Tomorrow Is the Last Day to Save That $1.50 on Your Tidings Subscription PAGE FOUR ■a Friday, October 14, 1921 WSB Local and Personal P au lseru d ’s suits are reasonable. 36-tf MASONIC CALENDAR THIS W EEK A J2.50 guaranteed hot w ater bot­ tle at th e Rexall 1-cent sale; two for $2.51. 37-1 A Ashland lodge. No. 23. Friday eve­ ning, October 14. Special communi­ ( i t y to R epair Truck— cation. Work third degree. The Ford truck owned by the city and used by the electric light dep art­ Two tubes antiseptic tooth paste ment will be repaired at a cost of for 26 cents at the Rexall 1-cent 37-1 $60, according to a decision made by Bale. the city council a t a recent meeting. Considerable discussion centered » Our clothes are com fortable be­ around the advisability of purchas­ cause they fit. Paulserud. 36-tf ing a new truck, but voted down as unnecessary expenditure for this Save $1.50 by paying your Daily year, although a new truck may be Tidings subscription this s^ek purchased at a later date. Howe Fam ily Moves— Ben Howe and family have moved from 176 Mountain avenue to Fifth street, between C and B streets. The house Vacated by the Howe family now is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Coverling, who have moved from the Roland home. S u its M ade to Order— . You can give th a t $1.50 to the community club house if you want to. I t’s our loss. We are willing th a t you get the credit. Pay your Daily Tidings subscription this week aud save the $1.50. The big one-cent sale at the Rex­ all store closes Saturday night. 37-1 Cleaning and repairing on short The last millinery class will begin notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 302tf Monday evening, October 17. For fu rth er inform ation call Mrs. Louis Dodge. 36.4 Two pounds Cascade paper for 66 W at«h Rose Bros.’ window for ' Sootlotfder L ikes A shland-— shipped since the beginning of the existing from the resignation of of a new president will be made a t a Saturday candy specials. 37-tf Alex Arnot, bonny Scotchman of ! season in August and one carload John H. Dil as president and direc- later meeting of the board of direc­ Viewforth, Invorkeltherie, believes will be shipped to New York next tor of the association. The election, tors, Mr. Briggs said. You can save $1.50 a year by pay­ th a t Ashland is a good place to live. week. Mr. Briggs stated no action had ing your Daily Tidings subscription As a direct result of Ashland lite ra ­ tu re received from relatives in this been taken as yet to fill the vacancy this week. vicinity, Mr. Arnot has w ritten to TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. the cham ber of commerce requesting Square Deal Grocery M oves— inform ation concerning local living FOR SALE— Good Jersey cow. Ad­ Despite the activities of carpen­ and working conditions. In accord­ dress F, care Tidings. 37-2* ters, the Square Deal grocery is now ance with Mr. A rnot’s request, John located in its new store room, for­ H. Fuller, secretary of the cham ber WANTED— $2,000 loan for long merly occupied by the E. N. Norton term , 8 per cent interest, on im­ of commerce, has forwarded' a copy proved real estate, value $6,000. GREATEST NOVEL Motor company. The finishing of The Tidings to the Scotchman. Address N. R., care Tidings. 37-2* touches still are being made to the : . interior of the store, one of the lead­ ing business houses in the city. Albany— G rading on Pacific high­ FOR SALE — One-year-old W hite Leghorn hens, O. A. C. strain. way resumed North Calapooia 1401 Boulevard. 37-2* river road may be completed. - LOST — Tan auto glove. Finder R ecovering From I l l n e s s - phone 450-J. 37-3* Miss Grace Hogue, who has been NOTICE ill at a local hospital, is convalescing Having sold the East Side Meat 57 MILES per gallon made with new at he? home. patented gasoline vaporizer; w rite M arket to E lliott & Kerby Bros., we for particulars. • Stransky Vapor­ desire to thank the citizens of Ash­ izer Co., Pukw ana, S. D. 37-1 R oom s W anted— • land for their liberal patronage. We In preparation for Jackson county retain the accounts up to October 11, f WANTED— Help; experienced pack- ! ers and sorters a t W hittle’s w are­ teachers’ institute, to open at the which accounts will be found at the house, sorting fru it and long run; high school Mondby, the cham ber of East Side M arket for collection. As s ta rt Monday. Guy W. Conner. 37-3* commerce is appealing for a list of it is necessary th a t we close these home owners having rooms to ren t accounts quickly, we will ask all or willing to arran g e room and custom ers owing us to kindly call in board for th e teachers Monday, Tues­ and settle within the next few days. day and W ednesday of next week. 35-ead3* c . A. PAULEY. Fresh sweet cider at Rose Bros. 37-tf GARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of showing our appreciation of the cents a t the Rexall 1-cent sale. 37-1 Want Street Paved,— many kindnesses shown us during W here better tam ales are served our recent bereavement. A petition signed by property own­ 37-tf Style and quality are combined in Rose Bros, will serve them. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Marcy, ers on Second street between East Paulserud’s suits. 36-tf Mrs. E. Marcy and D aughter. Main and H argadine streets was pre­ To A ttend Tax Sale— Leaves for K lam ath F alls— Ashland will be represented at the sented to the council a t the Tuesday t sidew alks ! l’'R V rr ASSOCIATION BUYS C. A. Pauley, form er proprietor of county tax sale of property tomorrow m eeting requesting ■ « th a — . _ * W W A -w-k W -.-W W — be laid on both sides of t^e street. G RADER AND SORTER the East Side meat m arket, left afternoon at Jacksonville by a m em -; yesterday for Klam ath Falls, where ber of the city council appointed as, It wa scontended th a t the walk on (Continued from Page 1) he will be connected with the Klam­ a committee to purchase such prop-! the south side of the street was ath Packing company. Mrs. Pauley erties as may be useful to the city greatly needed by members of the out the middle west. The shipm ents will remain in the city for a short after the delinquent taxes are paid, i Baptist church. V. V. Mills, whose are sold by consignm ents, $1 a box property extends nearly the entire being paid by the eastern* jobbers time before joining her husband at length of Second stre et between E ast when placed in the cars at Ashland. Home-made tam ales served at Klamath Falla. Rose Bros. 37-tf Main and H argadine streets, opposed The difference is paid, a fte r th e ship­ the sidewalk project on his side. He m ents reach Chicago, th e am ount de­ Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home stated th a t traffic on the north side pending on the m arket value when F. E. Meyer and family, F. E. folks us well as commercial and to u r­ ist business. * 27-tf Meyer, Jr., and family and Mrs. I r ­ of the street was not great enough the apples are sold. All shipm ents vine E. Woods, of Dallas, Or., were to w arrant the expense. The m at­ of apples are tra c e d \to enable the Klenzo tooth paste, 50 cents tube, camped yetserday in the auto camp ter was left undecided by th e council association to give the grow er the two for 51 cents, at the Rexall 1- en route to Los Angeles, Calif., until investigation could be made. actual price brought by his crop of cent sale. 37-1 where they will spend the winter. apples. Apples from different The Meyer families were Ashland R eturn From I d a h o - orchards are kept en tirely ’ separate. Lost— At Elks’ dance, green silk! visitors for a short time during the The average carload of apples is Mrs. F rank Dickey re tu rn e d Tues­ umbrella with green ivpry handle spring or this year. Mr. Meyer, Sr. between 650 and 750 boxes. day night from an extended visit to and green ring. Finder return to is a form er county assessor for Polk W ith a to tal shipm ent of eleven Burley, Idaho, where she accom­ secretary’s office E lks’ club. 36-21 county. carloads, the pear season is prac­ panied an invalid sister, Mrs, E d­ tically over. Ten cars have been wards. On her way home Mrs. Dick­ ey stopped a t Vale, Or., the M alheur county seat and her form er home, See Our Selection of she having taught school th ere a few years. Mrs. Edw ards reports with enthusiasm th a t the W arm Springs Irrigation project is progressing. The farm ers are contem plating great; things from the venture, as it will irrigate thousands of acres of un­ claimed land which now is desert. Mrs. Dickey will not teach this year because she expects to re tu rn to) Idaho again to be with h er sister. We have some very nice Fisk Patterns WINELAND a Hairdressing Parlors SHEPHERD Room 1, Citizens Bank Bldg Espce Man R eturns— "D uke” H arris is here again for a week to relieve A. E. T uttle, who is i second-trick telegraph operator for | the Southern Pacific company a t the depot. Mr. H arris left here last sum m er to take an office at Shasta Springs. Tyre Kjk:* Specials Charles Ganiere is reported to be confined to his home, 148 W eimer street, on account of illness. For Community House 48 Old Yankee Pure Cane Maple Syrup, medium s iz e .. 92 Old Yankee Pure Cane Maple Syrup, large siz e ... .$1.65 Quaker Com Flakes, 3 pkgs........................... ................25 Ivory Soap, sm all.............................................................. 07 Crisco .........................................................60c, $1.20, $1.75 Toilet Paper, large rolls, 4 fo r.......................................25 5 per cent of all sales on this day go toward building the community house. KNAPP’S GROCETERIA "On the Plaza” MARGUERITE DeLaMOTTE also BIG TWO REEL COMEDY "Blue S u n d ay” SATURDAY FRIDAY THCATER BttüTr«. SATURDAY for SUITS and Some Tire, the Mason you’ll say so when you look ’em over. COATS with that label will satisfy in everv wav. Buying Tires Blindiold DON’T DO IT In Fisk Tires you can get just what you want at a price below the average tire. Fisk quality at honest price. Just now there is a splendid assortment of styles and sizes to choose from hut every day they are thinning out. \\ by not look them over Saturday and select vourst JUMPER DRESSES f" are now in great favor. We have them in flan­ nel, serge, jersey and tricotine, $7.75 up. KRUGGEL BROTHERS GUARANTEED VUICANIZ I NG ACCESSORIES TEL.125 ASHLANDORECON 91 O AK ST. Ideal Grocery Old \ ankee Pure Cane Maple Syrup, small siz e .. . . JOSEPH DOWLING less money. Balance of This Week at Saturday Only KATHLYN WILLIAMS The Mason Cord has everything needed to make^i tire that will give you more miles and for A Cordial Invitation to Everyone! SA LE ROY STEWART If I was an automobile owner and knew that tires were piy greatest expense I would go to Leedoms Tire Hospital, and get more miles for less money JJRES C onfined by Illn ess— A massive picture of the Great West Powerful cast including FRIDAY F A L L H A T S ZANE GREY’S "The U. P. Trail” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at H. P. Holmes and H. B. Plummer’s Grocery Thursday, Friday, Saturday at Square Deal Grocery and Knapp’s Groceteria Monday, October 24th at East Side Grocery An abundance of delicious, wholesome food in which KERR’S famous Flours and Cereals are employed in making. BE OUR GUEST Farm Water Systems A COMPLETE, motor-driven system sup­ plying water under pressure for every house­ hold use. Pumps from wells, cisterns, lakes, streams or springs. Starts aud stops itself, requires no attention beyond a little oil now and then. Runs by current furnished from Power stations or Farm Lighting Plants. Furnishes water for bath, kitchen, laundry, garden and stock. Sim­ ple in construction, inexpensive to install. Gives you a fresh drink from the well at the turn of a faucet, just like city service. A demonstration will be held at shop. Beaver Bldg., all day Saturday, October 15. All farmers invited. J erry O’N e a l Phone No. 138 Beaver Block