Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 15, 1921, Image 1

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A 6HLAND climate, without the
aid of mediciue, cures nine
cases out of ten of asthma. This is
a proven fact.
ALARIA getnn cannot survive
three monrtts in the rich ozone
at Ashland. The pure domestic water
(International News Wire Service)
(Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43)
NO. 38
Ï0 SOLVE 0. S.
Holdup Man Of
Siskiyous Killed
In State Prison
$18,000 Bond Election
Called F or November 2
David Bearks, sentenced to serve
twelve years in the state prison from
this county for the holdup of three;
hobo kids on a Southern Pacific j
freight train in the Siskiyous a year
ago, was killed
almost instantly |
Tuesday afternoon while working in ,
MITTEE PICKS UP TANGLED the prison flax factory. His cloth-j |
TH READ S OF RAILROAD WAGE ing caught in a revolving shaft ,
AND FREIGHT CONTROVER­ while working around some machin­
ery, and he was killed before the;
m achinery could be stopped. He
was 33 years old and had a wife and
little boy and a sister living in Polk j
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14.— county.
Members of the senate interstate
Bearks was sentenced to twelve
commerce committe gathered around years and his two companions, C lar­
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 15.— P ic tu r-1
a big mahogany table a t the capitol ence McDade and Clarence Mc-
today and again prepared to solve Glown, sentenced to eleven and ten esque witnesses, among them Sheriff'
A m erica’s transportation puzzle.
years, respectively, by Judge Calkins. R. W. Starm er, of Douglas county,’;
Having collected more than a Bearks was employed as a brakem an
a central figure in the Dr. R. M. ’
thousand printed pages of testimony out of Ashland south, a n d the evi­
in an effort to find a remedy for the dence showed th a t he plotted and Brumfield m urder case now under;
ills of the steam lines by listening held up transient youths while they way at Roseburg, testified in th e'
to the diagnosis of the leading rail­ were riding over the Siskiyous in a federal court Thursday afternoon '
and yesterday morning in the trial;
road executives of the country, the box car.
John Isson, an ex-special game
com m ittee picked up the tangled
Many people ask the question,
and C. A. Brumfield, a 1
threads of an investigation launched w. C. T. U. HOLD SOCIAL
“ Why trade at hom e?” but very
farm er. Sheriff Starm er is a vitali
early in May and began the exam­
few trouble to seek the answer.
witness in the Brumfield m urder,
ination of officials and representa­
Why should people patronize
which was committed in the te rri-'
tives of the railway labor organiza­
The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday
Ashland m erchants?
afternoon at the home of the presi­ tory he officially guards, and an im-j
Because it is g great saving of
Senator Albert B. Cunjmins, re­ dent, Mrs. Luella Stearns, 212 Pine portant witness in the federal court time, and time today represents
publican, of Iow’a, chairm an of the street. The meeting combined a here. He was the arrestin g officer. money.
On his first apeparance on the
com m ittee and one of the fram ers social and business m eeting in one.
Because the Ashland m erchant
of the m uch-discussed Esch-Cum-
A lter the business session an im­ stand Sheriff Starm er testified th at can only remain in business
m lns act, which released the carriers prom ptu program was given. Mrs. there was a ’stovepipe running out of through the patronage of Ashland
from federal control and returned W ilshire favored the ladies with a the still house, located on the ranch
people, and a town without m er­
them to th eir owners, hopes th at the reading, “ The Inventor’s W ife.” The of Sam M. Welleck, a co-defendant, chants would be a sorry-place in
last lap of the inquiry Into the tro u ­ hostess, Mrs. Stearns, served dainty who turned sta te ’s evidence. Wel­ which to live.
bles of the roads may be completed refreshm ents th at were enjoyed by leck testified there was no pipe ru n ­
Because the Ashland m erchants
w ithin a month, but adm its th at it all. Those present were: Mesdames ning through the roof.
sell goods that do not have to be
Sher'ff Sta riper requested the
may tak e longer.
Hatch, Roland. Powell, Wilcox, M.
returned because of defects or in-
The in terstate commerce commit­ J. Sherman, Elizabeth Smith, Oben- privilege of qualifying his testimony, feriority of quality. It is the only
tee was directed, under the Cum­ chain, W ilshire, McCoy, Mary Lewis, which was granted. He was called
way in which a local man can hold
mins resolution proposing the in­ Moore, Jam es, Pervis, E. W hite, L. to the stan d and testified th a t there his trade.
was no stovepipe, and that he had
vestigation, to find a means of Stearns and Miss Benedict.
Because the Ashland m erchant
bringing about a ^condition that
Mrs. Roland was elected vice pres­ been so busy that he overlooked the'i is not in the habit of charging ex­
would w arrant the interstate com­ ident to fill the vacancy made by detail, but th at he wanted the jury cessive prices.
merce commission
in reducing removal of some • of the mem ber­ to understand it correctly^.
You may at times be able to get
The attorney for the defense the same article elsewhere for a
freight rates and passenger fares. ship.
asked Sheriff Starm er if his return
This was the principal reason for
little less money, but the quality
to the stand wap not Jo r thè purpose
th e investigation, although the com­
will invariably be reduced in pro­
of making his testimony agree with
m ittee was authorized to make a
portion to the price. The local
th at of Welleck, which, he denied.
comprehensive study of the condi­
m erchant cannot afford to sell
“ You a re 's u re you have not made
tions of the carriers both during and
His customers
a m istake about finding the still? ”
a fte r the period of federal control.
would not tolerate it.
asked the defense attorney.
When the committee suspended
Because th e prosperity of a
Government Sustained
its hearings on July 1 only the rail­
community depends upon th e
This lien of questioning brought am ount of money in circulation
road executives and large owners of
forth a strenuous objection from the in the community, and th a t is
railroad securities had been given an
governm ent’s attorney, which was regulated mainly bv the m arket­
opportunity to testify, but it had
sustained. The sheriff has been kept ing of surplus products A b ro ad
been generally understood th a t the
on the jum p between the Brumfield anti the keeping of as much as
inquiry would be resumed at a later
• moonshine case and the Brumfield
date, when the senate investigators
possible of the receipts at home.
I m urder case in Roseburg, the prin-
would go more fully into the railroad
Because a community th a t
; cipals being only of the same name spends most of its money abroad
m uddle by hearing labor’s side of
in the same locality.
the story.
for supplies soon finds th a t it has
Humor found its way into the dig­ but little left for the purchase of
The first witness scheduled to a p ­
nified session.
Gunner Jolsen, a additional supplies.
pear before the committee is Frank
young man of 26 years and Scandi­
J. W arne, statistician for the four
It is so simple a child could un­
navian extraction, was a smiling derstand It, and what a child can
transportation brotherhoods. W arne
will be followed by other represen­
witness for the government.’ He tes­ comprehend should not go un­
tified he and Frank Carlson went to heeded by adults.
tatives of railroad labor, and it is
expected th at hearings will also be
a feed barn near the farm rented by
Think it over.
g ran ted to W. S. Stone, grand chief
Brumfield “to find a bottle,” and
Thinking may accomplish much
engineer of the Brotherhood of Lo­
in tead found a small still hid under good.
it certainly will db no
com otive Engineers; W. S. C arter,
the straw. They took the still up harni-
president of the Brotherhood of Lo­
• to hi.; house and showed it to his
com otive Firem en and Engineers;
i folks and then returned it to its hid-
I ing place.
L. E. Sheppard, president of the
O rder of Railway Conductors, and
Asked why he entered the feed
W. G. Lee, president of the B rother­
barn, Jolsen said, “ Ve vanted to play
hood of Railway Trainm en.
a yoke on deni fellers.” He adm it-i
D uring the com m ittee’s recess a
definite plan for the relief of the
MANILA. Oct. 15.— Major Gen-
railroads was presented to congress. eral Leonard Wood, in the presence
This is the adm inistration’s proposal of 35,000 persons, took the oath of
authorizing the sale of railroad S ia n d ^ to d ly 116^ 1 ° f
securities now held
adm inistration, the
m ade available to be
th e indebtedness of
ted he and Carlson weije on a sort of
reconnoitering expedition for booze.
Following a suggestion of Repre­
He said li4/ had heard there were sentative Benjamin C. Sheldon, of
stills in th at p art of Douglas county, Medford, Secretary o f State Kozer
but he had never seen any of them ’
has authorized Sheriff T errill to dep­
by the ra ilro a d , The ceremony occurred directly i
Is Passe<l
utize Medford and Ashland au th o ri­
money thus »iter the general and his party dis-
w - H LonK- a native of Douglas ties to supply tem porary license plates
used in funding em barked from the cruiser New O r-! county, used the word “ lie” -in de- for automobiles. Representative Shel-
the carriers to china. * hiCh br° Ught him here from 1 nying the intim ation that he and his ¡don has w ritten to the Ashland eham
the United States to the extent of
m other an d the defendant Brum- her of commerce suggesting th a t the
$500,000,000. A bill for this pur-
Prom inent speakers and educators field had Quarreled over a lease to m atter be taken -up with the local
pose has already passed the house from the Oregon A gricultural c o l- 'land’ and said: “ Mr. Brumfield and) police, John H. Fuller, secretary of
an d now is pending in th e senate. lege and the State university will be 1 are a s 8P°°d friends as two meh the cham ber of commerce, sta te d this
T he m easure has encountered stiff present a t the Jackson county teach- can b e ”
morning th a t he would bring th e mat-
opposition from ra ilro a d labor o r-ie rs ’ institute to open a t the local
He said he saw Iason while he was ite r to the attention of local authori-
ganizations, which believe th a t the! high school Monday and continue wol'hing in a straw berry patch, a n d ; ties. P a rt of Representative Shel-
governm ent should not extend fu r-¡u n til Wedensday, inclusive. The th at the special game warden called j don’s letter follows
th e r financial favors to th e steam Monday session will open a t 9 -o’clock him to the fence and asked for some
Under a law passed by the last
Monday morning.
smoking tobadco. While thus en- legislature, the purchaser of an auto-
President H arding insists, how-
The opening address will be made gaged, he saw Welleck d riv in g ; mobile m ust secure a “ tem porary 11-
•ever, that this measure— the Wins­ by G. A. Briscoe, city superintendent toward them in a wagon an d re-1 cense” and carry the same on his car
low-Townsend bill— be passed dur­ of schools. Other speakers of the m ar^ ed:
pending the receipt from the secre-
ing the present session, of congress day will be W. M. Smith and S.
“ Here comes another man who will tary of sta te ’s office of the perm a­
as the only means of pulling the Teuscher, Jr. The public is espe­ be out of tobacco.”
nent license tag.
railroads out of a financial bog, and cially urged by the teachers to a t- ! “ Sure enough,” continued Long,
Secretary of State Kozer sent a
it is flkely that the admfhlstratlon’s tend the lecture on “ M arriage and “ Welleck drove up and said ‘Hello, supply of these temporary license
backing will result in favorable ac­ Divorce in Relation to the Schools” Bill, give me a pipeful of tobacco.” plates to Sheriff Terrill for the use
tion in the near future.
in the afternoon.
(Continued on Page 4)
(Continued on Page 4)
Ashland voters will pass judgm ent
on the city’s potential bond issue of
$18,000 November 2. Resolutions
providing for the coming bond elec­
tion were passed yesterday evening
at an adjourned meeting of the city
council after WHliam Briggs, city
a tto rn ey ,. had engineered the proper
legal steps to be taken.
The bond issue will be supplem en­
tary to the $45,387 in bonds, both
refunding and improvement bonds
of the first issue, sold at auction
Wednesday morning of this week, a
fun account of which sale was pub
lishet* in The Tidings on the same
day. The total bond issuance of
$63,^87 is for the purpose of payinj
existing indebtedness of the city.
The bond election will be the cul
mination of plans th at have devel­
oped in the council meetings of the
past several weeks.
An am endm ent to the eity charter
provides that in -the case of special
elections, two wards only may be
used as polling places. Ward No. 1
will be located at the city hall and
will be in charge of A. E. Kinney.
Mrs, Josephine Crocker and Mrs.
William Briggs. The judges for the
Second ward are W. H. Gowdy, G. W.
Trefren and O. W inter.
To Fram e Budget
'High Type of
Men Affend the
i Oregon University
gene, Oct. 14.— A higher type of
man attends the University of Ore­
gon than at Columbia university,
said H A. Scott, head of the phys­
ical education departm ent for men.
This fact was brought to Tight COUNTRY TH REATENED WITH
within the past few days when men
have beeu enrolling for athletic and
BER 30;
gymnasium work. The Oregon men
are more regular in size than the
eastern men, with very few extreme-i FIGHT.
ly over or under developed.
The paucity of unusually fat men
WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 15.—
here is in distinct contrast with Co­
that the railroad brotherhood
lumbia and other eastern colleges,
chiefs at Chicago have countenanced
said Mr. Scott.
The reason for the better physique, the nation-wide strike for October
of western men is th a t most of them 1 30 aroused official W ashington to
are working their way through col- actl° n today-
lege,' according to Mr. Scott
11 “ “ au boui after Chicago dis-
stead of idling about the beaches patChes reached the W hite House U
and summer resorts during vacation. • W“ S announced tb a‘ President Hard-
the young men in this part of the ing had summoned the members of
the labor board to W ashington for a
country generally work.
. The hardiness of the pioneers
who crossed the plains has been in-' The president personally conduct-
herited by the young men of today
membera of
Pub“ < «roup
in the west and Mr. Scott believes
rai,way ,abor board to the »'««««
this is another reason
the *nterstate commerce commit.-
reason for th e ir
and after spending ten minutes
physical superiority.
with them, walked back to the W hite
House with them. A fter being clos­
eted together for an hour, the con-
KERR PRODUCTS HERE ference adjourned for lunch.
. To all outw ard appearances, the
The housewives of Ashland will president shut the two commissions
he glad to know th at a d e m o n stra-itORetber in the room and asked them
tion of the famous K err cereals and t0 work out a solution of the freight
flour has been arranged for M onday,! rate and *’age controversy^which
Tuesday and W ednesday at H. P. has brought the nation to a situa-
Holmes’ and H. P. Plum m er’s gro- t,on wl»ere it is tro u b lin g on the
ceries, Thursday, Friday and Satur- ver8« “ I a disastrous railway strike,
--------- *
day at Square Deal grocery and *"
K napps groceteria, and on Monday,
CHICAGO, Oct. 15.— "W e’re go-
October 24. at the East Side grocery. inR out on the sreatest railroad
The dem onstration of this well-
strike the country
known product will be held all day
has ever known;
long at these stores each day and a
nothing can pre­
cordial invitation is extended to alL
vent it now,” de­
local and out-of-town people to a t­
Lee. of the Broth
K err products have already been
erhood of Rail­
established in this section and the,
way Trainm en, as
present dem onstration has been ar-l
fifty g e n e r a l
ranged to convince those who are
chairmen of vari­
not already users of this brand of
ous railway com­
flour and cereals of their superior
m ittees convened
to discuss their
* the railroad ix-
deftance of their flPfeat to
¡gainst the wage reductions,
roposal of the railway ex-
for the immediate 10 per
uction of wages was respon-
r the crisis. President Lee
In accordance with a recently-
passed state Jaw, the city council
appointed seven freeholders not con­
nected with a municipal corporation
to act with the council as a commit­
tee for the fram ing of the city’s
budget of expenditures for the com­
ing year. The law provides th a t the
heads of the various city depart­
ments must subm it figures showing
j the cost of the m aintaining and oper­
ating of their departm ents for a
period of the past three years and a
half, such figures to be used as a
basis for determ ining the budget,
which must not be in excess of 6 per
cent higher than the expenses for
a fight to a finish for life or
the past year. The council may,
of our organization,” he as­
however, levy any am ount it deems
serted. “ Perhaps it’s a fight to the
necessary to take care of interest on
death, but we’re not going into It
bonds. The report will be subm it­
ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 15.— With
ted by the committee at the next
his face haggard and solemn. Dr. R. PRESBYTERY OP
meeting of the council on Novem­
M. Brumfield, accused of the m urder
ber 1.
of Dennis Russell, was a dejected
The budget made by the city for
figure in the court room today. He
last year amounted to $52,88 i . 26.
appears to be ten years older than
Of th at am ount $23,5-33.56 was used
The fall meeting of the presbytery
when the trial opened. He formerly
to pay interest on bonds.
southern Oregon was held on
laughed and joked with his family
Members of the committee ap­
while in the court room, but now he • Tuesday and Wednesday a t the
pointed to act with the council in a r­
sits pale, nervous and tense. His j Rogue River church, attended by
ranging the budget are: J. H. Mc­
eyes have lost their bold stare and Presbyterian m inisters and elders
Gee, W. A. Patrick, W. M. Barber, he now sits with hie head bent, avoid- i™ "1- K° gUe R‘Ter va,ley’ Klailiatb
William Loomis, B. M. Shoudy, Fred ing all the gaze of everybody in the ? / “ V “ “ churches “ ia r north as
W agner and C. C. W isenburger.
court room.
Roseburg and Oakland.
The w inter fair was allowed $200
Rev. Aaro Wolfe, pastor of the
The defense offered testim ony to-
from the city’s publicity fund by the
i day in the hope of establishing the Rogue River church, was chosen me­
city dads after listening to a plea
diator of the presbytery for the en­
„ u
dentistie insanity. Mrs. Jane Brown,
made by John H. Fuller, secretary D
... . . .
, . , ,
six months, to succeed Rev. E.
Brumfield!« sister-in-law, said the
of the cham ber of commerce, asking , . , .
. ..
j W. W arrington, of Roseburg, who
a a
* v..’ -w
alleged mur-
th w.t
a t o $300
be given “to match
the defendant
... - Prior
, , to
der, offendted her by strange actions. has just been called to Corvallis to
am ount allowed by the county court.
become Y. M. C. A. secretary at the
The city dads favored the allow ance,' “He called me a little girl,” testified O. A. C. Rev. L. B. Quick, recently
Mrs. Brown, who is 60 years old.
but the publicity fund, from which
Mrs. L. S. Taylor testified when pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian
the money would have to be ta k e n .!
¡she went into Brum field’s office the 'ch
„ u rch of Portland, will succeed
amounted to less than $300. It was dentist told her he couldn’t work o n '
’’ WarrinRton at Roseburg
intim ated, however, by the council
; her teeth because he had spells of
that, in case of a deficit for the fair,
about a year, during Mr. W arring­
the city might “ help o u t” in th at re­
Other witnesses stated th a t the ton’s
, . absence overseas in “ Y” work
dentist acted strangely in his office
1 C war, an d so is already
In making his request of the coun­ and th a t he had staggering spelW
¿ n° 7 l° ‘he R° 8eb» r* People,
cil, Mr. Fuller stated a great deal of and pains In his eyes, slammed the,
uig church and the entire
interest in the fair had been cbors and whistled.
presbytery are very sorry to lose Mr.
aroused among the young ranchmen
W aarington from the work in south-
near, Ashland and Talent. He stated
Crops are beina marketed iu an
O f « 0”'
his work baa been
th a t it was the plan to make Ash­ orderly, rapid m anner and Aquida.
“ ucesslnl.
land the central location in south­ tion of debt is taking place
4 ,<>sePh w - Angell, pastor of the
ern Oregon for pure-bred livesock
_______ ____________ Phoenix church, was elected stated
Albany’s new cleanser factory i clerk
tery and treasu rer of the presby-
According to Mr. F u ller’s state-
opens poon, employing twenty-five __ ___ compíete the three-year term
(Continued on Page Four)
(Continued on Page Four)