <#> and I will assure you th a t th ere will successful, it was im portant to have Served w ith cream or milk, G rape-N uts is For Sale by a way by which we could leave the youtti he w ithout love? * be no criticism from this quarter. fully nourishing, and w hether eaten as a cereal at « — Byron. What some of us want to know is country w ithout running the g au n t­ breakfast or lunch, or made into a pudding for why the city would go to the expense let of the Hudson Bay company’s dinner. G rape-N uts has a particular delight for of an election and then ignore the forts and falling a prey to Indian the appetite. Sold by grocers. J . N. DENNIS Ashland should advertise itself wishes of the m ajority vote entirely. tribes, which were under British in­ 353 East Main Phone 214 constantly and effectively before the We d id n 't ask to have some $7,000 fluence’’ On the morning of the 20th of world. And when tourists, home- or $8,000 taken out of the w ater We Supply A ll Your Needs in Dairy and P oultry F<* c <1 h . seekers and investors come, give fund to buy m eters th a t have been June, 1846, the expedition was “There’s a Reason” them hospitable welcome and also of no benefit w hatever tow ard in­ 1 under way On the m orning of June ; 29 they passed over a low range of give them fair treatm ent. Boostful creasing our w ater supply. If our population increases as we i hills from the sum m it of which they advertising will he in vain if those who come are not treated equitably all hope it will, it is going to take ORDER YOUR * more water. Why not begin now to and considerately. build for the future instead of pay­ Harry Thaw's name does not ap­ ing out our n^oney for som ething pear in the news dispatches any th at will be throw n in the ju n k in more. And yet th ere are persons a few years? It is w orking a hard­ fcii who can find nothing for which to ship on the parties who are trying to dig a living out of the soil. be thankful. If we didn't have this w ater or The fact th a t women are to par­ had to tax ourselves to pay for this ticipate in the disarm am ent confer­ improvement, there would be some » • how ence creates the expectation th at sense in economizing. There is another bond electio n ; there will be nothing secret about called. Would it be any wonder if its proceedings. Winter is coming—prices are night. Supply may he lim­ the electors turned it down? How ited later, as shipments from factory have already A hard-boiled cynic says th a t m at­ do they know they will get what they rimony is a gamble and th a t often ask for? W hat argum ent would you! stopped. the dice are “ loaded.” But who give to a prospective buyer if hei should ask you if you had w ater toj minds w hat a cynic says? properly irrig ate your tract of land? Would you tell him “ Yes, we have ASHLAND MAN BUYS the w ater, but can’t get it” ? H ow ! LARGE DAIRY FARM are you going to answ er his next I PHONE 20 NEAR GRANTS PASS question, “ W hy?” I read an article in the newspaper i C. W. Lymau, 1023 E ast Main by F. L. N utter on dry farm ing. I street, completed negotiations yester­ have no reason to doubt his state-! day for the purchase of the River­ ments, but I can show you a dozen bend farm s, 105-acre dairy farm different kinds of soil here in Ash-1 And, for a fact, rolling Talking a lo u t rolling eleven miles below G rants Pass on land. Each one will require differ the Crescent City road, for $22,000. up Prince Albert is mighty your own cigarettes, we’ll i ent treatm ent to get the best results. The property was sold by Edw ard L. easy! P. A. is crimp cut and tell you right here that If the soil doesn’t require the , Schmidt, form er owner, through the water, why is it this nation is'spend- > P r in e e A lb a r t i t stays put and you whisk it Prince Albert tobacco has agency of E. E. Phipps, local realty to ld in to p p y rod ing millions of dollars all over the bags, tid y rod tin t, into shape before you can dealer. ’em all lashed to the mast! h a n d to m o p o u n d western states for irrigation projects and half pound tin Mr. Lyman expects to take Imme­ hum idort and in tho and sending out statem ents th a t the You’ve got a handful-of- count three! And, the next diate possession an d will move to the pound crysta l g la tt instant you’re puffing away w ater has increased the yield of the; h u m i d o r w ith happiness coming your di­ farm with his children this week. tp o n g o m oittonor crops and the price of the land four­ to beat the band! tap. rection when you pal it with fold? Eighty men out of every hundred Prince Albert is so good P . A. and the m akin’s are dependents at sixty years of age. FO R SALE A. G. ADAMS P First Bank The foolish man nssho built his house on the sand— POUTRYMEN Feed More Mash Ashland Feed & Grocery Grape-Nuts—the Body Builder B lock W ood Prince Albert’s a new note in the joys of rolling ’em î ASHLAND LUMBER CO. The "In’’ in Independent ONE DOLLAR ANNUAL DUES IN THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MAKES YOU A PARTICIPANT IN RELIEF WORK FOR .THE HELPLESS THAT h IIRDLES THE GLOBE. ANSWER THE ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. SOUTHERN OREGON’S FIRST ROAD (Continued from Page 1) -saving the women and children, from sharing the same fate. It was a scene painful beyond description. We dare not go to th eir assistance w ithout exposing the occupants of the other boats to certain destruc­ tion, while those persons were stru g ­ gling for life in the surging waters. The whole scene was witnessed by General Frem ont and his company of explorers, who were camped 1m- papers! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in its refreshing aroma, but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It’s the g rea test old buddy- smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette! ¡» ringe A lbert lAa futftoiurf /oy «mota P utting a little in the bank each week is what makes the difference between dependent and INdepen- dent. . , The Citizens Bank A shland, Oregon Copyright 1921 by R- J. Reyno!«» Tobacco Co. WkMtua-SaUa, N. C, '