TKB ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, October 17, 1021 Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to of fat stock and studies its practica-i date of said publication being Octo­ ber 17th, 1921. If the owner of any 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf bility and economyy. property so assessed for such sewer "B ut one of the chief functions of construction, in the sum of twenty- Smoke American Eagle cigars. this greatest of all livestock shows Woolens for men and “ o a « u sold Made in Ashland. 245 Fourth St. is the inspiration it gives. The vis­ five dollars or more, at any il within ten" day*» from date, hereof so by the yard— C. Orres. I7 tf 16-lm o* itor may know how many Shorthorns desires, he may, hav^. the time of or H erefords there are, but until he payment extended by signing an ap>. i M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel plication as provided by law, at the sees the pick of a thousand herds} c ity Recorder’s office. Inspeci Highway— Ashland Grill. 27-tf R. A. Booth, John B. Yeon, H er­ striving for honors in the judging W here the assessm ent is less than twenty-five dollars, and where the ring, he cannot realize how vital is bert Nunn and Secretary Klein of the Orchard Thievery— application for the extension of pay- ! Reports come of petty thievery in ' state highway commission spent Sat­ the industry which he helps to repre­ m ent shall not have been made and , sent. filed with the City Recorder within ‘ th e orchards and vineyards, and every urday on a tour of inspection of the C rater Lake highway, the inform a­ the ten days specified, the same shall ; "H e meets old friends ant? makes grow er is the victim to some extent be due and payable in cash within } tion they gathered to be used in the new ones— men and women engaged of this type of crim inal. Property thirty days from a n d after th e ex­ rights are little recognized by a class letting of bids on the work at a later in »the same work as he, who have piration of ten days from th e date of the same problems and perhaps have publication, , _ and strenuous remedies will have to date. solved some of them. If default is made in paym ent aftei be resorted to.— G rants Pass Courier. 17tf Have a fit— C. Orres. “A great show— the greatest col­ the expiration of th e tim e allowed, assessm ents will he docketed as lection of pure-bred livestock in the such H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, oeils a lien upon the property and will be Imogene Wallace, planiste-teach- world— a great throng of earnest, in­ subject to six per cent penalty, to­ plum bing fixtures and supplies 171 Helman Phone 210-J. Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth St. er. telligent people who have produced gether with interest thereon at the 33-lm o street. , 287-tf them ; au thorities on all breeds, rate of six per cent per annum from keen, eager beginners— all there to the date of delinquency, in the m an­ Have your old suit made new a t j R eturns From I o w a - ner provided in Sections 1 and 2 of learn and help each other— th a t is Article 12 of the C harter of the City P au lseru d ’s. 36-tf ! Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sams have the source of inspiration of Pacific of Ashland. returned from an extended visit at International. The following is & statem en t o A ttends C o n v e n tio n - the special benefit assessm ents lev­ Lake City, Iowa, where Mrs. Sams George W. Dunn, a prom inent reai-! “ Men and women who attend the ied, giving the am ount thereof, to­ was called by the serious illness of dent of Ashland and a form er county: Pacific International Livestock ex­ gether with th e name o r nam es of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Sams judge of Jackson county, passed:I position year after year are bound to the ow ner o r owners of the property through Portland Tuesday on his motored* through the middle western be more successful than those who affected by such assessm ent E. Lane— A tra c t of land way to La Grande to attend the states on a tour th a t included south­ stay at home.. They will be more C. fronting 82.5 feet on Gran K nights Tem plar convention.— P o rt­ ern California before returning to efficient. The co<5t of a journey ite Street, described DR Ashland. While at Pasadena, Calif., land Journal. 104, pg. 3 0 0 ‘ ....................... $ 25.74 1 does not m atter if the journey is they met the G. R. Slingerland fam ­ profitable. The trip to the Pacific M. N. Long— A tra c t of land ily and Fred Snider. Mr. Slinger­ International will be profitable.” fronting 122.5 feet on JOHN MALY G ranite Street, described land is in the lum ber business at Tailor for ladies, gentlemen, boys DR 36, pg. 259 .............. 38.22 Pasadena. and girls. Peil building, Plaza. Here is your opportunity to make i Q. W. and Alice Stahlm an— A tra c t of land fronting yourself a $30.000 stoclc ranch. One 72.2 feet on G ranite Remodeling and hundred and twenty acres bottom Street, described DR 89, oYres. land on river bank; good highway pg. 133 ................................ 22.53; through the place; partly cleared, • Sam H oldt— A tra c t of land R eturns From K lam ath F a ll* — balance in scrub pine; small cabin; i fronting 70.3 feet on G ran­ ite Street, described DR Mrs. H erbert McCarthy and boy 122, pg. 483 ..................... .. 21.93 have returned from a two weeks' | right for 100 acres and ditch which City of Ashland— A portion visit with Mrs. McCarthy’s mother will carry abundance of w ater partly of th e City P ark fronting on G ranite Street, in a t K lam ath Falls. They now are lo­ completed. Can be bought for few Sewer Dist. No. 2 0 ............ 108.42* cated at the McCarthy home on days for $4,000. Requires $1,000 GERTRUDE BIEDE, N orth Main street. down, balance five years at 4 per City Recorder. cent interest. See E. E. Phipps, next Date of first publication, October F. J. Huber, ladles’ and men’s door Tidings office. tailor, will be a t Hotel Ashland on Tuesday, October 18, with full line NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT IN (JHICHESTER-S PILLS of samples. 382* •_ THE l>IAU4Mi» U 4JT K . SEWER DISTRICT NO. 20 DAGS THREE B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Local and Personal — ^M anager Explains Purpose of Pacific International S h Cut Prices o n a ll FOR CASH You'll Have to Hurry H IT IT FO R Hittson’s MEDFORD, OREGON Studebaker Light Six $1390 By O. M. PLUMMER "W hy attend the Pacific In tern a­ tional?” This question was asked O. M. Plummer, International Live­ stock exposition, which will be held in Portland November 5-12. “ The real m erchant finds it helps him to go to m erchants’ conven­ tions,” said Mr. Plum m er in reply. “A lawyer attends metings of his bar association; a doctor goes to clinics and medical association gatherings. "The farm er, the dairym an and livestock man needs all th e Pacific International has for him. There are the anim als of the breed in which he is interested*, the greatest produc­ ers, the most perfect types and the best conformation. He studies what others— most successful in this work — have accomplished. He sees what they have done and how they have done it. He may arrange to buy the very sire he needs to bring him the generation he has sought. He may find ju st the heifer, or gilt, or ewe th a t he wants to bring achievement to him. He learns the feeding ration — i CONTRACT WORK will estimate for you the cost ” of any job you want done on your car, giving you the exact cost. S AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Phone 44 =SP ORDER YOUR B lock W ood NOW W inter is coming—prices are right. Supply may he lim­ ited later, as shipments from factory have already stopped. ASHLAND LUMBER CO. PHONE 20 water PHYSICIANS. rSnoasied Notice this delicieus flavor w hen you •moke Lucky Strike it’s sealed in by the toasting process y ‘c *.V' r n Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Did you ever try to save a min­ ute by not stopping to read a guide post on a strange road, and then spend hours finding your way back to your original route? Exasperating? Yes, but th a t’s nothing to what it will be if you try to "save” a few dollars by driving without T ravelers’ Automobile Insurance — and then have an accident. is B cst.S iM tt, A b -.y s teHaVU Every dollar you ‘‘saved” by failing to insure may cost you a hundred when it comes to settling the damage claims. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Established 1888 Phone a i l 41 E. Main St. SOLD BY DWÛGÎST5 EVERYWHERE FOE AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES A sh lan d O regon ORRES TAILOR SHOP Another Royal Suggestion GRIDDLE CAKES and WAFFLES From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook Buckwheat Cakefl Mix and sift dry ingredi­ ents; add milk and melted shortening; beat W'eH. Bake on slightly greased hot grid­ dle. 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 cup flour « teaspoons Royal Bakins BAKING PO W D E Griddle Cakes with Eggs 1% cups flour % teaspoon salt 3 teaspoona R oyal Baking Powder 2 e g ga •1*4 cups milk 1 tablespoon shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi­ ents; add beaten eggs, milk and melted shortening; mix well. Bake immediately on ho t griddle. “Bake with Royal ROOFERS CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed GRAHAM & WILSON, practical up and sold for you, from a wagon roofers; new roofs laid and old to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a roofs repaired. 103 B. Eleventh penny whistle. Third and A, op­ street, Medford, Ore. posite freight depot. No phone. — —— — — — ■ ■ TRANSFER AND EZPRHSS. W rite. 28-lm o T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS- FER — Good team and m otor­ FOR SALE— Two-wheel pony cart ' trucks. Good service at a reason­ and harness, $10. 54 9 Auburn able price. Pbone 83. street, Ashland. 38-2* FOR PROMPT and careful service FOR SALE— Pure-bred W yandotte J with Auto-Trucka or Horse Drays, chickens. 1023 East Main. 38-3* call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near FOR SALE— Good team horses, h ar­ Hotel Austin. ______________ ness and wagon; also two walking ’ CAR WASHING plows, one spike-tooth harrow, small cultivator, one mowing m a­ chine. L. A. Duncan, Millner EXPERT CAR WASHING and pollsh- ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. ranch, opposite Normal school. — ----■ .1 ------- . . 38-3* J----- EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ sonable prices. Lithia Garage. FOR SALE— Apples, 50 cents per 12-lm o box; pick them yourself. O. V. Richie, three miles southeast of ■ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. Ashland. 38-2* ! FOR SALE— W inter apples, orchard FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ nished, 5-room modern bungalow; run, $1 per box; bring box and sleeping porch, large basem ent; pick them. W. L. Moore. 34-5 large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922 priced right for quick sale. See models now on floor, Swenson & Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. McRae’s; see them ; your term s 24-lm o* are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man­ ager Southern Oregon. 35-lm o i FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- FOR SALE— Sewing machines, $4, room cottage, with roomy base- $5 and $6; good running condi­ ! nieut and outbuildings. Good size tion; guaranteed. Douglas, 253 lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ Fourth street. Phone 63-R. cation with fine view. Desirable * 31-tf for small family who w ant mod­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ SEWING MACHINES, clocks and er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. phonographs repaired. Douglas, Corner H a r r i s o n , 4 - l m o 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in good condition. Automotive Shop. 27tf Fitst National Bank Royal Hot Griddle Cakes CHAIR DOCTOR tj Any bank which has made ad­ vances to its custom ers for the above purposes, when vouched for proper­ ly, will be assisted now by the war finance corporation. FORD LV. ROSEBURG: i doz. Dobule bit, 60c doa. m. 1 00 p. m to SDFORD-G RANTS PASS ■ i u ii i i w - Dally and Sunday FORD LV. G T ’S PASS C. B. L A M K I N m. 10:00 a. in. m. 1:00 p. m. m. 4:00 p. m. BARGAINS IN m. 0:15 p. ni. Real Estate s Pass W aiting Room— The iere. Phone 160. and W aiting Room: No. 5 t St.. Nash Hotel Building. (My and Ranch FTopertie» House« to Reut. |, city and county-owned mo- cost taxpayers about a m u­ tually. CITUfittXS’ BANK BUILDING W . A. SH E L L