PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, October 18, 1WW Welleck was to get $8 a gallon fo r'w a s left for fu rth er investigation : ing The Tidings city editor for the We do catering to private parties, lice of deacons in the churches, but E. Hanley, N% of NW %, Nelda Cafe. 3 8 -6 t1 opposing a two-year term for com- SE% of NW % and SW*4 the m ountain dew, and Isson and and decision at the next council m anner in which the activities of the ---------- ' missioners to the general assembly, of NE% section 36, town- Brumfield $12. He said he did the meeting. ! city council are presented to the which meets annually— next year at ship 36 south, ange 2 east. 10 W atch Rose Bros.’ window for work and furnished the room, It was stated by Councilman Blake people by means of The Tidings news W. C. T. V. C o n v e n tio n - Brumfield the m aterial and Isson th a t in the m ajority of cities t h e ' stories was given. The council corn- Saturday candy specials. 37-tf Des Moines, ' Iowa. This year the Minnie M. Knapp et vir. to Word comes from Mrs. Stella Leav meeting was at W inona Lake, Ind., W. W. Perkins, p art lot 1, the knowledge for the venture. w ater users paid for their in d iv id u a l; m ended The Tidings representative’s ltt, who Is attending the state W. C. and was attended by nearly 1,000 block 1, B arr’s addition. . 10 Hotel Ashland Arrivals— meters. The suggestion p e t with ability to stick through the meetings T. U. convention at Oregon City, th at Charels S. Perkins, San Francisco; delegates from all the states of the J. W. Shirley to W illiam Gil­ apparent favor among the council- in spite of the late hours and fre- COUNCIL WILL they are having the best convention lings et ux., lot in D. L. C. J. R. Atckison, Seattle; S. J. Grimes, union an d from foreign countries. 1 men. quent special sessions th a t have oc- in many years. The membership FRAME BUDGET Rev. E. P,. Lawrence and Dr. W. P. 42, township 37 south, O. G. W hite, P ortland; W anda f T idings Com m ended curred during the past several has nearly doubled over the state, FOR NEXT YEAR range 1 w e s t ...................... 2,500 Brown, E sther Calkins, Pansy Rob­ Holt, of Medford, were nominated j A vote of appreciation command- weeks. / there now being 3,4 42 members, a ertson, M argaret Johnston, Klam ath for such commissioners for the meet­ John A. W esterlund et ux. to (Continued trom Page 1) net gain this year of 1,479. The Falls; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barr, H. E. ing at Des Moines next year. F ruitlands Improvement Wood, W ilmot Sandham, Albert i state treasu rer reports $500 on hand ments, the w inter fair will cost ap­ Company, W. of SW U sec­ instead of deficits, as for some years Moorland, P. Montgomery, George proximately $1,500. The premiums tion 25, township 27 south, Carr, Roy C.-Lanksley, Harold Wort- back. Oregon City ranks first, with ley, R. Montgomery, C. Shriver, Kal- SH E R IF F TO SU PPLY See Our Selection of will cost between $1,000 and $1,300. range 1 w est; p a rt of sec­ TEMPORARY LICENSE a gain of 150 new members, and land W att, Martin Adams, T. Mont­ The total expense, Mr. Fuller said, tion 26, township 37 south, PLATES FOR AUTOS gomery, G. Dow, Bruce Jeffers, Rol- Medford next with eighty-eight. ,range 1 west ..................... 12,060 of the fair last year was $800. lin C antrall, Pete M atschenbacher,! Meter D iscussion Clare Olive Reame to Frank Our clothes are com fortable be­ Homer Garisch, Bennard Hackland, (■Continued from ra g e 1) Considerable discussion developed j Robert Hackland, Frank P ey to n ,, — X. Scherrer, two mining cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf Charles Grove, Leslie Peyton, C. of over the continued use of m eters, Jackson county citizens. Under claims in section 30, town Hogee, J. Manning, San Francisco; ship 38 south, range 1 west 1 during the w inter m onths a t a time! Orders taken for fresh oysters. Oscar Peyton, wife and son, W. D. such an arrangem ent, eith er the p u r­ when the city was plentifully sup-! Nelda Cafe. 38-6t Cqburn and wife, R. E. Milam, R. H. chaser or seller of th e autom obile A. J. T. Smith et al. to Fitch plied with water. Mayor Lamkin a tj has had to tro t over to Jacksonville Goetz, H. E. Peltz, Jr., Marry Hola" M. Snyder, W % of SE% for these plates. first favored the flat rate during j tore, Robert Goetz, Klam ath Falls; Kianiuih F alls A rrivals— of SE% section 3, town L. M. Addington, L. F. Thomason, LC. Z Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peyton, of those months, avoiding the expense' At the request of autom obile deal- ship 36 south, range 3 W innett. M ont.; M. J. Die*. E u g e n e ., er3 , to o t m a tte r up WKh K lam ath Falls, and sons Frank, Les­ w e s t ..............* * ............... ie o of having the m eters read. Mem- i lie and Ralph motored to Ashland bers of the council contended th at „ i secretary of state suggesting th a t John H. Carlton et ux. to We furnish salads and croquettes. the ah er, „ n „ thorize(i yesterday to attend the football game m eters once placed should be le f t1 cble, pp_ Lyle H. Carlton, land in D. today. Frank and Leslie Peyton are any kind, for private parties o n |som6 ppe probably throughout the year. The m atter) L. C. 39, township 36 members of the K lam ath Falls twenty-four hours’ notice. Ndlda1IiCe’ in Medford and a,8° in Ashland south, range 1 e a s t ............ 500 TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY. Cafe. 1 to handle these tem porary license C. W. Palm et ux. to estate of squad. Hairdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Bldg FOR dry four-foot oak wood at E. L. Miller, deceased, lot W atch Yeo’s window. 299-tt plates. I am in receipt of a letter S u its Made to Order— $10.50 per cord, delivered, phone from Secretary Kozer stating th at 11, block 1, Palm ’s Second 460. A. G. Adams; yard, 240 Cleaning and repairing on short my suggestion was acceptable to his addition to Medford . . . . Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. Third street. 38.1 notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland 37-tf office and th a t he was w riting Sher Bldg. 302tf FOUND— Velvet hand bag. Owner iff Terrill to th a t effect. Chiurch of th e Nazarene may have same by identifying and Dinnei? P a r t y - Corner of F ourth and C streets. SUNDAY paying for ad. Tidings Office. MONDAY W here better tam ales are served Miss S. R. Fox, 96 Laurel street, Sunday school, 9:45 a.m .; Thornton COURT NEWS Rose Bros, will serve, them. 37-tf entertained a num ber of friends at a FOR SALE— Good team horses, h ar­ S. Wiley, superintendent. Preach­ ness and wagon; also two walking dinner party yesterday afternoon. M arriage Licenses ing service, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. plows, one spike-tooth harrow, Style and quality are combined in Those present were: Mesdames J. small cultivator, one mowing ma­ George W. Davis and Sarah M. Young People’s meeting, 6:30 p.m. Paulserud’s suits. 36-tf Clyd, Jameson, C. Mathes, A. H ern­ Yost’. chine. L. A. Duncan, Millner P rayer m eeting W ednesday, 7:30 ranch, opposite Normal school. don, S. K entnor, E. L. Atkinson and p.m. You are cordially invited to Weed V isito r— 38-3* C iivuit Court worship with us. J. E. McShane, C. J. Foster is a visitor in thè city 8. L. Allen. A. W. W alker vs. 8. H. Short De pastor. FOR SALE— Apples, 50 cents per from Weed, Calif. box; pick them yourself. O. V. - x The last m illinery class will begin m urrer. Richie, th ree miles southeast of Hazel L. Van Dermark vs. Alec In — Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Monday evening, October 17. For Ashland. 38-2* DOUGLAS COUNTY fu rth er inform ation call Mrs. Louis Armstrong. For money. folks as well as commercial and to u r­ SHERIFF TESTIFIES IN FOR RENT — W ell-located and 36-4 Frank Taylor vs. Medford Mining, ist business. 27-tf Dodge. pleasant furnished housekeeping MOONSHINE CASE Milling and Development AssocHar rooms for the w inter; vacant on Books Movie A ttraction s— F. J. Huber, ladies’ and men’s tion. M iner's lien. or about the 20th. Phone 353-L. (Continued from Page 1) O. T. Bergner, m anager of the tailor, will be at Hotel Ashland on E. S. Stutz vs. Jacksonville School 38-tf Vining theater, left last night for Tuesday, October 18, with full line D istrict No. 1. For money. He said Welleck and Isson rode FOR RENT— Three-room furnished Portland, where he will book sev­ of samples. 382* The Commercial Corporation vs. down the road together. Long said apartm ents. Allen Building. eral new moving picture attractions there was som ething under the _______________________ A. W. W alker. For money. 38-tf for the local theater. Mr.. Bergner Moves to Fifth Street— H enrietta O’Connell vs. W ickluff wagon seat which th e governm ent RENT— Vista apartm ents, com­ E. C. Steiger has moved to 565 B O’Connell. Divorce. will return to Ashland tomorrow. m aintains was the still found by FOR pletely furnished; close in; price street. , Lena Higgins vs. Roy Higgins. Af­ Gunner Jolsen. reasonable. Inquire 166 Harga- Drop into the salt age store and $500 for One B arrel dine. Phone 122. 38-tf fidavit, findings and conclusions; look over the stock; sure to be some­ For pleating, see Orres. 17tf motion and order of default; de­ Sam Welleck was th e first witness FOR SALE— Two-wheel pony cart LAST TIME TONIGHT STARTS thing you want. 38-tf cree. for the governm ent, and described and harness, $10. 549 Auburn TUESDAY We serve the best of coffee a t all street, Ashland. 38-2* Jam es L. Hill ve. L au retta M. HUI. in detail his s ta rt in m oonshining, times. Nelda Cafe. 38-6t Affidavit, findings and conclusions; and the m aking o f the still, which POPULAR NOVEL FOR SALE— Pure-bred W yandotte he assem bled before th e jury. default; decree. chickens. 1023 E ast Main. 38-"3* T o Visit K lam ath F a l l s - Welleck said th a t the read ju st­ Myrtle M. Berger vs. Theodore G. Miss Lydia McCall will leave to­ SEE H. S. Lynch, Talent, for dry Berger. Affidavit, stipulation, o r­ m ent period left fts m ark on him, wood, or phone 12-F-22. Who ever heard before of sunshine morrow morning for Klam ath Falls der. and th a t one day while talking to 36-2tw-lmo* by the pound— but really, sunshine for a week's visit at the home of her Brumfield he rem ark ed th a t “ unless F. J. Newman vs. D. T. Lawson et is a part of the service we give. brother, John McCall, in th a t city. al. Order. things picked up he would have to A nd here’s the proof— every g ar­ start m aking w hiskey.” Bank of San Rafael vs. H. C. Don’t forget that Sunday dinner ment, every piece of linen, every­ He said B rum field told him he 3 8 -lt C hristofferson et al. Order. thing in your family bundle. Is fairly at Nelda Cafe. would give $500 fo r a b arrel of whis­ Medford Implement Company vs. steeped in sunshine in our plant. Home-made tam ales served at H. H. Corliss. W rit of attachm ent; key, and th a t afte rw ard Brumfield It* you were to call you’d see why furnished a still (th e sm all one Gun­ 37-tf summons. — great sunlit rooms into which sun­ Rose Bros. Frank Morence vs. Minnie B. Mor- ner Jolsen testified h e found) an d light stream s— sunny washrooms; the ingeredients — corn, cracked ironing rooms as flooded with light Paulserud’s suits are reasonable. ence. Summons. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at as your sub parlor. Ralph Raymond D usenberry vs. corn, cornm eal and brown sugar. 36-tf Maud Marie Dusenberry. Affidavit Weleck testified he took th e still to And of this purity everything his home and sta rte d experim enting, fUc? you send absorbs a p art— it's one of and order. TRY THIS ONE the reasons for the frag ran t cleanli­ Edith Jones vs. Edward J. Jones. but could produce nothing but a ness; the through and through pur­ poor grade of v in eg ar.” Answer. A. Sutherlin, friend of Prune Pick- ity th at is im parted to everything Later, a fte r th is failure, Welleck Ed Smith et al. vs. F ran k Cam­ ins, today sent us the following that comes to us for washing. testified th a t B rum field told him he recipe for home brew and, knowing eron et al. Order. Thursday, Friday, Saturday at We take out of your home all the had a man who knew how to make R. S. M urray et al. vs. C. E*. P ra tt Sutherlin as we do. we desire to pass bother and fretting th at washdays whiskey, and th a t the one they* had et al. Answer. entail; give you leisure— a service! on to our readers: th a t’s thorough, through and through Elsie C. Clay vs. W. S. Clay. Sum­ was too sm all “ to do any good with Chase a wild bullfrog three miles — yet the cost is extremely moderate. and gather up the hops. To th e hops mons. commercially.” H a then alleged th a t Isson ,the special sa m e w arden, then M. D. Jackson vs. Victor W. Brown Save yourself from fu rth er wash­ add the following: Ten gallons ex­ came to his house a n d made the still days by calling us today. Our repre­ tract of tanb-ark, one-half pint shel­ et al. Notice; motion. day, October 24th at sentative will call and deliver again lac, one bar home-made soap. Other Jean A. Gattis vs. Edwin F. Gat- introduced as an exhibit, and de­ ju st as promptly. scribed m inutely a n d in whole Just ten p arts: E xtract of jimaon, 6 tis. Affidavit and order. Dora Taylor vs. Marion Taylor. how it was m ade, and how the corn dram s; nicotine, 7 ounces; sulphuric was spread on th e roof of the porch extract of hellfire, 1 fluid ounce. Affidavit, order; proof of mailing. to sprout, a fte r so ak in g all night in Phoue 165 Boil m ixture thirty-six hours, then Probate Court a nearby fcreek. A ccording to W el­ strain through an I. W. W. sock to E state Chester Wayne Dless et al. leck, the m ethod followed was to keep it from w orking; then bottle Confirm ation sale. mix cornm eal boiled to the thickness in fruit jars; add one grasshopper Ethel S. W illits, Antoine A. Schi- of mush with hot w a ter and brown to each pint to give it the kick. Shake epen assum e the business name of sugar. Before th e tgtill was operated well before using. Rogue Valley Floral Company. the officer seized it. Under the plan ■» E state W. L. Barnum. Second re­ Pendleton — Approximately 3,- 000,000 bushels of wheat sold by port of guardian. E state K athleen Deane Swinson. Umatilla county farm ers, 50 per cent Report of sale. of crop. Estate George A. Stannard. Or­ Crew of 500 men a t work near der. Veronia on railroad to Nehalem val­ E state Bertie B. Pankey et al. ley. (m inors). U ndertaking. E state Joshua Neatham m er. Pe­ PRESBYTERY OP tition and order. SOUTHERN OREGON E state M argaret Lindsay. Order. HEL DAT ROGUE RIVER E state Thomas McAndrew. Pe­ tition and order. (Continued from Page One) Don’t know whether Jiggs and E state A., W. Selsby. O rder; re­ Maggie have a car or not, but if of Rev. J. W. Hoyt, who recently port of posting. they hac& I bet Maggie would see moved from Ashland to W alla W alla, that it was equipped with MASON Wash. Rev. H. G. Hanson, pastor of R eal E sta te T ransfers CORDS. the G rants Pass church, has also re­ Roy Nichols et ux. to Alfred cently removed, to take charge of Gillett, lot 1, block 46, Yes, sir. any time you’d show the Presbyterian church at Moro, Central Point 10 Maggie a tire with 42 per cent Or. L. L. Love et ux. to Ora Ar­ stronger carcaes, 38 per cent On Tuesday evening five men from bogast, part D. L. C. 55, stronger head, double breaker the Phoenix church, with their township 37 south, range strip arud a reaJ guarantee, she’d wives, attended the meeting- at 2 west .................................. 4,000 insist o«n MASON’S CORDS— and Rogue River, when Rev. E. W. War-» Ora A rbogast et ux. to A. W. she’d have ’em. Ask Jiggs. rington’gave a stirrin g and most in­ Beebe et ux., p art D. L. C. MAilON TIRES are guaranteed teresting address on “Evangelism ,” 55, township 37 south, MEDFORD, OREGON perfect tires during their entire and Rev. E. P. Lawrence, pastor of range 2 w e s t ....................... 3,600 life, with no limitation^ placed on the Medford church, spoke on the J. T. Gagnon e t i&. to E rnest the tim e tor length of service dur­ New E ra ” work of the church. A Clement, lot 12. block 52, ing which MASON responsibili­ num ber of M edford people also were M ed fo rd l.........................................10 ties remain In effect. They must present and several from Phoenix Jackson County to F ran k C. on Wednesday evening, when Rev. wear out, a c t give out. At Preston. % interest in 8% C. F. Koehler, of Ashland, presided. of N E % , N% of SE% sec­ LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPITAL The presbytery took decided ac­ tion 9, township 39 south, tion favoring disarm am ent, and also 34RC3V&, $13.60 range 3 w e s t ....................... 19.19 the admission of women to the of- M. F. Hanley et ux. to Alice FALL HATS We have some very nice Fisk Patterns WINELAND ® SHEPHERD ELSIE FERGUSON The S tar Supreme F o o tlig h ts 99 You w ill say it is h er g reatest picture Zane Grey’s A Service of Sunshine By the Pound The U. P. Trail "The Atfairs of Anatol” A Cordial Invitation to Everyone! H. P. Holmes and H. B. Plummer’s Grocery eery and Knapp’s Groceteria t Side Grocery Ashland Laundry Co. [licious, wholesome food in which urs and Cereals are employed in S p e c ia l Cut Prices o n a ll USED CARS FOR CASH ■■■■■■■■■■ You'll Have to Hurry H IT IT FOR Hittson’s Studebaker Light Six $1390 Tyre IQik:^ Just Received a Large Shipment of ROOFING This is first quality material and the price is right. Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. Dickerson Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc.