Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 18, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, October 18, 1921
Local and Personal
By Charles Sughroe
• Wuun N» aapapa Unk»
Breakers Ahead!
Woolens for men ana women sold
by the yard— C. Orres.
Ladles' Aid to Meet—
The regular monthly social meet-!
tng of the Ladies’ Aid society of the
Methodist church will meet to m o r-’
row afternoon at the home of Mrs. i
Hedklnson. 91 Church street. A cor-'
dial Invitation is extended to all
women members of the qhurch, espe- ‘
d ally strangers.
M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel
Ashland Grill.
Sunday V isitors—
Alfred Dozier and sister were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall on
2 9 9 - t t ! M is s io n a r y M e e tin g —
Watch Yeo’s window.
V isit A shland R elatives—
planiste-teach- W eek-end V isitors —
Mrs. J. G. Clary, of Trail, spent
The Presbyterian W omen’s Mis­
Mrs. L aura Farm er, of Sacramen­
171 Helman
sionary society will meet tomorrow to, and m other, Mrs. Susan Halley,
33-lm o the week-end with her m other and j T eachers V isit R a n c h -
sisters, the Green family, on Granite!
Misses Caribel Morehouse and E u­ afternoon at the Manse Mission study of Lemoine, Calif., arrived in Ash­
genia Carson, two teachers in the and Thursday afternoon a t the home land SundUy evening to visit their
L e a v e fo r Im G r a n d e -
C hildren’s W ork A
local school here, spent the week­ of Mrs. Shinn. The society is pre­ sister and daughter, Mrs. Ellis Evans.
Mrs. W alter F razer Brown, of
Spends Sunday in Med fo u l—
Smoke American Eagle cigars. end with Miss Marian H am rick at paring a gift shower for foreign, mis­ Mr. and Mrs. Evans motored to Le­
yesterday for La
Louis Crane, of the Square Deal Phoenix, left
Made in Ashland. 246 F ourth St. her ranch home, “ Oak R est,” near sionaries and the following articles moine Saturday evening, returning
clerical force, spent Saturday night Grande to represent southern Ore­
Safety blades resharpened
16-lm o* Central Point.
are acceptable: Pillow slips, 20x30, Sunday evening, bringing Mrs. F ar
and Sunday with his family in Med­ gon presbytery a t th e synodical m eet­
like new. Single bit, 30c
or 22x36; pins, needles, b u tto n s ,; mer a nd Mrs. Halley home with
ing. The Ashland society will go to
doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz.
R eturns F ixmu Portland—
1 For high grade tailoring for men thread, black darning thread, shoe them.
: Phoenix for the November m eeting
and women— C. Orres.
buttons, wax, scissors, thimbles,
Have your old suit made new at t0 hear the report of Mrs. Brown.
hooks and eyes, elastic for garters.
Have a fit— C. Orres.
17tf Portland Saturday night and will M otor to C entral P oin t—
take over her old business on F o u rth
D em onstration R eading Course—
C. E. Roy, of G rants Pass, spent
F or pleating, see Orres.
and A streets. H er sister, Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. En­
W attenberger,
prim ary ' From K lam ath F a l l s -
teacher in the Junior High school,! John E. Enders motored over from R andlett, who has been m anaging ders. They m otored ovee-to Central L eave for Salem , Or.—
gave a dem onstration of beginning. Klam ath Falls yesterday to be pres- the store in her absence, will soon Point and dined at the Hotel Ash­
C. V. Murphy, of Medford; Squire
work in reading yesterday before th e ; ent a t the cham ber of commerce join her husband at Roseburg, where land a fte r th eir retu rn in the eve­ P ark er and A ttorneys E. D. and fail-1
' ning.
teachers’ institute.
luncheon at the Ashland hotel today, he is employed.
liam Briggs left this m orning for
as one of the main boosters for th a t
Salem, Or., on a short business trip. I
A rare tre a t aw aits the public in
C. activity. Mrs. Enchrs will retu rn
Remodeling and cleaning
The dram atic entertainm ent by The party will retu rn Thursday.
with him to K lam ath Falls tomor- the rendering of the dram a, “ Miss Dr. M attie B. Shaw in th e M ethodist
i row, she having rem ained here since Gibble G ault,” a t the Methodist church on th e evening of October 28
church Friday evening, October 28, will be en tertain in g and Instructive.
R e tu r n F r o m K la m a th F a lls —
< the ball game Saturday.
Learn th e Couse o f D aily W oes
for the benefit of the community Don’t fail to eh ar it.
Rev. C. W. H ulet returned from
and E n d Them
Klamath Falls yesterday, called
Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to club house.
th e back aches and
home by word of his wife’s illness.
Hotel Ashland Grill.
Leaves fo r K lam ath F a l l s -
“R ed B lan k et” H unters—
W hen housework is to rtu re.
Mrs. W alter Jam es left Saturday
3. Strengthen your stomach and From “ Happy Camp” —
Robert Casey, Bill Paul and C har­ m orning on No. 13 for K lam ath Falls
W hen night brings no rest nor
banish indigestion; Mi-O-Na is guar-
Mrs. Frances Murphy is home for lie Owens are on a hunting trip over
to join her husband, who is th ere for
W hen u rinary disorders set in.
anteed by McNair Bros, to do It o r ! a few days from her school at Happy a t “ Red B lanket,” near the state
a short time.
W omen’s lot is a weary one.
money back.
Camp, attending teachers’ institute, line.
D oan’s Kidney Pills are for
It is hard to believe that anything can be right in
Something new 11 Teo’s window. weak kidneys.
Have proved th e ir w orth in
every way; and yet it sometimes happens.
298-tl Ashland. Ask your neighbor.
This is one Ashland wom an’s
What does it? A man makes up his mind to do a
Form er R esid en ts V isit—
Mrs. Shell Hayes, 195 Laurel
thing right; and does it.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cochrane, who
St., says: “ I have always found
recently sold their property on Doan’s Kidney Pills to be a good
Avery street, spent Sunday with the remedy whenever I have used
Morehouse family, on Third street. them . I had attack s of kidney
They left yesterday m orning for Al­ com plaint and my back ached and
pained dreadfully. I felt dull and
are this exactly right thing. To begin with it’s the
bany, where they will locate perm a­ tired, especially m ornings, and
the action of my kidneys was ir­
finest underwear made in this country. It is worked
For the next thirty days we will accept Liberty Bonds at par in
regular. I used Doan’s Kidney
out in every detail.
payment on used cars, and we have some good bargains in the
Suits pressed for 50 cents. John Pills and it was not long before
gave me relief. They
Maly, tailor, Peil building, Plaza.
following makes:
strengthened my back and kid­
Fit: Tailored to fit—not depend­
Buttons and Buttonholes: But­
ing on the stretch. Too much
tons sewed on with six-cord
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
thread. Buttonholes tailored.
Piano instruction in your home. simply ask for a kidney remedy—
Will not enlarge or tear out.
get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same
Seams: Twice sewed, won’t
CaH up C. S. Mitchell when you de­ th a t Mrs. Hayes had. Foster-
Finish: Fine and right—but not
break. Ends stayed, will not
sire a bookkeeper, stenographer, M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
pianist or piano instructor.
Imogene W allace,
H. R. Adams, the Clumber, ¿oils, e r-
Phone 210-J.
plumbing fixtures and supplies street.
Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 F ifth St. |
Fine U nion Suits
and always comfortable
Liberty Bonds at Par
Dodge Brothers Touring
Chevrolet and Olds
Geo. L Treiehler Motor Co.
16-18 South Fir Street, Medford, Oregon
Announcement !
We wish to announce that we have moved from our former
location, 383 East Main St., and now occupy No. 347 East
Main St., next door to J. N. Dennis’ feed store. Owing to the
constant growth of our business, we were obliged to seek
larger quarters, where we could more properly serve the trade
and at the same time carry and display a larger stock of mer,
chandise. We have spared no efforts or expense in making
our new location the most attractive and up-to-date grocery
south of Portland. Neither do we propose to stop until ours
is recognized by the entire community as the most attractive
and up to date in price, service and for quality m erch a n d ise
in the city. We earnestly solicit your investigation, patronage
and acquaintance.
Square Deal Grocery
Phone 37
GLOBE TS " U n io n S u its
Ministerial Association
E le c t s O f f ic e r s —
At yesterday’s m eeting of the local
M inisterial association, Rev. W. L.
Evans was elected president for the
next six months, Mrs. Josephine
Champie vice president and C. F.
K oehler was re-elected secretary-
treasurer. It was decided to have
the usual annual Thanksgiving serv­
ices. The m eeting will be a t 10:30
a.m. in. the Presbyterian church, and
Rev. C. A. Edw ards will preach the
sermon. October 30 was designated
as go-to-church Sunday. An effort
will be made by the church folk to
get as many people as possible to a t­
tend the various churches on th a t
Don’t miss th e dram atic e n tertain ­
m ent by Dr. Mattle B. Shaw Friday,
October 28, a t th e M ethodist church
for the benefit of the community
club house.
Big Free
Deal on
This Week Only
Soft and Elastic: Secret process
makes the fabric soft and elas­
tic, and alive until worn out.
H ot W ater H eating System for
Sm all or L arge H ouses
Our New L ine o f H eatin g Stoves
Are N ow In
Provost Bros.
teel Toilet Goods.
**• SteaaSfe*****
A11 this quality for a very moderate price.
MITCHELL’S-The Men’s Store
By the Post Office
as it will soon be, you will want one
of our PALACE HEATERS to take
off the chill.
Yes, we have many
kinds and sizes of stoves—CHEAP,
are selling too, because the price is
less—yes, clear down to BED ROCK
—and we only have one price and that
is marked on the stove in PLAIN
FIGURES. Some dealers don’t mark
the selling price on their goods, just
leave it off so they can raise the price
if a customer wants to trade in an old
stove or something. We don’t do
business that way—the selling price
js marked on all of our goods in plain
figures—this has been our system of doing business for the past 33 y ears and we be­
lieve this method is appreciated.
nation Cream FREE with
every $1.00 purchase of Jpn
Comfort: Stretching in every
direction — following every
movement of the body. The
elastic gusset does it.
Convenient: Big flap with only
one button. And yet it doesn’t
sag or gap.
When the Frost is on the Pumpkin
A 50c Jar of Jonteel Combi­
McNair Bros.
wiiWLis i -I
Investigate Our Ideal
Shrinking: Special process of
laundering—guaranteed not to
A Big Stock of Rugs and Linoleum in Inlaid
and Printed Goods
Funeral Directors, first
class service and moderate
prices. Lady assistant
J. P. Dodge & Sons
Reliable Houseturnishers