> PAGE TWO THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COVX'TY PAPER TELEPHONE 3 9 are not worth as much as they think and their outlook is udt as bright as it seems to be. The necessary thing for business' men and workmen to understand is th a t the depression has been a reae* tion from high prices and costs, from the consequences of extravagance and recklessness. It was im perative for the banks to force contraction of credit, and it is im perative th at exorbitant costs and prices should be reduced as well. Subscription Price Delivered in City: One month .................................. $ .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.75 One year .................................... 7.50 .Mall and Rural Routes One month .................................. $ .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.50 •î> One year .................................... 6.50 <§> THE PEOPLE’S FORUM. <$> <$• <£> <•> <$> -*> 9:00 9:15 9:35 i q -25 10:30 11:15 < <§> J o • 3 o late October or the first of Novem­ ber. Unless good honey, known to be free from disease, is available, only good sugar should be fed. Am­ ple protection is the third factor. Packing for protection from damp­ ness or extreme cold is thought to be best.— O. A. C. Extension Service. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1921 Announcements O. S. T. A. Superintendent G. A. Briscoe Address, ‘The Incom petent Teacher,” S. Teuscber, Jr. Interm ission DEPARTMENT SESSIONS Prim ary— Reading of Phonics Based on Our Course of COURT NEWS Study Mrs. Ingle G ram m ar— "Methods in Language” . . Miss Records High School— “ High Points in Good Teaching” . F, L. Stetson Circuit Court DEPARTMENT SESSIONS F. G. Swedenburg vs. Samuel Prim ary— "Some New Idteas in Teaching R eading” . Mrs. Ingle G ram m ar— “ Methods in G eography” . . Miss Records Koehler, for money. High School— O rganization of D epartm ents William H am m ett vs. Anna Rado­ RURAL SECTION van et al. Lien foreclosure. "The Teacher and the Community” W. M. Smith Jackson County Bank vs. Carrie "The Teacher as Club Leader” . H. C. Seymour A. Cozzens. To quiet. Music . . . . . . . M ìsb Leona M arsters Address— “ Some School Problem s” , C. F. A rant va. Mrs. Eliza M. W. M. Smith DEPARTMENT SESSIONS I Chase et al. To quiet. Prim ary— "The Teaching of N um bers” Miss Ingle B. F. Fuller et al. vs. H. C. Chris- G ram m ar— “ Methods in G eography” . Miss Records , toffson. To quiet. R ural— “ Standardization of R ural Schools W. M. S m ith , High School— ‘‘W hat a Teacher Should Know About Tests I Patton & Robinson, Inc., vs. C. R. aud Scales . . . . . . . F. L. Stetson i Natwick et al. Motion and order i i i Z ' “ ton ■ J - W- PMTt ” • c - « * "L et V b Speak E n g l i s h " ......................................... F. L. StetBon I M<” lon " " l» ° riler- Address— "M arriage and Divorce in Relation to Schools” . | ---------- S. Teuscher, Jr. [ Real Estate Transfers m i a ,, T U E SD A k, (H T O H E R 18 j W elborn Beeson et ux. to Music and Folk Games Leelah Jones et al., land in N utrition C l a s s e s ............................................................. Miss Poole section 35, township 3 8 Address— “Value of Club W ork to City and Country C hildren” • • • • ■ • • . . H. C. S eym our1 south, range 1 w est......... $ 10.00 Interm ission Nellie W illiams to C. L. Law DEPARTMENT SESSIONS et ux., lots 5 and 6, block Prim ary— (W ith R ural Section) 67, C entral Point ........... 10.00 G ram m ar— "The Exceptional Pupil” W. A. Smith High School— (W ith G ram m ar Section) Fred R. Goddard to Alpha Y. DEPARTMENT SESSIONS Goddard, part D. L. C. 67, Prim ary— "C orrelated Subjects for Language W ork” . Mrs. Ingle township 38 south, range 1 Upper G ram m ar and High School— ‘The High School In ­ west ....................................... 10.00 heritance” . . , . M. Ellwood Smith G ram m ar— “ Methods in H istory” . . . Miss Records L. A. Roberts (ad m in istra­ R ural— "Physical C ulture” . . . . Miss Fay Carver to r) to Viola May Stone, R ural— “ W hat a County Superintendent Expects of a tw o-thirds interest lot 31, Teacher” . . . . . . , H. C. Seymour Address— “The County Unit of A dm inistration” . W. M. Smith , block B, Railroad addition Discussion of the County Unit M easure . Superintendent A. G. Smith • to Ashland ......................... 469.15 Interm ission 1 W. B. Howell et ux. to J. T. Music Gagnon, S E ’4 of N E U , Miss Falldlne, County Health Nurse E ’A of SEt4 section 34, Address— "L eadership” . . . . Harold 3. T uttle : township 37 south, range 3 W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 Music west .................................... 1,000.00 ‘‘The County Library” . . Miss Clara Van Sant, Librarian i Address— “ Why and How of Project Teaching” . F, L. Stetson ! Interm ission DEPARTMENT SESSIONS Prim ary— "The Story H our” Miss Ingle G ram m ar— “ D ram atics” . . . . Miss Records R ural— “The M other Lode” M Ellwood Smith High School— “Achieving Democracy in Schools” . F. L Stetson O. S. T. A.— Investigating Committees* Reports Teachers’ Councils . . . . H. P. Jew ett, T alent’ Teachers’ Appointment Agencies . . 1. C. W ilson, Ashland Teachers’ Living Accommodations . Mrs. Laurie Jam es, Gold Hill Teachers’ Tenure . . . , j . R. Tyrrell, Phoenix DEPARTMENT SESSIONS Prim ary— ‘‘The Value of D ram atization” . Mrs. Ingle Electric Light Shades G ram m ar— “ Spelling M ethods” . . . Miss Records Masks, Caps, Aprons R ural— “ Physical T raining” . . . . Miss Carver High School— “ A Scientific D eterm ination of Abilities” • • • • • • • . . F. L. Stetson Nut Cups, Napkins . O. S. T.’A.— Business Meeting Report of Resolutions Committee Cut-Outs, Skeletons Interm ission Music PUMPKINS Address— “The Common Cause” M. Bllyrood Smith ¡11:00 11:30 ••One T hing Thou Lackest" 1:30 Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c If I were a preacher and taking a! 2:15 YEARLY CONTRACTS text from which to speak to the Ash- j Display A dvertising land people it would be these words: * One tim e a w eek........................ 27 ^ c Two times a week........................25 c "One Thing Thou Lackest.” For sev­ Every other d a y ...........................20 c eral years we hare been trying to Ixxud Readers make Ashland a noted resort and we 3:00 Each line, each tim e .................... 10c have succeeded in a modest way. No ! 3:10 To ru n every other dhy for one month, each line, each tim e. . 7c other town in the state of Oregon of j 3:25 3:40 To run every issue for one month the same size is so well known or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c throughout the west and south. Our, Classified Column efforts at making Ashland a w ell-5 9:00 One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month known resort have been, of course, 9:15 9:35 or more, %c the word each time. I as we all know, more or less feeble, Ijegal Rate , in some cases well m eant but misdi­ 10:25 F irst time, per 8-point lin e .........10c rected and spasmodic, and all the 10:30 Each subsequent time, per 8- point line .................................... 5c j while we have been wholly unpre- Card of thanks ........... . . . .$1.00 > pare Man’s love is of m an’s life a erected for a different purpose and1 patronized by a different class of town themselves, or largely so, and ing Bordeaux can be had free of <8> thing ap art— they can do it if they will. It would charge by w riting to the departm ent ’Tis woman’s whole existence. <$• people— a class which is not coming — llyron. at the present time to Ashland at all. { not he a gift to the city or a contri­ of horticulture, O. A. C., experiment bution to a good cause, but an invest­ station. ♦ ♦ $ > $ > < £ > & « > « ■ < » « ■ 4 ® <& 1S> '<9 Those are the people we want, and if Ashland is to take her place by the ment of the safest kind th a t would doubtless pay a good dividend and FARM REMINDERS It will not be in order for the side of those towns and cities of the could, in all probability, be sold American eagle to go into th a t arm a­ coast th at have sprung up like magic within a few years for double the A large force of young w orker ment conference screaming. But it and are today w ithout any other re­ money th at it would cost to build it. bees, a t least 15,000, is one of three sources except the tourist, leading may not be amiss to let the foreign if not in Ashland, then w h e re ? , prim ary essentials in wintering. delegations know th a t the old bird the world in growth of population Everything is fixed and already pre-. Abundant food stores, uot less than and substantial building, then Ash­ would do some terrifying scream ing land should instantly stop her q u ar­ pared, both by man and nature, for; thirty-five to forty pounds and bet- should it be provoked too far. reling over the insignificant and non- this very thing which we have lacked te r fifty or sixty, ¡ b the second. If essential things th a t can only be all the while; then why do we tarry feeding is necessary, the best time W onder if President H arding hfts properly classed» under th e heading longer? Some one says, “ W ait until to do it in most parts of the state is a3 high regard for the senate now as of “Sman Town S tuff.” and unitedly, times are better.” Now, the facts he did when he was a member of it? heroically and persistently focus all are th a t you never saw better times her energy upon the one thing lack­ in Ashland than there are rig h t here; MR. DURANT ON THE RANKERS ing, which is a to u rist hotel, which today. Every m erchant in the to w n , GREED would help every man in town and is m aking at least something. That every line of business, and secondly, cannot be said of other towns. Any The prolonged depression is due to the hotel which we have now would man or woman can go out iu this the restrictive measures of the fed­ be benefited as much, if not more, city now and find a day’s work a t a eral reserve system. This is the opin­ than any other business, because it fair price. The whole world knows ion which a few persons have ex­ would start som ething worth while— th at cannot be done in other places. pressed. Mr. William C. D urant, the a movement th a t would have suf­ Any man whose credit is good can motor ta r m anufacturer, is the la t­ ficient advertising features to bfing borrow all the money he wants here est to declare th at there has been “a a host of people from every direction in less than ten m inutes’ time. There; bankers' picnic” and the ‘'greed of and from among all classes. It are towns and cities in America the bankers” is the cause of the per­ would seem th a t it would be a good where, no m atter how good the finan­ sistence of industrial dullness. business scheme for the owners of cial standing, or- sufficient the se­ Reports from the federal reserve the present hotel to s ta rt the move­ curity, money cannot be borrowed Our banks are hanks indicate th at companies which ment, calling upon the citizens of from the hanks. have effected readjustm ent can bor­ the town to take a part in it. Now, bursting with money. The time is row on reasonable term s. But com­ this brings us to the consideration of now ready. “One Thing Thou Lack­ panies which have not liquidated who is going to build the needed e s t.” M. C. REED. their affairs are properly at a dlsad-i hostlery. ir ¡t ¡s ever done at all it vantage as borrowers. aB th eir stocks! will be done by the people of this ANTHRACNOSE SPRAY DUE ADVERTISING RATES Display A dvertising ______ <§> Teachers Annual Institute Monday, October 17. 1921 Eighty men out of every hundred are (-».‘pendents at sixty years of age. Putting a little in the bank each week is what makes the difference between dependent and INdepen- dent. All Sizes Tt will pay you to look over our stock The Citizens Bank you can obtain a t this store— everything th e model cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans aud preserving k et­ tles. A little Journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. Ashland, Oregon "Miss Gibbie Gault” One and One-half Hours’ Entertainment, Presenting the Entire Fifteen Characters Herself, on the Evening of OCTOBER 28 METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Mattie B. Shaw needs no introduction to Ashland, as her ability along dram atic lines was a source of great pleasure to her hearers dhiring her form er residence here, since which time she h |s finished a course of instruction from Emma Wilson Gillespie, of the Gillespie School of Expression, of Portland, and these are some of the things they say of her: “She is an a rtist whom it is equally a pleasure and education to hear. Her voice possesses a rare sym pathetic quality which takes a thorough grip on her hearers. “ Her personality is unique. Her phrasing of difficult passages rem arkable and rich.” "She possesses all the qualifications that go to make a pleasing entertainm ent, m aking her character walk and talk before you, with a distinctive personality.” "To hear her in the delineation of character is an event that is ever gratefully treasured in one’s memory.” for SUITS and COATS with that label will satisfy East Side Meat Market and every cut of meat we sell will be from PRIME BEEF—Tender, Juicy and Delicious WHOLESALE AND RETAIL KIRBY & ELLIOTT Phone 188 Ju st now there is a splendid assortment of styles and sizes to choose from hut every day they are thinning out. Why not look them over Saturday and select vours t HOT W ATER For Every Need •J A moder nhot water supply outfit will fill your requirements—will provide you with hoi water when and where you want it with but tin minimum of caretaking and fuel cost»?. Get my price today for installing such an outfit in your home. Let me suggest the type best adapted to fill your requirements. Jerry O’Neal Phone No. 138 395 East Main in everv wav. flThe frequent calls for hot water for washing, bathing, cleaning, etc., make it imperative that a liberal supply he instantly» available in all parts of the home. The great amount of hot water used in the average household necessi­ tates a neconomical method of obtaining this supply. Bargain in used sewing machine; also a new carload of White sew­ ing machines Just in, at Pe/J's Corner Will Render the Drama A Convenience-A Necessity An Investment We have purchased the will do your plowing right now in your hard, sticky soil. Dr. Mattie Brown Shaw COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS O rchardists who have not sprayed for anthracnose should do so at once. When spraying is done thor­ oughly so th at every twig is covered little infection will result. Use Bor- oLau mixture, 4-4150. To make this, dissolve four pounds copper sulfate in w ater and slake four pounds of quicklime Dilute one solution in the spray tank and then add the! other and fill up to fifty gallons. When a large quantity is needed, make up a stock solution and dilute as needed. Full directions for mix- The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow D R A M A T IC Interpretation Halloween Goods SIMPSON’S HARDWARE The "In” in Independent BENEFIT COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE Beaver Block