I Monday. October 17, 192Î ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS SIDES, according to our judgm ent, were introduced by the secretary of 1 COUNTY INSTITUTE he is lame in many essential respects the respective cham bers of com-i HAS ATTENDANCE OF 21S TEACHERS in the im portant elem ents of tra in ­ merce. Introductions were followed i ing and tem peram ent for such work, by speeches from the president of t h e ' Local and Personal and will never become an effective commercial club body. G rants Pass (.Continued from Page 1) community leader. Ashland needs was represented by George C. Sabin, the"- teachers’ in stitute, which will f i t . , ............ .............. — side L ig h ts----------------- — continue tomorrow. Regular class the most efficient prom otion from a K lam ath Falls by E. E. Hall, Med­ cham ber of commerce and she can­ ford by Ben C. Sheldon and Ashland work will be resumed Thursday. ASHLAND’S BOOMING MASONIC CALENDAR Among other m atters to be con- not get it under the present arran g e­ by Henry Enders. If you had brought into your store The speakers reiterated plans an­ E astern Star regular m eeting I the furnishings of tw enty rooms o n , sidered a t the institute are. Tenure ment. nounced at the m orning session a t ! T h at’s why we insist tjiat F u ller is Tuesday evening, October 18. top of a pretty well-assorted stock, of office, living accommodations, C hautauqua Pioneer hall this a fte r-, Malta commandery, K. T., stated and had disposed of most of it in a teachers’ councils and the placement not the man for the place. We have no favored candidate for the place; noon. Each speaker dwelt on the, conclave W ednesday evening, Octo- little over a month, you would think j of teachers. possibilities of to u rist trade ini ber IS. W ork in Red Cross also. so yourself. Four, weeks ago o u r 1 Three Jackson county delegates to we Just want the cham ber to effect­ southern Oregon. R epresentative i SiBklyou chapter, R. A.‘ M., stated i store was chockful and it looked as attend the state convention of teach- ively function. Sheldon was urgent in his plea t h a t , convocatlon Thursday evening, Oc- though it would take an age to get j ers a t P ortland during the la tte r part advertising, and ‘ lots of it,” should' tober 20. Also work Royal Arch, back to normal. Today we are all ¡of December will be elected at the CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE be resorted to in establishing south- OF SOUTHERN OREGON Lunch a t 6:30 sharp, preceding rou­ ready for another Alpha hotel, but, institute. The delegates will repre­ ern Oregon as a mecca for to u rls ti: i failing that, we will buy anything sent the county interests and will be EFFECT CONSOLIDATION tine session. The advertising, he urged, should j you may have to dispose of, from a guided by the decisions made here build upon the entire section a n d ’ stove, sanitary cot, etc., to a house­ regarding issues expected to come up (Continued from ra g e 1) Takes ( ’luirge o f M arket—— should not be resorted to for th e| a t the state meeting. Jack Barnthouse has taken charge i ful. We will pay you all they are cific, which company makes a busi­ boosting of a few places. Ring of the meat departm ent of the Plaza w orth— and more, perhaps. ness of studying th e things which The luncheon ended with a series up 175, The Bazaar, on the Plaza. D. A. R. CHAPTERS m arket. Ben Howe will continue t o , a ttra c t visitors, have told our peo­ of after-dinner stories, told over the PLAN DEDICATION 39-11 preside at the counter. ple th a t in this p art of the state we coffee cups and between puffs of OF MARKER FRIDAY have a wealth of beauty spots not cigars. It is estim ated th a t the lunch­ We serve the best of coffee a t all, elsewhere equaled. They point to eon was attended by at least 100 out- Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t! (Continued from Page 1) the wonderful redwood forests along of-town guests and* local members of 36-tf early history of the state are espe­ the coast below Crescent City, the the cham ber of commerce. Early We do catering to private parties. cially requested by the D. A. R. to beaches along the Pacific, the moun­ this afternoon Drop into the salvage store and the out-of-town 38-6t attend. Mrs. Gordon MacCracken tains to the east of u*s, th e beautiful guests, members of the cham bers of look over th e stock; sure to be som e­ Nelda Cafe. stated this m orning th a t th e dedica­ valley between, fishing in our commerce, were taken for an auto thing you want. 38-tf Fresh sweet cider a t Rose Bros. tion exercises will perform a double stream s and lakes, the unlim ited tour of Ashland and afterw ard to 37-tf mission, because of the fact th a t the G rants P ass T eachers Meet— camping sites, the Oregon caves in the lithia fountain, where a group Nearly 100 teachers in the county! first anniversary of Mount Ashland Josephine county, A shland’s lithia picture was taken to be hung in “ the will gather in G rants Pass W ednes­ R ecovers A utom obile— chapter accurs on the same day. park and auto camp ground, the Mo­ archives.” The autom obile owned by Fred i day for the opening session of teach-I The m onum ent on the Pacific doc lava beds, K lam ath lake, the Following are members- of the ers’ institute. The first m eeting is! Deardoff, employe of the Southern highway will be in full view of pass­ spot selected from th e entire w orld’s delegations from cities of southern called for 9 o’clock Wednesday Pacific company, stolen in the early ing m otorists and is expected to add outdoors attracaioiis by th e railroad Oregon attending today’s confer­ morning, and the institute will close hours of Monday morning from the much to the historical lore of the wizard, E. H. H arrim an; MiU»Creek ence: Friday afternoon. — G rants Pass depot, has been recovered a t G rants valley. It was erected n ear Phoenix falls, the n atu ral bridge and Rogue G rants Pass— George C. Sabin, P. Pass, according to advices received Courier. because in th a t location the co-oper­ River gorge between M edford and B. Herman, C. A. Swope, Frank by the local police. The car was ation of both Ashland and Medford C rater lake; Diamond and Crescent M ashburn, O. S. Blanchard. Orders taken for fresh oysters. found at the Southern Pacific depot chapters of the D. A. R. could be lakes, nestling in hollows on the Medford— Benjamin Sheldon, O. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t in th a t city. Mr. Deardoff left for obtained in raising the necessary sum m it of the Cascades; snow­ O. A llenderfer, John C. Maun, V. H. G rants Pass toxiay to drive the m a­ funds. The pioneers are honored by capped peaks and lastly, the crown­ Vawter, H. L. W atter. Suits Made to Order— chine back to Ashland. the m arker as tra il blazers who made ing glory of th e northw est, C rater K lam ath Falls— E. B. Hall, Mrs. Cleaning and repairing on short th e / first road to the Rogue River lake, “ the sapphire sea of silence.” Hall, Mrs. M artin, Andy Collier, Mar­ notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland W atch Rose Bros.’ window for valley from Salem in 1846 under At the m eeting held in Pioneer shal Hooper, Fred Baker, J. E. En­ Bldg. 302tf Saturday candy specials. 37-tf great difficulties. hall th is m orning organization was ders, J. C. Thompson, V. A. Delzell. perfected by adopting articles of as­ We furnish salads and croquettes, P ostoffice Gains— sociation and th e election of the fol­ Albany — W eyerhauser Timber Receipts of the Ashland postoffice aQy kind« for private parties on lowing officers: company pays $10,279 Linn county during the past q u arter show a gain tw enty-four hours' notice. Ndlda Ben C. Sheldon, Medford, presi­ 38-6t taxes. of $590.05 over the corresponding Cafe. dent; O. S. Blanchard, G rants Pass, q u arter last year. As the fruit ship­ vice president; Fred A. Baker, K lam ­ See the Treichler Motor company Mystic Shrine hospital for chil­ ments were somewhat lighter than a ath Falls, secretary; J. W. McCoy, Medford, about taking Liberty bonds dren to be erected a t P ortland by year ago, it is presumed the increase Any orv? having ice cream 39-3 1 the Masonic order to cost a million Ashland, treasu rer. was the result of heavy sales of pos­ at par. packers belonging to the Ash­ Following this m orning’s session ' dollars. tage stam ps, envelopes and postal land Creamery, please phone Our clothes are com fortable be- a cham ber of commerce forum lunch­ card’s during the sum m er tourist sea­ 24 and they will be called for. cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf Cliff Payne makes medicine cases. eon was held a t the Hotel Ashland son. this noon, presided over by Henry I Girls A ttacked— TIDINGS-FULLER CONTROVERSY Enders, persident of the local organ­ Extra fancy imported tulip, hya­ Police are searching for an un- ization. cinth and narcissus bulbs. This week i known man who, police state, at- Members of each city’s delegation (Continued front Page 1) only. Ashland Greenhouse. 39-2 _____ : tem pted an attack on Lena Burton Hotel Ashland Grilt caters to homo Fraley and Elizabeth C arter, 10- great detrim ent to the organization. folks as well as commercial and tour-, year"old schoolgirls who were re- He allows his “spites” to rule him. It is our candid judgm ent, formed ist business. 3 7 -tf’ tu rn in K to th eir homes early yester­ day evening from the Congregation­ by talking with a great num ber of One W ads drag saw, good as new, with two good blades; five- al church. A fter being followed for the members of the organization, gallon oil can and other extras, $135. One W ade drag saw, in per­ th a t if he rem ains its secretary the a considerable distance by the man, fect condition, with one good blade. One Myers irrigation pump, who is said to have been sm artly organization will be dead in six $50. Indian motorcycle, $100. One three-fourths bed spring, in dressed an d wearing a m ilitary over- months. We believe in a live cham- fram e, $6. One sheet iron heater stove, $1.50. Two hundred grain sack9 a t 3 cents each. Will trade any or all of above articles for any coat, the girls became frightened at ber of commerce and desire to give kind of good wood a t wholesale prices. it onr hearty financial and moral his attentions and ran home. Police say th a t the man passed the girls support, but we can’t do it as long several times and attem pted to en ­ as we feel th at it is discrim inating 240 Third Street agaiust its main contributors, re­ gage them in conversation. Residence, 585 E ast Main Street Here is your opportunity to make; ______ fuses to make periodical statem ents Phone 460 yourself a $30,000 stoclc ranch. One The Ladies' Aid of the Congrega* of its expenditures, and uses the boy hundred and tw enty acres bottom tional church will give a New Eng­ cott as its main persuader. land on river bank; good highway land dinner and bazaar in the Pio­ ‘Why did you go to the public through the place; partly cleared, neer hall October 27. 39-2 with the fight instead of taking the balance in scrub pine; sm all cabin; m atter up with the board of direc­ unlimited outside range; w ater W here b etter tam ales are served tors of the cham ber?” asks another right for 100 acres and ditch which Rose Bros, will serve them. 37-tf inquirer. We went to th e public be will carry abundance of w ater partly cause he had gone to the public with completed. Can be bought for few Style and quality are combined in his boycott. The dam age he tried days for $4,000. R equires $1,000 P aulserud’s suits. 36-tf to do The Tidings was with the PUB­ down, balance five years at 4 per LIC, not the board of directors Automobile insurance— Teo, of cent Interest. In order to vent his spleen he ad­ 299-tf vocated a very dangerous doctrine course. for any community, and th a t was to 5 Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the go out of town for your supplies, N ext door to Tidings Office I dram a. “ Miss Glbbie G ault,” for the simply because the local m erchant ’ benefit of the community club house won't give away his goods th a t he Friday evening, October 28, a t the bought to sell. Methodist church. Come ant) hear it. John Fuller is not the man to suc­ cessfully lead Ashland up to greater Home-made tam ales served at accomplishments, because he believes 37-tf Rose Bros. in the meaner, sm aller, instead of ! the broad or bigger methods. BE- Ashland News in Paragraphs Ashland Healhatorium Dr. E. B. ANGELL CHIROPRACTOR AND ELECTROTHEROPIST We w ill hold a Free Clinic Tuesday and W ednesday to w hich you are welcome. Having the most complete and up-to-date electrical equipm ent in this part of the state. We invite you to come and see the dem onstration while the expert from the company, Dr. L. M. Kearns, is here. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Phone 4H . -» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ LOW PRICES” “ HI QUALITY” “ Good Shoes” A STRONG THREE IN ONE COMBINATION We aim to give you all the quality we can in good footwear at a low a price as possible. When in Medford drop in and let us show you shoes if you don’t buy it will be all right. COSTS NOTHING TO GET ACQUAINTED 0 G ood S hoes ” 21 North Central Medford “ GOOD SHOES” Built Our Business. Public N otice G o ld en OPPORTUNITY C o m in g Soon Ashland C ream ery FO R SALE A Great Opportunity A. G. A D A M S II’ Tuesday Wednesday T hursday E. E. PHIPPS n M „ „b Gloria Sw anson , ,h B« ■ Used Car Bargains TOO LATE t o CLASSIFY. 1920 Hudson speedster in perfect condition, price $1650.00. TS Overland Four touring car used o n l y three months, good as new price $650.00. T y re IÇik:* One Stoddard roadster in good running order. A bargain, price $150. MASON CORDS One good Ford bug, spe­ cial body, price $290. One Oakland Six tour­ ing car, price $550. Monthly payments if de­ sired. Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Riverside, Medford, Oregon FOR SALE — Six-room plastered house; best of plum bing; wood house, chicken house, and 14 lots. 925 B street, corner Eighth. Look I it over and if suited, will m ake , satisfactory term s. S. L. Allen. 39-tf I FOR SALE— Four-foot oak wood, j $10.50 per cord. 143 Garfield. 3>-3* BIG DROP TO RENT— C entral location, sunny] corner room, furnished; private] entrance; rate to perm anent room­ er. Phone 480-J. 39-2* A drop of 15 per cent on all MASON CORDS is authorized by the MA­ WANTED— Wood; dry 16-inch oak I and m anzanita. H. H. Palm er, 462, Allison street. Phone 314-L. 39-1*1 ■ In effect at once, Sept 18— AT LEEDOM'S TIRE HOSPITAL 30x3% Heavy Cord, $20.65. FOR SALE — Electric w asher In | first-claes condition. Phone 120. 39-tf Mi Ililli'IlillllO.............. HUHU A Scren Masterpiece Filled with Keen Satire Tense Drama and Great Heart Appeal. Its Gripping Qualities make it One of the Greatest Pictures Ever Shown. A ffairs o f A n a to l USED CAR BARGAINS— Maibohm Six, good condition.$7T5 ] Maxwell model 20, good con­ dition .................................... 500J 1918 Ford Touring, good con­ dition ..................................... 2 5 0 1 New roadster body w ith top only ....................................... 5 0 1 Also cars for hire. E. N. NORTON MOTOR CO. 135 Pioneer Avenue Duty I Ie is a Marvelous Photoplay with the Greatest All-Star Cast Ever Assembled in Anv Picture SON TIRE & RUBBER CO. OP KENT, OHIO. j One of the Greatest Screen Triumphs of the Decade. WANTED— Night p o rter and dishwasher. Ashland Hotel. i i « Qin ii hti Mr A. C. Spencer organist from Los Angles opens his engagem ent tonight The big De Mille Production which is breaking all Records Throughout the Country V THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL ADM ISSIO N: A d u lts 5 0 C h ild r e n IO W ar T ax