A SHLAND climate, w ithout the aid of medicine, cure» nine cases out of ten of asthm a. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tiding», Voi. 43) 1*1 ALARIA germ» cannot survive 1 1 three month» in the rich osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1921 NO. 40 MILITAfi Y PREPARES TO RUN RAILROADS P 'Q f|F P ilf U. 0 Ur b. Ur Owner of the B on Ton Cafe Is Bon Victim of Attack A . L I ___J O * • . r* $ u r n s - j o j ----- r— ^=- - = - ^ Will Grade Road < Wdl Orade Road iPnVCDMMQIT TO From Grants Pass To Caves Highway Ashland Tourists Spend $54,000 In Seven Months LISI R. R. J. W. K istler, proprietor of th e ' Bon Ton cafe, F o u rth and A streets, GRANTS PASS, Or., Oct. 18.— ! stated this m orning he had located Members of the state highway com-;' the unknown man who is alleged to mission who are on a tour of the Pa­ have assaulted the cafe proprietor cific highway from the Columbia late Sunday afternoon while the la t­ river to the California line visited BEN C. SHELDON ELECTED HEAD ter was perched a t his lunch counter j the Josephine Caves road» Sunday EDITORIAL OF CONSOLIDATED CHAMBER eating dinner. Mr. K istler refused with a view to grading the road toi jEADERS o f TH E “ BIG FOUR’4 OF COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN to disclose the name of the man j i the Caves highway. ARK SUMMONED TO CHICAGO; i The purpose of the trip was to note GRGEON; PLANS BIG PRO­ under suspicion and who is said to be in a neighboring town. j the progress on the Caves highway ADMINISTRATION BELIEVES JECTS. The assault, Mr. K istler s ta te s ,; ALL PARTIES To BIAMK. ■ and to investigate the highway lead- was unw arranted and had a "woman • i ing from the Crescent City road. in the case.” It is said by the police Cost to Be E stim ated Ashland m erchants received approxim ately $54,000 during the past seven A movement which promises large th a t the man attacked K istler while SAN ANTONIO, Texas. Oct 18— As a result of the trip, the com­ month», March to October 15, inclusive, from its annual crop of motoring and constantly -Increasing benefits the restau ran t and bakery were mission has askdd H erbert Nunn, General Hines has received orders tourists who stopped at the free auto camp ground in Lithia park, 43,200 state highway engineer, to p re p a re !from tbe war departm ent to make a to southern Oregon was successfully »»»Pie and th a t numer- ..w h ), do yo„ Sec launched in this city today through o n , b ,.te n d e rs stood outside the P u ller; what has he done? asked an strong, according to figures based on the statem ents of T. F. Smith, park data relative to the costs of con- survey ot the entire eight corps area Police state th a t a w om an, |„ noce„ t bystander yesterday. . superintendent. During th a t time, Mr. Smith says, the camp has accom- structing such a road. These fig -! to secure Uie names of all officers the organization of the Consolidated store. rem ained a t the entrance to the cate Last Ju n e P u ller got mad at The modated 10,800 cars, averaging four persons to the machine. , ures will be subm itted on October and ,nen in that area who have had Cham ber of Commerce or Southern duiin g the fracas and told the n n -'m -j- 25, at which time two paving jobs exPe rience in railroad operation and L-n.ita-n ■ a lDe Un I Tld,nss because it refused to print Oregon. This meeting resulted In known I man when to ston his attack p •---- l are to be let, one in Yamhill county 1 construction P attack free advertising exploiting PRIVATE the consumm ation of a plan suggest­ on K istler trance charge foi the use of the and one in this part of the state. Be-j The officer!’ take the order to Mr. Smith, who has been the music lessons for Mr. Passm ore at ed by Ben Sheldon, president of the camp grounds, stating th a t such a fore looking over the Caves propo- mean that the government is antici- $25 the lesson, or five lessons for “ floor m an” a t the auto park camp M edford cham ber of commerce, at a BRUMFIELD IS VICTIM $100. That was advertising, pure directing tourists to suitable camp system would necessarily call for sition, the commission went to C ra­ pating operations of the railroads of m eeting held in Klam ath Falls about ing sites, states th at his figure is the! several improvements. ’ So many ter lake. the country by m ilitary force in the Hi x T h : ‘\ x r x x r £ three weeks ago. result of an actual count made d u r - ! good camP »Res,” Mr. Smith said, ----- i event of a national railroad strike The plan is simple, and through ing the year. The figure does noU are aTailable along the road th a t a irzAr.,. r.r .„ „ Chautauqua. its simplicity spells success. The ° CL 18— That He Carried his Peeve to the PUB- include the touring parties which num ber of tourists would refuse to WASHINGTON, D C. Oct 18— The CHAMBER GF COMMERCE members of the organization a re the Dr R M B ’ pay. If a charge were made, they stopped for a few hours during the <8> ? VÌCUm ° f;L IC ’ in th a t he a ttempted to inaugu­ AN NGUNCEMENT local cham bers of commerce of the heredlU rv n n It <$> government adm inistration will seek r i ! nsanity of th e compound rate a BOYCOTT on The Tidings bv cNiy th at they m ight have s u ita b le 'would exPect more, and it would to force all the decisions made by cities of Ashland, G rants Pass, Klam­ ScTete « the E“ 0“ V ' Dr B' F ' !n ' !‘k i" S Stateme'“ s '™m ‘ 11» Chun" conveniences for preparing a m id -!bave to be given them. They would 6 railroad board as the first step Pursuant to a recent an. €> ath Falls and Medford. Members of the dentlé, S t M a,n‘ned , “ qua Pl««»™ th at the Chautauqua day meal. Mr. Smith estim ated t h a t ! have t0 be supplied with gas for w nouncement, the semi-monthly <§> toward averting the threatened na­ the local cham ber are per se mem­ t returned from was getting no support from the at least 1,000 touring parties of t h e 'cooklng- something from which a tion-wide strike of railroad em­ talkfest of the cham ber of bers of the consolidated chamber. “ t o * ' Vho” ’ “ " T " ' a "d «»•« citizens last-nam ed class stopped at t h e ! revenue now is derived. W aste commerce will be held a t the <$• ployes, it was stated at the W hite Under the articles of association ■ would also be more prevalent.” ' who s.erved on the j Interested In th e sucee.» n t th e c b .n - camp. ?■ Chautauqua Pioneer hall this ■$> House this morning by President adopted today, none of the local board of exam iners of Harding. The apex of the sum m er to u rist i The num ber of gas plates in camp, de- tauqua should w ithdraw their pat- evening at 8 o’clock. Bert cham bers surrender to the larger «hlm t» in .h e army du rin m g ental the war ' reuage (ru m '" ,h e paper. AN AT- travel, Mr. Smith says, was topped j totaling twenty-five, should be dou- The adm inistration believes th a t Moses, well-known newspaper body any of its prerogatives or du­ said Persons suffering from this TEMPT AT STRAIGHT durlng the early part of August when hied under the present circum­ <«> feature w riter and advertising <$> all parties which have violated the ties, it being plainly provided th a t disease are likely to kill themselves All of this while he was BOYCOTT. secretory the original camp ground was crowd­ stances, Mr. Smith said. Under a man, will deliver an address on ‘S* board’s decisions, both employers the consolidated organization shall or others w ithout knowing what of the cham ber of ed to capacity with an average of pay system, even more would be -?» Advertising, ’ linking its pos- and employes, must be called to ac­ undertake only those projects which they are doing ” " —- . Ul commerce and ninety cars a day. The greatest needed, he stated. The need of ?' sibilities with the promotion of count for the violations immediately. tksoH drawing his full monthly salary from each and all of the local chambers p Hi« e r T .e s ," 7 *» ‘»a, body. «144 a year which wa” num ber of machines camped in the grading in several places throughout Ashland and southern Oregon. <$» agree are of such general in terest to pert testimony, an d with this telling coming park during one day was ninety- the camp was urged by Mr. Smith as CLEVELAND, Ohio, Oct. 18.— in cash from The Tidings. th e people of these three counties of blow the defense rested its seven. From the first of July to the The leaders of the “ big four” broth- a needed improvement. Leveling of ♦» Case’ 88 Tbe Tidings, in effect, was paying Jackson county teachers at- <$>' southern Oregon th a t they can best presented in th middle of August an average of the ground in many places, he said, tending the institute being held <$• j erhoods have been summoned to Chi- Brumfield f r o n /th empJ to 8aTe D r-1 bIs salary while he busied himself be promoted by the united, M a t ac m u X of Dennis ' he " 7 ‘"»■>a s a " d a- eighty-five auto parties a day w ere' wou^d enlarge the p a rk ’s capacity by in this city will be taken for an <§> Cag° by the railw a.v labor board to tion of their four pnri meet with them Thursday, according Dr Scapfp mado » ' 1 i?UIther, he attem pted to boycott cause the larger body cannot bind four individuals to every car is a to inform ation given out at the union examinaticfisp The Tidings with the Fourth of July available. “ Some to u rists.” said the r noon, leaving the cham ber of- th e local organizations in any re­ a the r i g ! conservative estim ate of the per cap- superintenctent, "refuse to stay un­ fice at 4 o’clock. All parties ♦! headquarters today. spect and receives all its powers reached The X 7 ‘»at >» PUBL^LY ita use of th e camp. The daily aver­ less they find a site to their liking.” <$> who could supply a car for the <8> W arren Stone, grand chief of the field was thorouirhi8 ° n th 0 ' BruI" ' ! called attention of the committee to through the unanim ous consent of eld was thoroughly m sane and had; a statem ent th at The Tidings re age total of cars during the entire Brotherhood or Locomotive Engi­ W ith the exception of Rhode Is­ purpose have been urged to the member cities, it will not under­ been m saae^fo r months before the! fused to support the c ^ a n X " . and seven months was forty-eight auto land, North Carolina, South C aro­ telephone or call at the cham- neers, stated the invitation would be tak e m atters concerning which the murder. accepted. parties. From March to May, in­ lina and Delaware, traveling Amer­ . .. s is opinion advised the committee to remember her of commerce. local com m unities may not be in that the dentist clusive, the average waa th irty cars; ica was fully represented by states I Consideration is being given to was insane at the THAT when it got its printing done whole accord. Thus the largest dan­ persent time. from June to August, inclusive, sev­ placing certain results of the confer­ at the park this summer, according! The reb u ttal testim ony was being ™ a t 1re8ulted. 1" ">» A8»'>»d F ° « « » ger of a disintegrating influence In ences in W ashington between the rod__ _ .. y being j Ot July committee getting most of its enty-five cars, and from September to the observations of Mr. Smith. th e get-together movement is re introduced this afternoon to October 15, forty cars. Because public group of the labor board and The a t - , job printing done a t Medford instead moved a t the outset. torneys’ argum ents will probably of the increased use of the camp, the interstate commerce commis­ of at Ashland, notw ithstanding all “ Sim ilar efforts tow ard uniting take all day Wednesday. which Mr. Smith states was double The case the time The Tidings was paying sion, before the union leaders as a these four hustling cities of south is expected to go before the jury $144 the year toward F u ller’s sal­ th at of last year, the city purchased basis for a compromise of the pres- ern Oregon,” said Mr. Sheldon this Thursday. additional ground, formerly the! | ent tense situation, with the hope ary. m orning, “ have failed because either , that the strike order might be re- WAS THE TIDINGS REFUSING W are-Greer tract, and enlarged the the joint organization has tackled I voked before it becomes effective. TO SUPPORT THE CHAUTAUQUA camp to accommodate 200 cars dally too varied a line of projects, some of "Peace with honor will be wel­ OR THE FOURTH OF JULY CELE­ Improvement of the new tract is ex­ which did not interest the local com­ pected next year. come," Stone declared. "If the rail­ BRATION? Every item th a t was m unities, or it has run off on an ef­ The average touring party, Mr way labor board has a formula we printed free for the Chautauqua and fort which particularly concerned Smith says, spends $5 a day for can accept, we’ll accept it.” for the F ourth of July celebration one of the cities and not all southern TEACHERS DISCUSS COUNTY AD* food, auto repairs and traveling in­ is now being clipped and pasted on, a Oregon as a whole. This danger has, AU N ISTRA TION WORK AND CALIFORNIA MOTION large sheet of paper and will be cidentals. "They’re not a cheap we feel, been elim inated in this or­ crowd,” the park superintendent TENURE GF OFFICE; TO SEND i hung in The Tidings window where PICTURE PRODUCERS ganization. We shall undertake said; "they have money to spend and DELEGATES TO STATE (X)N- the public can see it and form its com paratively few efforts — only “TAKE” SPIRITS do use it. VENTIGX. own opinion as to w hether The Tid­ those which all four cities agree can There are very few objectors of ings has done the fair thing with the best be handled through joint action. By CHARLES E. HUGHES Chautauqua and F ourth of Julv eeie- any sort and the m ajority praise the A few real im portant m atters, well MONUMENT TO FIFTEEN GRIG- bration. We find that we gave each camp. To them it is more than a (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) With a registration or 215 teach­ handled, will assure the success of LOS ANGELES. Calif., Oct. 12.— mere camp after they have traveled INAL TRAIL BLAZERS DEDI- 0 them a trem endous am ount of ers, the annual Jackson county teach­ the consolidated chamber. Cement for miles over the highway. It is a Persons identified with the activi­ FATED AT PHOENIX BY ASH- FLEE Publicity — an am ount th a t ers’ institute opened yesterday and the cities in prom oting th eir joint was in full swing today, carrying out ties of Spirtiualists in southern AND AND MEDFORD CHAP-' W° U‘>! 1 Un into big mo“ ey if paid for paik with picnic tables and am use­ interests and teach each of them the California are authority for the ment features for the children, the -we are m easuring ju st to see how value of ufiited action.” The Michigan supreme court an extensive educational program. TERN D. A. R, advantages of a city park as p art of claim that, following long efforts In addition to the regular class much— and th a t am ount will also be It was apparent from the discus­ seems to have gone back to the their camp ground, not next door to i and a considerable expense, motion --------- - exhibited, to be seen by the public. sions at the organization meeting Garden of Eden for its decision in work and instruction, a lecture on pictures of materialized spirits have it or a t the oth er end of town. They v That is not a»- We claim th a t he this morning and the luncheon a t the the case of th a t husband convict­ boy and girl club work was given by been produced here for the first In honor of the fifteen pioneers is strong on the power of boycott appreciate th a t.” H. C. Seymour, state leader. The Oregon hotel at noon th a t the adver­ In speaking of the picnic grounds, ed because his wife was operating m atter of nutrition classes in the time. who forced their entrance to Rogue both public and private. He with­ tising of all southern Oregon as a River valley in 1846, despite the re­ drew his patronage from one of the Mr. Smith stated th at considerable a home-brew apparatus in their schools was taken up in an address According to the Rev. Inez W ag­ to u rist attractin g district would sistance of Indians, a memorial other paying members of the Com­ trouble h ad been experienced during domicile. It is not stated th at the by Miss Florence Poole, county dem­ ner, pastor of the People’s Spiritual­ probably be the first consideration Michigan Adam who plagiarized ist church of Los Angeles; Mrs. Min­ m arker of Oregon granite from the mercial club and has not been in his the sum m er in (ioping with local and to receive attention. It was force­ the original Adamic defense by onstration agent. Ashland quarry and surm ounted by ¡sto re to trade since, an d we are told county outing parties, which un­ Considerable discussion centered nie Sayers, pastor of the Spiritualist fully pointed out th a t by far too trying to put the blame on friend a bronze tablet will be dedicated Fri-j has thrown his influence against th a t necessarily occupy the camp instead around the best methods of co u n ty ! ( hurch of Revelation of Los An- many of the tourists who came into * o'oloii ■ II T> ma __i v-k » — w wife denied partaking of the for­ of going directly to the picnic school adm inistration work and whati geles; H' Rea(Sing and Prof- D- D- southern Oregon came for the p u r­ the h tern °°,n a t 2:30 ° ’c,ock n e a r ’store, simply because the m erehent bidden brew. Neither did his pro­ the historical Culver place by the asked for a statem ent as to what the grounds provided for them. The su­ is known as the county unit admin-i Reese, a psychological investigator, pose of seeing ju s t one thing and left D aughters of the American Revolu- Previous six m onths’ funds had been perintendent urged the use of the totype, it will be remembered. istration. The question was raised the motion pictures were success­ a fte r a brief visit to th a t point; also, tion. But the court, with Solomonic picnic grounds by outing parties, because of the prospective passing of fully made at the home of J. E. th a t tourists would come from a dis­ hv th Ta monunKent WHI be given expended for. He evidently took the by the C rater Lake chapter, of Med- view th a t those who supplied the saying th at the camp did not have wiscbm, held that since the man a state law providing for the election Johnson, a Los Angeles medium of tance to visit a series of attractions te r o fV h i itMOUnt/ Shlan<1 Chap' i money had no " S h t to ask w hat had sufficient room to care for cars other was the m aster of the household, of five county freeholders as mem­ j forty years’ experience. who would not come for one only. he was responsible for the illegal r, of this city, and will cost ap- been done with it. got M inister’« Statem ent than those owned by the tourists. W ith the fact spread broadcast th a t proximately $350. peered and operation« of his mate and there­ bers of a county school board to dl-' In a statem en t concerning the The heavy rush of "business” at The fund was BOYCOTTED the store. Secretary this section of the state contains a raised in Medford fore fell within the clutches of the rect the activities and the expendi­ films, the Rev. Inez W agner said: the camp comes late in the afternoon an dA8hland v a . ----- F u l,er is STRONG on the boycott score of points of Interest to the Volstead law equally. It may be tures for school work. W. M. Smith, through the combined efforts of b o th ! and "Motion picture films of m aterial­ when touring parties are ready to assistant state superintendent of one is led to wonder who is the to u rist and affords the best sum m er chapters. recalled th a t Adam was evicted schools, delivered an address on the ized spirits were made after seven < . i next m erchant he will get Deever at Pitch camp for th e night. A fter the camping and recreation district on Although the dedication program and sta rt to BOYCOTT, if he does outdoor meal, prepared eith er on in very sim ilar circumstances. It subject. In the afternoon A. G. months of the hardest kind of work the continent, visitors will come pre­ is not often th a t legal proceed­ lor the day has not been d e fin itely , it to these too, he will likely do it th eir own stoves o r the gas plates Smith, superintendent of the Med­ and eleven separate tests at the home pared to look for these attractions arranged, C. E. Gates, mayor of M ed-' to others. ings can run so far back. 7 provided in the park, the members ford schools, led a discussion of the of Mr. Johnson. The photography and with a schedule calling for How little, too, has masculine The^ Da!Lnh\ake thepriDCipal address- i For this reason we hold th a t he of America’s new gypsy band sit couuty school adm inistration piio- was done by operators of a film con­ weeks in this district where they are n atu re changed! HAZ KIK. cern located in Pasadena. around th eir camps o r a roaring gram. R e v o l t , T 8 ♦ American bas not the proper tem peram ent to now spending days. The difference Revolution have extended a public succeed as “community leader.” T hat camp fire In the large fireplace near "The films were produced in a Ashland teachers entertained the in m onetary returns to these coun­ invitation for general attendance at the park entrance until 9 o’clock a t Grande Ronde— Miami L um ber; county teachers at a cafeteria lunch- room of ordinary size in daylight. he has no proper notion of the re­ ties is apparent. the exercises. Members of the South­ sponsibility of a cham ber of com­ night, when they retire. The to u r­ company opens camp here, em ploy-! eon given this noon at the high Mr. Johnson, the medium, was Best­ Prom inent public men, such as ern Oregon Pioneer society and all merce secretary to c o n trib u to rs, or ists. however, break camp at both ing 125 men. ed outside of a cabinet. The room school. Mr. McCormick, of th e Southern Pa- o th er organizations interested in the to the community generally, and ia a early and assorted hours of the ■■ — AR classes in the county grade and was carefully sealed on ail sides, morning. (Continued on Page Four) Albany— Corvallis telephone to ll; lligh 8Ch°°la are suspended during and after each one of the tests the (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4) Mr. Smith does not favor an en- lina ju st built cost $30,000. seals were carefully exam ined to see (Continued on Page 4) th at they remained unbroken. Tidings-Fuller Controversey Auto Park Used By 10,800 Tourists Since March 1 .7 5a‘d’ Haz IÇik D.A.R. CHAPTERS PLAN DEDICATION OF 215 TEACHERS