TÄB ASHLAND DAILY TTDINOf Saturday, October 18, I M I Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ---- ■------------Side L i g h t s - " - ----------- * Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to From K lam ath F a l l s - 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf Mrs. John Enders motored over from K lam ath Falls yesterday, ac­ R etu rn s F rom Gold H i l l - companied by Miss Vera Cozad and August Schuerman has returned four K lam ath Falls high school girls, from Gold Hill, where he is the pro­ Misses Frances Humphrey, Bonnie prietor of a general store, for a few Lucas, Letha Simmons and M argaret lAiys’ visit with his family. Schubert, to witness the game today between K lam ath Falls a n d our local Smoke American Eagle cigars. team. They will rem ain until Mon­ Made in Ashland. 245 F ourth St. day as guests of Mrs. Jacobs, on 16-lm o* G ranite street-^ who is Mrs. E nders’ mother. K lam ath Falls V is ito r - Remodeling and cleaning — C. Miss M argaret Hargus, of Klam­ Orres. ath Falls, Is visiting her grandm oth­ er. Mrs. I. D. Applegate, at the Emil Missionary Class to Meet— Peil home on G ranite street. Buford j The Presbyterian missionary study H argus, brother of Miss Hargus, is class will meet next Thursday to a member of the Klam ath Falls dele­ gation that arrived in Ashland complete the study of the conclud­ yesterday afternoon for the purpose ing chapters of a book on m issionary of attending today's football game. work. The class will review the book October 27 at an afternoon tea. Imogene W allace, pianiste-teach- A gift shower will be in order a t the er. Phone 210-J, 171 Helman tea. It is planned to fill the mis­ street. 33-lm o sionary box with a varied asso rt­ ment of articles th a t may be used for sewing work. Leaves for Salem— H. R. Adams, th e Plum oer, oeils I The»Junior B. Y. P. U. meets at 4 plumbing fixtures and supplies. o'clock in th e afternoon and the Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth Si. i 287-tf ; Senior B. Y. P. U. meets at 6:30 in th e evening. All young people a re In Central Am erica— cordially Invited to atten d these Lee Huntley, brother of Mrs. Ed meetings. Evening pidac&ag serv­ Thornton and Mrs. Carl Murphy, ice a t ? :3 0 ; subject, “ W inning a writes his Ashland relatives very en­ Great Victory for God.” Special m u­ tertainingly of experiences in Cen­ sic by the orchestra. O ur church ex­ tral America, he being employed as tends a hearty welcome to all who cjvil engineer by an American cor­ will worship with us- W alter L. poration in dredging for gold and i Evans, pastor. platinum in various sections of C o-! lombia, not far distant from thei Panam a canal zone. . T.nc MAUUNU BXAKP. a Have your old suit made new at ' Paulserud’s. 36-tf I Child W elfare M eeting — A child welfare meeting was held this afternoon at the Methodist church under the supervision of Miss Marie Falladine, county nurse, and Miss Florence Pool, county home su­ pervision agent. The m eeting is p ur­ suant to a baby clinic held here sev­ eral weeks ago, at which time spe­ cial attention was given to proper diet for tho babies. M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf M. W. Hay left yesterday for Something new k Salem, where he is first attendan t in the surgical ward at the state hos­ pital. Mr. Hay has been visiting his Miss Astiland Friends— Woolens for men and women sold parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hay, by the yard— C. Orres. I7 tf Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boslough 151 Nursery street. have w ritten from Denver, Colo., that they are enjoying beautiful F or high grade tailoring for men w eather and good health, but miss and women— C. Orres. the fam iliar faces of Ashland friends. A surprise party was given Miss Rose P atterson a t her home on N orth Main street Thursday evening in the form of a linen shower. Dainty refreshm ents were afterw ard served. Those present were: Mesdames Hal McNair, Nate Bates. Louis Dodge, H. K. Tomlinson, J. W. McCoy, Fred Wilson and Miss Rose Patterson. ATTEND THE Big One Cent lc Sale THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Thia Week A 25c articles, two for 26c., etc Includes Rexall Tooth Paste Powder, Face Creams and Powders, etc., etc. McNair Bros. Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. 22tt Em broidery Club M eets — The Friday Afternoon Embroidery club met with Mrs. Dyrud on Fourth street yesterday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in the usual m anner with all kinds of fancy work, after which elegant refreshm ents were served in the form of sand­ wiches, straw berries, ice cream and cake. Those present besides the hos­ tess were: Mesdames Roy Hale, H. C. Emery. J. C. Poor, C. A. Cotter, O. W. Long, G. H. Hedberg, J. R. Lilly, Frank Nelson, Mark Smith, Frank Guisinger and Love. Automobile course. insurance— Teo, of 299-tf To Take Up Church W ork— j Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Edgar, who ■ have spent the sum m er in Canada, passed through Ashland this m orn­ ing en route to Merrill, where Mr. Edgar will take up work In the church. The Koehler family and Miss Wallace met them at the depot for a short visit. Have a fit-—C. Orres. 17tf i E n tertain at W inter H om e— Mrs. O. W inter entertained a company of friends at her home I on the Boulevard Thursday evening, com plim entary to Mrs. Maud Creeks, who is leaving Ashland ten* « porarily for a residence across t ' border in Siskiyou county. Tailor for and girls. INTERÜRRAN AUTOCAR CO, Effective March 20, 1020. Daily (Except Sunday) LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 7:15 a. m. One cent the worjt eacji U »e. 7:15 a. m. 3:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 8:46 a. m. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. 9:30 a. ih. 9:30 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Practice BRltiGS & BRIGGS—Attorneys-at- .limited to eye, ear, nose and 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and | 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— At tor ney-at-Law. 12:45 p. in. 12:46 p.m. land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank 1:30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 3:00 p. m. v 3:00 p. m. DR. 3. 3. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice lim ited to 3:45 p. m. 3:45 p. m. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor, 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. supplied. Oculist and aurist for 5 :15 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Examination free. Suite 8, No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. f'. and H. 6:00 p m. 6:00 p. in. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. M ito » M * r t t*S3* ££$<<>) residence phone 401. 8:45 p. m. Sat. cU«y 8:45 p. m. JK 9:30 p. m. DR. LINCOLN 9:30 p. m. KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HEALTHATORIVM— Dr. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, 1 Sjffct.ÄlwsysReiiahU 10:30 p .m . Sat. only 12:15 Midgt E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ SUNDAY ONLY Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 SOLO 8ÎDRtG(HSTS EVERYWHERE trical Treatm ents, Mineral and LV. ASHLAND 1 LV. MEDFORD to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a .m . Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 4 8. 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. H eart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to 0. B. L A M K I N 11:00 a. in. 111:00 a m. * 12m.; evenings by appo in tm en t.1 PHONE your next job of plumbing 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Phone Medford 714. Residence to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. 1:00 p. m. j 1:00 p .m . phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o Phone 138. 2 • 00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. BARGAINS IN 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. in. CHAIR DOCTOR Real Batate ROOFERS 4:00 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. ra. 5:00 p. ui. y 6:30 p. m. CHAIR DOCTOR — Anything fixed GRAHAM & WILSON, practical 6:30 p. m up and sold for you, from a wagon roofers; new roofs laid and old 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. City aud Bauch Properties to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh —East Side Phar- Ashland W aiting- House» to Meut. penny whistle. Third and A, op­ street, Medford, Ore, macy. posite freight depot. No phone. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD TRANSFER AND EXPRESS, W rite. 28-lm o DAILY EXCEPT SIN D A Y CITIZENS' BANK BUILDING LV. J ’S’NVT.K LV. MEDFORD T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TRANS FOR SALE. 7:20 a. m. 7:40 a. m. FER — Good team and m otor­ 8:20 a. m. FOR SALE— Good Jersey cow. Ad­ 9:00 a. m. trucks. Good service at a reason­ 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. dress F, care Tidings. 37-2* able price. Phone 83. 11:30 a. m. 12:00 Noon 1 :00 p. m. FOR SALE — One-year-old W hite FOR PROMPT and cureful service 1:30 p. m. ^ 2*00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, Leghorn hens, O. A. C. strain. 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m. call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone 1401 Boulevard. 37-2* 5:00 p. in. 5:30 p. m. 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near 7:00 p. m. “SINGER” 'leads, as usual; 1922 9:30 p. m. Hotel Austin. 7:30 p m . Sat. only 8 :00 p .m . models now on floor, Swenson & CAR WASHING 9:50 p. m. 10:30 p .m . Sat. only McRae’s; see them ; your term s WB RUN ON SUNDAYS. are ours. J. W. Scott, Sales Man- EXPERT CAR WASHING and pollsh- MEDFORD-RQSERU RG j . ager Southern Oregon. 35-lm o icg. Lithia Garage, phone 114. Daily and Sunday LV. ROSEBURG ¡LV. MEDFORD FOR SALE— Sewing machines, $4, EXPERT CAR REPAIRING a t reT- INCREASES CROP YIELDS 1.00 p. m 111:00 a. m. * $5 and $6; good running condi- aonable prices. Litbia Garage. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS tion; guaranteed. Douglas, 253 ___________ _____________ 12-1 mo NOW A PROVEN FACT Daily and Sunday F ourth street. Phone 63-R. LV. G’T ’S PASS ; LV. MEDFORD FOB SALE— REAL ESTATE. 31-tf Apply Early Before the Fall Rains , 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. FOR SALE — Furnished 9ix-room 1:00 p. m. ill* ;00 a. m MACHINES, clocks and A Car on Hand Now at the house with seleping porch, close 4 :00 p. m. j SEWING i 1:00 p. m. phonographs repaired. Douglas, in. Call 550 Boulevard. 35-4* 6:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 253 F ourth sjreet. Phone 63-R. G rants Pass W aiting Room— The ASHLAND FRUIT 31-tf FOR SALE— W inter apples, orchard Bonbonnlere. Phone i60. run, $1 per box; bring box aud ASSOCIATION Office and W aiting Room: No. 6| ALL KINDS of upholstering and pick them. W. L. Moore. 34-5 S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building. i j m attress work done in exchange • for discarded furniture. Douglas, FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ nished, 5-room modern bungalow; 253 F ourth street. Phone 63-R. sleeping porch, large basem ent; 31-tf large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; : FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in priced) right for quick sale. See good condition. Automotive Shop. Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. 27tf 24-lm o* Indeed you will have when you SWEET CIDER— Made fresh every put on our furs. They are so day, 40 cents gallon, delivered. FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ elegant aud set off your gown Phone 9 -F -ll. ment and outbuildings. Good size to such high degree. B etter lot with plenty of friujt. Nice lo­ ; KING APPLES— Splendid for cook­ inspect our furs before pur­ cation with fine view. Desirable ing; a good size; 75 cents a box, chasing. Large assortm ent of for small family who want mod­ delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. erate priced homo. Apply to own­ all the latest furs. i FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — er on premises, 7 05 Penn. Ave. Corner Harrison. 4-lino M attresses made over, packing and Deer head mounting a specialty crating. Douglass, 25 4 Fourth FOR SALE. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L CHICHESTER S PILLS Discovers Gold Mine— It is reported th at S. T. Johnson, mining prospector three miles east Teo’s window. of Ashland, has located a rich gold 299-tf mining claim on his property. Surprise Party— PAO» TURKS Christian Cliurch Corner B aud Second streets. Mrs. i Josephine Cahmpie, pastor. Bible school a t 10 o’clock. We have s e - ! cured one new class room in a n e a r-' by house which helps us accommo­ date our growing school? If you are missing Bible school you are missing a good thing. Morning worship at 11. Sermon on “ R epentance,” the second one in the series on “ The Way of Salvation.” You need to hear this series of sermons, so come every Sunday. C hristian Endeavor at 6:30; interm ediate leaefcr, Lucy Davis. The, interm ediates are a live bunch o f ! young folks and you ought to be with them. At 5 o’clock the senior group will meet at the church a n d ' have a fellowship supper and social hour before beginning the prayer meeting at 630. B'ring some lunch and come. You will enjoy it. Eve­ ning worship a t 7:30; sermon topic, “ A Stir in Jerusalem .” Our evening audiences are increasing constantly. “Get the h ab it”— come to church. Presbyterian Cliurch C. F. Koehler, pastor. Subject for the morning sermon, “ Heroes and Hero W orship; subject for the evening, “Christ in Judgm ent.” Sun­ day school, 9:45 a.m .; Ju n io r C. E., 5 p.m.; Interm ediate C. E., 6:30; W estm inster guild, 6:30; prayer m eeting Wednesday, 7:30 Cause for Admiration F. W. Bartlett 1id W. Main Street MEDFORII M S A BETTER CHANCE W. A. SHELL 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. .Sightly location. B A R B ER Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the finest lo- i cations in the city. And for the average man there is no better way to accum ulate capital than through a savings account, and sane investment. Inquire at > FIRST NATIONAL BANK Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30c HELP WANTED. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. WANTED— Help; experienced pack­ ers and sorters at W hittle’s w are­ house. sorting fruit and long run; s ta rt Monday. Guy W. Conner. 37-3* Therefore, to give yourself a better chance, open an account at the First National. lank Ashland W H EREVER YOU TRAVEL Y O U ’RE IN TOUCH W IT H HOME No matter where your travels take you, the State Department watches over you and is ready to protect your interests. The part w hich the State D epartm ent playa in o ur international relations ia entertainingly brought out in one o f the highly interesting and instructive aeries o f illustrated folders and booklets dealing w ith the various depart­ ments o f O u r G overnm ent, w h ic h are being distributed exclusively b y this Institu tio n to all w h o desire them . I f you r nam e is not on our list, send it in at once and w e w ill gladly forw ard to you all the issues to date. T h e re ia no obligation oppressed or im plied. Citizens Bank of Ashland » Chris, an Endeavor, 5 p.m. Chris­ tian Endaavor, 6:30 p.m.; subject, “ Lessons From Patriots of the Past and P resen t”— Neh 4:1-14 (Citizen­ ship day). Evening service, 7:30; subpect, "A W orld’s W onder.” The public is cordially invited to all these services. Come and worship: with us and we will do thee "good. W. Judson Oldfield, m inister. M ethodist Episcopal Church Corner North Main and Laurel streets. Sunday school, 9:45; Dr. G. W. Gregg, superintendent. Morning service, 11 o’clock. T he-pastor will!I i I give a brief report of the annual I conference. Epworth league, 6:15; Prof. I. C. Wilson,' pres|dent. Eve­ ning service, 7:30; subject, “ Who Is Sufficient?” A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Good mu­ sic, hearty singing and a hearty wel­ come. Charles A. Edwards, minis­ ter. F irst Baptist Church Sunday school with O. F. Carson superintendent, 9:45. We have a good Sunday school with fine teach­ ers, and we invite strangers and vis­ itors. Morning worship and preach­ ing service a t 11 o’clo ck ;- subject, “ Christ Glorified in the Believer.” 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer; w rite 28'/2 acres with fine dwelling, barn, packing house. About 20 acres iu for particulars. Strausky Vapor­ good orchard. Balance suitable izer Co., Pukw ana, S. D. 37-1 for farm products. OU may be of the “ never worry" variety, and see no necessity to save. But one thing sure— the man w ithout capital stands a mighty poor show these days. Y JOHN MALY ladies, gentlemen, bo Pell building, Plaza. Brick building and lot— fully occu- WAN ) ED. ----------------------- •( pled a t rental insuring good re WANTED— Small im proved mouu-j turns on investment. tain ranch; must have w ater; give particulars first letter. Box A-8, 25. acres with six room house, large T id in g s.^ 36-7* barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 acres alfalfa, good garden a n d SALESMEN farm land. Oregon Children’s Work A Specialty The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow w ill do your plow ing right now in yonr hard, stick y soil. i WANTED— At once, women to cu$ fruit a t Bagley Canning Co., Tal- i ent. Ore.; transportation free. ; Phone 364-J-l 30-tf MONEY WANTED. B argain in used sewing m achine; : WANTED— $2.000 loan for long term . 8 per cent interest, on im­ also a new carload of W hile sew­ proved real estate, value $6,000. ing machines ju st in, at Address N. R., care Tidings. 37-2* Peil's Corner LOST. LOST — Tan auto phone 450-J. If you want to buy or sell anything In The W EEP LUMBER COMPANY. Wet»d!x California, in employing a large number of hands for its Sash, Door and REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS | or W ant any kind of Notary work done it will be to your advantage to call on Box Factories and Veneer Plant, offer­ BEAVER REALTY CO. ing steady employment with advance If there are any bargains in town they have them. ment to employes seeking a permanent WEED LUMBER COMPANY, * Weed, California Finder 37-3* Penny Pound Foolish Did you ever try to save a m in­ ute by not stopping to read a guide post on a strange road, and then 'spend hours finding your wav back to your original route? Exasperating? l'esidenee. AB interested parties are re­ quested to communicate with the glove. LADIES Ready-to-wear G arm ents tail­ ored during the dull season— big assortm ent to choose from - —every size and every price— wonderful values. See the ex­ tra fine French Serge dreesee a t ? i 3.75. AU wool Polo cloth coats at >18.75. ORRES TAILOR SHOP Yes, but th a t's nothing to what it will be if you try to “ save” a few dollars by driving w ithout T ravelers’ Automobile Insurance — and then have an accident. - Every dollar you “ saved” by failing to insure may cost you a hundred when it comes to settling the damage claims. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Established 1888 Phon« a i l 41 H. Main St.