PAGE TWO A s h la n d THU ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS T i d i n g s ' 3 9 6 ,°?-°: PatnhUohnH rav e Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday ”atS’ 5 3 2 7 ’0 8 4 ’600: T>ar-ia»rrow and Steep, but w ill be used jug to boy life today. , The them e of ® ley’ 878-445’82°: r>'e - $73,338,480; for one-way traffic only. All north- the conference is “The Price of Lead- I potatoes, $695,667,690; cotton, bound traffic will.use the main high- ership.*' There will be some fine Kxcept .. ; ____x ' $^39,812,500, and hay, $1,106,042,-; way at all hours. Short delays may ! addresses by good speakers and lead- > TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. : 300, or a total of £5,277,649,702. ¡be necessary between Stage Road i era besides plenty of C m e given for Aside fro m -th is, th e sugar crop pass and Cow Creek, where construe- I discussion and papers by older boys OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY comes in for honorable mention with tion is in progress. j on other subjects. PAPER TELEPHONE 2» a total this year of some 962,000 Wolf Creek-Grave C r e e k ,- , Five, A. B. Yount, in terstate hoys’ sec- tOn® - v mi,es: Paved’ rotary for the Y, M. C. A. of Oregon Suberription Price D elivered In City; Many farm ers are holding th eir j Grave Creek-Pleasant Valley — • and W aho, wh0 1(J ^ lrectln< lh e con. One month ................................-. $ .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 crops for higher prices antT there «s Eight miles; good macadam. Terence, said that he had secured Six months .................................. 3.75 much indication th a t they will be Pleasant Valley-Grants P«ss_ T e n ' Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Wil- One year .................................... 7.50 successful, which will mean a d d e d , miles. Paving operations have s ta r t- ! lam ette university for two of the Mail and Rural R outes One month .................................. $ .65 proceeds ° f som ethfnS like 11,000,-! 6d about two miles north of G ra n ts , principal addresses on Saturday. Three months .............................. 1.95 000,000. Pass, one mile being already com -! John H. Rudd, county work secre- Six months .................................. 3.50 pleted. Short detours are provided ! tary of the Y. M. C. A. of Oregon and One year .................................... 6.50, around most of this work. W h ere ; Idaho, will take an active part in the ADVERTISING R A T E S ~ detours are not available, traffic is j program throughout the conference. Display A dvertising allowed to pass through with ~ g i b d u u t! i , G Homer _... Billings, of Ashland, as­ Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c short delays. YEARLY CONTRACTS sisted by Cash Wood, as beading up G rants Pass-Through- Medford- D isplay A dvertising the local organization. The good Ashland-California Line— Sixty-five One tim e a w eek.............................. 27 %c people of the en tertain in g city are miles; paved. Two times a week........... . . . . . . 2 5 c providing full entertainm ent for all Every other d a y ................................ 20 c Mc Cowgill was appointed engineer for ; Through paths where wolves the Medford irrigation district by oe> would fear to prey. • -the district directors and took up — Byron. his duties yesterday. ♦ <$> & ® Mr. Cowgill, who was engineer for the canal company several years ago, A savant holdh th a t there is plant was among a num ber of men recom­ life on the mooli— th a t the plants come up quickly and flourish for a menced by State Engineer Percy period. Bet they are weeds, per­ Cupper. The directors finally se­ haps second cousins to those grow lected Mr. Cowgill because they felt lug out there in the garden and lord­ he was on the ground, was thorough­ ly fam iliar with all the conditions, ing It over the lowly vegetables. and therefore was in a b etter posi­ Organized baseball has been shqt tion to push the work at once than through with honesty f ti s yea Hence the lively interest o“f the publ lie in the game. A few rules for preventing fires in hornet or other buildings have been suggetsert to the public by the Boston fire departm ent. Never put hot ashes in wooden barrels and never hang clothing over o stove or stovepipe. Children should not sta rt or go near bonfires w ithout the presence of a responsi­ ble grown-up, and m atches should be kept beyond their reach. No on? should enter a clothes closet with a lighted match, candle or lamp. The use of gasoline, napththa or benzine in a room with an open flame— either gas or stove— is taboo. All fire escapes and stairw ays should be kept free from obstruc­ tion. All conditions liable to cause fire should be reported to the near­ est fire station. Every member of the family should know the location of the near­ est fire alarm box and how to use it, and be able to m anipulate handy fire extinguishers. The list is old and fam iliar. Yet 15,000 lives were lost through fire in the United States in 1920. If you know the rules and practice them, then teach them to the rest of the fajnily. CROP OUTLOOK OPTIMISTIC The departm ent of agriculture an­ nounces th a t more than $5,000.000,- 000 will go into the pockets of the farm ers of the nation from crops raised during 1921 from cereal crons, cotton, potatoes and hay. As Itemized, the am ounts are: Corn, $1,790,462,312; wheat, $761,- W inter is coming—prices are right. Supply may bo lim- 5^- fl • a To the Editor; The condition of the Pacific highway between Rose­ burg and the California line as of this date is as follows: Roseburg-Myrtle Creek— Twenty miles; paved. Myrtle Creek-Canyonville — Ten miles. The bridge across the Ump­ qua is completed so th a t traffic can now use the main highway. Macad­ am is completed from Myrtle Creek to the Umpqua river, a distance of six miles, and the rem aining three miles to Canyonville is being m acad­ amized. The road over this stretch is fair. Canyonville - Galesville — Eleven miles; good macadam. Galesville-Wolf Creek— Fourteen miles. Paving in progress from both ends, ten miles already being completed. About seven miles south of Galesville between the hours of 7:30 and 5:30 p.m., south­ bound traffic is detoured over the old road via Glendale and over the Tunnel road to Wolf Creek. This detour is in good, condition to Glen­ dale. The Tunnel road detour is Investigate Our Ideal . Arcola Hot. Water Heating System for Small ¿i- Large Houses Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are Now In Provost Bros. .. -• 2 «Ì Try “T urnover” Toast People who m u s t have their toast; people who would rather have it; those who don’t mind it; and those who take it when they can’t get anything else; these and all others are the ones who should try toast made on the W e s tin g h o u s e » Turnover Toaster. Because the toast it makes is a real revelation of what good toast can be. This toaster, as its name implies, turns the toast for you. It is attractive, efficient, and economical; and it has been widely imitated because of these qualities; but the best and biggest thing about it is that it m a k e s g o o d toast/ ited later, as shipments from factory have already stopped. y , Jordan Electric Co. ASHLAND LUMBER CO. Ashland, Oregon ' PHONE 20 g .. Fobes Supply Co. We are Local Agents for Wholesale Distributors PACKARD LITTLE SIX P rice $2626 From April to October baseball i played; from October to April base­ ball is talked. Meantime, a little a t­ tention is given to the day’s work. EIRE PREVENTIO N R U LES NOW ership.” The closing session of the conference will he held Sunday eve­ ning at 7:30, when there will be short talks by boys and leaders and a short address. This meeting is open to the public generally. Mr. Yount expects to see between 150 and 175 boys registered at the conference. The niftiest light six on the market Everybody knows the Paokard It is a topnotcher Also full stock of SOUND TIRES Class A Garage Harold Prose E. Q. High The Lubricant of Commerce Bank c je J it is th e lubrloaDt wnieii< causes th e wheels of commerce to move smoothly. Like all good banks, we play our part in fu rth erin g th e commercial activities of the com m unity we serve. The CitizensBank Ashland, Oregon Portland, Oregon When the Frost is on the Pumpkin as it will soon be, you will want one of our PALACE HEATERS’ to take off the chill. Yes, we have many kinds and sizes' of stoves—CHEAP. MEDIUM and HIGH GRADE. They are selling too, because the price is less—yes, clear down to BED ROCK —and we only have one price and that is marked on the stove in . PLAIN FIGURES. Some dealers don’t mark the selling price on their, goods, just leave it off so they can raise the price if a customer wants to trade in an old stove or something. We don’t do business that way—the selling price -s marked on all of our goods in plain figures—this has been our system of doing business for the past .33 y ears and we be­ lieve this method is appreciated. A Big Stock of Rugs and Linoleum in Inlaid and Printed Goods JUST IN AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Houselurnishers