PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, October IT, lM f Visiting in Klamath F a l l s - Automobile insurance -Teo, of Mrs. W. K. Smith, form erly of course. 299-tf Ashland, with her daughter, Mrs. Local and Personal Jesse Drew’, is visiting relatives and Dr. M attie B. Shaw will render the friends in K lam ath Palls a t present. dram a, “ Miss GIbbie G ault,” for the *-■-•■■■■■ Side Lights — --------------— Mrs. Smith has not entirely recov­ benefit of the community club-house ered from her continued illness, as Friday evening, October 28, a t the MASONIC CALENDAR , Bible Calss to Meet— her friends hoped she m ight from a Methodist church. Come an d hear it. The adult classes of the Christian change of climate. Special convocation of Siskiyou i Bible school are to have a social and -•mil Box Day— ' chapter, R. A. M., this (M onday) get-acquainted meeting at th e church Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home October 19 is “national mail recep­ evening, October 17. Work in P. M Wednesday evening of this week at folks as well as commercial and tour- tacle an dhouse num ber day” with and M. E. M. degrees. 7:30 o’clock. All friends of the list business 27-tf all the postoffices throughout the n ln o o n a r» n »X X 11 ^ ,1 « Eastern Star regular meeting i classes as « well as _ all members are United States. The city carriers of Tuesday evening, October 18. 'in v ited to be present and enjoy the A rare tre a t aw aits the public in the Ashland postoffice will, after the Malta commandery, K. T., stated good time together. J. M. Beaver, the rendering of the dram a, “ Miss completion of the work on th a t day, conclave Wednesday evening, Octo- Mrs. Catherine Morrison and Mrs. Gibbie G ault,” at the Methodist subm it to the postm aster every her 19. Work in Red Cross also. Reed are the teachers of these church Friday evening, October 28, dwelling or place of business on the Siskiyou chapter, R. A. M., stated ' classes. The K ing’s D aughters class for the benefit of the community c arrie rs’ routes th a t is not properly convocation Thursday evening, Oc- has recently been divided because of club house. numbered, th a t contains no number, tober 20. Alos work Royal Arch.» its extra large m embership— too and th a t is not properly equipped i many for one teacher. W atch Yeo’s window. 299-tf with a mail receptacle. Numbers Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. th at are hidden from view from the For pleating, see Orres. 36-tf 17tf Jo n lan Home Remodeled— sidewalk o r street also are to be sub­ Frank Jordan is remodeling his m itted, as a num ber should be so W eather for the W e e k - ; We serve the best of coffee at all home on Upper Granite, adding sev­ placed th a t It can be readily seen W eather predictions made at times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t eral new rooms, new roof and new from th e stre et a t all stysons of the W ashington D. C., for the ensuing interior decorations. When it is year. The departm ent realizes th at week are: Pacific coast states— J S u n d a y V is ito r __ completed it will add m aterially to a prom pt an d efficient delivery of Generally fair in southern and cen- Vernon Cooper, rancher in the the appearance of th a t neighborhood mail requires the co-operation of the tral California and considerable Dead Indian country, was in Ashland and be “a joy forever” to themselves. patrons who are interested In, an eco­ cloudiness an d occasional rains else­ yesterday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have splendid nom ically-adm inistered mail service. where; norm al tem perature. N orth­ taste in yard development and be­ Patrons concerned who do not know ern Rocky m ountain and plateau re­ The last millinery class will begin long to the “fix ’em up league.” th eir street num bers accurately gions Normal tem perature, except Monday evening, October 17. For should consult th eir city le tte r car­ change to considerably colder about fu rth er inform ation call Mrs. Louis F o r high grade tailoring for men rier or the office of City Engineer F. Wednesday; generally fair. Dodge. 36-4 and women— c . Orres. T. W alker. Ashland News in Paragraphs W. R. C.— , _. Drop into the salvage store and Inspects Mrs. Becker, of Porlland. who r e - L . M a t U e '^ X C atertalnn,e" t » i Don’t forget th a t Sunday dinner) look over the stock; sure to be some­ at Nelda Cafe. 3 8 -lt cently attended a convention of the „ n " " ,e thing you want. W omen’s Relief corps, stopped « 2 ? °' 28 Home-made tam ales served at week to In- Don’t f a H U e ^ r " » lM tr“ Ct,Te' Orders taken for fresh oysters. Ashtand Saturday Rose Bros. 37-tf Nelda Cafe. 38-6t spent the loca (organization of the V isit at M edford— J. V. W right and Clarence Barney, of Mountain avenue, were Medford visitors last week. W. R. C. a t a regular m eeting Satnr- Mo(or D n n sm n lr - day afternoon. A fter a speech made iyjr and M n . — I - - - - To K Li mat li Hatchei-y— W. A. Cooper went to the Klam ath river Saturday and secured a num ber of salmon a t the fish hatch­ ery plant. The suspension of the Southwest­ ern Oregon Daily News and Evening Record, of Klam ath Falls, is an­ nounced. An assignm ent of collecta­ ble book accounts was made to the employes for their back pay and sal­ aries and they are collecting them. The newspaper's liabilities are said to total over $15,000.— Mrashfieid Herald. Crop remnants, fallen weeds and other litter on field an d garden, lands are apt to shelter slugs and other harm ful insects. Roots of old rad­ ishes, cabbage and like crops may still harbor large numbers of root maggots that will add to the swarm of flies next spring. , Cleaning up these areas and the borders of the! field will be good farm practice and help m aterially .in reducing insect injury next year.— O. A. C. E xpert-! m eat Station. Public Notice Any on'/ having ice cream packers belonging to the Ash­ land Creamery, please phone 24 and they will be called for. ELSIE FERGUSON Footlights” go tonight : P IL M a - i > l e s THfi MICE AT WAR A -In- z Itjis one of th e b est p ic tu re s she ev er m ade I ST ARTS ■ TUESDAY, reThe Affairs of Anatof 9f The cats end mice put on a scrap; I be once s leader wore a cap A might y cap, “For thus,” miid he. iv u mice can see and follow lacl” Alas, the mice w-re licked—and fled- but with that huge cap on his bead ’ I he Ieader-iuo..*«, to auva bia soul Could not get through the ink«’# hole. A dm ission: A dults 50, C h ild ren 10 F tgui tins we learn,» no expense The Penalty of Prumktfice! S u its M ade to Order__ -£»•4?. Jr, Something new li Teo’s window. Cleaning and repairing on short We do catering to private parties. notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland Nelda Cafe. 299-tf 38-6t B,dg- 302tf NOTICE Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. Entertain« Visitor— 37-tf Piano instruction in your home. Mrs. Clara Foster Is being en ter­ Call up C. S. Mitchell when you de­ tained at the home of Mrs. Mary To Sell Home Here— sire a bookkeeper, stenographer, Cole, on A street. W. K. Smith came over from pianist or piano instructor. 39-3 Klamath couhty Friday of last wgek Where better tam ales are served and expects to be In this v ic in ity fo r S M d a v M o to rl _ Rose Bros, will serve them. 37-tf a few weeks. Mr. Smith plans ?o Mrs B „ »ell the home residence on B street n et, S“ “ IVa" aad P ’ K ™’ Redding Visitors— before retu rn in g to K lam ath county !■ , ! « uests E. J. B. Reames and family, of R edding,' _ _____ county. | Kaiaer and Miss Emily K aiser on a Calif., are expected this week for a*! M atch Rose Bros.’ window for Sunday m otoring trip th a t included visit with Mr. Ream es’ father, Ed­ Saturday candy specials. 37-tf Sams Valley, Gold Hill, Jacksonville ward Reames. and family, of Fifth and Medford. street. We furnish salads and croquettes, any kind, for private parties on Don’t miss the dram atic entertain- S tjlo and quality are combined in tw enty-four hours’ notice. NdHda nient by Dr. Mattie B. Shaw Friday, P aulserud’s suits. Cafe. 38-6t | Oct°b er 28, at the Methodist church for the benefit of the community club house. H. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R T O O. H . V A U P E L THE Defunct Klamath Falls Newspaper $15,000 in Debt Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Special Offerings During Institute Teachers attending Institute are invited to this store. We want you to feel at home while here. Make use of our telephone. We will prepay all Parcel Post or Express on Merchandise bought here. WOOL DRESS GOODS SILKS! SILKS! Fine Wool Goods $1.98 Yard Skinner’s Dress Satin $2.25 Yard 43 inches wide, fine all-wool ierge and epingle, in brown, navy, taupe, gray and black. A special purchase of this fine quality Dress Satin enables us to make this special offering at this tim e; several good shades to select from. Sold regularb at $2.75. Fine Broadcloth $3.98 Yard 54 inches wide, fine satin fin­ ish, sponged» ready for use; comes in black, navy, beaver m d brown. Fine Dress Serge $2.48 Yard 54 inches wide, made of best juality A ustralian wool; comes in navy blue only. This qual­ ity worth $4.00 yard. New Neckwear, 69c Each New Collars, made of fine qual­ ity Venice lace, in ecru color. Silk Combinations, $4.98 Made of fine quality silk radi­ um, trim m ed with new laces; come in orchid, apricot and ’lesh pink. Sateen Petticoats, $1.39 Women's Satteen Petticoats in floral and plain colors, all dzes. Sold regularly a t $1.75 'ach. Quality Satin Messaline) $1.95 Yard 36 inches wide. extra fine heavy quality Messaline. in a| colors, both light and darl Sold re gularly a t $2.25 yard. Crepe Black Satin $3.69 Yard 40 inches wide, the new anl most-wanted silk at this ♦ »> navy blue, brown and black. Chamoisette Gloves $1.25 Pair Ladies’ Cham oisette Gloves, li, white, tan, beaver and brown] extra fine quality. Lily Knit Silk Vests, $2. Made of extra fine quality J e r­ sey silk, in flesh pink; bloom­ ers to match: priced at $2 75- sizes 5, 6 and 7. Women’s Knit Union Siuts, $1.25 Suit W inter weight Cotton UnioJ Suits, all styles and sizes. Have your hemstitching and picoting done here, store where your patronage is appreciated Our clothes are com fortable be­ cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf W. C. T. U. ELECTS OFFICERS AT OREGON CITY CONVENTION ^Continued from Page 1) Elkhorn Gunstore WHITTLED TO A POINT The walking delegates all seem to ride in automobiles. Don’t eat too much, says Rocke­ feller. Give others a chance. With autos and airplanes, riches: no longer need wings. A bathtub is always more sanitary' if used occasionally. Our eyes blink now, batting from gauzy waists to skimpy skirts. Big things are not everything. A toothache or corn goes some. We can all stand worry, about the! m isfortunes of others. There are other things than work th at make a felloy tired. A rich man, likes to tell how nour­ ishing bread and w ater is. Many have m outhsful of words but empty hands. Prohibition brought sunshine to some and moonshine to others. of the m ost successful in the organ izatlon s history. Mrs. Leavitt now is visiting friends at Salem, but will retu rn to Ashland in a short time. Following a decision made a t the convention, the 1922 state meeting will be held a t McMinnville. Mrs. JillSon reports th a t the work of th e W. C. T. U. has m et w ith suc­ cess in state activities and member ship drives during th e past year. Form al approvem ent of the activi­ ties of the prohibition officers was given at the convention. The a n ti­ cigarette campaign was indorsed and action taken to prom ote an educa­ C onfined by I l l n e s s - tional program against th e use of to­ Airs. C. W. H ulet is reported to be bacco. W estern Spar company's new seriously 111 at her home on Beach Mayor C. B. Larakln was elected a sawmill at Columbia City to start street. member of the board of trustees of work soon. Will have daily capacity the state childrens' farm home, plans of 50,000 feet and employ fifty men Suits pressed for 50 cents. John for which now are being made. De­ Maly, tailor, Pell building, Plaza. cision has not been made regarding TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. the location of th e home. FOR SALE— A restau ran t doing a R eturns From P o rtlan d__ good business; if you want a bar­ O. T. Bergner, m anager of V ining' ASHLAND WINS FROM gain, look this up. Address Post- office Box 809, Roseburg, Ore. theater, retu rn ed this m orning from KLAMATH FALLS IN 39-2» Portland after arran g in g the w inter GRIDIRON BATTLE schedule of moving picture a ttra c ­ FOR RENT— Three nicely-furnished tions for the local house. (Continued from Page 1) housekeeping rooms; come look them over. 128 Factory street. la r meetings every Tuesday night 39-2* NOTICE an d T hursday afternoon. Members Having sold the E ast Side Meat of the band are: G ardner Knapp. FOR SALE— H eating stove for coal or wood; good as new. 63 Pine M arket to E lliott & Kerby Bros., we G arland G riffith. Floyd Shrieder, street. Phone 437-R. 39-tf desire to thank the citizens of Ash­ Edwin Freem an, Dale Leslie, Lloyd land for their liberal patronage. We Crowson (p resid en t), Lawrence Por­ WANTED— Good work horse, weight 150ft 1149 Oak street, or phone retain the accounts up to October 11, te r (vice presid en t), H arry Snyder 380-R. 39-2* which accounts will be found at the (secretary -treasu rer), Otis Johnson, Last Side Market for collection. As V erner Carson, Edw ard Short, Don­ APPLE CIDER— Fresh from the press, 40c gallon; two gallons, it is necessary th a t we close these ald Snyder, M arris Jalo, Vernon Mc­ 75c. Yes, we deliver. Phone accounts quickly, we will ask all Gee. Joe Niel, Raymond Carson, 9 -F -ll. custom ers owing us to kindly call in Frederick Johnson, E arl Evans. FOR RENT— Furnished bungalow and settle within the next few days I for the w inter, a fte r the 1st of No­ )FORD IS VICTOR AT vember; two adults. 133 N. Pio- ne®’’. 39-tf GRANTS PASS 2(1 TO Ç ihe M edford-Grants Pass football le Saturday played a t G rants Paas 35= | t to the Medford gridiron squad score of 20 to 9. The battle fairly even throughout, both' is carrying th e ball into th e op- knts’ territo ry a t times. The jits Pass aggregation was the [ier of the two, but the science tie Medford team defeated them . Its P ass’ score of nine points was fed through a touchdown and a kick from the twenty-nine- line. One forw ard pass and two iht touchdown« won the game le Medford team. INOELES ORGANIST COMES TO VINING 3. Spencer, prom inent organist Angeles, has been engaged by lergner, m anager of the Vining fcr. Spencer has ju st closed an en- ien t in one of th e largest thea- In southern California, and Mr. aer considers him self very for- in securing his services. Mr. er opens his engagem ent Tues- ind is arran g in g special music ie big all-star special, “ The Af- of A natole,” which- opens on <£MPART Hl OAK STREET A complete line of Guns, all makes, at Right Prices, U. S Shells and Cartridges, with the new nun-corrosive best for any gun. » p rim e r- A Full Line of Fishing Tackle Agency for Luger and Mauser Automatic Pistols; Joe Welsh Her­ cules, Hydegree Leaders; Otselie. Saline, Saltene, Cuttychunk Lines We have a supply of those heavy duck loads, 28x1-4 and 6 Ashland Healhatorium Dr. E. B. ANGELL CHIROPRACTOR AM) ELECTROTHEROPIST Having the most complete and up-to-date electrical equipment in this part of the state. We invite you to come and see the dem onstration while the expert from the company, Dr. L. M. Kearns, is here. We will hold a free clinic Tuesday and Wednesday, to which you are welcome. FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING PI iuiic IK A Cordial Invitation to Everyone! Monday, Tuesday, W ednesday at Si K K H . P . H o lm e s a n d H . B . P lu m m e r ’s G ro c e ry æ ir j 1 hursday, Friday, Saturday at Square Deal Grocery and Knapp’s Groceteria i1 ; SB Monday, October 24th at East Side Grocery - g - ------------------------------------- An abundance of delicious, wholesome food in which ¡¡S KERR’S famous Flours and Cereals are employed in ¡S making. * BE OUR GUEST