IF a SHLAND climate, without the * * aid of medicine, curea nine casea out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ALARIA germs cannot survive 1 * three months in the rich osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. * (International News Wire Service) V O L U M fc 3 CBuccesaor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1921 NO. 41 2 DEE WHEN CAR LEAPS ASTORIA BRIDGE OF CO. PREPARE FOR R. R. STRIKE California Fines K. Falls Hunters Over Deer Killing ss & Cash Bonus For Hotel Construction Planned College Degrees To Be Common As Motor Cars TRAGIC END; 2 BADLY INJURED ; ! «> KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. <$>j 19-— F irst news o t fines levied ♦ ( UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, >( ♦ < s > Eugene, Oct. 19.— Will college « upon Oregon hunters for al- degrees ever become as com- <9 j ♦ leged attem pts to carry game <» ; mon as motor car licenses? ! out of California has reached <•> ♦ One serious worker in the < $ > ! here in the announcem ent of <9 field of education thinks so. <9 Bert Franklyn and Jam es Ste- KLAMATH FALLS AND ASHLAND j “ 9 He is Colin V. Dyment, dean of €> ’ venson, of M errill, th at they 4>‘ POSTM ASTERS HOLD CO NFER­ ¡<8>the college of literature, sci- <•> RACING MACHINE FALLS FROM ♦ were arrested recently by a ENCE OVER THE ESTABLISH­ » ence and the a rts at the Uni- <9t <£ Siskiyou county game warden RAISED DRAWBRIDGE AT AS­ M ENT O F AUTOMOBILE MAIL ♦ and fined $50 each in the jus- ♦ | <9 versity of Oregon. “The day TORIA; TWO UNKNOWN MEN <î> is not far aw ay,” he predicts, Q> SERVICE. tice court at Dorris, Calif. <$> By ALICE C. SARGENT BELIEVED TO BE PINNED UN- <9> “ when a college education will The men said they had killed a buck apiece and were pre- <5> ♦ «, i f c* îation of an approxim ate cash bonus fund to be offered ¡iy economy as an a i.tn m n h iie. < 3 > paring to move to another < •> to a builder or builders of a modern hotel to care for A shland’s tourist ï „ \ ® X autom obile ♦ railroad employes scheduled to take I am w riting this article in the -$ > hunting ground in the Califor- < S > trad e were form ulated at th e semi-monthly get-together “ talk fest” m e e t-¡ now I8‘ ® effect October 30, threatening to hope th at the people of southern Ore­ ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 19.— W ith two of commerce a t the Chautauqua Pioneer hall y e ste rd a y ‘s “ Why n o t?” he asks, ‘since, <9 em barrass the United States mail <$ nia forest, hoping to get the <$> gon, and the Rogue River valley in ing of the cham ber _ _ ________ evening. The suggestion of A. C. Nininger to offer a bonus was evolved exclusive of time. they cost <9 of their party believed to be drowned service, preparations are being made limit, one more each. They particular, may become interested in m aterial and tangible action when H. G. Enders, Sr., proprietor o ' : <9 nearly the s a m e ’ and pinned under the wreckage of had their deer packed in their ♦ by postm asters of Jackson county to . -----w ouuovituc f i.t iu u as a u o u a u o n io sucn «“<=•> I ♦ learning som ething o t the history "I th in k ,’’ he continues, bottom o( the a fund, provided th a t definite action for the construction of the hotel was ’ m aintain the same standard of mail autom obile when Game W ar- the firts road through this valley. . - . Lewis and Clark river near here, we should begin now looking <9 taken “ before I ’m dead, and I don’t expect to live more than 100 years.’’ den Miller came along, they <$> delivery service to all southern Ore­ The only account of this hazard­ <8> ahead to the day when three- <9 H arry Ewing, 32, and Miss Pearl Following a ta lk by Mr. E n d ers' gon cities. said, and the warden took this <•> ous undertaking was w ritten by quarters of all the high school «9 Hutchinson, 25, caretaker of the W. A. Dalzell, Klam ath Falls post­ <$> as prim a facie evidence th a t Lindsay Applegate, one of th e organ­ urging more action and less talk in seniors in Oregon will go on to <9 vel tavern, are in the hospital here they intended to retu rn to Ore- <•» m aster and a member of the box fac­ accomplishing bigger things for Ash­ izers of the expedition, some years today suffering from painful in ju r­ <9 college.’’ tory city’s delegation to the south­ •> gon. They paid the fines under ies. after the completion of the work. land, John H. Fuller, secretary of the said. ern Oregon cham bers of commerce ® protest, a they A In order th at all who read this cham ber of commerce, made a sim i­ The Becond woman in the party, < 8 > < $ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ilttle sketch conference here yesterdby, conferred believed to be Mary Davis, proprie­ may understand the lar offer of $500. w ith E. J. Kaiser, local postm aster, motives which induced this little tress of the Astoria rooming house, as to the possibilities of m aintaining The m atter of raising the bonus, was only slightly bruised when the body of men to undertake this dan­ a mail service over the Ashland- gerous work, I shall quote from the which, according to the expressed automobile in which the five were K lam ath Falls route in case the rail­ ! riding plunged through the open m anuscript w ritten by Lindsay Ap­ opinion of those present should total road strik e should result in a fight plegate: draw of the bridge into the river at $50,000, will be taken-up a t a special to a finish. Ashland is the most 5 o’clock this morning. The car “ . . Our im m igration of 1843, be­ cham ber of commerce luncheou to feasible route for such service in was traveling at a high rate of speed ing the largest that had ever crossed case the W eed-Klamath Falls rail­ be given at an early date, in accord­ in a heavy fog at the time of the ac­ the plains, our progress was neces­ road is unable to operate. The strilce ance with the adoption of a resolu­ cident. sarily slow, having to hunt out is expected to be very serious over The steam er Coquille, for which passes for our wagons over rivers, tion to th a t effect at last n ig h t’s th a t route, as the Shasta division Shorthorn — Bull, 3 years a n d ; ^be draw bridge had been opened, creeks, deep gullies, digging down meeting. is one of the strongest organized In evolving the bonus solution to the banks where nothing but a pack over, first premium, 010; second rescued Ewing, Miss Hutchinson and labor divisions in the United States, A shland’s hotel problem, the opin-i premium, $5; third, ribbon. Bull, 2 the other woman, but could not find trail had been before, cutting our all the various brotherhoods having • Pede9tr>ans are daily and nightly ion was expressed th at difficulty i years and over, first, $10; second, any trace of the other two men who way through the dense forests before m aintained well-established organ- risking th eir lives on the state high- would be encountered to raising j $5; third, ribbon. Bull, 1 year and J were !n the machine. Neither Ewing we could reach the valley of the Co­ izations ever since the division was way and county roads, asserts J. J. enough local capital to build a first-! ¡o v e r, firs t, $10: second, $5; third, nor Miss Hutchinson can bo induced created several years ago. j McMahon, state traffic inspector and lumbia, and then _it appeared as class hotel by stock-selling methods. There is some yea! kick in the ribbon. Calf, first, $10; second, $ 5 ; i to g*ve ^be names of their compan- though our g reatest troubles had The present tem porary sta r route { torm er Jackson county deputy sher- It was stated th a t the practical way •' article by M. C. Reed, ‘One Thing third, ribbon. Cow, 4 years and 1 ions. service between A shland and K lam -1 iff’ wbo bas been operating in Ash- begun, for here we had to encounter of carrying such a plan to completion Thou Lackest,” which was printed It is believed the drowned men over, first, $10; second, $5; third, cataracts and falls of the Columbia ath Falls was established three years: land during tbe past two days, was the offering of sufficient induce-: in The Tidings the other day. It ribbon. Three years and undbr, first, were Joe Corrigan ,of W arrenton, and the broad an d lofty Cascades, ago and covers daily newspapers and! n atu ra l habit of keeping to ment to encourage outside capital-: is absolutely true th a t the one $10; second, $5; third, ribbon. an d George Hickle, Astoria, driver with th eir heavy forests. letters only from trains 53, 14 and , tbe rig b t’’ says McMahon, “ when ists. thing Ashland lacks is a real to u r­ Heifer, 2 years and under, first, $10: ! of the car- The f>ve men had been “ At F ort W alla W alla, on the 12. All other mail goes in by way walking on the road is all wrong. Discussion of the hotel situation! ist hotel, and sanitarium facilities second. $5; third, ribbon. Calf, 6 1a t a "P a rty ” at the Flavel tavern. banks of the Columbia river, with Of Weed. It is carried from April to Pedestrians should face the traffic followed an address on “ Advertis-J to properly utilize her mineral I months and under, first, $10; s e c - i -------------- --------------- our team s about exhausted, we were November 1 by Charles B. H ow ard’s by walking on the left side of ing” by Bert Moses and was? oc-' w aters for scientific bath pur­ ond. $5; third, ribbon. any advised to leave our wagons and ani- auto stage line. Klam ath Falls is a vehicle-traveled thoroughfare and , 1 mals over w inter at th a t p i,ce in the Ashland spent a large Herd— Cow, bull, heifer, calf, | r » t , " T “ i r “ *” WFitten • poses. very im portant office in itself and avoid being struck by oncomingj care of tll, ilu d , on Bav comnanv J b>.M- C tt*ed aad Published in The sum of money mobilizing her m in­ first, $15; second, $10; third, $5. A In addition is the gateway for all the autos from tbe r«a r - H ikers can see, nnrfinn t . ud , -on Bay „ co/npany. s The general opinion was eral w aters for such purpose and H ereford— Same as above. m ail service throughout K lam ath approaching vehicles. but are run , | ‘ E *J m m lgra,lts’ including that larger and more modern ac­ developing her beautiful canyon Aberdeen— Same as above. county and part of southern L a k e ' ning a great r,sk wben they tru st to "° ™ and my commodations were needed to care I anc* while great benefit is being Red Polled— Same as above. county. Should the postoffice de- the vision of auto drivers approach- own, accepted the proposition, pro­ for the increasing to u rist travel derived from the auto camp and viding we could procure boats in Daii*y Rrc*eds partm ent, in case of this emergency, j ing. tbem from behind. This is es- (through Ashland- Mr. Reed stated park, the project will never reach 1 which to descend the river, as it was Holstein Bull. 3 years and over, a d jp t this plan of getting the mail pecial|y tru e at night, when the J . WILLIAMSBURG, Va.. Oct. 19.— th at Ashland had reached the apex its ultim ate fruition until Ashland first, $10 supposed we might procure them Two years ^ e J H r ^ $ i 0 ^ i W ll,ia m 8 b ^ lights of a car light up the to K lam ath Falls, it would require Way for only a short dl'X noo where ” B- in encouraging this class of travel,! acquires these two essential im­ to welcome President Harding, who a large am ount of trucking for tbe ond. $5; third, ribbon, One year arrived here with his party to make der these considerations we made but had failed to build th e apex in provements. So far the spirit the road has many tu rn s.” parX*l pbst, magazines and cata­ the form of an adequate hotel. has been, “ Let George do it,” but and over, first. Inspector McMahon states th a t a rra " gement3 witb the 3aId company second’ *5; «the principal address at the William logues. Bert Moses urged th a t the city that has not brought the results. third, ribbon. --- • — --------- auu,rsa ine w m tam proper attention is not given by Ash 7 ° f th ® latt6r through •ibi ,n SeC 3nd Mary co,Iege during the inaugu- If the railroad strike actually takes advertise itself more extensively by The people of Ashland m ust do it, ond. $5; third, ribbon. Q , bb C° W’ 4 years ration of Dr. J. A. C Chandler as place and no mail trains should be land auto drivers to the speed limit ? * W,nt*r - We fai,ed in our efforts use of literatu re, road signs and or. at least, help to do it, or it laws. Drivers, he said, are lax in to f btain boats’ HavinS a whipsaw th ird ° Vihh St\ $1° : 8eC° nd’ $5; PresideHt ot ^H ege. able to operate, it is believed th a t other means of publicity. He sug­ will never be accomplished. I j and other tools with us, we hunted der. first. ° n*in ^ L ear! ? nd. Un; “ The col,ege stad «nt of America the postoffice departm ent would un­ observing th e twelve-mile lim it past , logs from the masses of d rift wood gested small booklets th a t could be think th a t is the one essential $10; second, $5; third, is living too fast. There’s not enough doubtedly inaugurate an inter-city schools, a law which, he says, calls- lodged along the river banks, hewed mailed with all outgoing correspon­ thing to the future prosperity of ribbon. Heifer, 2 years and under, for strict enforcem ent. The state of plain living and high thinking delivery service by motor cars and dence of a social and business na­ the city The full force of the first, $10; second, $5; third, ribbon. them out, sawed them into lum ber among his kind,” was the warning trucks throughout the state to han­ law fixes the speed lim it in all Ore­ ture. local citizenship should be put Heifer, 2 years and under, first, $10; and built boats, and with our fam i­ dle local mail. The Pacific highway gon cities a t twelve miles an hour forward to th a t end No better second, $5; third, ribbon. Calf, 6 sounded by the president in. his a d ­ lies and th e contents of our wagons, dress. and a thirty-m ile lim it on the state would be a great aid in operating accomplishment could be imag­ months, first, $10; second, $5; third, commenced the descent of the river. highway. President H arding also made a such a service. ined The Tidings would like to ribbon. Dr. W hitm an procured us the serv­ Lights m ust be dimmed at night,” , Plea for more and better teachers in The Southern Pacific has 4,600 publish other constructive a rti­ Jerseys— Same as above. ices of two Indians to act as pilots states McMahon, “ when passing colleges and greater generosity in employes in Oregon, practically all cles on the subject written by Guernseys— Same as above. to The Dalles. From there we other machines at night. The state fixing their salaries. He stated th a t of whom are members of the four citizens who want to see Ashland Ayrsliire8— Same as above. thought we would have but little! laws do not recognize patented dim­ ¡th e country is facing an educational great railroad brotherhoods. progress HAZ KIK. Milking Shorthorns — Same a s ! crisis. trouble by m aking a portage at the! Local fru it shippers have received mers of any so rt.” above. THe following offenders were a r­ Cascades. We did well until we i The American troops on the Rhine notice th a t the Santa Fe railroad Livestock Specials reached The Dalles, a series of falls p u i p . p a „ j DEATH TAKES IDAHO j will not be withdrawn immediately will not guarantee shipm ents to the rested by McMahon for violation of For the best beef animal (any; as the result of the ratification of and cataracts. Just above the Cas­ , ’ 1 " O ct I n the . woman , daughter east a fte r October 20. This will not the state traffic laws: ° ' ‘ 5e !>">•■>««’ • o p OREGON PIO N E E R 1 breed), first, $15; second, $10; the German, peace treaty, it was Harold Porter, non-operator’s cade m ountains one of our boats, in terfere with local shipm ents seri­ third, $5. license, fU ed $8.50; George Xlingle. containing six persons, was caught of the differences between the rail­ i learned here from members of Presi- ously, however. For the heaviest milk cow (any dent H arding’s party, who arrived of Medford, arresteC *Jr speeding, in one of those terrible whirlpools roads and the “big four” brother­ COUNCIL, Idaho, Oct. 5.— Mrs. breed J, first, $15; second, $10; , here today. fined $18.50; June Leavell, of Med­ and upset. My son W arren, 10 years hoods, issues that resulted in the Aliena McCall, who died at the age third, $5. ford, exceeding speed lim it passing old; my b rother Jesse’s son Edw ard, issuance of a strike order of railroad “It’s a matter for the state depart­ of 67, was bom In Yoncalla county, Sheep Division school, fined $8.50; A. C. W ilhite same age, and a man by the name employes October 30 by the brother­ the eleventh child of Jesse Apple- ment to decide,” said Secretary of Cotswold Ram, 2 years and over, W ar Weeks “hiit w t using license taken from motor of McClellan, who was a member of hoods, a new menace to the peace­ gate, who, with his r.rsf SK- two brothers, 1 first, $5 second, on $2.50; ............ third «*. 12 w ai 1 weeks, but „ if I were were prediet- pre truck, fined $30; F. o. Hazer, w ith­ my family, were lost. The other ful settlement of the labor problem crossed the plains in an . tj — . t ’ in ira - ** |in g , I would predict th a t the A uner- 1 ox wagon in Ram, 1 year an d over, first 15- w «> ... 1 ine A out operator’s license, fined $8.50; three, who escaped, were left to appeared today. over ea ,o M a„,o end. , , 50: , h „ ,l, , , As the leaders or the rap ma d 1843. She was married struggle the best they could until M. H. Palm er, operating a truck for some time American J at Wilbur, Or., and after Hrst, $5; second, $2.50; third. $2. ye:.' the Ashland Lum ebr company, fined we made the land with the other unions affiliated with the? ________ Federation ot Labor assembled h ere' IiVing some time *n Portland, moved Ewe, 2 years and over, first, $5; UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu­ L ? ' E ’ G unter- n° tail light, boats. Leaving the women and chil­ VORKTriwv xr z-. gene, Oct. 19.— The library of tne fined $10; Paul Held, no tail light, dren on shore while we rushed to to determine their attitudsr toward to Ashland, where McCall died. M rs.1 second, $2.50; m ira, >z. Ewe II McCall moved to Council about seven year or over, first, $5; second $2 50- i tim a », - - a - Oct. 19.— “The the rescue, it was only with the the strike question, it wan openly-de­ U niversity of Oregno receives ninety- fined $10; L. B. McWilliams, using ago. ¡third. $2. Ewe lamb f ^ t $5 “ U9t b* five daily and weekly newspapers of an. auto trailer w ithout a tall light, greatest effort th a t we were able to clared that the labor board would She is survived by two sons and ( ond. $2.50; third, $2. ’ recognin ° " of the essentialness of ’ keep our boats from sharing the have to settle with the Pedatattan three daughters— Miss Lillian, G. L. j Shropshires— Same as above th e state. These are kept on file in fined $15. ! ‘J“ 0"* nations’ and I same fate. W illiam Doake, a young of Labor unions Independently of a special room, which is daily crowd­ McCall, of Council, with whom s h e ! Ram bouillets— Same as above ? tb e™ ” devoted in ,ts own ; man who could not swim, held on to any adjustment that migh be made ed with students seeking • home AUTO TRUCK TURNS OVER Any other b re e d -S a m e as above ti0Da’ way ‘b* common a feather bed until overtaken and with the brotherhoods. Unless this made her home; Mrs. Lewis Pankey, ■ tow n” news. No works of fiction, Goats— Angora buck, 2 years and Progresa and the advancement GRANTS PASS, Or., Oct. 1 9 __! rescued. W. P ark er and my son is done, it was strongly intimated, of Prospect, Or.; Mrs. Muriel N eeley,! no magazines, can com pare in popu­ of Ashland, and J. A. McCall, of over, first, $5; second, $2.50- third I o hnm ank,nd ” la rity with what the Oregon editors While driving a truck carrying two! EH8ha’ the" 12 yearS ° ld’ a fte r d rift' the federation unions may decide ribbon. Buck, 1 year and ’ u n X r ' S“ Chw a8 tbe of a speech Redwood, Calif. and reporters write. At the end of calves. George Stricker, of Althouse lng tbrough whirlpools among crag- upon an independent strike. ------------ first, $5; second. $2.50; third, r i b - '“““ 1* Pres,dent H ard«n« when he each year the papers are bound and about thirty-five miles from here’ ged rocks for more than a mile, res­ Buck under 1 year, first, $5 J ^ ad® a brief st°P here w bpe en route Many sawmills and logging lands bon. HAZELTOWN. Pa.. Oct. 19.— In kept perm anently on file in the glanced back at his charges. While cued themselves by catching hold of 1 to W iliamsburg to pay his respects are on the delinquent tax rolls. second. $2.50; third, ribbon library. In many instances scholars h 8 eyes were 0 « the road the truck a large rock a few feet above w ater preparation for the scheduled labor 12 year sand over, first. $6; second, [to those heroic soldiers of W ashing­ of Rock island At the strike to begin on its lines Novem­ engaged in research have found plunged over the bank, making a ' “ at 1 the l" e head neaQ 01 KOCK 1S,and- Portland building perm its are 45 j $2.50; third, ribbon. One year and ton who here turned the tide of de­ these big gray volumes of great complete tu rn and coming to rest Ume ° f th e disaster H was utterly ber 1, the Lehigh Valley Railroad per cent .ahead of last year. right side up. b impossible to render them any as­ company began advertising today for over, first, $5; second, $2.50; third, feat into victory during the Amer value. ribbon. Young, first, $5; second, ican revolution in the battle of York Though the truck was badly bat­ sistance, for it was only with the men to replace those who will strike. North Bend insurance rates town. $2.50; third, ribbod. Seaside votes Octover IS on erect­ tered and Stricker bruised, neither greatest skill th a t we succeeded in Assurances are given that the posi­ duced 10 per cent. Although declaring for co-opera­ tions of the new men will ba perma­ Milk Goats— Toggenburg ing $70,000 school building. of the calves received a scratch. tion among the nations, the president (Continued from page 2.) nent. Hubbard— New store opana. (Continued on Page 4) warned against “ world sovereignty." Southern Oregon’s $2000 Offered Toward $50,000 First Road Fund At C. of C. Meeting H a z TÇik SPEED COPS MAKE MEN OFFER Harding Asserts American College Life Is Too Fast Union Split Is New Menace In Strike Problem Home Papers Popular W ith U . oí 0 . Students